2023 Regular Session

To: Education; Appropriations

By: Representative Ladner

House Bill 555




     SECTION 1.  Section 37-28-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-28-7.  (1)  There is created the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board as a state agency with exclusive chartering jurisdiction in the State of Mississippi.  Unless otherwise authorized by law, no other governmental agency or entity may assume any charter authorizing function or duty in any form.

     (2)  (a)  The mission of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board is to authorize high-quality charter schools, particularly schools designed to expand opportunities for underserved students, consistent with the purposes of this chapter.  Subject to the restrictions and conditions prescribed in this subsection, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may authorize charter schools within the geographical boundaries of any school district.

          (b)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may approve a maximum of fifteen (15) qualified charter applications during a fiscal year.

          (c)  In any school district designated as an "A," "B" or "C" school district by the State Board of Education under the accreditation rating system at the time of application, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may authorize charter schools only if a majority of the members of the local school board votes at a public meeting to endorse the application or to initiate the application on its own initiative.

     (3)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board shall consist of seven (7) members, to be appointed as follows:

          (a)  Three (3) members appointed by the Governor, with one (1) member being from each of the Mississippi Supreme Court Districts.

          (b)  Three (3) members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, with one (1) member being from each of the Mississippi Supreme Court Districts.

          (c)  One (1) member appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Education.

     All appointments must be made with the advice and consent of the Senate.  In making the appointments, the appointing authority shall ensure diversity among members of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board.

     (4)  Members appointed to the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board collectively must possess strong experience and expertise in public and nonprofit governance, management and finance, public school leadership, assessment, curriculum and instruction, and public education law.  Each member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board must have demonstrated an understanding of and commitment to charter schooling as a strategy for strengthening public education.

     (5)  To establish staggered terms of office, the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board will be reconstituted and all members serving on the effective date of House Bill No. 555, 2023 Regular Session, reappointed before July 1, 2023, as follows:

          (a)  The initial term of office for the three (3) Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board members * * *appointed reappointed by the Governor shall be * * *four (4) years and thereafter one (1) year for the appointee from the First Supreme Court District, two (2) years for the appointee from the Second Supreme Court District, and three (3) years for the appointee from the Third Supreme Court District.  Thereafter, the term of office shall be three (3) years * * *; .

          (b)  The initial term of office for the three (3) members * * *appointed reappointed by the Lieutenant Governor shall be three (3) years * * *and thereafter for the appointee from the First Supreme Court District, one (1) year for the appointee from the Second Supreme Court District, and two (2) years for the appointee from the Third Supreme Court District.  Thereafter, the term of office shall be three (3) years * * *; and.

          (c)  The * * * initial term of office for the member * * *appointed reappointed by the State Superintendent of Public Education shall be * * *two (2) years and thereafter shall be three (3) years.  

     No member of the board may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.  The * * *initial appointments reappointments to the board must be made before * * *September 1, 2013 July 1, 2023.

     (6)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board shall meet as soon as practical after September 1, 2013, upon the call of the Governor, and shall organize for business by selecting a chairman and adopting bylaws.  Subsequent meetings shall be called by the chairman.

     (7)  An individual member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board may be removed by the board if the member's personal incapacity renders the member incapable or unfit to discharge the duties of the office or if the member is absent from a number of meetings of the board, as determined and specified by the board in its bylaws.  Whenever a vacancy on the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board exists, the original appointing authority shall appoint a member for the remaining portion of the term.

     (8)  No member of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board or employee, agent or representative of the board may serve simultaneously as an employee, trustee, agent, representative, vendor or contractor of a charter school authorized by the board.

     (9)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board shall appoint an individual to serve as the Executive Director of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board.  The executive director shall possess the qualifications established by the board which are based on national best practices, and shall possess an understanding of state and federal education law.  The executive director, who shall serve at the will and pleasure of the board, shall devote his full time to the proper administration of the board and the duties assigned to him by the board and shall be paid a salary established by the board, subject to the approval of the State Personnel Board.  Subject to the availability of funding, the executive director may employ such administrative staff as may be necessary to assist the director and board in carrying out the duties and directives of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board.

     (10)  The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board is authorized to obtain suitable office space for administrative purposes.  In acquiring a facility or office space, the authorizer board shall adhere to all policies and procedures required by the Department of Finance and Administration and the Public Procurement Review Board.

     SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.