



House Bill No.  474


BY: Senator(s) Harkins


     AMEND on lines 32, 373 and 649 by inserting the following before "is":

as amended by Senate Bill No. 2095, 2022 Regular Session,

     AMEND by inserting the following below line 50:

     The term "health care industry facility" does not include any medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND on line 61 by inserting the following after the period:

The term "qualified business" does not include any medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND by inserting the following below line 405 and below line 541:

     County boards of supervisors and municipal authorities may not enter into an agreement with an enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment, as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act, granting, and pursuant to such agreement grant a fee-in-lieu of ad valorem taxes.

     AMEND on line 771 by inserting the following after the period:

The exemption provided in this paragraph (q) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND on line 779 by inserting the following after the period:

The exemption provided in this subparagraph (i) shall not apply to sales for any company that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND on line 792 by inserting the following after the period:

The exemption provided in this subparagraph (ii) shall not apply to sales for any company that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND on line 886 by inserting the following after the period:

The exemption provided in this paragraph (ff) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND on line 1050 by inserting the following after the period:

The exemption provided in this subsection (2) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     AMEND on line 1062 by inserting the following after the period:

The exemption provided in this subsection (3) shall not apply to sales to any business enterprise that is a medical cannabis establishment as defined in the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act.

     FURTHER, AMEND the title to conform by inserting the following on lines 6, 13 and 19 after "1972,":