



Cmte Sub for House Bill No. 1135


BY: Representative Brown (20th)


     AMEND on lines 268 through 270 by deleting the following before the period:  ", and does not include post-use polymers or recovered feedstocks as defined in Section 17-17-3".

     AMEND further on lines 364 and 365 by deleting the following before the period:  ", and does not include post-use polymers or recovered feedstocks as defined in Section 17-17-3".

     AMEND further on lines 399 and 400 by deleting the following before the period:  ", and does not include plastic recycling facilities as defined in Section 17-17-3".

     AMEND further on lines 432 through 434 by deleting the following before the period:  ", and does not include advanced plastic recycling facilities as defined in Section 17-17-3".

     AMEND further the title to conform.