



House Bill No.  883


BY: Representatives Scoggin, Bounds


     Amend after the period on line 67 by striking the language through the period on line 69, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 

"Except as otherwise provided for membership appointments from Tallahatchie County, one (1) member from each of the remaining four (4) counties that comprise the Coahoma Community College District shall be the county superintendent of education."

     Further, amend after the period on line 159 by striking the following language, through the period on line 165:

"The number of trustees from each county shall be reduced by one (1) member if such member is superintendent of education.  However, if the county board of supervisors, in making an appointment to the community college district board of trustees, chooses to appoint the county superintendent of education at the expiration of the term of the at large member, the superintendent may serve, unless otherwise disqualified."