2022 Regular Session

To: Public Health and Welfare; Appropriations

By: Senator(s) Parks

Senate Bill 2818




     SECTION 1.  Section 41-3-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     41-3-15.  (1)  (a)  There shall be a State Department of Health.

          (b)  The State Board of Health shall have the following powers and duties:

              (i)  To formulate the policy of the State Department of Health regarding public health matters within the jurisdiction of the department;

              (ii)  To adopt, modify, repeal and promulgate, after due notice and hearing, and enforce rules and regulations implementing or effectuating the powers and duties of the department under any and all statutes within the department's jurisdiction, and as the board may deem necessary;

              (iii)  To apply for, receive, accept and expend any federal or state funds or contributions, gifts, trusts, devises, bequests, grants, endowments or funds from any other source or transfers of property of any kind;

              (iv)  To enter into, and to authorize the executive officer to execute contracts, grants and cooperative agreements with any federal or state agency or subdivision thereof, or any public or private institution located inside or outside the State of Mississippi, or any person, corporation or association in connection with carrying out the provisions of this chapter, if it finds those actions to be in the public interest and the contracts or agreements do not have a financial cost that exceeds the amounts appropriated for those purposes by the Legislature;

              (v)  To appoint, upon recommendation of the Executive Officer of the State Department of Health, a Director of Internal Audit who shall be either a Certified Public Accountant or Certified Internal Auditor, and whose employment shall be continued at the discretion of the board, and who shall report directly to the board, or its designee; and

               (vi)  To discharge such other duties, responsibilities and powers as are necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.

          (c)  The Executive Officer of the State Department of Health shall have the following powers and duties:

               (i)  To administer the policies of the State Board of Health within the authority granted by the board;

              (ii)  To supervise and direct all administrative and technical activities of the department, except that the department's internal auditor shall be subject to the sole supervision and direction of the board;

              (iii)  To organize the administrative units of the department in accordance with the plan adopted by the board and, with board approval, alter the organizational plan and reassign responsibilities as he or she may deem necessary to carry out the policies of the board;

              (iv)  To coordinate the activities of the various offices of the department;

              (v)  To employ, subject to regulations of the State Personnel Board, qualified professional personnel in the subject matter or fields of each office, and such other technical and clerical staff as may be required for the operation of the department.  The executive officer shall be the appointing authority for the department, and shall have the power to delegate the authority to appoint or dismiss employees to appropriate subordinates, subject to the rules and regulations of the State Personnel Board;

              (vi)  To recommend to the board such studies and investigations as he or she may deem appropriate, and to carry out the approved recommendations in conjunction with the various offices;

              (vii)  To prepare and deliver to the Legislature and the Governor on or before January 1 of each year, and at such other times as may be required by the Legislature or Governor, a full report of the work of the department and the offices thereof, including a detailed statement of expenditures of the department and any recommendations the board may have;

              (viii)  To prepare and deliver to the Chairmen of the Public Health and Welfare/Human Services Committees of the Senate and House on or before January 1 of each year, a plan for monitoring infant mortality in Mississippi and a full report of the work of the department on reducing Mississippi's infant mortality and morbidity rates and improving the status of maternal and infant health; and

              (ix)  To enter into contracts, grants and cooperative agreements with any federal or state agency or subdivision thereof, or any public or private institution located inside or outside the State of Mississippi, or any person, corporation or association in connection with carrying out the provisions of this chapter, if he or she finds those actions to be in the public interest and the contracts or agreements do not have a financial cost that exceeds the amounts appropriated for those purposes by the Legislature.  Each contract or agreement entered into by the executive officer shall be submitted to the board before its next meeting.

     (2)  The State Board of Health shall have the authority to establish an Office of Rural Health within the department.  The duties and responsibilities of this office shall include the following:

          (a)  To collect and evaluate data on rural health conditions and needs;

          (b)  To engage in policy analysis, policy development and economic impact studies with regard to rural health issues;

          (c)  To develop and implement plans and provide technical assistance to enable community health systems to respond to various changes in their circumstances;

          (d)  To plan and assist in professional recruitment and retention of medical professionals and assistants; and

          (e)  To establish information clearinghouses to improve access to and sharing of rural health care information.

     (3)  The State Board of Health shall have general supervision of the health interests of the people of the state and to exercise the rights, powers and duties of those acts which it is authorized by law to enforce.

     (4)  The State Board of Health shall have authority:

          (a)  To make investigations and inquiries with respect to the causes of disease and death, and to investigate the effect of environment, including conditions of employment and other conditions that may affect health, and to make such other investigations as it may deem necessary for the preservation and improvement of health.

          (b)  To make such sanitary investigations as it may, from time to time, deem necessary for the protection and improvement of health and to investigate nuisance questions that affect the security of life and health within the state.

          (c)  To direct and control sanitary and quarantine measures for dealing with all diseases within the state possible to suppress same and prevent their spread.

          (d)  To obtain, collect and preserve such information relative to mortality, morbidity, disease and health as may be useful in the discharge of its duties or may contribute to the prevention of disease or the promotion of health in this state.

          (e)  To charge and collect reasonable fees for health services, including immunizations, inspections and related activities, and the board shall charge fees for those services; however, if it is determined that a person receiving services is unable to pay the total fee, the board shall collect any amount that the person is able to pay.  Any increase in the fees charged by the board under this paragraph shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 41-3-65.

          (f)  (i)  To establish standards for, issue permits and exercise control over, any cafes, restaurants, food or drink stands, sandwich manufacturing establishments, and all other establishments, other than churches, church-related and private schools, and other nonprofit or charitable organizations, where food or drink is regularly prepared, handled and served for pay; and

              (ii)  To require that a permit be obtained from the Department of Health before those persons begin operation.  If any such person fails to obtain the permit required in this subparagraph (ii), the State Board of Health, after due notice and opportunity for a hearing, may impose a monetary penalty not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation.  However, the department is not authorized to impose a monetary penalty against any person whose gross annual prepared food sales are less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).  Money collected by the board under this subparagraph (ii) shall be deposited to the credit of the State General Fund of the State Treasury.

          (g)  To promulgate rules and regulations and exercise control over the production and sale of milk pursuant to the provisions of Sections 75-31-41 through 75-31-49.

          (h)  On presentation of proper authority, to enter into and inspect any public place or building where the State Health Officer or his representative deems it necessary and proper to enter for the discovery and suppression of disease and for the enforcement of any health or sanitary laws and regulations in the state.

          (i)  To conduct investigations, inquiries and hearings, and to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and records at any hearing when authorized and required by statute to be conducted by the State Health Officer or the State Board of Health.

          (j)  To promulgate rules and regulations, and to collect data and information, on (i) the delivery of services through the practice of telemedicine; and (ii) the use of electronic records for the delivery of telemedicine services.

          (k)  To enforce and regulate domestic and imported fish as authorized under Section 69-7-601 et seq.

     (5)  (a)  The State Board of Health shall have the authority, in its discretion, to establish programs to promote the public health, to be administered by the State Department of Health. Specifically, those programs may include, but shall not be limited to, programs in the following areas:

              (i)  Maternal and child health;

              (ii)  Family planning;

              (iii)  Pediatric services;

              (iv)  Services to crippled and disabled children;

              (v)  Control of communicable and noncommunicable disease;

              (vi)  Chronic disease;

              (vii)  Accidental deaths and injuries;

              (viii)  Child care licensure;

              (ix)  Radiological health;

              (x)  Dental health;

              (xi)  Milk sanitation;

              (xii)  Occupational safety and health;

              (xiii)  Food, vector control and general sanitation;

              (xiv)  Protection of drinking water;

              (xv)  Sanitation in food handling establishments open to the public;

              (xvi)  Registration of births and deaths and other vital events;

              (xvii)  Such public health programs and services as may be assigned to the State Board of Health by the Legislature or by executive order; and

              (xviii)  Regulation of domestic and imported fish for human consumption.

          (b)  The State Board of Health and State Department of Health shall not be authorized to sell, transfer, alienate or otherwise dispose of any of the home health agencies owned and operated by the department on January 1, 1995, and shall not be authorized to sell, transfer, assign, alienate or otherwise dispose of the license of any of those home health agencies, except upon the specific authorization of the Legislature by an amendment to this section.  However, this paragraph (b) shall not prevent the board or the department from closing or terminating the operation of any home health agency owned and operated by the department, or closing or terminating any office, branch office or clinic of any such home health agency, or otherwise discontinuing the providing of home health services through any such home health agency, office, branch office or clinic, if the board first demonstrates that there are other providers of home health services in the area being served by the department's home health agency, office, branch office or clinic that will be able to provide adequate home health services to the residents of the area if the department's home health agency, office, branch office or clinic is closed or otherwise discontinues the providing of home health services.  This demonstration by the board that there are other providers of adequate home health services in the area shall be spread at length upon the minutes of the board at a regular or special meeting of the board at least thirty (30) days before a home health agency, office, branch office or clinic is proposed to be closed or otherwise discontinue the providing of home health services.

          (c)  The State Department of Health may undertake such technical programs and activities as may be required for the support and operation of those programs, including maintaining physical, chemical, bacteriological and radiological laboratories, and may make such diagnostic tests for diseases and tests for the evaluation of health hazards as may be deemed necessary for the protection of the people of the state.

     (6)  (a)  The State Board of Health shall administer the local governments and rural water systems improvements loan program in accordance with the provisions of Section 41-3-16.

          (b)  The State Board of Health shall have authority:

              (i)  To enter into capitalization grant agreements with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or any successor agency thereto;

              (ii)  To accept capitalization grant awards made under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended;

              (iii)  To provide annual reports and audits to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, as may be required by federal capitalization grant agreements; and

              (iv)  To establish and collect fees to defray the reasonable costs of administering the revolving fund or emergency fund if the State Board of Health determines that those costs will exceed the limitations established in the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended.  The administration fees may be included in loan amounts to loan recipients for the purpose of facilitating payment to the board; however, those fees may not exceed five percent (5%) of the loan amount.

     (7)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the State Department of Health shall have the following specific powers:  The department shall issue a license to Alexander Milne Home for Women, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, for the construction, conversion, expansion and operation of not more than forty-five (45) beds for developmentally disabled adults who have been displaced from New Orleans, Louisiana, with the beds to be located in a certified ICF-MR facility in the City of Laurel, Mississippi.  There shall be no prohibition or restrictions on participation in the Medicaid program for the person receiving the license under this subsection (7).  The license described in this subsection shall expire five (5) years from the date of its issue.  The license authorized by this subsection shall be issued upon the initial payment by the licensee of an application fee of Sixty-seven Thousand Dollars ($67,000.00) and a monthly fee of Sixty-seven Thousand Dollars ($67,000.00) after the issuance of the license, to be paid as long as the licensee continues to operate.  The initial and monthly licensing fees shall be deposited by the State Department of Health into the special fund created under Section 41-7-188.

     (8)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the State Department of Health shall have the following specific powers:  The State Department of Health is authorized to issue a license to an existing home health agency for the transfer of a county from that agency to another existing home health agency, and to charge a fee for reviewing and making a determination on the application for such transfer not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the authorized fee assessed for the original application for the home health agency, with the revenue to be deposited by the State Department of Health into the special fund created under Section 41-7-188.

     (9)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the State Department of Health shall have the following specific powers:  For the period beginning July 1, 2010, through July 1, 2017, the State Department of Health is authorized and empowered to assess a fee in addition to the fee prescribed in Section 41-7-188 for reviewing applications for certificates of need in an amount not to exceed twenty-five one-hundredths of one percent (.25 of 1%) of the amount of a proposed capital expenditure, but shall be not less than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) regardless of the amount of the proposed capital expenditure, and the maximum additional fee permitted shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00).  Provided that the total assessments of fees for certificate of need applications under Section 41-7-188 and this section shall not exceed the actual cost of operating the certificate of need program.

     (10)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the State Department of Health shall have the following specific powers:  The State Department of Health is authorized to extend and renew any certificate of need that has expired, and to charge a fee for reviewing and making a determination on the application for such action not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the authorized fee assessed for the original application for the certificate of need, with the revenue to be deposited by the State Department of Health into the special fund created under Section 41-7-188.

     (11)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the State Department of Health shall have the following specific powers:  The State Department of Health is authorized and empowered, to revoke, immediately, the license and require closure of any institution for the aged or infirm, including any other remedy less than closure to protect the health and safety of the residents of said institution or the health and safety of the general public.

     (12)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the State Department of Health shall have the following specific powers:  The State Department of Health is authorized and empowered, to require the temporary detainment of individuals for disease control purposes based upon violation of any order of the State Health Officer, as provided in Section 41-23-5.  For the purpose of enforcing such orders of the State Health Officer, persons employed by the department as investigators shall have general arrest powers.  All law enforcement officers are authorized and directed to assist in the enforcement of such orders of the State Health Officer.

     SECTION 2.  Section 25-53-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward follows:

     25-53-5.  The authority shall have the following powers, duties, and responsibilities:

          (a)  (i)  The authority shall provide for the development of plans for the efficient acquisition and utilization of computer equipment and services by all agencies of state government, and provide for their implementation.  In so doing, the authority may use the MDITS' staff, at the discretion of the executive director of the authority, or the authority may contract for the services of qualified consulting firms in the field of information technology and utilize the service of such consultants as may be necessary for such purposes.  Pursuant to Section 25-53-1, the provisions of this section shall not apply to the Department of Human Services for a period of three (3) years beginning on July 1, 2017.  Pursuant to Section 25-53-1, the provisions of this section shall not apply to the Department of Child Protection Services for a period of three (3) years beginning July 1, 2017.

              (ii)  [Repealed]

          (b)  The authority shall immediately institute procedures for carrying out the purposes of this chapter and supervise the efficient execution of the powers and duties of the office of executive director of the authority.  In the execution of its functions under this chapter, the authority shall maintain as a paramount consideration the successful internal organization and operation of the several agencies so that efficiency existing therein shall not be adversely affected or impaired.  In executing its functions in relation to the institutions of higher learning and junior colleges in the state, the authority shall take into consideration the special needs of such institutions in relation to the fields of teaching and scientific research.

          (c)  Title of whatever nature of all computer equipment now vested in any agency of the State of Mississippi is hereby vested in the authority, and no such equipment shall be disposed of in any manner except in accordance with the direction of the authority or under the provisions of such rules and regulations as may hereafter be adopted by the authority in relation thereto.

          (d)  The authority shall adopt rules, regulations, and procedures governing the acquisition of computer and telecommunications equipment and services which shall, to the fullest extent practicable, insure the maximum of competition between all manufacturers of supplies or equipment or services.  In the writing of specifications, in the making of contracts relating to the acquisition of such equipment and services, and in the performance of its other duties the authority shall provide for the maximum compatibility of all information systems hereafter installed or utilized by all state agencies and may require the use of common computer languages where necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.  The authority may establish by regulation and charge reasonable fees on a nondiscriminatory basis for the furnishing to bidders of copies of bid specifications and other documents issued by the authority.

          (e)  The authority shall adopt rules and regulations governing the sharing with, or the sale or lease of information technology services to any nonstate agency or person.  Such regulations shall provide that any such sharing, sale or lease shall be restricted in that same shall be accomplished only where such services are not readily available otherwise within the state, and then only at a charge to the user not less than the prevailing rate of charge for similar services by private enterprise within this state.

          (f)  The authority may, in its discretion, establish a special technical advisory committee or committees to study and make recommendations on technology matters within the competence of the authority as the authority may see fit.  Persons serving on the Information Resource Council, its task forces, or any such technical advisory committees shall be entitled to receive their actual and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of such duties, together with mileage as provided by law for state employees, provided the same has been authorized by a resolution duly adopted by the authority and entered on its minutes prior to the performance of such duties.

          (g)  The authority may provide for the development and require the adoption of standardized computer programs and may provide for the dissemination of information to and the establishment of training programs for the personnel of the various information technology centers of state agencies and personnel of the agencies utilizing the services thereof.

          (h)  The authority shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations requiring the reporting to the authority through the office of executive director of such information as may be required for carrying out the purposes of this chapter and may also establish such reasonable procedures to be followed in the presentation of bills for payment under the terms of all contracts for the acquisition of computer equipment and services now or hereafter in force as may be required by the authority or by the executive director in the execution of their powers and duties.

          (i)  The authority shall require such adequate documentation of information technology procedures utilized by the various state agencies and may require the establishment of such organizational structures within state agencies relating to information technology operations as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.

          (j)  The authority may adopt such further reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary to fully implement the purposes of this chapter.  All rules and regulations adopted by the authority shall be published and disseminated in readily accessible form to all affected state agencies, and to all current suppliers of computer equipment and services to the state, and to all prospective suppliers requesting the same.  Such rules and regulations shall be kept current, be periodically revised, and copies thereof shall be available at all times for inspection by the public at reasonable hours in the offices of the authority.  Whenever possible no rule, regulation or any proposed amendment to such rules and regulations shall be finally adopted or enforced until copies of the proposed rules and regulations have been furnished to all interested parties for their comment and suggestions.

          (k)  The authority shall establish rules and regulations which shall provide for the submission of all contracts proposed to be executed by the executive director for computer equipment or services to the authority for approval before final execution, and the authority may provide that such contracts involving the expenditure of less than such specified amount as may be established by the authority may be finally executed by the executive director without first obtaining such approval by the authority.

          (l)  The authority is authorized to purchase, lease, or rent computer equipment or services and to operate that equipment and use those services in providing services to one or more state agencies when in its opinion such operation will provide maximum efficiency and economy in the functions of any such agency or agencies.

          (m)  Upon the request of the governing body of a political subdivision or instrumentality, the authority shall assist the political subdivision or instrumentality in its development of plans for the efficient acquisition and utilization of computer equipment and services.  An appropriate fee shall be charged the political subdivision by the authority for such assistance.

          (n)  The authority shall adopt rules and regulations governing the protest procedures to be followed by any actual or prospective bidder, offerer or contractor who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract for the acquisition of computer equipment or services.  Such rules and regulations shall prescribe the manner, time and procedure for making protests and may provide that a protest not timely filed shall be summarily denied.  The authority may require the protesting party, at the time of filing the protest, to post a bond, payable to the state, in an amount that the authority determines sufficient to cover any expense or loss incurred by the state, the authority or any state agency as a result of the protest if the protest subsequently is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been filed without any substantial basis or reasonable expectation to believe that the protest was meritorious; however, in no event may the amount of the bond required exceed a reasonable estimate of the total project cost.  The authority, in its discretion, also may prohibit any prospective bidder, offerer or contractor who is a party to any litigation involving any such contract with the state, the authority or any agency of the state to participate in any other such bid, offer or contract, or to be awarded any such contract, during the pendency of the litigation.

          (o)  The authority shall make a report in writing to the Legislature each year in the month of January.  Such report shall contain a full and detailed account of the work of the authority for the preceding year as specified in Section 25-53-29(3).

     All acquisitions of computer equipment and services involving the expenditure of funds in excess of the dollar amount established in Section 31-7-13(c), or rentals or leases in excess of the dollar amount established in Section 31-7-13(c) for the term of the contract, shall be based upon competitive and open specifications, and contracts therefor shall be entered into only after advertisements for bids are published in one or more daily newspapers having a general circulation in the state not less than fourteen (14) days prior to receiving sealed bids therefor.  The authority may reserve the right to reject any or all bids, and if all bids are rejected, the authority may negotiate a contract within the limitations of the specifications so long as the terms of any such negotiated contract are equal to or better than the comparable terms submitted by the lowest and best bidder, and so long as the total cost to the State of Mississippi does not exceed the lowest bid.  If the authority accepts one (1) of such bids, it shall be that which is the lowest and best.

          (p)  When applicable, the authority may procure equipment, systems and related services in accordance with the law or regulations, or both, which govern the Bureau of Purchasing of the Office of General Services or which govern the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services procurement of telecommunications equipment, software and services.

          (q)  The authority is authorized to purchase, lease, or rent information technology and services for the purpose of establishing pilot projects to investigate emerging technologies.  These acquisitions shall be limited to new technologies and shall be limited to an amount set by annual appropriation of the Legislature.  These acquisitions shall be exempt from the advertising and bidding requirement.

          (r)  All fees collected by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services shall be deposited into the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services Revolving Fund unless otherwise specified by the Legislature.

          (s)  The authority shall work closely with the council to bring about effective coordination of policies, standards and procedures relating to procurement of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) resources.  In addition, the authority is responsible for development, operation and maintenance of a delivery system infrastructure for geographic information systems data.  The authority shall provide a warehouse for Mississippi's geographic information systems data.

          (t)  The authority shall manage one or more State Data Centers to provide information technology services on a cost-sharing basis.  In determining the appropriate services to be provided through the State Data Center, the authority should consider those services that:

              (i)  Result in savings to the state as a whole;

              (ii)  Improve and enhance the security and reliability of the state's information and business systems; and

              (iii)  Optimize the efficient use of the state's information technology assets, including, but not limited to, promoting partnerships with the state institutions of higher learning and community colleges to capitalize on advanced information technology resources.

          (u)  The authority shall increase federal participation in the cost of the State Data Center to the extent provided by law and its shared technology infrastructure through providing such shared services to agencies that receive federal funds.  With regard to state institutions of higher learning and community colleges, the authority may provide shared services when mutually agreeable, following a determination by both the authority and the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning or the Mississippi Community College Board, as the case may be, that the sharing of services is mutually beneficial.

          (v)  The authority, in its discretion, may require new or replacement agency business applications to be hosted at the State Data Center.  With regard to state institutions of higher learning and community colleges, the authority and the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning or the Mississippi Community College Board, as the case may be, may agree that institutions of higher learning or community colleges may utilize business applications that are hosted at the State Data Center, following a determination by both the authority and the applicable board that the hosting of those applications is mutually beneficial.  In addition, the authority may establish partnerships to capitalize on the advanced technology resources of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning or the Mississippi Community College Board, following a determination by both the authority and the applicable board that such a partnership is mutually beneficial.

          (w)  The authority shall provide a periodic update regarding reform-based information technology initiatives to the Chairmen of the House and Senate Accountability, Efficiency and Transparency Committees.

     From and after July 1, 2018, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund.  In addition, in order to receive the maximum use and benefit from information technology and services, expenses for the provision of statewide shared services that facilitate cost-effective information processing and telecommunication solutions shall be defrayed by pass-through funding and shall be deposited into the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services Revolving Fund unless otherwise specified by the Legislature.  These funds shall only be utilized to pay the actual costs incurred by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services for providing these shared services to state agencies.  Furthermore, state agencies shall work in full cooperation with the Board of the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services to identify computer equipment or services to minimize duplication, reduce costs, and improve the efficiency of providing common technology services across agency boundaries.

     SECTION 3.  Section 25-9-107, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     25-9-107.  The following terms, when used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings:

          (a)  "Board" means the State Personnel Board created under the provisions of this chapter.

          (b)  "State service" means all employees of state departments, agencies and institutions as defined herein, except those officers and employees excluded by this chapter.

          (c)  "Nonstate service" means the following officers and employees excluded from the state service by this chapter.  The following are excluded from the state service:

              (i)  Members of the State Legislature, their staff and other employees of the legislative branch;

              (ii)  The Governor and staff members of the immediate Office of the Governor;

              (iii)  Justices and judges of the judicial branch or members of appeals boards on a per diem basis;

              (iv)  The Lieutenant Governor, staff members of the immediate Office of the Lieutenant Governor and officers and employees directly appointed by the Lieutenant Governor;

              (v)  Officers and officials elected by popular vote and persons appointed to fill vacancies in elective offices;

               (vi)  Members of boards and commissioners appointed by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or the State Legislature;

              (vii)  All academic officials, members of the teaching staffs and employees of the state institutions of higher learning, the Mississippi Community College Board, and community and junior colleges;

              (viii)  Officers and enlisted members of the National Guard of the state;

              (ix)  Prisoners, inmates, student or patient help working in or about institutions;

              (x)  Contract personnel; provided that any agency which employs state service employees may enter into contracts for personal and professional services only if such contracts are approved in compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the State Personal Service Contract Public Procurement Review Board under Section 25‑9‑120(3) 27-104-7.  Before paying any warrant for such contractual services in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), the Auditor of Public Accounts, or the successor to those duties, shall determine whether the contract involved was for personal or professional services, and, if so, was approved by the State Personal Service Contract Public Procurement Review Board as required by law;

              (xi)  Part-time employees; provided, however, part-time employees shall only be hired into authorized employment positions classified by the board, shall meet minimum qualifications as set by the board, and shall be paid in accordance with the Variable Compensation Plan as certified by the board;

              (xii)  Persons appointed on an emergency basis for the duration of the emergency; the effective date of the emergency appointments shall not be earlier than the date approved by the State Personnel Director, and shall be limited to thirty (30) working days.  Emergency appointments may be extended to sixty (60) working days by the State Personnel Board;

              (xiii)  Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, nurse practitioners and attorneys, while serving in their professional capacities in authorized employment positions who are required by statute to be licensed, registered or otherwise certified as such, provided that the State Personnel Director shall verify that the statutory qualifications are met prior to issuance of a payroll warrant by the Auditor;

              (xiv)  Personnel who are employed and paid from funds received from a federal grant program which has been approved by the Legislature or the Department of Finance and Administration whose length of employment has been determined to be time-limited in nature.  This subparagraph shall apply to personnel employed under the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, as amended, and other special federal grant programs which are not a part of regular federally funded programs wherein appropriations and employment positions are appropriated by the Legislature.  Such employees shall be paid in accordance with the Variable Compensation Plan and shall meet all qualifications required by federal statutes or by the Mississippi Classification Plan;

              (xv)  The administrative head who is in charge of any state department, agency, institution, board or commission, wherein the statute specifically authorizes the Governor, board, commission or other authority to appoint said administrative head; provided, however, that the salary of such administrative head shall be determined by the State Personnel Board in accordance with the Variable Compensation Plan unless otherwise fixed by statute;

               (xvi)  The State Personnel Board shall exclude top-level positions if the incumbents determine and publicly advocate substantive program policy and report directly to the agency head, or the incumbents are required to maintain a direct confidential working relationship with a key excluded official.  Provided further, a written job classification shall be approved by the board for each such position, and positions so excluded shall be paid in conformity with the Variable Compensation Plan;

              (xvii)  Employees whose employment is solely in connection with an agency's contract to produce, store or transport goods, and whose compensation is derived therefrom;

              (xviii)  Repealed;

              (xix)  The associate director, deputy directors and bureau directors within the Department of Agriculture and Commerce;

              (xx)  Personnel employed by the Mississippi Industries for the Blind; provided that any agency may enter into contracts for the personal services of MIB employees without the prior approval of the State Personnel Board or the State Personal Service Contract Review Board; however, any agency contracting for the personal services of an MIB employee shall provide the MIB employee with not less than the entry-level compensation and benefits that the agency would provide to a full-time employee of the agency who performs the same services;

              (xxi)  Personnel employed by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources as law enforcement trainees (cadets); such personnel shall be paid in accordance with the Colonel Guy Groff State Variable Compensation Plan;

              (xxii)  Administrators and instructional employees under contract or employed by the Mississippi School of the Arts (MSA) established in Section 37-140-1 et seq.;

              (xxiii)  The President of the Mississippi Lottery Corporation and personnel employed by the Mississippi Lottery Corporation.; and

              (xxiv)  Employees, excluding administrative employees, of the State Veterans Affairs Board who are employed at a veterans home established by the State Veterans Affairs Board under Section 35-1-19.

          (d)  "Agency" means any state board, commission, committee, council, department or unit thereof created by the Constitution or statutes if such board, commission, committee, council, department, unit or the head thereof, is authorized to appoint subordinate staff by the Constitution or statute, except a legislative or judicial board, commission, committee, council, department or unit thereof.

     SECTION 4.  Section 25-9-119, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     25-9-119.  (1)  There is created the position of the State Personnel Director who shall be selected by the State Personnel Board, with the advice and consent of the Senate.  The director shall have at least a Juris Doctor degree from an accredited law school or a master's degree in business administration, personnel management or the equivalent and shall have not less than five (5) years' experience therein.  His salary shall be in accordance with the Mississippi Compensation Plan.  The State Personnel Director shall serve at the will and pleasure of the State Personnel Board.

     (2)  The duties and responsibilities of the director shall be:

          (a)  To serve as executive secretary to the board, to attend meetings as directed by the board and to provide such professional, technical and other supportive assistance as may be required by the board in the performance of its duties;

          (b)  Consistent with board policy, to administer the operations of the State Personnel System and to otherwise act in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer to the State Personnel Board;

          (c)  To submit for board approval proposed rules and regulations which shall require a uniform system of personnel administration within all agencies included in this chapter.  Such rules and regulations, when approved by the board, shall be binding upon the state departments, agencies and institutions covered by this chapter and shall include provisions for the establishment and maintenance of classification and compensation plans, the conduct of examinations, employee recruiting, employee selection, the certification of eligible persons, appointments, promotions, transfers, demotions, separations, reinstatement, appeals, reports of performance, payroll certification, employee training, vacation and sick leave, compensatory leave, administrative leave, standardized recordkeeping forms and procedures for leave earned, accrued and used, and all other phases of personnel administration.  Such rules and regulations shall not be applicable to the emergency hiring of employees by the Public Employees' Retirement System pursuant to Section 25-11-15(7).  Copies of the rules and regulations, or modifications thereto, as are approved by the State Personnel Board, shall be provided to the Chairmen of the Accountability, Efficiency and Transparency Committee of the Senate and the Fees and Salaries of Public Officers Committee of the House of Representatives, the Lieutenant Governor and the Governor at least sixty (60) days before their effective date.  The respective parties may submit comments to the board regarding such rules and regulations before their effective date;

              (i)  Compensation plans and modifications thereto promulgated under rules and regulations shall become effective as adopted, upon appropriation therefor by the State Legislature;

              (ii)  The director and the board shall provide for:

                   1.  Cost-of-living adjustments;

                   2.  Salary increases for outstanding performance based upon documented employee productivity and exceptional performance in assigned duties; and

                   3.  Plans to compensate employees for suggestions which result in improved management in technical or administrative procedures and result in documented cost savings for the state.  In certifying promotions, the director shall ensure that an employee's anniversary date remains the same regardless of the date of his promotion;

          (d)  To submit to the board any proposed legislation as may be necessary to bring existing statutes relating to the administration of public employees into uniformity;

          (e)  To administer the rules and regulations and all other operational aspects of the State Personnel System and to assure compliance therewith in all the departments, agencies and institutions covered by the State Personnel System;

          (f)  To appoint and prescribe the duties of the State Personnel System staff, all positions of which shall be included in the state service;

          (g)  To prepare an annual budget for the board covering all the costs of operating the State Personnel System, including the State Personnel Board, and the costs of administering such federal laws relating to personnel administration as the board may direct, including the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970;

          (h)  To assist state agencies, departments and institutions in complying with all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations concerning discrimination in employment, personnel administration and related matters;

          (i)  To recommend procedures for the establishment and abolishment of employment positions within those departments, agencies and institutions not excluded from this chapter; and

          (j)  To cooperate with appointing authorities in the administration of this chapter in order to promote public service and establish conditions of service which will attract and retain employees of character and capacity and to increase efficiency and economy in governmental departments by the improvement of methods of personnel administration with full recognition of the requirements and needs of management.

     (3)  From and after July 1, 2016, the State Personnel Board shall not charge another state agency a fee, assessment, or other charge for services or resources received by that agency from the State Personnel Board.

     (4)  From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.

     SECTION 5.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.