2022 Regular Session

To: Housing; Appropriations

By: Senator(s) Blackmon

Senate Bill 2699



     SECTION 1.  Section 43-33-717, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     43-33-717.  (1)  The corporation shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this article, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power:

          (a)  To make and alter bylaws for its organization and internal management;

          (b)  To sue and be sued, have a seal and alter the same at pleasure, and maintain an office at such place or places in the state as it may determine;

          (c)  To appoint officers, agents and employees, prescribe their duties and qualifications, and fix their compensation;

          (d)  To acquire real or personal property, or any interest therein, by purchase, exchange, gift, assignment, transfer, foreclosure, lease, condemnation or otherwise, including rights or easements; to hold, manage, operate or improve real or personal property; to sell, assign, exchange, lease, encumber, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property, or any interest therein, or deed of trust or mortgage lien interest owned by it or under its control, custody or in its possession and release or relinquish any right, title, claim, lien, interest, easement or demand however acquired, including any equity or right of redemption in property foreclosed by it and to do any of the foregoing by public sale;

          (e)  To make and execute agreements, contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers and functions of the corporation under this article;

          (f)  To employ or contract with architects, engineers, attorneys, accountants, financial experts and other advisors as may be necessary in its judgment and to fix and pay their compensation;

          (g)  To make and execute contracts for the administration, servicing or collection of any mortgage loan and pay the reasonable value of services rendered to the corporation pursuant to such contracts;

          (h)  To contract for the employment of a financial advisor, underwriting attorneys, trustees, paying agents, depositories or any consultants retained in connection with the issuance of any bonds or notes including refunding bonds or notes or dealing with the disposition of any proceeds thereof;

          (i)  To issue negotiable bonds and notes and to provide for the rights of the holders thereof;

          (j)  Subject to any agreement with bondholders or noteholders, to sell any mortgage loans at public or private sale at the fair market value for such a mortgage; and

          (k)  Subject to any agreement with bondholders and noteholders, to make, alter or repeal such rules and regulations with respect to the operations, properties and facilities of the corporation as are necessary to carry out its functions and duties in the administration of this article.

     (2)  The corporation shall also have the power:

          (a)  To make loans to mortgage lenders for the purpose of:

              (i)  Making housing development mortgage loans to qualified sponsors for low- and moderate-income rental or residential housing;

              (ii)  Making loans to low- and moderate-income purchasers of residential housing with preference to those who are displaced from adequate housing as a result of a major disaster, whether it be a man-made, technological or natural disaster, upon a declaration by the Governor that a major disaster exists in the state;

          (b)  To purchase from mortgage lenders any of the loans enumerated in subparagraphs (i) and (ii);

          (c)  To insure, reinsure or guarantee any of the types of loans enumerated in subparagraphs (i) and (ii);

          (d)  To make, in such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the corporation shall approve, temporary loans, preconstruction loans, interim financing loans to any qualified sponsor and permanent financing to any qualified sponsor of multifamily housing.

     (3)  The corporation shall also have the power to make loans from funds not otherwise encumbered by pledge or indenture to low- and moderate-income persons for the following purposes:

          (a)  Purchasing, improving or rehabilitating existing residential housing and occupied by the owners;

          (b)  Making loans to qualified nonprofit sponsors, to local housing authorities and to owners of residential housing for the development, construction, purchase, rehabilitation, weatherization or maintenance of residential housing.

     (4)  Using funds not otherwise encumbered by pledge or indenture, the corporation may:

          (a)  Establish a rental assistance program;

          (b)  Provide such advisory consultation, training and educational services as will assist in the planning, construction, rehabilitation and operation of housing, including, but not limited to, assistance in community development and organization, home management and advisory services for residents, and in promotion of community organizations and local governments to assist in developing housing;

          (c)  Encourage research and demonstration projects to develop new and better methods for increasing the supply, types and financing of housing and to receive and accept contributions, grants or aid from any source, public or private, including, but not limited to, the United States and this state, for carrying out this purpose;

          (d)  Encourage and stimulate cooperatives and other forms of housing with tenant participation;

          (e)  Promote innovative programs for home ownership, including, but not limited to, lease-purchase programs, employer-sponsored housing programs, tenant cooperatives and nonprofit associations;

          (f)  Design and support programs to address special needs groups including, but not limited to, handicapped, disabled, elderly, homeless, HIV/AIDS carriers and families with children;

          (g)  Develop a comprehensive plan for, and engage in a yearly planning process for, addressing the housing needs of low- and moderate-income persons in Mississippi.

     (5)  The corporation also has the power:

          (a)  To procure, or require the procurement of, insurance against any loss in connection with its operations, including, without limitation, the repayment of any mortgage loan or loans, in such amounts and from such insurers, including the federal government, as it may deem necessary or desirable, and to pay any premiums therefor;

          (b)  Subject to any agreement with bondholders or noteholders:  (i) to renegotiate any loan in default; (ii) to waive any default or consent to the modification of the terms of any loan or agreement; (iii) to commence, prosecute and enforce a judgment in any action or proceeding, including, without limitation, a foreclosure proceeding, to protect or enforce any right conferred upon it by law, mortgage loan agreement, contract or other agreement; and (iv) in connection with any such proceeding, to bid for and purchase the property or acquire or take possession thereof and, in such event, complete, administer and pay the principal of and interest on any obligations incurred in connection with such property and dispose of and otherwise deal with such property in such manner as the corporation may deem advisable to protect its interest therein;

          (c)  To fix, revise, charge and collect fees and other charges in connection with the making of loans, the purchasing of mortgage loans, and any other services rendered by the corporation;

          (d)  To arrange for guarantees of its bonds, notes or other obligations by the federal government or by any private insurer and to pay any premiums therefor;

          (e)  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, but subject to any agreement with bondholders or noteholders, to invest money of the corporation not required for immediate use, including proceeds from the sale of any bonds or notes * * *;:

              (i)  In obligations of any municipality or the state or the United States of America;

              (ii)  In obligations the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the state or the United States of America;

              (iii)  In obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the United States of America;

              (iv)  In obligations of any corporation sponsored by the United States of America which are, or may become, eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System;

              (v)  In obligations of insurance firms or other corporations whose investments are rated "A" or better by recognized rating companies;

              (vi)  In certificates of deposit or time deposits of qualified depositories of the state as approved by the State Depository Commission, secured in such manner, if any, as the corporation shall determine;

              (vii)  In contracts for the purchase and sale of obligations of the type specified in * * * items subparagraphs (i) through (v) above;

              (viii)  In repurchase agreements secured by obligations specified in * * * items subparagraphs (i) through (v) above;

              (ix)  In money market funds, the assets of which are required to be invested in obligations specified in * * * items subparagraphs (i) through (vi) above;

          (f)  Subject to any agreement with bondholders or noteholders, to purchase, and to agree to purchase, bonds or notes of the corporation at a price not exceeding:  (i) if the bonds or notes are then redeemable, the redemption price then applicable plus accrued interest to the date of purchase; or (ii) if the bonds or notes are not then redeemable, the redemption price applicable on the first date after such purchase upon which the notes or bonds become subject to redemption at the option of the corporation plus accrued interest to the date of purchase;

          (g)  Subject to the provisions of this article, to contract for and to accept any gifts, grants or loans of funds or property or financial or other aid in any form from federal, state or local governments, private or public entities, or individuals;

          (h)  To enter into agreements or other transactions with the federal or state government, any agency thereof or any municipality in furtherance of the purposes of this article; to operate and administer loan programs of the federal government, the State of Mississippi, or any governmental agency thereof; and to operate and administer any program of housing assistance for persons and families of low or moderate income, however funded;

          (i)  To establish a benevolent loan fund, housing development fund, or such additional and further funds as may be necessary and desirable to accomplish any corporate purpose or to comply with the provisions of any agreement made by the corporation or any resolution approved by the corporation.  The resolution establishing such a fund shall specify the source of monies from which it shall be funded and the purposes for which monies held in the fund shall be disbursed;

          (j)  In carrying out the provisions of this article, the corporation shall cooperate with the housing authorities created under Sections 43-33-1 through 43-33-69 and Sections 43-33-101 through 43-33-137, Mississippi Code of 1972;

          (k)  To accept letters of credit and other credit facilities necessary to make loans authorized herein to repay bonds or notes issued by the corporation;

          (l)  To do any and all things necessary or convenient to carry out its purposes and exercise the powers given and granted in this article.

     (6)  The corporation shall also have the power to establish a down-payment assistance program for first-time homebuyers based upon educational qualifications as follows:

(a)  For bachelor's degree graduates who agree to reside in Mississippi for five (5) years........................ $10,000.00

(b)  For master's degree graduates who agree to reside in Mississippi for five (5) years........................ $15,000.00

(c)  For doctorate degree graduates who agree to reside in Mississippi for five (5) years........................ $20,000.00

     The Mississippi Home Corporation, in consultation with the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, shall establish application procedures for such down-payment assistance which shall include confirmation of credentials and residency and procedures for legal forfeiture of benefits for any applicant who fails to comply with residency requirements.

     SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2022.