2021 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Gibbs (72nd)

House Resolution 17


     WHEREAS, it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the Heaven," and as such, on January 26, 2021, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny summoned the mortal presence of dearly beloved, Deacon Lloyd Webster, Jr., to eternal rest, rendering great sorrow and loss to his family and

friends; and

     WHEREAS, born on May 25, 1939, to Mr. Lloyd Lee and Mrs. Ella Ree Crawford Webster, Deacon Webster was the first-born child of twenty beautiful children, and he confessed Christ at an early age and was baptized at Mount Center Missionary Baptist Church under Reverend R.L. Robinson's leadership; and

     WHEREAS, Deacon Webster attended Sumner Hill High School, where he learned many skills and lessons that helped shape his life, and after high school, he was united in holy matrimony to Ms. Pearly Cheeks on April 3, 1960, and to this union, four children were born:  Ricky, Dexter, Deria and Tymickla; and  

     WHEREAS, Deacon Webster was employed at MP&I, where he retired, and after retirement, he worked part-time at Spring Air Mattress Company and ventured into entrepreneurship, as he managed and organized a janitorial service for businesses and his

community; and

     WHEREAS, dedicated to his faith, Deacon Webster was called by the Holy Spirit to serve as a deacon and to use his voice as a member of the Mount Center Male choir, and his devotion to singing and serving the Lord was utilized at Mount Center, the Christian Institute, and wherever he was called; and

     WHEREAS, Deacon Webster's life touched many lives and his outstanding character was an inspiration that provided a road map for others to imitate, and in his spare time he enjoyed farming, fishing, riding horses and driving around enjoying the scenery; and

     WHEREAS, some of Deacon Webster's favorite places were sitting in his garage gazing and enjoying God's earthly beauty and sitting in his recliner watching television and sports, and he also enjoyed socializing with family and friends; and

     WHEREAS, Deacon Webster expressed the most joy when talking and spending time with his grandchildren, as evident in his excitement when preparing to take a Texas road trip, and while he was riding comfortably in the backseat, he knew he could count on his niece, Lorenda Cheeks, to get Pearly and him there safely to spend time with their grandchildren and safely back home to Mississippi; and  

     WHEREAS, a genuine and distinguished man, Deacon Webster's extraordinary devotion to his family and to his community will always be remembered and precious memories of time spent with him will hopefully continue to provide warmth, peace and comfort to his loved ones; and

     WHEREAS, though he has traversed the river of life to reunite with those who answered God's summons to life eternal and now beckon his arrival to the celestial shores of Heaven's grandeur, such as his parents, Mr. Lloyd Lee and Mrs. Ella Ree Crawford Webster; four siblings, Martin, Henry Lee, Curtis and Milton; and son-in-law, Kenneth West; the legacy of Deacon Webster's indelible imprint upon our lives will continue to refresh the hearts and fond memories of his loved ones, including his loving and faithful wife of 60 years, Pearly; children, Ricky, Dexter, Deria and Tymickla; nieces he raised, Renee and Jennifer Jones; grandchildren, Ricky Webster II, RaKendric, Kendrea, Maniah, Mason, Jamerik, Makayla, Madalyn and Matthew;

great-grandchildren, Aurora and Kiyson; brothers, Joseph, Vernon, Melvin, Tommie, Earl, Jimmie, Kevin and Jeffrey; sisters, Margaret, Georgia, Johnnye, Louise, Robiestine, Edna and Linda;  brothers-in-law, Walter, Robert, Lorenzo, Major, Paul and Alonzo Cheeks; sisters-in-law, Kim Webster, Prince Ella Watson, Virginia Cheeks, Mary Cheeks and Joann Burkett; goddaughter, Brittany Bryant; three aunts; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and dear friends; and

     WHEREAS, Deacon Webster will forever be loved, cherished and missed by all who knew him, and since it is written in

2 Corinthians 5:8, that to be "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord," his family and friends can find peace and comfort during this difficult time; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and commend the lives of outstanding Mississippians, especially those such as Deacon Webster, who certainly inspired everyone he met and whose life's light illuminated the path of hope for all he encountered along his earthly sojourn:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the life and legacy of Deacon Lloyd Webster, Jr., and express sincere and deepest sympathy to his family and friends upon his passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of Deacon Lloyd Webster, Jr., and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.