Senate Bill No. 3014
BY: Committee
Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
SECTION 1. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money in the Budget Contingency Fund, created in Section 27-103-301, Mississippi Code of 1972, and allocated in a manner as determined by the Treasurer's Office, to defray the expenses of the Department of Finance and Administration for the period beginning upon the passage of this act and through June 30, 2021..........$ 1.00.
This additional appropriation is made for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred in connection with the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as allowed under Section 5001 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act or any guidance or regulation issued by the United States Department of the Treasury in conformity therewith.
SECTION 2. In addition to all other sums herein appropriated, the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated out of any money in the DFA Cares Act COVID-19 Fund (Fund Number 6820113000), created in Senate Bill 2772 (2020 Legislative Session), and allocated in a manner as determined by the Treasurer's Office, to defray the expenses of the Department of Finance and Administration for the period beginning upon the passage of this act and through June 30, 2021................................................$ 1.00.
SECTION 3. None of the funds appropriated under the provisions of Section 1 or Section 2 of this act may be expended until the State Fiscal Officer or her designee certifies that the expenditures are qualified for reimbursement under Section 5001 of the CARES Act and any guidance or regulations issued by the United States Department of Treasury.
SECTION 4. The money herein appropriated shall be paid by the State Treasurer out of any money in the State Treasury to the credit of the proper fund or funds as set forth in this act, upon warrants issued by the State Fiscal Officer, and the State Fiscal Officer shall issue his warrants upon requisitions signed by the proper person, officer or officers in the manner provided by law.
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2020, and shall stand repealed from and after June 30, 2020.