2019 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Blount, Clarke, Dearing, DeBar, Frazier, Jackson (11th), Jackson (32nd), Jordan, Michel, Simmons (13th)

Senate Concurrent Resolution 603

(As Adopted by Senate)


     WHEREAS, Central District Public Service Commissioner Cecil Brown from Jackson, Mississippi, has made the decision not to seek reelection in 2019.  Commissioner Brown is completing his first term on the three-member utility regulatory body after 16 years in the Mississippi House of Representatives.  Mississippians owe Commissioner Brown a debt of gratitude for his service and he is leaving a lasting legacy to the history of our state; and

     WHEREAS, during Brown's tenure, the commission has wrestled with the resolution of Mississippi Power Company's multibillion dollar Kemper County power plant.  The company canceled the power plant under commission pressure.  Before serving in the House of Representatives, Brown was the State Fiscal Officer and served as Chief of Staff for Governor Ray Mabus; and

     WHEREAS, the honorable and distinguished Representative Cecil Brown provided extraordinary service to the people of Mississippi House District 66, Hinds County.  Born on June 22, 1944, in Meridian, Mississippi, Representative Brown graduated from Meridian High School and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Mississippi and his Master's Degree in public accountancy from the University of Texas; and

     WHEREAS, with his unique experience and extensive knowledge of state government obtained before his arrival at the Capitol, Representative Brown quickly gained respect as a freshman lawmaker, soon rising to become Vice Chairman of the House Municipalities Committee, a member of the powerful Joint Legislative Budget Committee and Chairman of the House Education Committee.  As a member of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee for eight years, Representative Brown utilized his experience as State Fiscal Officer and as an Investment Advisor and CPA specializing in accounting, auditing, tax consulting and financial management for Medley and Brown, LLC, to ensure fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget for the citizens of Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, during his tenure as a Legislator, Representative Brown served on the following committees:  Agriculture, Appropriations, Conservation and Water Resources, Education, Judiciary B, Joint Legislative Budget, Medicaid, Municipalities, Public Buildings Grounds and Lands, Public Health and Human Services, Public Property, and Universities and Colleges; and

     WHEREAS, since his first day in office, Representative Brown emphasized improving public education in Mississippi, especially while serving as the Chairman of Education for seven years; and

     WHEREAS, upon his election in 1999, Representative Brown and his wife, Nancy, decided that all of his legislative pay would be donated to charity, so in 2008, because of their passion for education and to honor Nancy's remarkable career as an educator in the Jackson Public Schools, Representative Brown created the Nancy H. Brown Teacher Corps Endowment at the University of Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to his numerous other achievements and accomplishments, the Mississippi Association of Educators presented the "Friend of Education" award to Representative Brown in recognition of the many years he spent zealously promoting public education in the Legislature; and

     WHEREAS, Cecil Brown, a devout member of St. James Episcopal Church, has always been active in his community and dedicated to improving the quality of life for all citizens, as evidenced by his service in a number of civic, professional and charitable organizations, including:  the Mississippi Tax Institute; the State Auditor's task force on privatization in government; the Community Foundation of Greater Jackson; the Southern Growth Policies Board; the Southern Regional Education Board; ALCAA; the Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants; the Jackson Redevelopment Authority; the Downtown YMCA; and the Metro Jackson YMCA; and

     WHEREAS, Cecil Brown has been a devoted husband to Nancy Haas Brown, and the father of four children, Lisa, Mickey, Lindy and Nathan, and proud grandfather of seven grandchildren, who have supported him in all of his endeavors; and

     WHEREAS, while serving in the Legislature, Representative Brown enlightened debates with his intelligent perspective, and was known for the "Brown Frown" while relentlessly questioning his fellow lawmakers.  He garnered unparalleled respect from both sides of the aisle; and

     WHEREAS, we pay tribute and cherish fondly the service and friendship of our former colleague Cecil Brown, and recognize his legacy of financial accountability for this great state that he loved and served:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend the public career and recognize the legacy of Central District Public Service Commissioner and former Mississippi Representative Cecil Brown of Jackson, Mississippi, and wish him and his family success in their future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Commissioner Cecil Brown and his family, forwarded to the Public Service Commission and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.