2018 Regular Session

To: Municipalities; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency

By: Senator(s) Burton

Senate Bill 2692



     SECTION 1.  Section 21-27-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     21-27-23.  Any municipality may:

          (a)  Borrow money and issue revenue bonds therefor solely for the purposes specified in this section and by the procedure provided in Sections 21-27-41 through 21-27-69.

     Money may be borrowed and bonds issued by any municipality of the State of Mississippi, as defined in Section 21-27-11, to acquire or improve any waterworks system, water supply system, sewerage system, sewage disposal system, garbage disposal system, rubbish disposal system or incinerators, gas producing system, gas generating system, gas transmission system, or gas distribution system, electric generating, transmission or distribution system, railroad transportation system for passengers and freight, or motor vehicle transportation system, including any combination of any or all of those systems into one (1) system, within or without the corporate limits thereof, for the purpose of supplying the municipality and the persons and corporations, both public and private, whether within or without its corporate limits, with the services and facilities afforded by the system, provided that water, electric energy, or gas afforded by any system or systems may be supplied to such ultimate consumers thereof by sale thereof to the owners or operators of a distribution system for resale to the public.  Any municipality which shall borrow money and issue revenue bonds to provide funds with which to acquire a gas transmission system, if necessary in order to reach and obtain a source of supply of gas for the municipality, may extend or construct its gas transmission line into an adjoining state, and may use and expend part of the proceeds of such issue of revenue bonds for the purpose.

          (b)  To assume all indebtedness for any system or systems which may be acquired under the provisions of this section as all or part of the consideration for the acquisition of such system or systems and to issue its revenue bonds in exchange for the bonds or notes evidencing the indebtedness.

          (c)  To acquire or improve any system which it is authorized to borrow money and issue revenue bonds under subsection (a) of this section to acquire or improve; and to make contracts in furtherance thereof or in connection therewith.

          (d)  To own, operate and maintain any such system or combination of any and all of said systems into one (1) system.

          (e)  To establish, maintain and collect rates for the facilities and services offered by any such system; provided that if there is a combination of systems into one or more systems, the municipality establishing the same shall be and is empowered to establish, maintain and collect rates for any and all of the services or for any combination thereof, and the municipality may discontinue any or all of the services upon any failure to promptly pay the charges fixed for the services.  The rates so fixed for services rendered by any system or combination thereof may be charged for all services rendered thereby, regardless of whether the services may have been previously rendered without rates or charges therefor by the previously existing waterworks system, water supply system, sewerage system, sewage disposal system, garbage disposal system, rubbish disposal system or incinerators, gas producing system, gas generating system, gas transmission system, or gas distribution system, electric generating, transmission or distribution system, which shall have been merged into the combined system.  Any such municipality may pledge for the payment of any bonds issued to acquire or improve any such combined system, or to refund any bonds previously issued to acquire or improve any such combined system or to acquire or improve any system merged with such combined system, the revenues to be derived from the operation of such combined system, including the charges authorized to be imposed by this section.

     A municipality may authorize a municipally owned utility to make early payment of the utility's bills to its electricity suppliers which offer early payment discounts to the municipally owned utility.  The municipality may immediately refund to a customer of the municipally owned utility his or her deposit for municipal utility services after the municipal utility has determined that payment for all services and any other obligations which the customer may have incurred in regard to the municipal utility has been made.

     If the revenues of any previously existing system being merged into a combined system are subject to a prior lien, the revenues and the expenses of any previously existing system shall be accounted for separately to the extent necessary to satisfy the covenants relating to the prior lien for so long as the indebtedness secured by the revenues shall remain outstanding.  Only surplus revenues remaining after the satisfaction of all covenants relating to the outstanding indebtedness may be pledged to the retirement of any indebtedness to be secured by the revenues of a combined system.  The existence of the outstanding indebtedness shall not, in and of itself, prevent the combining of systems as herein provided, so long as the prior lien on the revenues of any previously existing system is fully satisfied from the revenues of the previously existing system.

     A municipality may collect rates for the services provided by such systems or system through payment made by credit cards and in doing so, the municipality may in exchange of the acceptance of this payment method and in recognition of the reduction of other municipal costs connected with the acceptance of such funds by this method, not charge any transaction or processing fee that is charged to the municipality for this method of payment to the rate payor, provided the individual payment or transaction does not exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).

          (f)  To acquire property, real or personal, which may be necessary to effectuate the powers conferred by this section.  The municipality may purchase electric transmission line materials, electric distribution system substation equipment, transformer equipment, and all other appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment and appurtenances necessary for the sale of electricity, such as utility vehicles and fencing, from the surplus inventory of the Tennessee Valley Authority or any other similar agency of the federal government and electric power associations.  These purchases by the municipality shall be exempt from the public bid requirements prescribed in Sections 31-7-12 and 31-7-13.  If the power of eminent domain is exercised, it shall be exercised in the manner provided by Sections 11-27-1 through 11-27-51.

          (g)  To enter into contract with the United States of America or any agency thereof, under the provisions of acts of the Congress of the United States, to aid or encourage public works and the regulations made in pursuance thereof, for the sale of bonds issued in accordance with the provisions of Sections 21-27-41 through 21-27-69 or for the acceptance of a grant to aid such municipality in acquiring or improving any such system; and the contracts may contain terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by and between the municipality and the United States of America or any agency thereof, or any purchaser of the bonds.

          (h)  To adopt the ordinances and resolutions and to do all things and perform all acts necessary, proper or desirable to effectuate the full intent and purpose of Sections 21-27-11 through 21-27-69, including processing, marketing, custom processing, sale and resale of materials processed through any facility under its jurisdiction.

          (i)  To borrow from the Mississippi Development Bank in order to fund the advance purchase of energy for its gas producing, generating, transmission or distribution system or its electric generating, transmission or distribution system.

     SECTION 2.  Section 21-23-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     21-23-7.  (1)  The municipal judge shall hold court in a public building designated by the governing authorities of the municipality and may hold court every day except Sundays and legal holidays if the business of the municipality so requires; provided, however, the municipal judge may hold court outside the boundaries of the municipality but not more than within a sixty-mile radius of the municipality to handle preliminary matters and criminal matters such as initial appearances and felony preliminary hearings.  The municipal judge may hold court outside the boundaries of the municipality but not more than within a one-mile radius of the municipality for any purpose.  The municipal judge shall have the jurisdiction to hear and determine, without a jury and without a record of the testimony, all cases charging violations of the municipal ordinances and state misdemeanor laws made offenses against the municipality and to punish offenders therefor as may be prescribed by law.  Except as otherwise provided by law, criminal proceedings shall be brought by sworn complaint filed in the municipal court.  Such complaint shall state the essential elements of the offense charged and the statute or ordinance relied upon.  Such complaint shall not be required to conclude with a general averment that the offense is against the peace and dignity of the state or in violation of the ordinances of the municipality.  He may sit as a committing court in all felonies committed within the municipality, and he shall have the power to bind over the accused to the grand jury or to appear before the proper court having jurisdiction to try the same, and to set the amount of bail or refuse bail and commit the accused to jail in cases not bailable.  The municipal judge is a conservator of the peace within his municipality.  He may conduct preliminary hearings in all violations of the criminal laws of this state occurring within the municipality, and any person arrested for a violation of law within the municipality may be brought before him for initial appearance.  The municipal court shall have jurisdiction of any case remanded to it by a circuit court grand jury.  The municipal court shall have civil jurisdiction over actions filed pursuant to and as provided in Title 93, Chapter 21, Mississippi Code of 1972, the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act.

     (2)  In the discretion of the court, where the objects of justice would be more likely met, as an alternative to imposition or payment of fine and/or incarceration, the municipal judge shall have the power to sentence convicted offenders to work on a public service project where the court has established such a program of public service by written guidelines filed with the clerk for public record.  Such programs shall provide for reasonable supervision of the offender and the work shall be commensurate with the fine and/or incarceration that would have ordinarily been imposed.  Such program of public service may be utilized in the implementation of the provisions of Section 99-19-20, and public service work thereunder may be supervised by persons other than the sheriff.

     (3)  The municipal judge may solemnize marriages, take oaths, affidavits and acknowledgments, and issue orders, subpoenas, summonses, citations, warrants for search and arrest upon a finding of probable cause, and other such process under seal of the court to any county or municipality, in a criminal case, to be executed by the lawful authority of the county or the municipality of the respondent, and enforce obedience thereto.  The absence of a seal shall not invalidate the process.

     (4)  When a person shall be charged with an offense in municipal court punishable by confinement, the municipal judge, being satisfied that such person is an indigent person and is unable to employ counsel, may, in the discretion of the court, appoint counsel from the membership of The Mississippi Bar residing in his county who shall represent him.  Compensation for appointed counsel in criminal cases shall be approved and allowed by the municipal judge and shall be paid by the municipality.  The maximum compensation shall not exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for any one (1) case.  The governing authorities of a municipality may, in their discretion, appoint a public defender(s) who must be a licensed attorney and who shall receive a salary to be fixed by the governing authorities.

     (5)  The municipal judge of any municipality is hereby authorized to suspend the sentence and to suspend the execution of the sentence, or any part thereof, on such terms as may be imposed by the municipal judge.  However, the suspension of imposition or execution of a sentence hereunder may not be revoked after a period of two (2) years.  The municipal judge shall have the power to establish and operate a probation program, dispute resolution program and other practices or procedures appropriate to the judiciary and designed to aid in the administration of justice.  Any such program shall be established by the court with written policies and procedures filed with the clerk of the court for public record.  Subsequent to original sentencing, the municipal judge, in misdemeanor cases, is hereby authorized to suspend sentence and to suspend the execution of a sentence, or any part thereof, on such terms as may be imposed by the municipal judge, if (a) the judge or his or her predecessor was authorized to order such suspension when the sentence was originally imposed; and (b) such conviction (i) has not been appealed; or (ii) has been appealed and the appeal has been voluntarily dismissed.

     (6)  Upon prior notice to the municipal prosecuting attorney and upon a showing in open court of rehabilitation, good conduct for a period of two (2) years since the last conviction in any court and that the best interest of society would be served, the court may, in its discretion, order the record of conviction of a person of any or all misdemeanors in that court expunged, and upon so doing the said person thereafter legally stands as though he had never been convicted of the said misdemeanor(s) and may lawfully so respond to any query of prior convictions.  This order of expunction does not apply to the confidential records of law enforcement agencies and has no effect on the driving record of a person maintained under Title 63, Mississippi Code of 1972, or any other provision of said Title 63.

     (7)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (6) of this section, a person who was convicted in municipal court of a misdemeanor before reaching his twenty-third birthday, excluding conviction for a traffic violation, and who is a first offender, may utilize the provisions of Section 99-19-71, to expunge such misdemeanor conviction.

     (8)  In the discretion of the court, a plea of nolo contendere may be entered to any charge in municipal court.  Upon the entry of a plea of nolo contendere the court shall convict the defendant of the offense charged and shall proceed to sentence the defendant according to law.  The judgment of the court shall reflect that the conviction was on a plea of nolo contendere.  An appeal may be made from a conviction on a plea of nolo contendere as in other cases.

     (9)  Upon execution of a sworn complaint charging a misdemeanor, the municipal court may, in its discretion and in lieu of an arrest warrant, issue a citation requiring the appearance of the defendant to answer the charge made against him.  On default of appearance, an arrest warrant may be issued for the defendant.  The clerk of the court or deputy clerk may issue such citations.

     (10)  The municipal court shall have the power to make rules for the administration of the court's business, which rules, if any, shall be in writing filed with the clerk of the court and shall include the enactment of rules related to the court's authority to issue domestic abuse protection orders pursuant to Section 93-21-1 et seq.

     (11)  The municipal court shall have the power to impose punishment of a fine of not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or six (6) months imprisonment, or both, for contempt of court.  The municipal court may have the power to impose reasonable costs of court, not in excess of the following:

     Dismissal of any affidavit, complaint or charge

in municipal court..................................... $  50.00

     Suspension of a minor's driver's license in lieu of

conviction............................................. $  50.00

Service of scire facias or return "not found".......... $  20.00

     Causing search warrant to issue or causing

prosecution without reasonable cause or refusing to

cooperate after initiating action...................... $ 100.00

Certified copy of the court record..................... $   5.00

     Service of arrest warrant for failure to answer

citation or traffic summons............................ $  25.00

Jail cost per day - actual jail cost paid by the municipality but not to exceed................................................ $  35.00

Service of court documents related to the filing

of a petition or issuance of a protection from domestic

abuse order under Title 93, Chapter 21, Mississippi

Code of 1972 .......................................... $  25.00

Any other item of court cost........................... $  50.00

     No filing fee or such cost shall be imposed for the bringing of an action in municipal court.

     The municipal court may accept payment for any fines, fees, or costs imposed by the court through payment made by credit cards and in doing so, the court may in exchange of the acceptance of this payment method and in recognition of the reduction of other municipal costs connected with the acceptance of such funds by this method, not charge any transaction or processing fee that is charged to the municipality for this method of payment to the paying party, provided the individual payment or transaction does not exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).

     (12)  A municipal court judge shall not dismiss a criminal case but may transfer the case to the justice court of the county if the municipal court judge is prohibited from presiding over the case by the Canons of Judicial Conduct and provided that venue and jurisdiction are proper in the justice court.  Upon transfer of any such case, the municipal court judge shall give the municipal court clerk a written order to transmit the affidavit or complaint and all other records and evidence in the court's possession to the justice court by certified mail or to instruct the arresting officer to deliver such documents and records to the justice court.  There shall be no court costs charged for the transfer of the case to the justice court.

     (13)  A municipal court judge shall expunge the record of any case in which an arrest was made, the person arrested was released and the case was dismissed or the charges were dropped or there was no disposition of such case.

     SECTION 3.  Section 21-17-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     21-17-5.  (1)  The governing authorities of every municipality of this state shall have the care, management and control of the municipal affairs and its property and finances.  In addition to those powers granted by specific provisions of general law, the governing authorities of municipalities shall have the power to adopt any orders, resolutions or ordinances with respect to such municipal affairs, property and finances which are not inconsistent with the Mississippi Constitution of 1890, the Mississippi Code of 1972, or any other statute or law of the State of Mississippi, and shall likewise have the power to alter, modify and repeal such orders, resolutions or ordinances.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, the powers granted to governing authorities of municipalities in this section are complete without the existence of or reference to any specific authority granted in any other statute or law of the State of Mississippi.  Unless otherwise provided by law, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, the aldermen or councilmen of every municipality of this state shall give bond, with sufficient surety, to be payable, conditioned and approved as provided by law, in a penalty equal to five percent (5%) of the sum of all the municipal taxes shown by the assessment rolls and the levies to have been collectible in the municipality for the year immediately preceding the commencement of the term of office of said alderman or councilman; however, such bond shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).  For all municipalities with a population more than two thousand (2,000) according to the latest federal decennial census, the amount of the bond shall not be less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00).  Any taxpayer of the municipality may sue on such bond for the use of the municipality, and such taxpayer shall be liable for all costs in case his suit shall fail.  No member of the city council or board of aldermen shall be surety for any other such member.

     (2)  Unless such actions are specifically authorized by another statute or law of the State of Mississippi, this section shall not authorize the governing authorities of municipalities to (a) levy taxes of any kind or increase the levy of any authorized tax, (b) issue bonds of any kind, (c) change the requirements, practices or procedures for municipal elections or establish any new elective office, (d) change the procedure for annexation of additional territory into the municipal boundaries, (e) change the structure or form of the municipal government, (f) permit the sale, manufacture, distribution, possession or transportation of alcoholic beverages, (g) grant any donation, or (h) without prior legislative approval, regulate, directly or indirectly, the amount of rent charged for leasing private residential property in which the municipality does not have a property interest.

     (3)  Nothing in this or any other section shall be construed so as to prevent any municipal governing authority from paying any municipal employee not to exceed double his ordinary rate of pay or awarding any municipal employee not to exceed double his ordinary rate of compensatory time for work performed in his capacity as a municipal employee on legal holidays.  The governing authority of any municipality shall enact leave policies to ensure that a public safety employee is paid or granted compensatory time for the same number of holidays for which any other municipal employee is paid.

     (4)  The governing authority of any municipality, in its discretion, may expend funds to provide for training and education of newly elected or appointed municipal officials before the beginning of the term of office or employment of such officials.  Any expenses incurred for such purposes may be allowed only upon prior approval of the governing authority.  Any payments or reimbursements made under the provisions of this subsection may be paid only after presentation to and approval by the governing authority of the municipality.

     (5)  The governing authority of any municipality may lease the naming rights to municipal property to a private commercial entity.

     (6)  The governing authority of any municipality may accept payment for any fines or for any fees associated with any permits or licenses or provision of services provided by the municipality through payment made by credit cards and in doing so, the municipality may in exchange of the acceptance of this payment method and in recognition of the reduction of other municipal costs connected with the acceptance of such funds by this method, not charge any transaction or processing fee that is charged to the municipality for this method of payment to the rate payor, provided the individual payment or transaction does not exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).

     SECTION 4.  Section 17-25-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     17-25-1.  The board of supervisors of any county and the governing authorities of any municipality may allow the payment of various taxes, fees and other accounts receivable to the county or municipality, and the payment for retail merchandise sold by the county or municipality, by credit cards, charge cards, debit cards and other forms of electronic payment, in accordance with policies established by the State Auditor.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, any fees or charges associated with the use of such electronic payments shall be assessed to the user of the electronic payment as an additional charge for processing the electronic payment, so that the user will pay the full cost of using the electronic payment.  However, a county or municipality shall not charge the user any additional amount above the processing fee on each transaction.  For purposes of this section, the term "accounts receivable" includes, but is not limited to, judgments, fines, costs and penalties imposed upon conviction for criminal and traffic offenses.  A county or municipality may bear the full cost of processing such electronic payments for retail merchandise sold by the county or municipality.

     SECTION 5.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2018.