



House Bill No.  479


BY: Committee


     AMEND on lines 54-57 by deleting the words "from one (1) candidate to another candidate or candidates in which the donation is donated for the purpose of assisting the candidate that receives the donation in gaining or holding public office, or performing the functions and duties of public office" and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"to a political organization, or to a political action committee, or to another candidate".

     AMEND FURTHER on line 87 by deleting the words "de minimis" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "nominal".

     AMEND FURTHER on line 179 by inserting after the word "Legislature" the following:

     "or any candidates for such offices".

     AMEND FURTHER on line 180 by inserting the word "cash" before the word "campaign".

     AMEND FURTHER on 718 by deleting the words "July 1, 2017" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "January 1, 2018".