



House Bill No.  465


BY: Representative Williams-Barnes


     AMEND on page 16 by inserting the following new subsection (12) after line 387 and renumbering the succeeding subsection:

     (12)  Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, the board shall issue a license for the practice of funeral directing to any person who (a) has experience as an employee at a licensed funeral establishment in Mississippi for not less than eight (8) consecutive years immediately preceding the date of the application for the license, (b) makes application to the board for the license during the period from July 1, 2017, through July 31, 2017, and (c) pays all applicable fees for application and licensure.  The board shall furnish persons seeking licensure under this subsection an application form upon request.  The applicant's previous experience and current employment at a licensed funeral establishment in Mississippi must be documented in writing by the owner, management or licensee in charge of the funeral establishment and included with the application to the board.

     AMEND FURTHER the title to conform.