2017 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Hopson, Fillingane, Doty, Tollison, Watson, Wiggins, Simmons (12th), DeBar, Turner-Ford, Tindell, Bryan, Blackmon, Branning, Frazier, Jackson (11th), McMahan, Jackson (32nd)

Senate Concurrent Resolution 639

(As Adopted by Senate and House)


     WHEREAS, we rarely see leaders in long-term roles in organizations these days.  Sometimes, the fit is just right between an organization and individual leader, and we can see the impact of having the steady hand of a long-term leader at helm.  Larry Houchins, Executive Director of The Mississippi Bar, served in his role for over 37 years; and

     WHEREAS, Houchins grew up in Vicksburg and graduated from Ole Miss in 1975 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Management.  Upon graduation, he worked briefly for the Comptroller of the Currency and served for several years as Executive Director of the Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association before being selected for his current job in 1980.  The Mississippi Bar was founded in 1906, and the Mississippi Legislature made membership mandatory in 1932.  Larry Houchins oversaw the operations of a Unified Statewide Bar Organization which serves over 8,500 active members, with 15 practice sections and 17 committees, and with an annual operating budget of over $2.6 Million.  He also supervised a talented full-time staff of 20 members who organized and conducted annual meetings, conventions, CLE seminars, mock trial competitions, receptions, memorial services, Law Day activities, and who publish a magazine and a newsletter and provided numerous other services to the members of The Mississippi Bar.  Larry also oversaw professionals who provided lawyers and judges assistance programs, handled Bar disciplinary matters and provided legislative and consumer assistance services.  He also served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Bar Commissioners and was Secretary and Treasurer of the Mississippi Bar Foundation, where he was responsible for the management of an $1.8 Million office building and the awarding of Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts grants (IOLTA) and other grants; and

     WHEREAS, Houchins credits his parents, Lem and Louise Houchins, with instilling in him a strong sense of work ethic.  He said, "My parents were from the 'Greatest Generation.'  They were God-fearing, honest, hardworking and caring people."  He noted the influence of sports on his ideas of teamwork.  "My proudest moment as a leader was being recognized by my peers as the recipient of the 2011 Bolton Award for Outstanding Leadership"; and

     WHEREAS, Larry Houchins has flourished in his role over the years, and The Mississippi Bar has been a force for good and positive change in this state.  Legal professionals, governmental bodies, and the general public have all benefitted from the long-term relationship between Larry Houchins and The Mississippi Bar; and

     WHEREAS, Larry is married to Pamela Palmer Houchins and they have two sons:  Peyton Houchins (deceased) and Palmer (Cathryn) Houchins.  Larry has been extremely loyal to Mississippi and the members of The Mississippi Bar.  Larry also loves the Lord and loves his family.  Perhaps Larry's highest compliment comes from his wife, Pamela, who was quoted as saying "Larry is committed to his faith, family and friends.  One of Larry's highest priorities has been time spent as a father"; and

     WHEREAS, Larry served as a leader and mentor and consistently lectured on professional standards of the practice, including ethics, integrity, civility, courtesy and adherence to the Golden Rule.  Larry's service honored both The Mississippi Bar and this great state that he loves and served.  It is with great pride that the State of Mississippi expresses our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Larry for 37 years of service:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby recognize the legacy and service of Honorable Larry Houchins on the occasion of his retirement after 37 years as Executive Director of The Mississippi Bar, and extend to Larry and his family our best wishes for future success.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Larry Houchins and his family, forwarded to the Executive Director of The Mississippi Bar, Deanne Mosley, and to the Clerk of the Mississippi Supreme Court, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.