2017 Regular Session

To: Finance

By: Senator(s) Watson

Senate Bill 3021

(As Sent to Governor)



     SECTION 1.  Section 27-31-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-31-1.  The following shall be exempt from taxation:

          (a)  All cemeteries used exclusively for burial purposes.

          (b)  All property, real or personal, belonging to the State of Mississippi or any of its political subdivisions, except property of a municipality not being used for a proper municipal purpose and located outside the county or counties in which such municipality is located.  A proper municipal purpose within the meaning of this section shall be any authorized governmental or corporate function of a municipality.

          (c)  All property, real or personal, owned by units of the Mississippi National Guard, or title to which is vested in trustees for the benefit of any unit of the Mississippi National Guard; provided such property is used exclusively for such unit, or for public purposes, and not-for-profit.

          (d)  All property, real or personal, belonging to any religious society, or ecclesiastical body, or any congregation thereof, or to any charitable society, or to any historical or patriotic association or society, or to any garden or pilgrimage club or association and used exclusively for such society or association and not for profit; not exceeding, however, the amount of land which such association or society may own as provided in Section 79-11-33.  All property, real or personal, belonging to any rural waterworks system or rural sewage disposal system incorporated under the provisions of Section 79-11-1.  All property, real or personal, belonging to any college or institution for the education of youths, used directly and exclusively for such purposes, provided that no such college or institution for the education of youths shall have exempt from taxation more than six hundred forty (640) acres of land; provided, however, this exemption shall not apply to commercial schools and colleges or trade institutions or schools where the profits of same inure to individuals, associations or corporations.  All property, real or personal, belonging to an individual, institution or corporation and used for the operation of a grammar school, junior high school, high school or military school.  All property, real or personal, owned and occupied by a fraternal and benevolent organization, when used by such organization, and from which no rentals or other profits accrue to the organization, but any part rented or from which revenue is received shall be taxed.

          (e)  All property, real or personal, held and occupied by trustees of public schools, and school lands of the respective townships for the use of public schools, and all property kept in storage for the convenience and benefit of the State of Mississippi in warehouses owned or leased by the State of Mississippi, wherein said property is to be sold by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the Department of Revenue of the State of Mississippi.

          (f)  All property, real or personal, whether belonging to religious or charitable or benevolent organizations, which is used for hospital purposes, and nurses' homes where a part thereof, and which maintain one or more charity wards that are for charity patients, and where all the income from said hospitals and nurses' homes is used entirely for the purposes thereof and no part of the same for profit.

          (g)  The wearing apparel of every person; and also jewelry and watches kept by the owner for personal use to the extent of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in value for each owner.

          (h)  Provisions on hand for family consumption.

          (i)  All farm products grown in this state for a period of two (2) years after they are harvested, when in the possession of or the title to which is in the producer, except the tax of one-fifth of one percent (1/5 of 1%) per pound on lint cotton now levied by the Board of Commissioners of the Mississippi Levee District; and lint cotton for five (5) years, and cottonseed, soybeans, oats, rice and wheat for one (1) year regardless of ownership.

          (j)  All guns and pistols kept by the owner for private use.

          (k)  All poultry in the hands of the producer.

          (l)  Household furniture, including all articles kept in the home by the owner for his own personal or family use; but this shall not apply to hotels, rooming houses or rented or leased apartments.

          (m)  All cattle and oxen.

          (n)  All sheep, goats and hogs.

          (o)  All horses, mules and asses.

          (p)  Farming tools, implements and machinery, when used exclusively in the cultivation or harvesting of crops or timber.

          (q)  All property of agricultural and mechanical associations and fairs used for promoting their objects, and where no part of the proceeds is used for profit.

          (r)  The libraries of all persons.

          (s)  All pictures and works of art, not kept for or offered for sale as merchandise.

          (t)  The tools of any mechanic necessary for carrying on his trade.

          (u)  All state, county, municipal, levee, drainage and all school bonds or other governmental obligations, and all bonds and/or evidences of debts issued by any church or church organization in this state, and all notes and evidences of indebtedness which bear a rate of interest not greater than the maximum rate per annum applicable under the law; and all money loaned at a rate of interest not exceeding the maximum rate per annum applicable under the law; and all stock in or bonds of foreign corporations or associations shall be exempt from all ad valorem taxes.

          (v)  All lands and other property situated or located between the Mississippi River and the levee shall be exempt from the payment of any and all road taxes levied or assessed under any road laws of this state.

          (w)  Any and all money on deposit in either national banks, state banks or trust companies, on open account, savings account or time deposit.

          (x)  All wagons, carts, drays, carriages and other horse-drawn vehicles, kept for the use of the owner.

          (y)  (i)  Boats, seines and fishing equipment used in fishing and shrimping operations and in the taking or catching of oysters.

              (ii)  All towboats, tugboats and barges documented under the laws of the United States, except watercraft of every kind and character used in connection with gaming operations.

          (z)  (i)  All materials used in the construction and/or conversion of vessels in this state;

              (ii)  Vessels while under construction and/or conversion;

              (iii)  Vessels while in the possession of the manufacturer, builder or converter, for a period of twelve (12) months after completion of construction and/or conversion; * * * vessels while in the possession of the manufacturer, builder or converter, for a period of twelve (12) months after completion of construction and/or conversion , and as used herein the term "vessel" shall include ships, offshore drilling equipment, dry docks, boats and barges, except watercraft of every kind and character used in connection with gaming operations. however, the twelve-month limitation shall not apply to:

                   1.  Vessels used for the exploration for, or production of, oil, gas and other minerals offshore outside the boundaries of this state; or

                   2.  Vessels that were used for the exploration for, or production of, oil, gas and other minerals that are converted to a new service for use outside the boundaries of this state;

              (iv)  1.  In order for a vessel described in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph (z) to be exempt for a period of more than twelve (12) months, the vessel must:

                        a.  Be operating or operable, generating or capable of generating its own power or connected to some other power source, and not removed from the service or use for which manufactured or to which converted; and

                        b.  The manufacturer, builder, converter or other entity possessing the vessel must be in compliance with any lease or other agreement with any applicable port authority or other entity regarding the vessel and in compliance with all applicable tax laws of this state and applicable federal tax laws.

                   2.  A vessel exempt from taxation under subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph (z) may not be exempt for a period of more than three (3) years unless the board of supervisors of the county and/or governing authorities of the municipality, as the case may be, in which the vessel would otherwise be taxable adopts a resolution or ordinance authorizing the extension of the exemption and setting a maximum period for the exemption.

              (v)  As used * * * herein in this paragraph (z), the term "vessel" * * * shall includes ships, offshore drilling equipment, dry docks, boats and barges, except watercraft of every kind and character used in connection with gaming operations.

          (aa)  Sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66-2/3%) of nuclear fuel and reprocessed, recycled or residual nuclear fuel by-products, fissionable or otherwise, used or to be used in generation of electricity by persons defined as public utilities in Section 77-3-3.

          (bb)  All growing nursery stock.

          (cc)  A semitrailer used in interstate commerce.

          (dd)  All property, real or personal, used exclusively for the housing of and provision of services to elderly persons, disabled persons, mentally impaired persons or as a nursing home, which is owned, operated and managed by a not-for-profit corporation, qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, whose membership or governing body is appointed or confirmed by a religious society or ecclesiastical body or any congregation thereof.

          (ee)  All vessels while in the hands of bona fide dealers as merchandise and which are not being operated upon the waters of this state shall be exempt from ad valorem taxes.  As used in this paragraph, the terms "vessel" and "waters of this state" shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in Section 59-21-3.

          (ff)  All property, real or personal, owned by a nonprofit organization that:  (i) is qualified as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; (ii) assists in the implementation of the national contingency plan or area contingency plan, and which is created in response to the requirements of Title IV, Subtitle B of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Public Law 101-380; (iii) engages primarily in programs to contain, clean up and otherwise mitigate spills of oil or other substances occurring in the United States coastal or tidal waters; and (iv) is used for the purposes of the organization.

          (gg)  If a municipality changes its boundaries so as to include within the boundaries of such municipality the project site of any project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1, Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxviii) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxix), all real and personal property located on the project site within the boundaries of such municipality that is owned by a business enterprise operating such project, shall be exempt from ad valorem taxation for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) years upon receiving approval for such exemption by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority.  The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to authorize a breach of any agreement entered into pursuant to Section 21-1-59.

          (hh)  All leases, lease contracts or lease agreements (including, but not limited to, subleases, sublease contracts and sublease agreements), and leaseholds or leasehold interests (including, but not limited to, subleaseholds and subleasehold interests), of or with respect to any and all property (real, personal or mixed) constituting all or any part of a facility for the manufacture, production, generation, transmission and/or distribution of electricity, and any real property related thereto, shall be exempt from ad valorem taxation during the period as the United States is both the title owner of the property and a sublessee of or with respect to the property; however, the exemption authorized by this paragraph (hh) shall not apply to any entity to whom the United States sub-subleases its interest in the property nor to any entity to whom the United States assigns its sublease interest in the property.  As used in this paragraph, the term "United States" includes an agency or instrumentality of the United States of America.  This paragraph (hh) shall apply to all assessments for ad valorem taxation for the 2003 calendar year and each calendar year thereafter.

          (ii)  All property, real, personal or mixed, including fixtures and leaseholds, used by Mississippi nonprofit entities qualified, on or before January 1, 2005, under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to provide support and operate technology incubators for research and development startup companies, telecommunication startup companies and/or other technology startup companies, utilizing technology spun-off from research and development activities of the public colleges and universities of this state, State of Mississippi governmental research or development activities resulting therefrom located within the State of Mississippi.

          (jj)  All property, real, personal or mixed, including fixtures and leaseholds, of startup companies (as described in paragraph (ii) of this section) for the period of time, not to exceed five (5) years, that the startup company remains a tenant of a technology incubator (as described in paragraph (ii) of this section).

          (kk)  All leases, lease contracts or lease agreements (including, but not limited to, subleases, sublease contracts and sublease agreements), and leaseholds or leasehold interests, of or with respect to any and all property (real, personal or mixed) constituting all or any part of an auxiliary facility, and any real property related thereto, constructed or renovated pursuant to Section 37-101-41, Mississippi Code of 1972.

          (ll)  Equipment brought into the state temporarily for use during a disaster response period as provided in Sections 27-113-1 through 27-113-9 and subsequently removed from the state on or before the end of the disaster response period as defined in Section 27-113-5.

     SECTION 2.  Section 27-65-101, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-65-101.  (1)  The exemptions from the provisions of this chapter which are of an industrial nature or which are more properly classified as industrial exemptions than any other exemption classification of this chapter shall be confined to those persons or property exempted by this section or by the provisions of the Constitution of the United States or the State of Mississippi.  No industrial exemption as now provided by any other section except Section 57-3-33 shall be valid as against the tax herein levied.  Any subsequent industrial exemption from the tax levied hereunder shall be provided by amendment to this section.  No exemption provided in this section shall apply to taxes levied by Section 27-65-15 or 27-65-21.

     The tax levied by this chapter shall not apply to the following:

          (a)  Sales of boxes, crates, cartons, cans, bottles and other packaging materials to manufacturers and wholesalers for use as containers or shipping materials to accompany goods sold by said manufacturers or wholesalers where possession thereof will pass to the customer at the time of sale of the goods contained therein and sales to anyone of containers or shipping materials for use in ships engaged in international commerce.

          (b)  Sales of raw materials, catalysts, processing chemicals, welding gases or other industrial processing gases (except natural gas) to a manufacturer for use directly in manufacturing or processing a product for sale or rental or repairing or reconditioning vessels or barges of fifty (50) tons load displacement and over.  For the purposes of this exemption, electricity used directly in the electrolysis process in the production of sodium chlorate shall be considered a raw material.  This exemption shall not apply to any property used as fuel except to the extent that such fuel comprises by-products which have no market value.

          (c)  The gross proceeds of sales of dry docks, offshore drilling equipment for use in oil or natural gas exploration or production, vessels or barges of fifty (50) tons load displacement and over, when the vessels or barges are sold by the manufacturer or builder thereof.  In addition to other types of equipment, offshore drilling equipment for use in oil or natural gas exploration or production shall include aircraft used predominately to transport passengers or property to or from offshore oil or natural gas exploration or production platforms or vessels, and engines, accessories and spare parts for such aircraft.

          (d)  Sales to commercial fishermen of commercial fishing boats of over five (5) tons load displacement and not more than fifty (50) tons load displacement as registered with the United States Coast Guard and licensed by the Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources.

          (e)  The gross income from repairs to vessels and barges engaged in foreign trade or interstate transportation.

          (f)  Sales of petroleum products to vessels or barges for consumption in marine international commerce or interstate transportation businesses.

          (g)  Sales and rentals of rail rolling stock (and component parts thereof) for ultimate use in interstate commerce and gross income from services with respect to manufacturing, repairing, cleaning, altering, reconditioning or improving such rail rolling stock (and component parts thereof).

          (h)  Sales of raw materials, catalysts, processing chemicals, welding gases or other industrial processing gases (except natural gas) used or consumed directly in manufacturing, repairing, cleaning, altering, reconditioning or improving such rail rolling stock (and component parts thereof).  This exemption shall not apply to any property used as fuel.

          (i)  Sales of machinery or tools or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof, fuel or supplies used directly in manufacturing, converting or repairing ships, vessels or barges of three thousand (3,000) tons load displacement and over, but not to include office and plant supplies or other equipment not directly used on the ship, vessel or barge being built, converted or repaired.  For purposes of this exemption, "ships, vessels or barges" shall not include floating structures described in Section 27-65-18.

          (j)  Sales of tangible personal property to persons operating ships in international commerce for use or consumption on board such ships.  This exemption shall be limited to cases in which procedures satisfactory to the commissioner, ensuring against use in this state other than on such ships, are established.

          (k)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the building, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified businesses, as defined in Section 57-51-5, which are located in a county or portion thereof designated as an enterprise zone pursuant to Sections 57-51-1 through 57-51-15.

          (l)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the building, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified businesses, as defined in Section 57-54-5.

          (m)  Income from storage and handling of perishable goods by a public storage warehouse.

          (n)  The value of natural gas lawfully injected into the earth for cycling, repressuring or lifting of oil, or lawfully vented or flared in connection with the production of oil; however, if any gas so injected into the earth is sold for such purposes, then the gas so sold shall not be exempt.

          (o)  The gross collections from self-service commercial laundering, drying, cleaning and pressing equipment.

          (p)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the building, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified companies, certified as such by the Mississippi Development Authority under Section 57-53-1.

          (q)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein, and sales of manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, not later than three (3) months after the initial start-up date, to permanent business enterprises engaging in manufacturing or processing in Tier Three areas (as such term is defined in Section 57-73-21), which businesses are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this paragraph (q).

          (r)  (i)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of the building, addition or improvement thereon, to be used therein, for any company establishing or transferring its national or regional headquarters from within or outside the State of Mississippi and creating a minimum of twenty (20) jobs at the new headquarters in this state.  The Department of Revenue shall establish criteria and prescribe procedures to determine if a company qualifies as a national or regional headquarters for the purpose of receiving the exemption provided in this subparagraph (i).

              (ii)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of the building, addition or improvement thereon, to be used therein, for any company expanding or making additions after January 1, 2013, to its national or regional headquarters within the State of Mississippi and creating a minimum of twenty (20) new jobs at the headquarters as a result of the expansion or additions.  The Department of Revenue shall establish criteria and prescribe procedures to determine if a company qualifies as a national or regional headquarters for the purpose of receiving the exemption provided in this subparagraph (ii).

          (s)  The gross proceeds from the sale of semitrailers, trailers, boats, travel trailers, motorcycles and all-terrain cycles if exported from this state within forty-eight (48) hours and registered and first used in another state.

          (t)  Gross income from the storage and handling of natural gas in underground salt domes and in other underground reservoirs, caverns, structures and formations suitable for such storage.

          (u)  Sales of machinery and equipment to nonprofit organizations if the organization:

              (i)  Is tax exempt pursuant to Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;

               (ii)  Assists in the implementation of the contingency plan or area contingency plan, and which is created in response to the requirements of Title IV, Subtitle B of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Public Law 101-380; and

              (iii)  Engages primarily in programs to contain, clean up and otherwise mitigate spills of oil or other substances occurring in the United States coastal and tidal waters.

     For purposes of this exemption, "machinery and equipment" means any ocean-going vessels, barges, booms, skimmers and other capital equipment used primarily in the operations of nonprofit organizations referred to herein.

          (v)  Sales or leases of materials and equipment to approved business enterprises as provided under the Growth and Prosperity Act.

          (w)  From and after July 1, 2001, sales of pollution control equipment to manufacturers or custom processors for industrial use.  For the purposes of this exemption, "pollution control equipment" means equipment, devices, machinery or systems used or acquired to prevent, control, monitor or reduce air, water or groundwater pollution, or solid or hazardous waste as required by federal or state law or regulation.

          (x)  Sales or leases to a manufacturer of motor vehicles or powertrain components operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1, Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxii) of machinery and equipment; special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; repair services thereon; fuel, supplies, electricity, coal and natural gas used directly in the manufacture of motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts or used to provide climate control for manufacturing areas.

          (y)  Sales or leases of component materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon to an enterprise operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1, Section 57-75-5(f)(xxi), Section 57-75-5(f)(xxii) or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxviii) and any other sales or leases required to establish or operate such project.

          (z)  Sales of component materials and equipment to a business enterprise as provided under Section 57-64-33.

          (aa)  The gross income from the stripping and painting of commercial aircraft engaged in foreign or interstate transportation business.

          (bb)  [Repealed]

          (cc)  Sales or leases to an enterprise owning or operating a project that has been designated by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xviii) of machinery and equipment; special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; repair services thereon; fuel, supplies, electricity, coal and natural gas used directly in the manufacturing/production operations of the project or used to provide climate control for manufacturing/production areas.

          (dd)  Sales or leases of component materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon to an enterprise owning or operating a project that has been designated by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xviii) and any other sales or leases required to establish or operate such project.

          (ee)  Sales of parts used in the repair and servicing of aircraft not registered in Mississippi engaged exclusively in the business of foreign or interstate transportation to businesses engaged in aircraft repair and maintenance.

          (ff)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales or leases of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the building or any addition or improvement thereto, to a permanent business enterprise operating a data/information enterprise in Tier Three areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), meeting minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority.

          (gg)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, and sales of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the facility or any addition or improvement thereto, to technology intensive enterprises for industrial purposes in Tier Three areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), as certified by the Department of Revenue.  For purposes of this paragraph, an enterprise must meet the criteria provided for in Section 27-65-17(1)(f) in order to be considered a technology intensive enterprise.

          (hh)  Sales of component materials used in the replacement, reconstruction or repair of a building or facility that has been destroyed or sustained extensive damage as a result of a disaster declared by the Governor, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein to replace machinery or equipment damaged or destroyed as a result of such disaster, including, but not limited to, manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, to enterprises or companies that were eligible for the exemptions authorized in paragraph (q), (r), (ff) or (gg) of this subsection during initial construction of the building that was destroyed or damaged, which enterprises or companies are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this paragraph.

          (ii)  Sales of software or software services transmitted by the Internet to a destination outside the State of Mississippi where the first use of such software or software services by the purchaser occurs outside the State of Mississippi.

          (jj)  Gross income of public storage warehouses derived from the temporary storage of raw materials that are to be used in an eligible facility as defined in Section 27-7-22.35.

          (kk)  Sales of component building materials and equipment for initial construction of facilities or expansion of facilities as authorized under Sections 57-113-1 through 57-113-7 and Sections 57-113-21 through 57-113-27.

          (ll)  Sales and leases of machinery and equipment acquired in the initial construction to establish facilities as authorized in Sections 57-113-1 through 57-113-7.

          (mm)  Sales and leases of replacement hardware, software or other necessary technology to operate a data center as authorized under Sections 57-113-21 through 57-113-27.

          (nn)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales or leases of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of the construction of the facility, to be used in the facility, to permanent business enterprises operating a facility producing renewable crude oil from biomass harvested or produced, in whole or in part, in Mississippi, which businesses meet minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority.  As used in this paragraph, the term "biomass" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 57-113-1.

          (oo)  Sales of supplies, equipment and other personal property to an organization that is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is the host organization coordinating a professional golf tournament played or to be played in this state and the supplies, equipment or other personal property will be used for purposes related to the golf tournament and related activities.

          (pp)  Sales of materials used in the construction of a health care industry facility, as defined in Section 57-117-3, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales of any machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition thereon, to be used therein, to qualified businesses, as defined in Section 57-117-3.  This paragraph shall be repealed from and after July 1, 2022.

          (qq)  Sales or leases to a manufacturer of automotive parts operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxviii) of machinery and equipment; or repair parts therefor or replacements thereof; repair services thereon; fuel, supplies, electricity, coal, nitrogen and natural gas used directly in the manufacture of automotive parts or used to provide climate control for manufacturing areas.

          (rr)  Gross collections derived from guided tours on any navigable waters of this state, which include providing accommodations, guide services and/or related equipment operated by or under the direction of the person providing the tour, for the purposes of outdoor tourism.  The exemption provided in this paragraph (rr) does not apply to the sale of tangible personal property by a person providing such tours.

          (ss)  Retail sales of truck-tractors and semitrailers used in interstate commerce and registered under the International Registration Plan (IRP) or any similar reciprocity agreement or compact relating to the proportional registration of commercial vehicles entered into as provided for in Section 27-19-143.

          (tt)  Sales exempt under the Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disasters Act of 2015 (Sections 27-113-1 through 27-113-9).

          (uu)  Sales or leases to an enterprise and its affiliates operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxix) of:

              (i)  All personal property and fixtures, including without limitation, sales or leases to the enterprise and its affiliates of:

                   1.  Manufacturing machinery and equipment;

                   2.  Special tooling such as dies, molds, jigs and similar items treated as special tooling for federal income tax purposes;

                   3.  Component building materials, machinery and equipment used in the construction of buildings, and any other additions or improvements to the project site for the project;

                   4.  Nonmanufacturing furniture, fixtures and equipment (inclusive of all communications, computer, server, software and other hardware equipment); and

                   5.  Fuel, supplies (other than nonmanufacturing consumable supplies and water), electricity, nitrogen gas and natural gas used directly in the manufacturing/production operations of such project or used to provide climate control for manufacturing/production areas of such project;

              (ii)  All replacements of, repair parts for or services to repair items described in subparagraph (i)1, 2 and 3 of this paragraph; and

              (iii)  All services taxable pursuant to Section 27-65-23 required to establish, support, operate, repair and/or maintain such project.

          (vv)  Sales or leases to an enterprise operating a project that has been certified by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority as a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxx) of:

              (i)  Purchases required to establish and operate the project, including, but not limited to, sales of component building materials, machinery and equipment required to establish the project facility and any additions or improvements thereon; and

              (ii)  Machinery, special tools (such as dies, molds, and jigs) or repair parts thereof, or replacements and lease thereof, repair services thereon, fuel, supplies and electricity, coal and natural gas used in the manufacturing process and purchased by the enterprise owning or operating the project for the benefit of the project.

          (ww)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any expansion or improvement thereon, sales of machinery and/or equipment to be used therein, and sales of processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation which is not by its nature intended to be housed in a building structure, no later than three (3) months after initial startup, expansion or improvement of a permanent enterprise solely engaged in the conversion of natural sand into proppants used in oil and gas exploration and development with at least ninety-five percent (95%) of such proppants used in the production of oil and/or gas from horizontally drilled wells and/or horizontally drilled recompletion wells as defined in Sections 27-25-501 and 27-25-701.

     (2)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein, and sales of manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, not later than three (3) months after the initial start-up date, to permanent business enterprises engaging in manufacturing or processing in Tier Two areas and Tier One areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), which businesses are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this subsection, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

     (3)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereon, and sales or leases of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the building or any addition or improvement thereto, to a permanent business enterprise operating a data/information enterprise in Tier Two areas and Tier One areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), which businesses meet minimum criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transaction under this chapter.

     (4)  Sales of component materials used in the construction of a facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, and sales of machinery and equipment not later than three (3) months after the completion of construction of the facility, or any addition or improvement thereto, to be used in the building or any addition or improvement thereto, to technology intensive enterprises for industrial purposes in Tier Two areas and Tier One areas (as such areas are designated in accordance with Section 57-73-21), which businesses are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the exemption granted in this subsection, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.  For purposes of this subsection, an enterprise must meet the criteria provided for in Section 27-65-17(1)(f) in order to be considered a technology intensive enterprise.

     (5)  (a)  For purposes of this subsection:

              (i)  "Telecommunications enterprises" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 57-73-21;

              (ii)  "Tier One areas" mean counties designated as Tier One areas pursuant to Section 57-73-21;

              (iii)  "Tier Two areas" mean counties designated as Tier Two areas pursuant to Section 57-73-21;

              (iv)  "Tier Three areas" mean counties designated as Tier Three areas pursuant to Section 57-73-21; and

              (v)  "Equipment used in the deployment of broadband technologies" means any equipment capable of being used for or in connection with the transmission of information at a rate, prior to taking into account the effects of any signal degradation, that is not less than three hundred eighty-four (384) kilobits per second in at least one (1) direction, including, but not limited to, asynchronous transfer mode switches, digital subscriber line access multiplexers, routers, servers, multiplexers, fiber optics and related equipment.

          (b)  Sales of equipment to telecommunications enterprises after June 30, 2003, and before July 1, 2020, that is installed in Tier One areas and used in the deployment of broadband technologies shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

          (c)  Sales of equipment to telecommunications enterprises after June 30, 2003, and before July 1, 2020, that is installed in Tier Two and Tier Three areas and used in the deployment of broadband technologies shall be exempt from the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

     (6)  Sales of component materials used in the replacement, reconstruction or repair of a building that has been destroyed or sustained extensive damage as a result of a disaster declared by the Governor, sales of machinery and equipment to be used therein to replace machinery or equipment damaged or destroyed as a result of such disaster, including, but not limited to, manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment which is permanently attached to the ground or to a permanent foundation and which is not by its nature intended to be housed within a building structure, to enterprises that were eligible for the partial exemptions provided for in subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section during initial construction of the building that was destroyed or damaged, which enterprises are certified by the Department of Revenue as being eligible for the partial exemption granted in this subsection, shall be exempt from one-half (1/2) of the taxes imposed on such transactions under this chapter.

     SECTION 3.  Section 27-65-107, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-65-107.  The exemptions from the provisions of this chapter which relate to utilities or which are more properly classified as utility exemptions than any other exemption classification of this chapter shall be confined to those persons or property exempted by this section or by provisions of the Constitutions of the United States or the State of Mississippi.  No utility exemption as now provided by any other section shall be valid as against the tax herein levied.  Any subsequent utility exemption from the tax levied hereunder shall be provided by amendment to this section.

     No exemption provided in this section shall apply to taxes levied by Section 27-65-15 or 27-65-21, Mississippi Code of 1972.

     The tax levied by this chapter shall not apply to the following:

          (a)  Sales and rentals of locomotives, rail rolling stock and materials for their repair, locomotive water, when made to a railroad whose rates are fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Mississippi Public Service Commission.

          (b)  Rentals of manufacturing machinery to a manufacturer or custom processor where such manufacturer or custom processor is engaged in, and such machinery is used in, the manufacture of containers made from timber or wood for sale.  The tax, likewise, shall not apply to replacement or repair parts of such machinery used in such manufacture.

          (c)  Sales of tangible personal property and services to nonprofit water associations or corporations in which no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder, group or individual.  Only sales of property or services which are ordinary and necessary to the operation of such organizations are exempt from tax.

          (d)  Wholesale sales of tangible personal property for resale under Section 27-65-19.

          (e)  From and after July 1, 2003, sales of fuel used to produce electric power by a company primarily engaged in the business of producing, generating or distributing electric power for sale.

          (f)  Sales of electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel to a manufacturer, custom processor, technology intensive enterprise meeting the criteria provided for in Section 27-65-17(1)(f), or public service company for industrial purposes, which shall include that used to generate electricity, to operate an electrical distribution or transmission system, to operate pipeline compressor or pumping stations, or to operate railroad locomotives.

          (g)  Sales of electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel to a producer or processor for use directly in the production of poultry or poultry products, the production of livestock and livestock products, the production of domesticated fish and domesticated fish products, the production of marine aquaculture products, the production of plants or food by commercial horticulturists, the processing of milk and milk products, the processing of poultry and livestock feed, and the irrigation of farm crops.

          (h)  Sales of electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel to a commercial fisherman, shrimper or oysterman.

          (i)  Sales exempt under the Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disasters Act of 2015 (Sections 27-113-1 through 27-113-9).

          (j)  Sales of electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel to a permanent enterprise that is eligible for the exemption authorized in Section 27-65-101(1)(ww) upon completion of the expansion upon which such exemption is based; however, in order to be eligible for the exemption authorized by this paragraph, the expansion must:

              (i)  Create at least eighty-five (85) full-time jobs in this state with an average annual wage of at least Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00); and

              (ii)  Have at least Eighty Million Dollars ($80,000,000.00) in new investment at the existing facility.

     SECTION 4.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2017.