2017 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Gipson

House Resolution 50


     WHEREAS, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven," and as such, on July 14, 2016, and August 10, 2016, less than a month apart, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny summoned the mortal presence of Mendenhall's dearly beloved couple, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Fortenberry, to eternal rest, rendering great sorrow and loss to their family and many friends; and

     WHEREAS, the State of Mississippi and the City of Mendenhall, Mississippi, lost true friends and community treasures with the passing of Mr. Fortenberry, who was born on October 18, 1937, to Lem and Anna Belle Fortenberry, and Mrs. Fortenberry, who was born on March 26, 1939, to T.J. and Luzeale Burnham; and

     WHEREAS, on December 25, 1957, Garral and Dewitt exchanged the vows of holy matrimony when they whispered the words "I do," intertwining their hearts and embarking on a blissful journey of love and affection that lasted for 58 years, and they completed their family unit with the addition of one child, Rusty, and two grandsons, Witt and Alex; and

     WHEREAS, after a head injury from a slip and fall ended Dewitt's football career at the University of Southern Mississippi, where he had received a scholarship for his athletic prowess and his high school championship winning accolades at Mendenhall High School, he returned home and a mere one month later, accepted a job at Baker-Hughes International, a prominent oil company that took him all over the world, including southern Louisiana, Texas and even countries in Africa; and

     WHEREAS, Mrs. Fortenberry diligently cared for her family and home while Mr. Fortenberry worked in the oil field and traveled abroad for work, but once Rusty graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Law, she and Dewitt moved home to Mendenhall; and

     WHEREAS, while Dewitt was heading up programs for Baker-Hughes and applying for different oil patents, creating immense success for him and his family, Garral dedicated her time to the Simpson County Republican Executive Committee and the Simpson County Republican Women, and during election season, she assisted with the Simpson County Republican primaries, ultimately ensuring they were efficient and smoothly run; and 

     WHEREAS, in their spare time, Dewitt and Garral were active members of the First Baptist Church in Mendenhall, Dewitt enjoyed creating rare pieces of art in his wood shop and remodeling homes, turning them from uninhabitable eye sores to remarkable structures fit for a king, and Garral played an instrumental role, as a member of the Keep Simpson County Beautiful Committee, in securing and constructing the Johnny Knight Memorial in downtown Mendenhall and ensuring the Fallen Officers Memorial was always landscaped, upkept and beautiful; and

     WHEREAS, Dewitt, whose favorite word was "fantastic," was one of the nicest, most caring and genuine people one would ever hope to meet, as he never said a negative word about anyone or anything, even in the most horrible situations, and he would do whatever he could to help those around him in need, including visiting a sick neighbor every night to make sure he was okay even though he did not know the neighbor very well, because that was just the type of wonderful person he was; and

     WHEREAS, Garral always kept a long to-do list and a brimming social calendar, but above her volunteerism and her numerous accolades, she harbored an unconditional love for God, her family and her community that drove her to do the most good for those around her, and her approach to life and happiness is truly an inspiration and an example to be followed by all; and

     WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Fortenberry truly treasured the time they spent with their son, Rusty, and they thought the world of their grandsons, Witt and Alex, and the memories that each of them have of their beloved parents and grandparents will not soon be forgotten but will be cherished in their hearts and minds forever, as Garral and Dewitt enhanced each of their lives with their daily presence and uplifting spirits; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and honor the lives of fine Mississippians, especially those such as Dewitt and Garral Fortenberry, a gracious couple who always put others before themselves, loved the people in their community unconditionally, and worshipped the Lord God Almighty through their giving and their care for the less fortunate, bringing glory and honor to the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the lives, legacies, service and dedication of Mr. and Mrs. Fortenberry, and express deepest sympathy to their family and friends upon their passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Rusty Fortenberry and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.