2017 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Banks, Watson, Calhoun, Clarke, Dortch, Straughter, Wooten, Sykes

House Resolution 3

(As Adopted by House)


     WHEREAS, a champion for the provision of quality healthcare to low-income, uninsured and minority populations during his 50-plus years as a medical doctor, Dr. James Anderson was recently honored at the Mississippi Business Journal Healthcare Heroes event, where he was met with a standing ovation of more than two minutes while his accomplishments were noted; and

     WHEREAS, a medical degree graduate of Meharry Medical School in Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Anderson showed exceptional abilities during his training, which earned him externships at E.H. Crumps Hospital in Memphis and the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases in New York, and an internship at Homer G. Phillips Hospital in St. Louis; and

     WHEREAS, after completing his clinical training, Dr. Anderson returned to Mississippi and set up a practice in McComb and was actively involved in the civil rights movement with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee until he was drafted into the Army, where he served as chief medical examiner for the United States Army Recruiting Station in Syracuse, New York, and as company commander of the 624th Medical Dispensary in Jackson; and

     WHEREAS, after being discharged by the Army, Dr. Anderson moved to Jackson and established a private practice, picking up where he left off in both his medical practice and the civil rights movement, and Dr. Anderson was one of the few physicians who treated patients without regard to color or financial class; and

     WHEREAS, throughout his career, Dr. Anderson fought to ensure that African-American physicians had parity with their white counterparts in the medical field, and to this end he helped build the viability and power of the Mississippi Medical and Surgical Association through membership requirement and policy reorganization, and was a leader in MMSA's successful suit against the traditional white medical association's exclusive right not to name African-American physicians to state boards and commissions; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Anderson, along with two other African-American physicians, was a leader in breaking down the barriers of the Central Medical Society, earning full privileges in the Mississippi State Medical Association, and these same three doctors were the first three African-American physicians to obtain full hospital privileges at St. Dominic's Memorial Hospital in Jackson; and

     WHEREAS, as one of the founders of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, which was instrumental in the development of federally funded community health centers and brought the first statewide Head Start program to Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Anderson also assisted in the establishment and worked at the Delta Health Center in Mound Bayou, which was the first community health center in Mississippi, and was one of the driving forces and co-founder of the Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center, which cared for underserved populations; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Anderson was Director of Health at Jackson State University for more than 30 years, often working under severe budget restraints, but always found a way to provide quality health care; and

     WHEREAS, throughout his career, Dr. Anderson has received many honors and awards for his contributions not only to medicine, but the civil rights movement as well, and his community service extends to sponsoring social activities and supporting his local government; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to commend the careers of outstanding healthcare champions, such as Dr. James Anderson, whose contributions to the citizens of Mississippi has helped improve their lives:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby recognize the accomplishments of Dr. James Anderson, congratulate him on being honored at Healthcare Heroes hosted by the Mississippi Business Journal, and extend best wishes for continued success in all of his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Dr. James Anderson and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.