2017 Regular Session

To: Ways and Means

By: Representative Hood

House Bill 1239



     SECTION 1.  Section 93-11-153, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     93-11-153.  As used in Sections 93-11-151 through 93-11-163, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed herein:

          (a)  "Licensing entity" or "entity" means any entity specified in Title 73, Professions and Vocations, of the Mississippi Code, and includes the Mississippi Department of Public Safety with respect to driver's licenses, the Mississippi * * *State Tax Commission Department of Revenue with respect to licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages and other licenses or registration authorizing a person to engage in a business and renewal of vehicle license tags, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks with respect to hunting and fishing licenses, and any other state agency that issues a license authorizing a person to engage in a business, occupation or profession.  For the purposes of this article, the Supreme Court shall be considered to be the licensing entity for attorneys. 

          (b)  "License" means a license, certificate, permit, credential, registration, or any other authorization issued by a licensing entity that allows a person to engage in a business, occupation or profession, to operate or register a motor vehicle, to sell alcoholic beverages, or to hunt and fish. 

          (c)  "Licensee" means any person holding a license issued by a licensing entity and any person who has received a vehicle license tag

          (d)  "Order for support" means any judgment or order that provides for payments of a sum certain for the support of a child, whether it is temporary or final, and includes, but is not limited to, an order for reimbursement for public assistance or an order for making periodic payments on a support arrearage, or a sum certain due for a support arrearage. 

          (e)  "Out of compliance with an order for support" means that the obligor is at least thirty (30) days in arrears or delinquent in making payments in full for current support, or in making periodic payments on a support arrearage. 

          (f)  "Department" means the Mississippi Department of Human Services. 

          (g)  "Division" means the division within the department that is charged with the state administration of Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. 

          (h)  "Delinquency" means any payments of a sum certain ordered by any court to be paid by a noncustodial parent for the support of a child that have remained unpaid for at least thirty (30) days after payment is due.  Delinquency shall also include payments of a sum certain ordered by any court to be paid for maintenance of a spouse that have remained unpaid for at least thirty (30) days.

     SECTION 2.  Section 93-11-157, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     93-11-157.  (1)  The division shall review the information received under Section 93-11-155 and any other information available to the division, and shall determine if a licensee is out of compliance with an order for support.  If a licensee is out of compliance with the order for support, the division shall notify the licensee by first class mail that ninety (90) days after the licensee receives the notice of being out of compliance with the order, the licensing entity will be notified to immediately suspend the licensee's license and prohibit the licensee from renewing the licensee's vehicle license tag unless the licensee pays the arrearage owing, according to the accounting records of the Mississippi Department of Human Services or the attorney representing the party to whom support is due, as the case may be, or enters into a stipulated agreement and agreed judgment establishing a schedule for the payment of the arrearage.  The licensee shall be presumed to have received the notice five (5) days after it is deposited in the mail.

     (2)  Upon receiving the notice provided in subsection (1) of this section the licensee may:

          (a)  Request a review with the division; however, the issues the licensee may raise at the review are limited to whether the licensee is the person required to pay under the order for support and whether the licensee is out of compliance with the order for support; or

          (b)  Request to participate in negotiations with the division for the purpose of establishing a payment schedule for the arrearage.

     (3)  The division director or the designees of the division director may and, upon request of a licensee, shall negotiate with a licensee to establish a payment schedule for the arrearage.  Payments made under the payment schedule shall be in addition to the licensee's ongoing obligation under the latest entered periodic order for support.

     (4)  Should the division and the licensee reach an agreement on a payment schedule for the arrearage, the division director may submit to the court a stipulated agreement and agreed judgment containing the payment schedule which, upon the court's approval, is enforceable as any order of the court.  If the court does not approve the stipulated agreement and agreed judgment, the court may require a hearing on a case-by-case basis for the judicial review of the payment schedule agreement.

     (5)  If the licensee and the division do not reach an agreement on a payment schedule for the arrearage, the licensee may move the court to establish a payment schedule.  However, this action does not stay the license suspension and the prohibition on renewing a motor vehicle license tag.

     (6)  The notice given to a licensee that the licensee's license will be suspended in ninety (90) days must clearly state the remedies and procedures that are available to a licensee under this section.

     (7)  If at the end of the ninety (90) days the licensee has an arrearage according to the accounting records of the Mississippi Department of Human Services or the attorney representing the party to whom support is due, as the case may be, and the licensee has not entered into a stipulated agreement and agreed judgment establishing a payment schedule for the arrearage, the division shall immediately notify all applicable licensing entities in writing to suspend the licensee's license and prohibit the licensee from renewing the licensee's vehicle license tag, and the licensing entities shall immediately suspend the license and prohibit the licensee from renewing the licensee's vehicle license tag, and shall within three (3) business days notify the licensee and the licensee's employer, where known, of the license suspension and the date of such suspension by certified mail return receipt requested.  Within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of a request in writing delivered personally, by mail or by electronic means, the department shall furnish to the licensee, licensee's attorney or other authorized representative a copy of the department's accounting records of the licensee's payment history.  A licensing entity shall immediately reinstate the suspended license and authorize the renewal of the licensee's vehicle license tag upon the division's notification of the licensing entities in writing that the licensee no longer has an arrearage or that the licensee has entered into a stipulated agreement and agreed judgment.

     (8)  Within thirty (30) days after a licensing entity suspends the licensee's license and prohibits the renewal of the licensee's vehicle license tag at the direction of the division under subsection (7) of this section, the licensee may appeal the license suspension to the chancery court of the county in which the licensee resides or to the Chancery Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi, upon giving bond with sufficient sureties in the amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), approved by the clerk of the chancery court and conditioned to pay any costs that may be adjudged against the licensee.  Notice of appeal shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the chancery court.  If there is an appeal, the appeal may, in the discretion of and on motion to the chancery court, act as a supersedeas of the license suspension and prohibition on renewing a vehicle license tag.  The department shall be the appellee in the appeal, and the licensing entity shall not be a party in the appeal.  The chancery court shall dispose of the appeal and enter its decision within thirty (30) days of the filing of the appeal.  The hearing on the appeal may, in the discretion of the chancellor, be tried in vacation.  The decision of the chancery court may be appealed to the Supreme Court in the manner provided by the rules of the Supreme Court.  In the discretion of and on motion to the chancery court, no person shall be allowed to practice any business, occupation or profession or take any other action under the authority of any license the suspension of which has been affirmed by the chancery court nor shall a licensee be authorized to renew a vehicle license tag while an appeal to the Supreme Court from the decision of the chancery court is pending.

     (9)  If a licensee who has entered a stipulated agreement and agreed judgment for the payment of an arrearage under this section subsequently is out of compliance with an order for support, the division shall immediately notify the licensing entity to suspend the licensee's license and prohibit the renewal of the licensee's vehicle license tag, and the licensing entity shall immediately suspend the license and prohibit the renewal of the licensee's vehicle license tag without a hearing and shall within three (3) business days notify the licensee in writing of the license suspension.  In the case of a license suspension or vehicle license tag renewal prohibition under the provisions of this subsection, the procedures provided for under subsections (1) and (2) of this section are not required; however, the appeal provisions of subsection (8) of this section still apply.  After suspension of the license and the prohibition, if the licensee subsequently enters into a stipulated agreement and agreed judgment or the licensee otherwise informs the division of compliance with the order for support, the division shall within seven (7) days notify in writing the licensing entity that the licensee is in compliance.  Upon receipt of that notice from the division, a licensing entity shall immediately reinstate the license of the licensee and authorize the issuance of a vehicle license tag renewal and shall within three (3) business days notify the licensee of the reinstatement.

     (10)  Nothing in this section prohibits a licensee from filing a motion for the modification of an order for support or for any other applicable relief.  However, no such action shall stay the license suspension procedure, except as may be allowed under subsection (8) of this section.

     (11)  If a license is suspended or a licensee is prohibited from renewing a vehicle license tag under the provisions of this section, the licensing entity is not required to refund any fees paid by a licensee in connection with obtaining or renewing a license.

     (12)  The requirement of a licensing entity to suspend a license under this section does not affect the power of the licensing entity to deny, suspend, revoke or terminate a license or prohibit the renewal of a vehicle license tag for any other reason.

     (13)  The procedure for suspension of a license and prohibiting a vehicle license tag renewal for being out of compliance with an order for support, and the procedure for the reissuance or reinstatement of a license suspended for that purpose, shall be governed by this section and not by the general licensing and disciplinary provisions applicable to a licensing entity.  Actions taken by a licensing entity in suspending a license and prohibiting vehicle license tag renewal when required by this section are not actions from which an appeal may be taken under the general licensing and disciplinary provisions applicable to the licensing entity.  Any appeal of a license suspension or prohibition on renewing a vehicle license tag that is required by this section shall be taken in accordance with the appeal procedure specified in subsection (8) of this section rather than any procedure specified in the general licensing and disciplinary provisions applicable to the licensing entity.  If there is any conflict between any provision of this section and any provision of the general licensing and disciplinary provisions applicable to a licensing entity, the provisions of this section shall control.

     (14)  No license shall be suspended under this section until ninety (90) days after July 1, 1996.  This ninety-day period shall be a one-time amnesty period in which any person who may be subject to license suspension under this article may comply with an order of support in order to avoid the suspension of any license.

     (15)  Any individual who fails to comply with a subpoena or warrant relating to paternity or child support proceedings after receiving appropriate notice may be subject to suspension or withholding of issuance of a license and be prohibited from renewing a vehicle license tag under this section.

     SECTION 3.  Section 93-11-163, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     93-11-163.  In addition to the procedures in Section 93-11-157, the court may, upon a finding that a defendant is delinquent for being out of compliance with an order for support, order the licensing entity as defined in Section 93-11-153(a) to suspend the license of the defendant and/or prohibit the defendant from renewing a vehicle license tag.  In its discretion, the court may stay such an order for a reasonable time to allow the defendant to purge himself of the delinquency.  If a license is suspended or a vehicle license tag renewal is prohibited under this section, the court may also order the licensing entity to reinstate the license and authorize the vehicle license tag renewal when it is satisfied that the defendant has purged himself of the delinquency.  Licensing entities shall treat a suspension under this section the same as a suspension under Section 93-11-157.  Defendants whose license is suspended or whose vehicle license tag renewal is prohibited under this section shall be subject to any administrative fees established for reinstatement of such privileges under Section 93-11-159. 

     SECTION 4.  Section 27-19-31, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-19-31.  (1)  The Department of Revenue is authorized and directed to establish and maintain a vehicle registration renewal system whereby the license tag attached upon a motor vehicle or trailer may be issued for five (5) years with the approval of the License Tag Commission, except for motor vehicles registered in excess of ten thousand (10,000) pounds gross vehicle weight, and motor vehicles in a fleet registered under Section 27-19-66, apportioned vehicles, rental and commercial trailers and buses, which shall be issued for a period of time determined by the Department of Revenue.  During each intervening year of the period for which license tags are issued, the Department of Revenue shall issue up to two (2) license decals, in lieu of the license tags, the month and year in which the license tag expires shall be specified on one (1) of the decals so issued.  Motor vehicles in a corporate fleet registered under Section 27-19-66 and trailers in a fleet registered under Section 27-19-66.1 shall not be issued decals specifying the month and year of expiration.

     Any series of tags may be cancelled by the commissioner with the approval of the License Tag Commission and a new series of tags issued.

     (2)  The license decals issued in lieu of the license tags shall indicate the month and the last two (2) figures of the year for which such license shall expire.  The license decals shall be attached to the license tag of the motor vehicle or trailer, and when so attached shall be deemed to be the license tag for the ensuing registration year.  The month and year decal shall be attached in an upright position in the lower right corner of the license tag.  Decals specifying the month and year of expiration shall not be required to be attached to license tags on motor vehicles in a corporate fleet registered under Section 27-19-66 or trailers in a fleet registered under Section 27-19-66.1.

     Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the registration year shall be a period of one (1) year commencing on the first day of the month following the month in which the vehicle was acquired.  Beginning October 1, 1982, original registrations of motor vehicles, except motor vehicles registered in excess of ten thousand (10,000) pounds gross vehicle weight, apportioned vehicles and buses, may be made and shall be prorated for a period of from six (6) to eleven (11) months according to regulations established by the Department of Revenue to reduce a disproportionate number of registrations for a particular month.  Beginning July 1, 1995, original registrations and renewal registrations of motor vehicles in corporate fleets registered under Section 27-19-66, shall be prorated according to regulations established by the Department of Revenue so as to cause the registration of such fleet motor vehicles to coincide with the anniversary month for corporate fleets established by the Department of Revenue.  Beginning July 1, 2011, original registrations and renewal registrations of trailers in trailer fleets registered under Section 27-19-66.1 shall be prorated according to regulations established by the Department of Revenue so as to cause the registration of such trailers to coincide with the anniversary month for trailer fleets established by the Department of Revenue.  Where a vehicle is registered for a period less than twelve (12) months, the anniversary month shall be the month of the expiration of the original license tag.

     Beginning July 1, 1996, original registrations and renewal registrations of motor vehicles in individual fleets registered under Section 27-19-66 shall be prorated according to regulations established by the Department of Revenue so as to cause the registration of such fleet motor vehicles to coincide with the anniversary month for individual fleets established by the county tax collector.  Where a vehicle is registered for a period less than twelve (12) months, the anniversary month shall be the month of the expiration of the original license tag.

     The Department of Revenue, with the approval of the License Tag Commission, shall so specify the area or areas on the license tag where the license decals shall be attached.  The number of the license tag shall be written across its face, and the number of the tag shall represent the registration number; and upon all the tags for private passenger vehicles the word "MISSISSIPPI" shall be written across the top of the tag in capital letters sufficiently large to be easily read, but upon all other tags such word may be abbreviated.  The number of the license tag shall not exceed seven (7) letters, numbers or a combination of such letters and numbers.  Also, on all tags sold and issued, an appropriate place will be provided thereon to place license decals indicating the expiration date of the tag.  For the purposes of this section and Section 27-19-32, Mississippi Code of 1972, the term "decal," "decals" or "license decal" shall mean a tab, sticker or other similar device attached to a license tag which validates same for a stated period of time.  One (1) license tag and up to two (2) license decals shall be furnished for all vehicles and shall be fastened immovably twelve (12) inches or more above the ground, at the rear of the vehicle under or over the rear light, with the number in upright position so that it will be plainly visible and legible at all times, and at night at a distance of sixty (60) feet.  In the case of tractors or other motor vehicles drawing or pulling trailers, semitrailers or farm implements, the tag shall be fastened upon such vehicle twelve (12) inches or more above the ground, upon the front or back of such vehicle, with the number in an upright position.  Such license plate, all characters and any legally affixed decals shall not be defaced, covered or obstructed from view by any object, decal, sticker, paint, marking or license plate bracket or holder.  Any person who defaces, covers or obstructs any portion of a license tag with any sticker, decoration, paint, marking, license plate bracket or holder or any other thing or device, in such a manner that the characters and any legally affixed decals on the tag cannot be read, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00).  However, it shall not be unlawful for the county name to be partially or completely obstructed from view by any object, decal, sticker or license plate bracket or holder.  Unless the license tag with current decals is fastened to the vehicle as herein provided, the said vehicle shall be regarded as operating without a license tag, and the owner or operator shall be liable for the penalties herein provided.

     In addition to the above requirements, license tags for private passenger vehicles shall have a county designation thereon referencing the name of the county in which such vehicle is registered.

     Law enforcement officers of this state shall remove from a motor vehicle or trailer any license tag and/or decals which are so defaced that proper identification cannot be reasonably made.  The officer shall issue to the driver of such vehicle a tag permit which shall be valid for a period of five (5) days.  Each person receiving such tag permit shall purchase, within five (5) days from the date of the issuance of the permit, a new tag and/or decals for the fee set forth in Section 27-19-37, Mississippi Code of 1972, for a substitute tag.

     Any person who has a license tag or decals on a vehicle which may be so defaced that proper identification cannot be reasonably made may remove such and purchase another license tag and/or decals for the same fee required for a substitute tag.  If any license tag shall deteriorate due to age so that identification cannot be reasonably made, the owner may surrender such tag to the issuing authority and be issued a new tag and like decals at no cost.

     (3)  The Department of Revenue is authorized to promulgate appropriate rules and regulations to govern the use and display of license decals and to publish a summary thereof which shall be available to state officials and the public upon request.

     (4)  The Department of Revenue is authorized to promulgate appropriate rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of Sections 93-11-151 through 93-11-163 with regard to vehicle license tag renewals.

     SECTION 5.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2017.