2017 Regular Session
To: Public Property; Appropriations
By: Representative Weathersby
AN ACT TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 7-7-1, 7-7-3, 7-7-5, 7-7-7, 7-7-9, 7-7-11, 7-7-15, 7-7-17, 7-7-23, 7-7-25, 7-7-27, 7-7-29, 7-7-31, 7-7-33, 7-7-35, 7-7-37, 7-7-39, 7-7-40, 7-7-41, 7-7-42, 7-7-43, 7-7-45, 7-7-47, 7-7-49, 7-7-51, 7-7-53, 7-7-55, 7-7-57, 7-7-59, 7-7-60, 7-7-61, 7-7-63, 7-7-65, 7-7-67, 7-7-69, 7-7-71, 7-7-73, 7-7-75, 7-7-77, 7-7-79 AND 7-7-81, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, WHICH ARE PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR PRESCRIBING THE POWER AND DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AUDIT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS; TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 29-9-1, 29-9-3, 29-9-5, 29-9-7, 29-9-9, 29-9-11, 29-9-13, 29-9-15, 29-9-17 AND 29-9-21, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, WHICH ARE PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE INVENTORY OF STATE OWNED REAL PROPERTY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS; TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 31-8-1, 31-8-3, 31-8-5, 31-8-7, 31-8-9, 31-8-11 AND 31-8-13, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, WHICH ARE PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY FOR STATE PURPOSES THROUGH RENTAL AGREEMENTS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS; TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 31-11-1, 31-11-3, 31-11-4, 31-11-25, 31-11-27, 31-11-29, 31-11-30, 31-11-31, 31-11-33 AND 31-11-35, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, WHICH ARE PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE STATE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES.
SECTION 1. Section 7-7-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-1. (1) As used in this chapter, the terms "State Auditor" and "Auditor" mean the Auditor of Public Accounts.
(2) As used in this chapter, the term "State Fiscal Officer" means the official created in Section 27-104-5, acting through the Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management.
(3) "Agency" means any state board, commission, committee, council, department or unit thereof created by the Constitution or statutes if such board, commission, committee, council, department, unit or the head thereof is authorized to appoint subordinate staff by the Constitution or statute, except a legislative or judicial board, commission, committee, council, department or unit thereof.
(4) For the purposes of Sections 7-7-1 through 7-7-65, the term "public funds" shall mean all funds which are received, collected by, or available for the support of or expenditure by any state department, institution or agency, whether such funds be derived from taxes or from fees collected by such state department, institution or agency or from some other source, and which should be included in the entity of the state under generally accepted accounting principles, although such funds may not be required by law to be deposited in the State Treasury.
Funds such as endowment funds and research funds, special building and plant funds, funds of a proprietary function, and the like shall be excluded from the meaning of the term, unless specifically required by law to be handled through the State Treasury or unless deemed necessary by the State Fiscal Officer to be included.
All funds of state departments, institutions and agencies within the contemplation of this section that are not required by law to be deposited in the State Treasury, or are not declared to be exempt from the provisions of Sections 7-7-1 through 7-7-65 by the State Fiscal Officer shall be reported to the State Fiscal Officer in reports of revenues, expenditures, assets, liabilities, encumbrances, fund balances and other financial statements, at such times and in the form required by the State Fiscal Officer.
It is hereby declared to be the intent of this section to provide that all "public funds" necessary to present a complete and comprehensive statement of the fiscal operations of the state government shall be handled through the State Fiscal Officer, whether through State Fiscal Officer receipt warrants and disbursement warrants, as is generally provided, or through the method of reporting, as required herein.
SECTION 2. Section 7-7-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-3. (1) There is hereby established a General Accounting Office for the State of Mississippi, the powers and duties of said office to be performed by the Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management under the administration of the State Fiscal Officer.
(2) The Chief of the Fiscal Management Division, under the supervision of the State Fiscal Officer, shall prescribe and implement in the office of each state agency an adequate accrual accounting system, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and a system for keeping other essential financial records or, in lieu thereof, may install a state centralized automated accounting system which facilitates reporting the financial position and operations of the state as a whole, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. All such accounting systems so prescribed or installed shall be as uniform as may be practicable for agencies and offices of the same class and character.
Each state agency shall adopt and use the system prescribed and approved for it by the State Fiscal Officer, and the State Fiscal Officer shall have the authority and power to impound all funds of such agency until it complies with the provisions of this section. Said state centralized automated accounting system shall be made available to the agencies of state government through the services of the State Computer Center. The State Fiscal Officer shall conduct training seminars on a regular basis to ensure that agencies have access to persons proficient in the correct use of the statewide automated accounting system.
(3) The State Fiscal Officer shall establish an oversight advisory committee to ensure that the state centralized automated accounting system meets the needs of the agencies served thereby. Said oversight advisory committee shall be composed of qualified public employees proficient in the areas of fiscal management, accounting, data processing and other fields affected by the automated accounting and financial management system. Said committee shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) Provide continual review of laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures which affect the continued successful implementation of the state automated accounting and financial management system;
(b) Coordination among the control agencies of state and federal government to identify required modifications and/or enhancements to the state centralized automated accounting system as required for successful implementation;
(c) Ensure that agencies using the system are in compliance with the requirements of the various control agencies; and
(d) Assign persons knowledgeable in their area of expertise and proper use of the state centralized automated accounting system to help agencies use the system correctly.
(4) The State Fiscal Officer shall provide for the continuing support of the state centralized automated accounting system from funds appropriated therefor by the Legislature and/or from user fees charged to the state agencies and institutions utilizing the system.
The State Fiscal Officer may charge fees to agencies and institutions for services rendered to them in conjunction with the statewide automated accounting system. The amounts of such fees shall be set by the State Fiscal Officer, and all such fees collected shall be paid into the Statewide Automated Accounting System Fund.
(5) There is hereby established within the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund. This fund is established for the purpose of developing and maintaining an executive information system within state government. Such a system may include the state centralized automated accounting system, a centralized automated human resource/payroll system for state agencies and the automation of performance programmatic data and other data as needed by the legislative and executive branches to monitor the receipt and expenditure of funds in accordance with desired objectives.
A Steering Committee consisting of the State Fiscal Officer, the Executive Director of the State Personnel Board and the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services shall establish policies and procedures for the administration of the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund.
All disbursements from this fund shall be made pursuant to appropriation by the Legislature. All interest earned from the investment of monies in this fund shall be credited to such fund.
Any expenditure of funds related to the development of a Mississippi Management and Reporting System by the State Personnel Board, the Department of Finance and Administration and the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1993, shall be reimbursable from the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund upon its establishment.
The Bond Commission is hereby authorized to grant a noninterest-bearing loan to the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund from the State Treasurer's General Fund/Special Fund Pool in an amount not to exceed Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000.00).
The Mississippi Management and Reporting System Steering Committee shall appoint an administrator of the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund. The salary of the administrator and all other project administrative expenses shall be disbursed from the revolving fund. The administrator of the fund is hereby authorized to employ or secure personnel service contracts for all personnel required to carry out this project. On or before January 15 of each year, the State Fiscal Officer shall present a report of all expenditures made during the previous fiscal year from the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund to the State Bond Commission and to the Legislature.
Upon implementation of the Mississippi Management and Reporting System, or any part thereof, at any state agency, a repayment schedule shall be determined by the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund administrator for payment back into the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund. This repayment schedule will include direct and indirect expenses of implementing the Mississippi Management and Reporting System at each agency and applied interest charges. Each state agency shall be required to request the amount of its yearly repayment in its annual budget request.
At the completion of the Mississippi Management and Reporting System, the Steering Committee shall recommend to the Legislature an amount to remain in the Mississippi Management and Reporting System Revolving Fund to fund future upgrades and maintenance for the system. The remaining amount, as repaid by the agencies, shall be returned to the General Fund/Special Fund Pool.
Each state agency executive director shall participate in the Mississippi Management and Reporting System (MMRS) project by appointing an agency implementation team leader to represent them on the MMRS project. All agencies will be required to implement the MMRS unless exempted from such by the MMRS Steering Committee. If such an exemption is granted, the MMRS Steering Committee may require selected data to be electronically interfaced into the MMRS.
(6) In addition to his other duties, the Chief of the Fiscal Management Division shall perform the following services:
(a) Maintain a set of control accounts on a double entry accrual basis for each state fund so as to analyze, classify and record all resources, obligations and financial transactions of all state agencies.
(b) Submit to the Governor and to the Legislative Budget Office a monthly report containing the state's financial operations and conditions.
(c) Approve as to form the manner in which all payrolls shall be prepared; and require each state agency to furnish copies of monthly payrolls as required to the State Fiscal Officer. The Chief of the Fiscal Management Division shall study the feasibility of a central payroll system for all state officers and employees, and report his findings and recommendations to the Legislature.
(d) Require of each state agency, through its governing board or executive head, the maintaining of continuous internal audit covering the activities of such agency affecting its revenue and expenditures, and an adequate internal system of preauditing claims, demands and accounts against such agency as to adequately ensure that only valid claims, demands and accounts will be paid, and to verify compliance with the regulations of the State Personal Service Contract Review Board regarding the execution of any personal service or professional service contracts pursuant to Section 25-9-120(3). The Fiscal Management Division shall report to the State Fiscal Officer any failure or refusal of the governing board or executive head of any state agency to comply with the provisions of this section. The State Fiscal Officer shall notify the said board of trustees or executive head of such violation and, upon continued failure or refusal to comply with the provisions of this section, then the State Fiscal Officer may require said board of trustees or executive head of such state agency to furnish competent and adequate personnel to carry out the provisions of this section, who shall be responsible to the State Fiscal Officer for the performance of such function with respect to such state agency. For failure or refusal to comply with the provisions of this section or the directions of the State Fiscal Officer, any such employee may be deprived of the power to perform such functions on behalf of the Fiscal Management Division.
(7) Every state agency, through the proper officials or employee, shall make such periodic or special reports on forms prescribed by the Chief of the Fiscal Management Division as may be required or necessary to maintain the set of control accounts required. If any officer or employee of any state agency whose duty it is to do so shall refuse or fail to make such periodic or special reports in such form and in such detail and within such time as the Fiscal Management Division may require in the exercise of this authority, the State Fiscal Officer shall prepare or cause to be prepared and submitted such reports and the expense thereof shall be personally borne by said officer or employee and he or she shall be responsible on his or her official bond for the payment of the expense. Provided that a negligently prepared report shall be considered as a refusal or failure under the provisions of this section.
(8) From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.
(9) From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.
SECTION 3. Section 7-7-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-5. The Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management of the General Accounting Office shall be located at the seat of government, and the bureau shall be open Monday through Friday of each week for eight (8) hours each day.
SECTION 4. Section 7-7-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-7. The State Fiscal Officer shall appoint such bureau and division heads, contractors and other employees as are necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of the General Accounting Office subject to the provisions of the State Personnel Law. The State Fiscal Officer shall be officially responsible for the acts of all other employees of his office in the same manner as if done by himself.
The State Fiscal Officer shall require bonds of his assistant and other employees at his pleasure. The premiums on said bonds shall be paid for as prescribed elsewhere in the laws of the state.
SECTION 5. Section 7-7-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-9. The Mississippi General Accounting Office shall maintain a complete system of general accounting to comprehend the financial transactions of every state department, division, officer, board, commission, institution or other agency owned or controlled by the state, except those agencies specifically exempted in Section 7-7-1, whether at the seat of government or not and whether the funds upon which they operate are channeled through the State Treasury or not, either through regular procedures having to do with the issuance of the State Fiscal Officer receipt warrants and disbursement warrants or through controls maintained through reports filed periodically as required by the State Fiscal Officer in accordance with the reporting provisions contained in said Section 7-7-1.
All transactions in public funds, as defined in Section 7-7-1, shall either be handled directly through the State Fiscal Officer and the State Treasury, or shall be reported to the State Fiscal Officer at the times and in the form prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer and the Legislative Budget Office, so that a complete and comprehensive system of accounts of the fiscal activities of all state governmental agencies shall be made available at all times in the General Accounting Office.
SECTION 6. Section 7-7-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-11. If any officer or employee of any state agency shall refuse or fail to make any report to the State Fiscal Officer or the Legislative Budget Office as required herein or in the manner prescribed by the said State Fiscal Officer, the State Fiscal Officer shall proceed to make, or cause to be made, the said report. The expense thereof shall be personally borne by said officer or employee, and he or she shall be responsible on his or her official bond for the expense so incurred.
SECTION 7. Section 7-7-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-15. Every state department, division, officer, board, commission, institution or other agency owned or controlled by the state, collecting or receiving public funds or monies from any source whatever to be deposited in the State Treasury for the use of the state or any state agency, shall pay such monies to the State Fiscal Officer, who shall issue his warrant or certificate of receipt therefor, specifying the amount and the particular account on which such payment is to be made.
SECTION 8. Section 7-7-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-17. Reports shall be filed with the State Fiscal Officer at the time and in the manner prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer by all state departments, institutions and agencies of all receipts of public funds, as defined in Section 7-7-1, which are not required by law to be deposited into the State Treasury but into banks bonded to be depositories of such funds, so that the State Fiscal Officer may keep comprehensive records and may make complete periodic reports concerning all public funds belonging to or for the use of the state and those agencies owned or controlled by the state.
SECTION 9. Section 7-7-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-23. (1) Purchases of equipment, supplies, materials or services of whatever kind or nature for any department, officer, institution or other agency of the state, the cost of which is to be paid from funds in the State Treasury on State Fiscal Officer disbursement warrants, may be made only by written purchase orders duly signed by the official authorized so to do, on forms prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer. Purchases of such equipment, supplies, materials, or services, as specified herein, made without the issuance of such purchase orders shall not be deemed to be obligations of the state unless the State Fiscal Officer, by general rule or special order, permits certain purchases to be made without same. As many copies of each purchase order shall be prepared as may be prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer, but at least one (1) copy shall be furnished the vendor, one (1) copy shall be furnished the State Fiscal Officer, and one (1) copy shall be retained by the department or agency for whose benefit the purchase is made. The State Fiscal Officer, by general rule or special order, may allow for the submission of purchase orders in a format not requiring a signature. It shall be the duty of the proper official in each department or agency to forward the copy of each purchase order to the State Fiscal Officer on the same day the said order is issued. All purchase orders covering purchases to be paid for out of funds appropriated for any fiscal year shall be executed by June 30 of the fiscal year and shall be filed with and received for recording by the State Fiscal Officer within five (5) working days thereafter, and for electronically submitted purchase orders, the State Fiscal Officer shall issue regulations as to the last filing date required for purchase orders; otherwise, the same shall not be deemed to constitute valid obligations against the state within the meaning of Section 64 of the Constitution. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to contracts for services of investigators employed by any agency of the state government authorized by law to employ such investigators.
(2) The State Fiscal Officer may approve electronically submitted purchase orders, thereby releasing such purchase orders and recording the encumbrances. For purposes of electronically submitted purchase orders, the State Fiscal Officer may exempt agencies from furnishing a copy of the purchase order to the State Fiscal Officer as required in subsection (1) above.
SECTION 10. Section 7-7-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-25. Upon receipt of each purchase order filed with the State Fiscal Officer under the provisions of Section 7-7-23, the State Fiscal Officer shall, upon approval of such purchase order, make due entry of the same on the record of encumbrances, which shall be established in the General Accounting Office, showing separately thereon an account for each department, institution or other agency and the law authorizing the appropriation from which the same is to be paid, if from appropriated funds. Encumbrances so made and entered shall, until paid, be shown in the General Accounting Office's books of account so as to be used as a liability against the then cash balance of the particular fund which is applicable, whether general or special, and against the appropriation balance, if the encumbrance is to be paid from appropriated funds.
SECTION 11. Section 7-7-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-27. (1) Except as provided otherwise in subsection (2) of this section, all claims against the state as the result of purchases, services, salaries, travel expense, or other encumbrances made or liabilities incurred by any officer, department, division, board, commission, institution or other agency of the state authorized to incur such obligations, whether as the result of the issuance of purchase orders, as hereinabove provided, or not, shall be filed with, certified and approved by the agency incurring such obligation pursuant to rules and regulations established by the Department of Finance and Administration. These rules and regulations shall set forth certain circumstances where certification by the approving officers that the goods and services have been received or performed may be waived by the Department of Finance and Administration. Such waivers may pertain to, but should not be limited to, service contracts of limited time periods for lease of office space and equipment, computer software and subgrantee disbursements under federal grant programs.
(2) The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the local board of trustees of a community or junior college shall adopt rules and regulations for institutions under their governance for the waiver of certification that goods or services have been received or performed. These rules and regulations shall be consistent with those established by the Department of Finance and Administration under subsection (1) of this section.
SECTION 12. Section 7-7-29, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-29. No requisitions or requests for payment drawn against any funds in the Treasury shall be issued by any state agency, official or other person except on forms to be prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer; and none may be presented by the agency, official or other person to any claimant, but all shall be forwarded to the State Fiscal Officer, together with the invoice or invoices covering same, as herein prescribed. The form of all requisitions shall be such as to prevent their being cashed by a bank or other institution, agency or person, it being the intention of the Legislature herein to prevent the payment of state funds to any claimant except upon state warrants regularly and legally issued by the State Fiscal Officer after he shall have submitted the claim to regular audit, examination and verification, as prescribed herein. Payments may be made to claimants on electronic funds transfers without a state warrant as provided under Section 7-9-14. The Department of Human Services and any other agencies meeting the requirements of Sections 7-9-41 and 7-9-43, wherein provision is made in certain cases for the withdrawal of funds from the Treasury in lump sums on State Fiscal Officer warrants, shall not be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this section.
SECTION 13. Section 7-7-31, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-31. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 7-7-27 and 7-7-29, it shall not be necessary that a separate statement, invoice or requisition shall be issued for each person on payrolls for salaries and wages of state employees. Regular forms to be prescribed by the State Fiscal Officer shall be used, covering all employees but listing each name separately and giving all pertinent information such as gross salary, the various withholdings, and the net salary, together with such other information as the State Fiscal Officer may require.
SECTION 14. Section 7-7-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-33. The State Fiscal Officer shall issue disbursement warrants upon satisfactory pre-audit as prescribed by standards and procedures established by the State Fiscal Officer in consultation with the State Auditor's office. Such standards and procedures shall include examination of the bill, invoice, account, payroll or other evidence of the claim, demand or charge and determination that the expenditure or disbursement is regular, legal and correct, and that the claim, demand or charge has not been previously paid. In order to ascertain that goods have been received or services rendered, the State Fiscal Officer may require such evidence as the circumstances may demand. If the expenditure or disbursement is proper, the State Fiscal Officer shall approve the same; otherwise, the State Fiscal Officer shall withhold approval. In order that such regularity and legality may appear, the State Fiscal Officer may return the claim to the department, institution or agency against which the same was issued for correction or amendment and may, by general rule or special order, require such certification or such evidence as the circumstances may demand.
SECTION 15. Section 7-7-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-35. (1) After the allowance of any claim which is payable out of the State Treasury under any of the provisions of Sections 7-7-1 through 7-7-65, a warrant shall be issued for the sum to be paid, except as otherwise provided in Section 7-9-14. A register of all warrants so issued shall be kept by the State Fiscal Officer and a duplicate register shall be kept for the State Treasurer, which duplicate register shall be duly attested to by the State Fiscal Officer, or the employees he may designate for that purpose, and be filed daily with the said Treasurer, or at such periods during the day as may be necessary. All warrants on the Treasurer shall be signed by the State Fiscal Officer, as required elsewhere in these statutes, or by such employees as he may designate for that purpose. Such signature may be made by means of such mechanical or electrical device as the State Fiscal Officer may select, after the same shall have been approved by the State Fiscal Officer. Such device shall be safely kept so that no one shall have access thereto except the State Fiscal Officer and such employees as may be authorized to sign warrants as herein provided. All such warrants shall be delivered by mail, or by messenger, or by personal service to the officer, department, institution or agency against which the claim involving the issuance of such warrant was made, and shall be delivered therefrom to the claimant.
(2) Periodically, such warrants of each department, institution or agency shall be mailed or handed directly to the claimant by someone other than the person preparing the requisition for payment in accordance with the control procedures established by the department, institution or agency. The State Fiscal Officer, at his discretion, may mail or deliver directly to the claimant the warrants for any department, institution or agency, or verify by some other means that delivery was made to the claimant.
SECTION 16. Section 7-7-37, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-37. The State Fiscal Officer shall write warrants payable to the order of the person, firm, institution or agency entitled thereto for all monies which, by law, are directed to be paid out of the treasury.
SECTION 17. Section 7-7-39, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-39. The State Fiscal Officer shall not draw warrants without, or in excess of, appropriations of money for the purpose, except in those cases specifically provided for by law; nor shall the State Fiscal Officer draw warrants against budgeted funds until notified by certification that the budget for the current allotment period of the fiscal year for the department, institution, or agency concerned is in compliance with the appropriation, and the amount of the approved budget has been set up in the State Fiscal Officer's records; nor shall the State Fiscal Officer draw warrants in excess of the amount so budgeted and approved, nor shall the State Fiscal Officer draw any warrant in excess of the cash balance then available in the particular fund against which the warrant is chargeable unless the warrant is to be drawn against federal programs in which federal funds are receipted based upon policies and procedures as established by the State Fiscal Officer or in other situations as deemed necessary by the State Fiscal Officer.
SECTION 18. Section 7-7-40, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-40. The State Fiscal Officer shall have the authority to approve escalations in a budget using special funds pursuant to specific authorization stated in an appropriation bill. Upon written documentation submitted by an agency head, the State Fiscal Officer shall also have the authority to approve escalations to a budget using donated or endowment funds designated for a specific purpose and using insurance proceeds as a result of damage to state property. Such escalations may not exceed the amount of such donated or endowment funds or insurance proceeds.
SECTION 19. Section 7-7-41, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-41. The State Fiscal Officer may promulgate such regulations and procedures as he may deem necessary in regard to preauditing and postauditing claims and issuing warrants covering payments for construction contracts entered into by the Mississippi Department of Transportation, the Department of Finance and Administration, the State Department of Education, or by any other agency now existing or hereafter created, having control and supervision of the awarding and payment of construction contracts.
The State Fiscal Officer shall prescribe rules and regulations concerning the preauditing and postauditing of claims and the issuance of warrants and other forms of payments for all departments, institutions and agencies of the state, more particularly those coming within the provisions of Sections 7-9-41 and 7-9-43, after full discussion with the fiscal officers thereof, to the end that the most efficient overall state accounting system may be maintained. Such regulations, however, shall be of such nature and application that the State Fiscal Officer shall be able to maintain adequate records in his books of accounts of all fiscal operations of the state, and in no event shall the regular audit of the transactions of such departments, institutions and agencies by the State Department of Audit be suspended.
SECTION 20. Section 7-7-42, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-42. Any State of Mississippi warrant issued by the State Fiscal Officer against any fund in the State Treasury which has not been presented to the State Treasurer for payment within one (1) year after the last day of the month in which it was originally issued, shall be null and void, the obligation thereafter shall be unenforceable and the State Fiscal Officer shall not issue an additional warrant.
The State Fiscal Officer is authorized and directed to cancel all outstanding warrants over one (1) year old at the end of each month and shall notify the State Treasurer who shall remove such warrants from his list of outstanding warrants.
The State Fiscal Officer shall transfer the funds reflected by the cancellation of the warrant to the Abandoned Property Fund authorized by Section 89-12-37 of the Unclaimed Property Division of the State Treasury where the funds shall remain for five (5) years. After five (5) years, if the funds are unclaimed, the State Treasurer shall transfer the funds back to the original source of funds.
This section is applicable to warrants issued on and after January 1, 2000.
SECTION 21. Section 7-7-43, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-43. (1) The State Fiscal Officer, any chancery or city clerk, or the fiscal officer of any county or separate school district, institution of higher learning, state college, university or state community college, shall not issue any warrant upon any allowance made to, or claim in favor of, any person, his agent, or assignee who shall be indebted to the state, or against whom there shall be any balance appearing in favor of the state; but such officer shall allow such debtor a credit on his account for such allowance or claim.
(2) For state tax claims, the Tax Commissioner is required to furnish the appropriate fiscal officer with notice that state taxes have not been paid. This notice shall serve as a stop order upon any allowance made to, or claim in favor of, any person, his agent, or assignee who shall be indebted to the state, or any political subdivision thereof, or against whom there shall be any balance appearing in favor of the state or any political subdivision thereof. Disregard of the stop order notice shall create a personal liability against such fiscal officer for the full amount of state taxes due, plus interest and penalty.
SECTION 22. Section 7-7-45, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-45. The State Fiscal Officer shall be required to make the following reports:
(a) The State Fiscal Officer shall, within sixty (60) days after the adjournment of the Legislature, prepare and furnish to the State Auditor a full statement of all monies expended at such session, specifying the items and amount of each item, and to whom and for what paid, in order that the Auditor may publish the amounts of all appropriations, all as prescribed by Section 113 of the Constitution. Sufficient copies of the report shall be made available to members of the Legislature, state officials, departments, institutions and agencies of the state government, as may be requested by such individual or department; and such others are to be made available for distribution as the State Fiscal Officer or Governor may determine.
(b) The State Fiscal Officer shall, within fifteen (15) days after the commencement of every regular session of the Legislature, make to it a special report on the fiscal affairs of the state as of January 1 of the then current year.
(c) The State Fiscal Officer shall prepare the comprehensive annual financial report as provided for in Section 27-104-4.
(d) In addition to the other reports herein required, it shall be the duty of the State Fiscal Officer to have available in the State Fiscal Officer's office, for the use of the Governor, the Legislature, the Legislative Budget Office and any other persons, daily reports of each fund account which the State Fiscal Officer is required to maintain, showing thereon balances brought forward, receipts to date, net expenditures to date, the unexpended balances, the amount of unpaid purchase orders, and the unencumbered balances. In addition thereto, the State Fiscal Officer shall be required to have available in its office reports of appropriation accounts, showing thereon the amount appropriated for each purpose, the amount of warrants issued to date, the unexpended appropriation balance, the amount of unpaid purchase orders, and the unencumbered appropriation balance for each such account.
Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the State Fiscal Officer from making such other financial reports, and at such other time as it may deem advisable or for the best interests of the state; nor shall this section be construed as authority for discontinuing any other reports required by law. The cost of printing such reports of the State Fiscal Officer, as required herein, shall be paid from the appropriation made for that purpose.
SECTION 23. Section 7-7-47, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-47. The State Fiscal Officer shall prescribe all regulations and shall prescribe uniform forms that he deems necessary for the performance of the duties required by Sections 7-7-1 through 7-7-65.
SECTION 24. Section 7-7-49, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-49. The purpose and intent of Sections 7-7-1 through 7-7-65 is hereby declared to be the establishment and maintenance of a modernized and efficient General Accounting Office for the State of Mississippi so that there may be available at all times therein all pertinent information of a fiscal nature concerning the operation of the state government. While the State Fiscal Officer is hereby charged with the primary responsibility of establishing and maintaining such office and making available the information contemplated herein, he is to work in conjunction with other state agencies, not injuring the normal functions thereof, in arriving at the desired end. Full cooperation and cohesive effort is hereby declared to be essential by and between the State Fiscal Officer, the State Treasurer, the Legislative Budget Office, the State Department of Audit, the State Tax Commission, and all other state departments, institutions and agencies, in order that the full purpose and intent of the cited sections may be effected.
SECTION 25. Section 7-7-51, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-51. The State Fiscal Officer is hereby given the authority, and it shall be his duty, to procure on competitive bids and install or have installed all machines, equipment, records and other things necessary for the performance of the duties imposed upon the State Fiscal Officer by Sections 7-7-1 through 7-7-65. Such machines and equipment as are to be purchased shall be purchased in full compliance with the laws of the state pertaining thereto and, if in the discretion of the State Fiscal Officer, it is to the best interests of the state, he may rent certain machines and equipment.
SECTION 26. Section 7-7-53, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-53. It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Capitol Facilities, acting under the authority given by Section 29-5-3, to provide sufficient office space for the Office of the State Fiscal Officer, including the amount required for filing and storage, although the space for the filing and storage of invoices, statements, bills, and other papers and documents of such nature, held for more than two (2) years after the date of issuance, may not be required to be furnished.
SECTION 27. Section 7-7-55, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-55. The State Fiscal Officer shall maintain accounts to show the name of every county, school district, municipality and every other district of any kind or character receiving funds from the state, in such manner that there may be ascertained therefrom the amounts of state funds appropriated or otherwise contributed thereto. Where reports are necessary from other departments of state government in order for the State Fiscal Officer to do this, the State Fiscal Officer may require such departments to make such reports in the manner and at the times he may prescribe.
SECTION 28. Section 7-7-57, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-57. Upon satisfactory proof being presented to the State Fiscal Officer that any warrant drawn by the State Fiscal Officer upon the State Treasury has been lost or destroyed before having been paid, the State Fiscal Officer may issue a duplicate therefor upon a bond being executed by the State Fiscal Officer with such security as is approved by him, payable to the state in the penalty of double the amount of the warrant, and conditioned to save harmless the state from any loss occasioned by the issuing of the duplicate warrant, together with an affidavit relating the circumstances under which said warrant was lost or destroyed.
SECTION 29. Section 7-7-59, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-59. A reasonable petty cash fund shall be allowed each state department, institution, board, commission or other agency if, in the judgment of the State Fiscal Officer, such is necessary for the proper operation of the fiscal affairs thereof. The amount of such petty cash fund shall be fixed by the State Fiscal Officer in each case, but these funds shall be reimbursed only upon vouchers audited by the State Fiscal Officer. It shall not be lawful for any petty cash fund to be used for cashing checks or otherwise advancing funds to any officer or employee of any state department or agency.
The State Fiscal Officer may by regulation provide for the establishment of commercial bank accounts by any state agency, which shall serve as the depository for self-generated funds and custodial funds not required by law to be deposited in the State Treasury. The regulations may provide for such accounts to be used for disbursements not required to be made by warrants on the State Treasury. Each such account established shall have a maximum balance to be fixed by the State Fiscal Officer. All such accounts shall bear interest. For self-generated funds, the interest shall be deposited in the General Fund and for custodial funds, the interest shall be deposited in the custodial bank account. The State Auditor shall test for compliance with this section in any postaudit, and may, after notice and hearing, levy a civil penalty not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for any violation hereof. The auditor shall annually report all violations of this section to the Governor and the Legislature.
SECTION 30. Section 7-7-60, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-60. A petty cash fund for offices within the county, municipality or board of education may be established in accordance with regulations set forth by the State Auditor's office.
SECTION 31. Section 7-7-61, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-61. The seal used by the State Fiscal Officer shall be the seal prescribed by Section 126 of the Mississippi Constitution. The seal is to be impressed, or printed, upon the face of every disbursement warrant issued by the State Fiscal Officer.
SECTION 32. Section 7-7-63, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-63. The State Fiscal Officer shall carefully keep and preserve the books, records, papers and other things belonging to the General Accounting Office. Invoices, statements, bills and other papers of such nature may be disposed of in accordance with approved records control schedules. No records, however, may be destroyed without the approval of the Director of the Department of Archives and History.
SECTION 33. Section 7-7-65, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-65. The State Fiscal Officer shall submit the accounts and records of the General Accounting Office to the inspection of any member of the Legislature or the Governor when required.
SECTION 34. Section 7-7-67, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-67. It shall be the duty of the State Auditor to investigate the books, accounts, and vouchers of all fiscal officers and depositories of the state and of every county, levee board, and taxing district of every kind, and to sue for, collect, and pay over all money improperly withheld by such fiscal officer or depository. He has the power to sue and right of action against all such officers and depositories and their sureties to collect any such moneys; but if the delinquency appears by a correct open account on the books of the proper accounting officer or depository, the right of the State Auditor to sue shall arise only after he has given thirty (30) days' notice to the delinquent officer or depository to pay over the amounts and he fails to do so. If he shall examine the books, accounts, and vouchers of any fiscal officer or depository of the state, county, levee board, or taxing district of any kind and find them correct, he shall give a certificate to that effect to such officer and to the board of supervisors of the proper county, or to the proper levee board, or other taxing district.
The State Auditor may, in his discretion, also investigate the books, accounts, and vouchers of any municipality, even though such investigation and inspection has been made by a certified public accountant or an accounting firm; and the State Auditor shall have the same authority and powers regarding such municipal inspections as granted herein regarding any other investigation.
SECTION 35. Section 7-7-69, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-69. It shall be the further duty of the State Auditor and he shall have the authority to examine the records, minutes, and allowances of the various boards of supervisors, drainage boards, and all other boards empowered to make allowances of public money under the laws of the state. He shall give notice to such boards of any errors in accounting, of funds credited to any erroneous account, and of funds in public treasuries to an erroneous account; and unless such board shall within thirty (30) days correct such errors or omissions, the members thereof shall be guilty of misfeasance of office and punished accordingly. Should the State Auditor discover that any of the boards mentioned in the preceding parts of this section have appropriated any money to the purpose not authorized by law, he shall have authority to bring suit for the amount of such illegal allowance or allowances against the members of such board voting for such illegal allowance on their official bond and against the party receiving such allowance. In the event of recovery, he shall be entitled to recover the amount due, which shall be paid into the fund to which it is due; and he may assess a penalty thereon not to exceed twenty percent (20%), which shall be paid into the general fund in the State Treasury.
SECTION 36. Section 7-7-71, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-71. The State Auditor, in the discharge of the official duties imposed upon him by Sections 7-7-67 through 7-7-79, shall have full power and authority to examine and investigate the books, records, papers, accounts, and vouchers of any state, county, municipal, or other officer.
SECTION 37. Section 7-7-73, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-73. When the State Auditor shall have reason to believe that a public officer or employee has embezzled any public funds, he shall notify the Governor and the proper district attorney, and shall attend the trial as a witness for the state, if necessary.
SECTION 38. Section 7-7-75, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-75. All suits by the State Auditor under the provisions of Sections 7-7-67 through 7-7-79 shall be in his own name for the use of the state, county, municipality, levee board, or other taxing district interested; and he shall not be liable for costs, and may appeal without bond. Such suits may be tried at the return term and shall take precedence over other suits.
SECTION 39. Section 7-7-77, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-77. The State Auditor shall settle with the proper officers and pay over all moneys collected by him under the provisions of Sections 7-7-67 through 7-7-79 as required by law. He shall make a report to the State Treasurer at the end of the fiscal year, giving a full account of all said collections by him during the preceding fiscal year, and of whom and on whose account collected. For a failure to render such account and settle and pay over all such collections made by him as required by law, the State Auditor shall be suspended from office by the Governor in the same manner as in the case of a defaulting State Treasurer.
SECTION 40. Section 7-7-79, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-79. The State Auditor shall make a detailed account of the operation of Sections 7-7-67 through 7-7-79 to the Governor once each year, and to the Legislature at each regular session.
SECTION 41. Section 7-7-81, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
7-7-81. (1) The State Auditor shall have the authority to preaudit or postaudit, conduct performance audits and reviews, investigate projects, entities and their use of any funds provided to the state or any of its agencies or subdivision, or any nonprofit organization, from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the federal RESTORE Act, the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and fees derived from the Natural Resource Damage Assessment pursuant to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, and their successors. If sufficient resources are available, the State Auditor shall maintain an official website and provide public access to copies of audit reports of state and local government entities receiving funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the federal RESTORE Act, the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and fees derived from the Natural Resource Damage Assessment pursuant to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, and their successors. The State Auditor shall have the authority to recover costs associated with auditing and investigating such projects and funds within the limits of federal law from any such entity that receives such funds. In addition, the State Auditor shall have the authority to contract with qualified certified public accounting firms to perform selected engagements under this section, if funds are made available for such contracts by the Legislature, the governmental entities covered by this section or by the federal government. All files, working papers, notes, correspondence and any other data compiled by the audit firms in connection with the engagements shall be available upon request, without cost, to the State Auditor for examination and abstracting during the normal business hours of any business day.
(2) A special fund, to be designated as the "Auditor's Enhanced Accountability Fund," shall be created within the State Treasury. The fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as a separate and special fund, separate and apart from the General Fund of the state. Within the limits of federal law, initial funds shall be deposited from each governing entity receiving monies from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the federal RESTORE Act, the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and fees derived from the Natural Resource Damage Assessment pursuant to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, based on a sliding scale to be determined by the State Auditor. Subsequent and additional funds may be deposited from any source made available to the Department of Audit for such purposes. Unexpended monies from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the federal RESTORE Act, the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and fees derived from the Natural Resource Damage Assessment pursuant to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the fund shall be deposited into such fund, but shall be held to pay for postaudit and investigative costs for related expenditures and programs. Monies deposited into the fund shall be disbursed, in the discretion of the State Auditor, to pay the allowable costs of additional preaudit, postaudit, investigative, or other allowable or accountability requirements not funded through regular appropriations or special fund billing provided in this section. Monies in the special fund may be used to reimburse reasonable actual and necessary costs incurred by the State Auditor to accomplish objectives under this section. The State Auditor shall maintain a specific accounting of actual costs incurred for each project for which reimbursements are sought and shall provide a report to the Legislature within sixty (60) days from the end of each fiscal year regarding the nature and amounts of all expenditures. The Department of Audit may escalate its budget and expend such funds in accordance with rules and regulations of the Department of Finance and Administration in a manner consistent with the escalation of federal funds.
SECTION 42. Section 29-9-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-1. The State Auditor of Public Accounts shall require the heads of all state agencies to make an inventory of all lands, buildings, equipment, furniture, and other personal property owned by or under the control of the respective agencies, except highway rights-of-way owned or acquired by the Mississippi State Highway Commission. The inventories shall be made on forms to be prescribed and furnished by said State Auditor. Agencies, including the Legislature, which have on file proper inventories on August 8, 1968, shall not be required to make new inventories, but the remaining provisions of this chapter respecting inventories shall be applicable thereto.
SECTION 43. Section 29-9-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-3. The inventories herein required shall show the name, description, serial number, purchase or construction date, and the cost or purchase price of each article or piece of property, and any further information which the State Auditor may require. A number shall be securely attached to each piece of furniture, equipment, or other property designated by the auditor not having a serial number, and the number shall be used in inventories as a serial number. Estimates may be used for purchase prices and dates on items purchased prior to January, 1946, provided records of same are not available.
SECTION 44. Section 29-9-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-5. Each inventory shall be executed in duplicate, the copy shall be retained by the maker for his files, and the original shall be delivered to the State Auditor of public accounts. The original shall be certified by the heads of the respective institutions, departments, commissions, and agencies, or a responsible bonded property officer designated by him.
SECTION 45. Section 29-9-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-7. The auditor of public accounts shall compile or cause to be compiled from the inventories thus submitted to him one master inventory for the state as a whole, which shall be available for inspection to all state officials and newly elected or appointed officials who are about to take office.
SECTION 46. Section 29-9-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-9. (1) Whenever any vehicle, equipment, office furniture, office fixture or any other personal property which has been acquired or is owned by any institution, department or agency of the State of Mississippi becomes obsolete or is no longer needed or required for the use of such institution, department or agency, the same may be: (a) sold for cash, transferred, traded or exchanged for other property, furniture, equipment, fixture or vehicle needed by said institution, department or agency after having first obtained the written approval of the Governor's Office of General Services and the State Auditor or approval by the Legislative Budget Office if utilized under the jurisdiction of the Legislature; or (b) donated to any institution, department or agency of the State of Mississippi, or any political subdivision or local governing authority of the state. The singular shall include the plural. Transfers, trades, exchanges or donations made pursuant to this subsection may be made to any political subdivision or local governing authority of the State of Mississippi.
(2) The proceeds of all cash sales made, as authorized in this section, shall be paid over into the support and maintenance or contingent fund of the institution, department or agency as it deems best.
(3) The head of each state institution, department or agency shall be responsible and liable personally and on his official bond, in the amount of the value shown on the state inventory, for the disposal of any property contrary to the provisions of this section.
(4) The Office of General Services, on the approval of the Public Procurement Review Board, is hereby authorized and empowered to make reasonable rules and regulations and to require such information as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and provisions of this section.
(5) Any violation of the provisions hereof by any elected head of any institution, department, commission or agency of the State of Mississippi, or any appointee or employee of any institution, department, agency or commission coming under the provisions of this section, shall constitute a misdemeanor and, upon conviction therefor, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in addition to personal and official liability, as hereinabove provided.
(6) The disposal of any unneeded personal property at the project described in Section 57-75-5(f)(vi), may be made in accordance with the provisions of the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act by the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority, under such rules and regulations as may be adopted by such authority.
(7) The disposal of any alternative housing units purchased through the Mississippi Alternative Housing Pilot Program may be made by the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency as required by federal law to be in compliance with regulations of the federal articles of agreement and its awarded conditions, and upon approval of the Public Procurement Review Board.
SECTION 47. Section 29-9-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-11. On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the heads of all state agencies shall add to their inventory or inventories the items purchased or otherwise acquired during the last preceding month in the same manner as set forth in the original inventory, and indicate items that have been disposed of and that should be deleted therefrom, showing how and where disposals were made. Should there be no change in the inventory, a report shall be filed so indicating. This additional list and items to be deleted shall be submitted to the auditor of public accounts, to be used to add to or delete from the inventory or inventories in his office.
SECTION 48. Section 29-9-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-13. Representatives of the State Auditor's office under the direction of the State Auditor, in making regular audits of the different state agencies, shall make a check or physical audit of the actual items or properties shown on their inventories and related records. Each state agency, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, when requested to do so, shall furnish a competent person or persons to assist in this check or physical audit. The auditor shall keep his records current at all times and shall report to the agency concerned and the general status of the inventory involved, on the completion of each audit.
SECTION 49. Section 29-9-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-15. The auditor of public accounts, on approval of the Attorney General, is hereby authorized and empowered to make reasonable rules and regulations and to require such additional information as may be necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of the inventory requirements of this chapter.
SECTION 50. Section 29-9-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-17. (1) If any officer or employee of any state agency shall refuse or fail to make any inventory or supplemental inventory thereto as required herein, or to do so in the manner prescribed by the State Auditor, the State Auditor shall proceed to make, or cause to be made, the inventory or supplemental inventory; and the expense thereof shall be personally borne by said officer or employee, and he shall be responsible on his official bond for the payment of the expense.
(2) In the event that an examination conducted pursuant to Section 29-9-13 finds items that are included on an agency's inventory which are missing and otherwise unaccounted for, the State Auditor has the authority to proceed under the provisions of Section 7-7-211 to recover the value of the missing items. The demand shall be made against the head of the agency, the agency's property officer and/or the appropriate officer or employee, if identified.
SECTION 51. Section 29-9-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
29-9-21. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for more accurate, detailed, and readily available inventory information on all state property, said records to be maintained on machine equipment in the office of the auditor of public accounts. In carrying out the purpose hereof, it shall be the duty of the auditor to maintain his records complete and current and make such reports to the Governor and the Legislature whenever required, or when the said auditor, in his discretion, finds it necessary to make other and additional reports.
SECTION 52. Section 31-8-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-1. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a method to enable counties and municipalities to acquire public buildings, facilities and equipment through the use of rental contracts. This chapter shall be construed in conformity with such intention and shall be an alternative to those methods which may be otherwise provided by law.
SECTION 53. Section 31-8-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-3. The counties and municipalities of this state, acting by and through the governing authorities thereof, are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into lease agreements with any corporation, partnership, limited partnership, joint venture or individual under which the county or municipality may agree to lease a facility for use by the lessor for any of the following purposes for a primary term not to exceed twenty (20) years:
(a) Public buildings;
(b) Courthouses;
(c) Office buildings;
(d) Jails;
(e) Auditoriums;
(f) Community centers;
(g) Civic art centers;
(h) Public libraries;
(i) Gymnasiums; and
(j) Machinery and equipment for use in connection with any of the above, but shall not include office furniture and/or office machines, provided that the primary term of a lease with respect to machinery and equipment shall not exceed the estimated useful economic life of such machinery and equipment, as such useful economic life is mutually agreed upon by the lessor and lessee.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the acquisition of public school buildings through the use of rental contracts.
SECTION 54. Section 31-8-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-5. All such leases shall contain an option granting to the county or municipality the right to purchase the leased property upon the expiration of the primary term, or upon such earlier date as may be agreed upon, at a price not to exceed the unpaid principal balance at such time.
SECTION 55. Section 31-8-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-7. (1) The counties and municipalities of the state are authorized to lease publicly owned real property to any corporation, partnership, limited partnership, joint venture or individual for the purpose of enabling such person to construct or renovate thereon any of the buildings or facilities described in Section 31-8-1 and to lease such buildings and facilities to the county or municipality. No such ground lease shall be for a primary term in excess of the primary term of the lease with respect to the buildings and facilities to be constructed thereon.
(2) The counties and municipalities of the state are authorized to sublease buildings and facilities leased pursuant to subsection (1) of this section to the United States Postal Service or to any state or federal governmental agency. Any sublease entered into pursuant to this subsection may contain an option granting the sublessee the right to purchase the leased property upon the expiration of the primary term of the sublease, or upon such earlier date as may be agreed upon, at a price not to exceed the unpaid principal balance at such time.
Before entering into any lease agreement pursuant to this subsection, the board of supervisors or the governing authorities of the municipality shall follow and be subject to the same procedures regarding publishing notice, filing protest and holding an election specified for lease agreements under Section 31-8-11, except that the notice shall not state that the rental is a continuing obligation and a charge against the general credit and leasing power of the county or municipality.
SECTION 56. Section 31-8-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-9. Subject to the provisions of this chapter, any such lease agreement may extend over any period, notwithstanding any provision or rule of law to the contrary, and any such lease agreement shall be binding upon the county or municipality and any other party thereto in accordance with its terms. Any such lease agreement may include, at the discretion of the governing authorities entering into the same, a pledge of the full faith and credit of such county or municipality for the payment of its monetary obligations thereunder; or may contain a provision that so long as no default of any monetary obligation of the lessee has occurred, the lessee's obligation to pay any amounts due or perform any covenants requiring or resulting in the expenditure of money shall be contingent and expressly limited to the extent of any specific appropriation made by the governing authorities to fund such lease agreement, and that nothing contained in the lease agreement shall be construed as creating any monetary obligation on the part of the lessee beyond such current and specific appropriation. Obligations incurred by a county or municipality under the provisions of this chapter secured by a pledge of its full faith and credit shall be included within the limitation on bonded indebtedness established by law for counties and municipalities.
SECTION 57. Section 31-8-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-11. Before entering into any lease agreement pursuant to this chapter secured by a pledge of its full faith and credit, the governing authorities of any county or municipality shall publish notice of their intention to receive suitable proposals for the leasing of such buildings, facilities or equipment. Such notice shall specify the nature of the proposed building, facility or equipment, the general geographic area in which the same is to be located, the term of the proposed lease agreement, that the obligation to pay rentals during the primary term is to be a continuing obligation of and a charge against the general credit and leasing power of the county or municipality, and the date and hour on or before which such proposals may be received. Such notice shall be published by municipalities and counties in the same manner as required for publishing notice of intention to issue general obligation bonds of the county or municipality, as appropriate. If at least twenty percent (20%), or fifteen hundred (1500), of the qualified electors of a county, whichever is less, or at least ten percent (10%), or fifteen hundred (1500), of the qualified electors of a municipality, whichever is less, file a written protest with the appropriate governing authorities, then an election shall be called by the county in the same manner as provided for the issuance of county general obligation bonds in Sections 19-9-11 through 19-9-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, or by a municipality in the same manner as provided for the issuance of municipal general obligation bonds in Sections 21-33-307 through 21-33-311, Mississippi Code of 1972, to determine whether or not the proposed lease agreement may be executed by the county or municipality. The lease agreement shall be advertised for competitive sealed proposals once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a regular newspaper published or having a general circulation in the county or municipality of the governing authority. The date as published for the proposal opening shall be not less than five (5) working days after the last published notice. The lease shall be awarded to the person submitting the lowest and best proposal; however, all proposals may be rejected.
SECTION 58. Section 31-8-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-8-13. This chapter, without reference to any other statute, shall be deemed to be full and complete authority for the authorization, execution and delivery of lease agreements authorized hereunder, and shall be construed as an additional and alternative method therefor, and none of the present restrictions, requirements, conditions and limitations of law applicable to the acquisition, construction and drawing of buildings or facilities in this state shall apply to lease agreements under this chapter, and no proceedings shall be required for the authorization, execution and delivery of such leases other than those required herein, and all powers necessary to be exercised in order to carry out the provisions of this chapter are hereby conferred.
SECTION 59. Section 31-11-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-1. (1) For purposes of this chapter, the term "State Building Commission" shall mean the Governor's Office of General Services acting through the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management.
(2) Wherever the term "State Building Commission" or "building commission" appears in the laws of the State of Mississippi, it shall be construed to mean the Governor's Office of General Services.
SECTION 60. Section 31-11-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-3. (1) The Department of Finance and Administration, for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, in addition to all other rights and powers granted by law, shall have full power and authority to employ and compensate architects or other employees necessary for the purpose of making inspections, preparing plans and specifications, supervising the erection of any buildings, and making any repairs or additions as may be determined by the Department of Finance and Administration to be necessary, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the State Personnel Board. The department shall have entire control and supervision of, and determine what, if any, buildings, additions, repairs, demolitions or improvements are to be made under the provisions of this chapter, subject to the regulations adopted by the Public Procurement Review Board.
(2) The department shall have full power to erect buildings, make repairs, additions or improvements, demolitions, to grant or acquire easements or rights-of-way, and to buy materials, supplies and equipment for any of the institutions or departments of the state subject to the regulations adopted by the Public Procurement Review Board. In addition to other powers conferred, the department shall have full power and authority as directed by the Legislature, or when funds have been appropriated for its use for these purposes, to:
(a) Build a state office building;
(b) Build suitable plants or buildings for the use and housing of any state schools or institutions, including the building of plants or buildings for new state schools or institutions, as provided for by the Legislature;
(c) Provide state aid for the construction of school buildings;
(d) Promote and develop the training of returned veterans of the United States in all sorts of educational and vocational learning to be supplied by the proper educational institution of the State of Mississippi, and in so doing allocate monies appropriated to it for these purposes to the Governor for use by him in setting up, maintaining and operating an office and employing a state director of on-the-job training for veterans and the personnel necessary in carrying out Public Law No. 346 of the United States;
(e) Build and equip a hospital and administration building at the Mississippi State Penitentiary;
(f) Build and equip additional buildings and wards at the Boswell Retardation Center;
(g) Construct a sewage disposal and treatment plant at the Mississippi State Hospital, and in so doing acquire additional land as may be necessary, and to exercise the right of eminent domain in the acquisition of this land;
(h) Build and equip the Mississippi central market and purchase or acquire by eminent domain, if necessary, any lands needed for this purpose;
(i) Build and equip suitable facilities for a training and employing center for the blind;
(j) Build and equip a gymnasium at Columbia Training School;
(k) Approve or disapprove the expenditure of any money appropriated by the Legislature when authorized by the bill making the appropriation;
(l) Expend monies appropriated to it in paying the state's part of the cost of any street paving;
(m) Sell and convey state lands when authorized by the Legislature, cause said lands to be properly surveyed and platted, execute all deeds or other legal instruments, and do any and all other things required to effectively carry out the purpose and intent of the Legislature. Any transaction which involves state lands under the provisions of this paragraph shall be done in a manner consistent with the provisions of Section 29-1-1;
(n) Collect and receive from educational institutions of the State of Mississippi monies required to be paid by these institutions to the state in carrying out any veterans' educational programs;
(o) Purchase lands for building sites, or as additions to building sites, for the erection of buildings and other facilities which the department is authorized to erect, and demolish and dispose of old buildings, when necessary for the proper construction of new buildings. Any transaction which involves state lands under the provisions of this paragraph shall be done in a manner consistent with the provisions of Section 29-1-1;
(p) Obtain business property insurance with a deductible of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) on state-owned buildings under the management and control of the department; and
(q) In consultation with and approval by the Chairmen of the Public Property Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives, enter into contracts for the purpose of providing parking spaces for state employees who work in the Woolfolk Building, the Carroll Gartin Justice Building or the Walter Sillers Office Building.
(3) The department shall survey state-owned and state-utilized buildings to establish an estimate of the costs of architectural alterations, pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USCS, Section 12111 et seq. The department shall establish priorities for making the identified architectural alterations and shall make known to the Legislative Budget Office and to the Legislature the required cost to effectuate such alterations. To meet the requirements of this section, the department shall use standards of accessibility that are at least as stringent as any applicable federal requirements and may consider:
(a) Federal minimum guidelines and requirements issued by the United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and standards issued by other federal agencies;
(b) The criteria contained in the American Standard Specifications for Making Buildings Accessible and Usable by the Physically Handicapped and any amendments thereto as approved by the American Standards Association, Incorporated (ANSI Standards);
(c) Design manuals;
(d) Applicable federal guidelines;
(e) Current literature in the field;
(f) Applicable safety standards; and
(g) Any applicable environmental impact statements.
(4) The department shall observe the provisions of Section 31-5-23, in letting contracts and shall use Mississippi products, including paint, varnish and lacquer which contain as vehicles tung oil and either ester gum or modified resin (with rosin as the principal base of constituents), and turpentine shall be used as a solvent or thinner, where these products are available at a cost not to exceed the cost of products grown, produced, prepared, made or manufactured outside of the State of Mississippi.
(5) The department shall have authority to accept grants, loans or donations from the United States government or from any other sources for the purpose of matching funds in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
(6) The department shall build a wheelchair ramp at the War Memorial Building which complies with all applicable federal laws, regulations and specifications regarding wheelchair ramps.
(7) The department shall review and preapprove all architectural or engineering service contracts entered into by any state agency, institution, commission, board or authority regardless of the source of funding used to defray the costs of the construction or renovation project for which services are to be obtained to ensure compliance with purchasing regulations and to confirm that the contracts are procured by a competitive qualification-based selection process except where such appointment is for an emergency project or for a continuation of a previous appointment for a directly related project. The provisions of this subsection (7) shall not apply to any architectural or engineering contract fully paid for by self-generated funds of any of the state institutions of higher learning, nor shall they apply to community college projects that are fully funded from local funds or other nonstate sources which are outside the Department of Finance and Administration's appropriations or as directed by the Legislature. The provisions of this subsection (7) shall not apply to any construction or design projects of the State Military Department that are fully or partially funded from federal funds or other nonstate sources, nor shall they apply to any project of the State Department of Transportation.
(8) The department shall have the authority to obtain annually from the state institutions of higher learning information on all building, construction and renovation projects including duties, responsibilities and costs of any architect or engineer hired by any such institutions.
(9) As an alternative to other methods of awarding contracts as prescribed by law, the department may elect to use the method of contracting for construction projects set out in Sections 31-7-13.1 and 31-7-13.2; however, the dual-phase design-build method of construction contracting authorized under Section 31-7-13.1 may be used only when the Legislature has specifically required or authorized the use of this method in the legislation authorizing a project.
(10) The department shall have the authority, for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, and in addition to all other rights and powers granted by law, to create and maintain a list of suspended and debarred contractors and subcontractors. Consistent with this authority, the department may adopt regulations governing the suspension or debarment of contractors and subcontractors, which regulations shall be subject to the approval of the Public Procurement Review Board. A suspended or debarred contractor or subcontractor shall be disqualified from consideration for contracts with the department during the suspension or debarment period in accordance with the department's regulations.
(11) This section shall not apply to the Mississippi State Port Authority.
SECTION 61. Section 31-11-4, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-4. (1) There is hereby created the Facilities Management Advisory Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "committee," for the purpose of advising the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, Department of Finance and Administration, with its duties of preplanning, construction, repair and renovation for buildings of all state agencies, institutions and departments.
(2) The committee shall be composed of the following eight (8) members:
(a) The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate Public Property Committee;
(b) The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the House Public Building, Grounds and Lands Committee;
(c) Two (2) Senators appointed by the Lieutenant Governor; and
(d) Two (2) Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(3) The committee shall advise the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management with its duties of preplanning, construction, repair and renovation for buildings of all state agencies, institutions and departments, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Traveling with the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management to inspect and consider requests for improvement and repair of buildings of state agencies, institutions and departments;
(b) Acquiring a working knowledge of state building matters in order to become leaders in facility related legislation; and
(c) Advising and making recommendations to the Legislature on matters relating to preplanning, construction, repair and renovation for all state buildings.
(4) The members of the committee shall have no jurisdiction or vote on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management.
(5) No committee member may receive per diem, travel or other expenses unless authorized by the Management Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Members of the committee shall be paid from the contingent expense funds of the Senate and the House of Representatives in the same amounts as provided for committee meetings when the Legislature is not in session; however, no per diem or expense for attending meetings of the committee will be paid while the Legislature is in session.
SECTION 62. Section 31-11-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-25. The Office of General Services with the approval of the Public Procurement Review Board shall have the power and authority to acquire in its own name, or in the name of such other agency or instrumentality in the State of Mississippi as it may deem proper, by purchase, contribution or otherwise, all land and real property which shall be necessary and desirable in connection with the development or expansion of any state institution or public agency of this state upon any real property adjacent to or contiguous to such institution or agency or in connection with any project under the supervision of said Office of General Services for the construction, repair, remodeling, renovating, or making additions to any building structure or other facility which the Office of General Services is required or authorized by law to construct, repair, remodel, or make an addition to. If the Office of General Services shall be unable to agree with the owner or owners of any such land or real property which is necessary or desirable for the public use in connection with any such project, the Office of General Services shall have the power and authority to acquire any such land or real property by condemnation proceedings in the manner otherwise provided by law and, for such purpose, the right of eminent domain is hereby conferred upon and vested in said Office of General Services.
SECTION 63. Section 31-11-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-27. (1) (a) The Department of Finance and Administration shall conduct a detailed study of the building and other capital needs at each state institution and at each junior college immediately prior to September first in each year. This study shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following matters: (i) an inventory of every state building and other capital facility which is the property of the State of Mississippi; (ii) the location, date of construction or acquisition, the purpose for which used, outstanding indebtedness against such facility, if any, and cost of repairs for the preceding fiscal year; (iii) an examination of the condition of the building or other facility; (iv) an estimate of the cost of repairs required to place the facility in good condition; (v) an estimate of the cost of major renovations, if contemplated; and (vi) a determination of the new building and other facility needs of each institution with such needs classified under immediate or long range requirements.
(b) All state agencies, departments and institutions are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Department of Finance and Administration in carrying out the provisions of this section.
(c) The Department of Finance and Administration shall submit a detailed report to the Legislative Budget Office on or before September first of each year. Such report shall be in such detail and in such form as may be prescribed by the Legislative Budget Office.
(d) The architect or building inspector of the Department of Finance and Administration shall make a biennial inspection of the New Capitol, Old Capitol, Woolfolk State Office Building, War Memorial Building, the Governor's Mansion, and all other buildings under jurisdiction of the Department of Finance and Administration for structural or other physical needs or defects of such buildings, and he shall further inquire of the department or its representatives regarding the condition of the buildings. He shall make a written report of his finding to the Department of Finance and Administration, Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives. The report shall also make recommendations for repairs and list, by number, the priority which should be given to making necessary repairs.
(2) (a) In addition to any report required in subsection (1) of this section, the Department of Finance and Administration shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Legislative Budget Office, the House Public Buildings, Grounds and Lands Committee and the Senate Public Property Committee describing the proposed capital improvements projects for state agencies, departments and institutions for the upcoming five-year period. The Department of Finance and Administration shall not be required to include in the report any project costing less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). The department shall submit the report before September 1 of each year. The report shall include at least the following information:
(i) A prioritized list of the projects proposed for the five-year period, with each project ranked on the basis of need;
(ii) A prioritized list of the projects proposed for the next regular legislative session, with each project ranked on the basis of need;
(iii) A prioritized list of the projects requested by each state agency, department or institution;
(iv) A detailed explanation of criteria used by the Department of Finance and Administration to rank projects for purposes of any list it prepares under this paragraph (a);
(v) A detailed statement of justification for each project;
(vi) The approximate cost for each project, including, but not limited to, itemized estimates of costs for preplanning, constructing, furnishing and equipping a project, and costs for property acquisition;
(vii) The estimated beginning date and completion date for each project;
(viii) Whether a project, as proposed, is a complete project or a phase or part of a project;
(ix) How a project will affect the operating budget of the applicable agency, department or institution for the upcoming five-year period, regarding such items as additional personnel requirements, utility costs, maintenance costs, security costs, etc.;
(x) The proposed method of financing each project and the effect such financing will have on the state budget, including an estimate of any required debt service for the project, and an estimate of any federal funds or other funds that the agency, department or institution may have access to because of the project; and
(xi) A list of the projects requested by each agency, department or institution for the five-year period, with each project ranked by the appropriate agency, department or institution on the basis of need.
(b) To enable the Department of Finance and Administration to prepare the report required in this subsection (2), it may require all state agencies, departments and institutions to file a capital improvements projects request with such information and in such form and in such detail as the department may deem necessary and advisable. Such request shall be filed with the Department of Finance and Administration no later than August 1 of each year.
SECTION 64. Section 31-11-29, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-29. The Legislative Budget Office shall prepare and submit to each regular session of the Legislature a "capital expense and development" budget based on information furnished as herein provided by the Office of General Services, plus such other information as may be obtained. The said budget shall contain an estimate of the immediate and the long term capital needs of each state department, agency, institution, and each junior college. Such budget shall include a description of the buildings and other facilities which are recommended as needed at each institution, along with an estimate of the cost. The budget shall also include a suggested method of financing the immediate needs. "Immediate needs" shall be construed to mean: buildings, major improvements, and other facilities required for the proper functioning of the institution for the next year. "Long range" needs shall be construed to mean: buildings, major improvements, and other facilities of a similar nature which may be required at some indefinite date in the future.
SECTION 65. Section 31-11-30, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-30. (1) Every capital improvements project for new facilities, costing Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) or more, which is developed to repair, renovate, construct, remodel, add to or improve a state-owned public building shall be funded by the Legislature in two (2) phases. The two-phase funding requirement shall not apply to capital improvements projects for a state-owned port or where the Legislature finds that an emergency or critical need must be met or a court order complied with. The two (2) phases shall not be funded in the same regular session of the Legislature. Each phase shall be funded in a separate session of the Legislature. Phase 1 shall be a preplanned capital improvements project budget projection for the project and shall be funded first. Phase 2 shall be the actual repair, renovation, construction, remodeling, addition to or improvement of the state-owned public building and the acquisition of furniture and equipment for the capital improvements project and shall be funded second.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Preplanned" or "preplanning" means the preliminary planning that establishes the program, scope, design and budget for a capital improvements project.
(b) "Emergency" has the meaning as defined in Section 31-7-1.
(c) "Critical need" means necessary to meet accreditation standards or necessary to respond to failures in planning.
(3) Every state agency that plans to repair, renovate, construct, remodel, add to or improve a state-owned public building shall submit a preplanned capital improvements project budget projection to the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management for evaluation. The bureau shall assess the need for all preplanned projects submitted and shall compile a report on its findings. Any capital improvements project for new facilities costing less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) shall not be required to be preplanned.
(4) Upon the completion of any preplanning for a capital improvements project, if such preplanning is funded with self-generated funds by a state agency, the plan shall be submitted to the bureau for evaluation.
(5) This section shall not apply to capital improvements projects authorized by the Legislature before the 2001 Regular Session of the Legislature.
(6) This section shall not apply to any community or junior college project funded in whole or in part by either state bonds or funds appropriated for that construction by the Legislature.
SECTION 66. Section 31-11-31, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-31. The Office of General Services of the State of Mississippi is hereby authorized and empowered to act as the commission designated to perform all functions on behalf of the State of Mississippi as provided for and required in Public Law No. 88-204 of the 88th Congress of the United States of America and being entitled "Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963" as thereafter amended, and the said Office of General Services is hereby granted such power and authority necessary for the purpose of performing for and on behalf of the State of Mississippi all things required to be done and performed by the Office of General Services as specified in said Public Law No. 88-204 of the 88th Congress of the United States government, as thereafter amended.
SECTION 67. Section 31-11-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-33. (1) For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings hereinafter ascribed:
(a) "Department" means the Department of Finance and Administration, Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management.
(b) "Public facility" means any building or other facility owned by the State of Mississippi, or by any agency, department of the State of Mississippi, that is occupied, used or under the control of the State of Mississippi, or any agency or department of the State of Mississippi, or any junior college district of the State of Mississippi, or the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi, or any institution under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi.
(2) Any public facility newly constructed from and after July 1, 2006, shall comply with and be built according to specifications not less stringent than those required by the International Code Council and such other standards as adopted by the department that provide guidelines for plumbing, electrical, gas, sanitary and other physical components of new building construction.
(3) Upon the awarding of a design contract for a new public facility, the architect/engineer shall prepare drawings and specifications in conformity with the code requirements in effect at the time of agreement or, if the code requirements at the time of the agreement are amended, then the drawings and specifications shall be prepared according to the more stringent standards.
(4) The department may regulate the height, number of stories and size of public facilities, the percentage of the lot that may be occupied, courts and other open spaces, and the location and use of public facilities.
SECTION 68. Section 31-11-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
31-11-35. (1) The Department of Finance and Administration shall adopt rules and regulations which:
(a) Optimize the energy performance of state-funded buildings throughout the state;
(b) Increase the demand for building and construction materials, finishes, furnishings and other products made in or incorporating materials produced in Mississippi;
(c) Improve environmental quality in this state by decreasing the discharge of pollutants from state-funded buildings;
(d) Conserve energy and utilize local and renewable energy sources;
(e) Protect and restore this state's natural resources by avoiding development of inappropriate state-funded building sites;
(f) Reduce the burden on public water supply and treatment by reducing potable water consumption; and
(g) Encourage obtaining ENERGY STAR designation from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to further demonstrate a building project's energy independence.
(2) Each major facility project shall be designed and constructed to meet or exceed the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2010 or any more stringent code adopted by the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management and the Department of Finance and Administration.
(3) In order to achieve sustainable building standards, construction projects may utilize a nationally recognized high performance environmental building rating system; provided, however, that any such rating system that uses a material or product-based credit system which is disadvantageous to materials or products manufactured or produced in Mississippi shall not be utilized. Additionally, such rating systems shall not exclude certificate credits for forest products certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Forest Stewardship Council or the American Tree Farm System. The Department of Finance and Administration shall designate rating systems which meet these criteria and may establish its own rating system.
(4) A nationally certified commissioning authority professional shall certify that the major facility project's systems for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, energy conservation and water conservation are installed and working properly to ensure that each major facility project performs according to the major facility project's overall environmental design intent and operational objectives.
(5) For purposes of this section, a major facility project shall mean either:
(a) A state-funded new construction building project which is:
(i) From July 1 through December 31, 2009, the project shall be larger than twenty thousand (20,000) gross square feet;
(ii) From January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010, the project shall be larger than fifteen thousand (15,000) gross square feet;
(iii) From January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011, the project shall be larger than ten thousand (10,000) gross square feet; and
(iv) From January 1, 2012, and thereafter, the project shall be larger than five thousand (5,000) gross square feet.
(b) A state-funded renovation project which involves more than fifty percent (50%) of the replacement value of the facility where compliance is cost-effective and practical.
(6) A major facility project shall not mean a building, regardless of size, which does not have conditioned space as defined by Standard 90.1 of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.
(7) For purposes of this section, a "major facility project" shall include, but not be limited to, the construction or renovation of buildings that are financed, in whole or in part, through the use of a community development block grant.
SECTION 69. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2017.