2016 Regular Session

To: Ports and Marine Resources

By: Senator(s) Gollott

Senate Bill 2802



     SECTION 1.  Section 49-15-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     49-15-27.  The commission is hereby granted full and complete authority to lease the bottoms within its jurisdiction upon the following terms and conditions:

     (1)  All areas within the commission's jurisdiction, not designated tonging reefs by this chapter, or hereinafter designated tonging reefs by the commission; all areas not designated natural reefs by the commission, and all areas not within the boundaries of riparian property owners may be leased by the commission.

     (2)  All individual lessees shall be residents of the State of Mississippi, or if a firm or corporation, such firm or corporation shall be organized under the laws of the State of Mississippi.

     (3)  No individual, corporation, partnership or association may lease less than five (5) acres nor more than five hundred (500) acres; however, in the case of an individual there shall not be counted towards such limitation any lands leased by a corporation, partnership or association in which such individual owns ten percent (10%) or less interest and, in the case of a corporation, partnership or association, there shall not be counted toward such limitation any lands leased by an individual stockholder, partner or associate thereof who owns ten percent (10%) or less interest in such corporation, partnership or association.

     (4)  Individuals, firms or corporations desiring to lease bottoms shall make application to the commission in writing, describing the area to be leased.

     (5)  The commission shall consider bottom-leasing applications in the order in which each is filed and may award, within sixty (60) days, a lease to the area described in the application upon payment of the rent in advance.

     (6)  Such leases shall be for a term of five (5) years, with the right of lessee to renew the lease for an additional five (5) years, and continue to renew at five-year intervals, at the same ground rental rate so long as lessee actively cultivates and gathers oysters, and complies with the provisions of this chapter.  No lease may be transferred without approval by the commission of the transfer.

     (7)  No new application for lease shall be taken or lease issued whose length exceed its narrowest width by more than a factor of three (3), except as follows:

          (a)  Between existing leases where all available water bottoms are taken;

          (b)  In bayous for similar configurations, connections or cuts between bays, lakes and ponds where all available water bottoms are taken with a subservient clause prohibiting an impedance of reasonable navigation.

     (8)  Any application for an oyster lease may be contoured to follow the shoreline.

     (9)  Where distances between oyster leases or between oyster leases and the shoreline are two hundred (200) feet or less, no applications or leases shall be taken or issued except that the intervening space may be shared equally by the existing leases or applicants if properly applied for and leased in accordance with existing policies and practices. * * *

     ( * * *710)  The commission shall fix a ground rental at not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) per acre.

     ( * * *811)  The commission shall keep an accurate chart of the areas within its jurisdiction and shall mark on such chart those areas which are under lease.  All leases shall be marked by appropriate poles, stakes or buoys of such material as will not injure watercraft, at the expense of the leaseholder.  The commission shall keep an accurate book, designated "Mississippi Oyster Farms" which shall contain copies of all leases.  If any lease be cancelled or expire, such fact shall be noted on the face of such lease.  Lessees shall be "oyster farmers" for the purposes of any grants, aid, subsidies or other assistance from the federal government or other governmental or private agencies.

     ( * * *912)  All funds derived from leasing shall be paid into the Seafood Fund under Section 49-15-17, for use by the commission to further oyster production in this state, which includes plantings of oysters and cultch materials.

     ( * * *1013)  All leases made by the commission under the authority of this section shall be subject to the paramount right of the state and any of its political subdivisions authorized by law, to promote and develop ports, harbors, channels, industrial or recreational projects, and all such leases shall contain a provision that in the event such authorized public body shall require the area so leased or any part thereof for such public purposes, that the lease shall be terminated on reasonable notice fixed by the commission in such lease.  On the termination of any lease, the lessees shall have the right to remove any oysters within the leased area within such time as may be fixed by the commission and in accordance with such reasonable rules and regulations as the commission may adopt.

     Any person convicted of taking oysters from leased land or from waters that are not of a safe sanitary quality without a permit as provided in Section 49-15-37 shall, on the first offense, forfeit all equipment used, exclusive of any boat or boats; and be fined not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) or sentenced not to exceed one (1) year in the county jail, or both.  Subsequent convictions shall be punishable by forfeiture of all equipment, including any boat or boats; and a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or not to exceed two (2) years in prison, or both such fine and imprisonment.

     The commission is enjoined to cooperate with the Jackson County Port Authority, the Harrison County Development Commission, the municipal port commission and other port and harbor agencies, so that oyster beds shall not be planted in close proximity to navigable channels.  The commission or lessee shall have no right of action as against any such public body for damages accruing to any natural reef or leased reef by any necessary improvement of such channel in the interest of shipping, commerce, navigation or other purpose authorized by law.

     SECTION 2.  Section 49-15-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     49-15-9.  The sole right of planting, cultivating in racks or other structures, and gathering oysters and erecting bathhouses and other structures in front of any land bordering on the Gulf of Mexico or Mississippi Sound or waters tributary thereto belongs to the riparian owner and extends not more than seven hundred fifty (750) yards from the shore, measuring from the average low water mark, but where the distance from shore to shore is less than fifteen hundred (1500) yards, the owners of either shore may plant and gather to a line equidistant between the two (2) shores, but no person shall plant in any natural channel so as to interfere with navigation, and such riparian rights shall not include any reef or natural oyster bed and does not extend beyond any channel. A riparian owner is authorized to lease his riparian oyster culture rights to other private individuals.  A riparian owner, or his lessee, shall comply with the Coastal Wetlands Protection Act in exercising the use of these riparian rights.  Stakes of such frail materials as will not injure any watercraft may be set up to designate the bounds of the plantation, but navigation shall not be impeded thereby.  The riparian owner shall clearly mark such cultivation racks and other structures.  The commission may adopt regulations to require that the racks are adequately marked to ensure the safety of users of public waters.  Any oysters planted by such riparian owner are the private property of such riparian owner, subject to the right of the commission to adopt reasonable rules and regulations as to the planting and gathering of such oysters.  All bathhouses, piers, wharfs, docks and pavilions, or other structures owned by riparian owner are likewise the private property of such owner, who shall be entitled to the exclusive use, occupancy and possession thereof, and may abate any private or public nuisance committed by any person or persons in the area of his riparian ownership and may, for such purposes, resort to any remedial action authorized by law.  The governing authorities of any municipality and the board of supervisors of any county are authorized to adopt reasonable rules and regulations to protect riparian owners in the enjoyment of their riparian rights, and for such purposes may regulate the use of beaches, landings, and riparian areas abutting or fronting on roads, streets or highways.

     SECTION 3.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2016.