2016 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Gunn

House Resolution 119


     WHEREAS, on March 24, 2016, the citizens of House District 106, and particularly the Mississippi State Legislature, received bittersweet confirmation of an official changing of the guard in the post held for the last 25 years by a visionary leader, friend, lawmaker and veteran coach and educator, with the appointment of the Honorable Herb Frierson as the Commissioner of Revenue for the Mississippi Department of Revenue by Governor Phil Bryant; and

     WHEREAS, the distinguished Gentleman from Pearl River County, Mississippi, Chairman Herb Frierson, an honored and cherished member of the Mississippi House of Representatives, revered for his impeccable expertise and credible public service, received this most auspicious appointment to the post of Commissioner of Revenue for the Mississippi Department of Revenue in the first year of his seventh term of legislative service as a member of the House of Representatives from District 106, after having been initially elected in November 1991, which includes portions of Lamar and Pearl River Counties; and

     WHEREAS, a native of Poplarville, Mississippi, Representative Frierson answered his call to public service when he made the decision to join the elite vanguard of life changing mentors as a public school teacher and coach after completing two years of study at Pearl River Community College before completing his collegiate matriculation with a baccalaureate degree from Mississippi State University; and

     WHEREAS, gaining stature as a prominent yet formidable politician, the Gentleman from Pearl River's abilities and talent were immediately recognized by his colleagues, and when combined with his strong work ethic, he quickly rose from freshman lawmaker and Vice Chairman of the Executive Contingent Fund Committee at the onset of his second legislative term in 1996, to an influential purveyor of academic awareness and achievement outcome with his appointment as Vice Chairman of the Education Committee in his third term beginning in 2000, to oceanographic optimist and mind behind the matter of coastal preservation and conservation as Chairman of the Marine Resources Committee during his fourth term beginning in 2004, culminating in his appointment to the chairmanship position of the powerful House Committee on Appropriation in 2012, which he zealously led with much deference and bipartisan participation for five legislative sessions until 2016, a fitting resolve for his venerable leadership in the Mississippi House of Representatives, which aptly prepared and qualified him as one who was strategically and conservatively capable to finesse the fiscal logistics of the state's budget to an exact science as he transitions to the Mississippi Department of Revenue; and

     WHEREAS, over the course of his storied legislative career, Representative Frierson's diligence and devotion to the office to which he was elected has been fueled by the desire to make the quality of life better for his immediate constituency base and the entire citizenry of the Hospitality State, as he has endeavored with feverish propensity through his vocal participation on the  committees to which he was assigned, including:  Agriculture; Apportionment and Elections; Appropriations; Conservation and Water Resources; County Affairs; Education; Executive Contingent Fund; Forestry; Joint Committee on Legislative Budget; Joint Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review (PEER); Judiciary A; Juvenile Justice; Marine Resources; Performance-Based Budgeting; Public Health and Welfare; Revenue and Expenditure General Bills; State Library; Universities and Colleges; Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; and Workforce Development; and

     WHEREAS, Chairman Frierson's love and deeply felt respect for the Legislature as a hallowed institution has led his fight to preserve and nurture its integrity, becoming a guardian of this sacred institution during a time in Mississippi's history when the diversity of the House membership expanded to include meaningful participation by women, African Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, who equally hold a lion's share in the stake of advancing the direction of the state's economic, educational and political climate; and

     WHEREAS, widely considered to be one of the most passionate state leaders and skillful tacticians of Mississippi's evolving political atmosphere, Chairman Frierson maintained a strong leadership role in every meaningful initiative addressed by the Mississippi Legislature during his tenure, including economic development, fiscal affairs, education, gaming, public health, transportation, agriculture, and election reform initiatives and programs; and

     WHEREAS, a rare leader who was able to lead effectively and serve with humility while promoting the integrity and strength of the Legislature, "Mr. Chairman," as he came to be respectfully called, is known to be a fair and evenhanded steward of the legislative process as demonstrated by his ability to uphold loyalty to the House of Representatives; and

     WHEREAS, admired for his ability for building consensus in the Legislature across party lines regardless of the issues at hand, it is with the same deference that his presence at the Mississippi Department of Revenue is both essential and most appropriate to carry forward the service to the citizens of the State of Mississippi who rely heavily upon the fiscal stability and soundness of the state in earning a livelihood and achieving the ultimate American dream of prosperity without unnecessary waste; and

     WHEREAS, effective on July 1, 2016, the Gentleman from Pearl River officially exchanges the title of Representative Frierson and resigns the title "Mr. Chairman" for that of "Mr. Commissioner," as he makes his departure from the stained glass ceiling and decorative walls of the chamber of the Mississippi House of Representatives housed under the golden eagle-topped dome, marble floors and scagliola columns of the State Capitol, where his legislative expertise and experience as a well-versed politician and people's champion will aid his administration and management of the state's finances; and

     WHEREAS, Chairman Frierson served the Mississippi House of Representatives well, and his passion for making the body a stronger institution will result in a positive influence on the work of the House for decades to follow; and

     WHEREAS, the members of the House of Representatives will cherish the bond and common goals for the betterment of our great state shared with Chairman Frierson, and that his impeccable service was unparalleled to the Mississippi Legislature, his wife, Cheryl Young Frierson, children, Lara and Eli, and to the constituents of District 106 and to this great state:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend the distinguished and laudable legislative career of the most honorable and distinguished Gentleman from Pearl River, Representative Herb Frierson, congratulate him upon being appointed as Commissioner of Revenue for the Mississippi Department of Revenue, and express our fondest respect and best wishes for continued success in his newly appointed capacity and all of his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Representative Herb Frierson and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.