2016 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Moore

House Resolution 8


     WHEREAS, Mississippi State Hospital Police Chief James Blackwell, an exemplary public servant, is retiring from the Mississippi State Hospital Police Force after dedicating more than 40 years of illustrious service and devotion to the citizens of the State of Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, a native of Raleigh, Mississippi, Chief Blackwell bravely joined an elite fraternity of soldiers in the United States Army as a Military Police Officer after he graduated from the Advanced Military Police Academy and served throughout the United States and Europe with valor, strength and bravery; and

     WHEREAS, dubbed a gallant hero, Chief Blackwell utilized his extensive military training to improve his role at Mississippi State Hospital, which he began on June 16, 1975, and throughout his tenure, he strived daily to enhance and improve his police skills and training, graduating from the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers' Training Academy; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to the superior police training academies in which he excelled, Chief Blackwell has also taken special law enforcement programs and classes at Jones County Junior College, Hinds Community College, Jackson State University and Mississippi College to remain on the cutting edge of new police practices and procedures; and

     WHEREAS, throughout each class he endured and each exam he studied and aced, Chief Blackwell endeavored to consume as much information as humanly possible so that he could provide the people at Mississippi State Hospital with the best and most outstanding protection; and

     WHEREAS, as a police officer, Chief Blackwell faced dangerous, deadly situations every day that demanded he put his life on the line, but every time the call came, he fearlessly and bravely rushed into perilous predicaments and courageously fought the most threatening people, places and happenings to ensure safety for the citizens of Mississippi, who will be forever grateful for his intrepid, noble efforts; and

     WHEREAS, the longevity of Chief Blackwell's career has been marked with notable accomplishments and endorsements, and he has worked to develop positive working relationships with the surrounding law enforcement agencies and hosted numerous training exercises involving local sheriff departments, police departments, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and

     WHEREAS, throughout Chief Blackwell's lifetime as an immeasurably audacious, chivalrous and lifesaving police officer, he has been a steadfast, fervent advocate of the Special Olympics and passionately supported the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run each year; and 

     WHEREAS, Chief Blackwell has been an exceptional police chief and meritorious leader to the people of Mississippi State Hospital, and his indomitable grit, dexterous abilities and passionate determination will be dearly missed by all of his colleagues and others who were fortunate to have the privileged opportunity to work with him and experience his greatness; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to pay tribute to fine, heroic Mississippians such as Chief James Blackwell, a man consumed with a selfless drive to help others whose outstanding leadership, dauntless fortitude and unwavering duty to protect and serve the people of Mississippi State Hospital are truly appreciated and will never be forgotten:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Police Chief James Blackwell upon the occasion of his retirement from Mississippi State Hospital after more than 40 years of selfless service and extend heartiest wishes for success in all of his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Police Chief James Blackwell, Mississippi State Hospital and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.