2016 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Formby

House Concurrent Resolution 42

(As Adopted by House and Senate)


     WHEREAS, a woman of so many achievements, Mrs. Gladys Hughes, at the age of 92 experienced life through the Great Depression, countless wars and still remains the most patriotic and joyful lady around; and

     WHEREAS, Mrs. Hughes felt the call of duty and left college as a junior to enlist in the United States Coast Guard during World War II serving as a HA1C medic, and upon returning home after faithfully serving her country, Gladys understood the importance of a quality education and persevered to achieve a bachelor's degree from the University of Nebraska, an admirable feat which spanned the course of 12 years due to giving birth to her two children along the way; and

     WHEREAS, with great insight into her talents, Mrs. Hughes completed a master of fine arts degree program at Baylor University which would define her career as a 30-year veteran teacher of speech and drama, an author of three novels and a community thespian, having directed or performed 79 plays for the Picayune On Stage theater group; and

     WHEREAS, Gladys appreciates beauty at every stage and in every avenue of life, winning 2nd Runner-Up in the 2012 Ms. Veteran America competition, which works to promote issues of homeless female veterans, and earning the crown of Ms. Mississippi Senior America in 2003, where she emphasized children's theater; and

     WHEREAS, Mrs. Hughes has endured more health impediments than imaginable, but she has risen above these temporary setbacks by giving back to others by means of counseling women on reconstructive surgery and donating plasma twice a week, which is needed to make Rhogam shots that protect pregnant women with

Rh-negative blood type; and

     WHEREAS, having lived such a full and distinguished life, Gladys still has more to do, believing that 90 is the new 60, she is able to spend these golden years with the love of her life, Hughie Hughes, and her two children, four grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and beloved pet, a Bichon Frise named DeeDee; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of this Legislature to recognize the life achievements of outstanding role models such as Gladys Hughes:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Gladys Hughes on her many accomplishments and convey our wishes for her continued future happiness.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Mrs. Gladys Hughes and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.