2016 Regular Session

To: Medicaid

By: Representative Brown

House Bill 952



     SECTION 1.  Short Title.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Act to Restore Hope, Opportunity, and Prosperity for Everyone (HOPE)" or the HOPE Act.

     SECTION 2.  Work requirements.  The Department of Human Services shall not seek, apply for, accept or renew any waiver of requirements established under 7 USC Section 2015(o).

     SECTION 3.  Integration of Eligibility Systems.  The Division of Medicaid shall submit an Advanced Planning Document or amend its existing Advanced Planning Document to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the purpose of applying for the OMB A87 exception to support the integration of eligibility systems between the division and any applicable Department of Human Services program where an integrated system of eligibility will serve the state's interest in developing shared eligibility services across health and human services programs, while at the same time promoting and enhancing the state's efforts of ensuring maximum program integrity across each agency.  In preparing the Advanced Planning Document or amendment to the document, the division also shall:

          (a)  Identify functions that can be leveraged or shared across the state Medicaid program and other Department of Human Services programs;

          (b)  Weigh benefits of shared systems;

          (c)  Identify interoperability and integration goals;

on state ideas before submitting Advanced Planning Documents; and

          (e)  Ensure that the enhancement to front end identity and asset verification is an integral part of the advanced planning and integration process going forward

     The division shall submit its report to the Chairmen of the House and Senate Medicaid Committees within 90 days. 

     SECTION 4.  Real-time eligibility monitoring.

       (1)  Definitions.  For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

          (a)  "Department" means the Division of Medicaid or the Department of Human Services, as the case may be.

          (b)  "Identity information" means an applicant or recipient's full name, aliases, date of birth, address, Social Security number and other related information.

     (2)  Establishment of enhanced eligibility verification system.

          (a)  The Department shall establish a computerized income, asset, and identity eligibility verification system in order to verify eligibility, eliminate the duplication of assistance, and deter waste, fraud, and abuse within each respective assistance program administered by the Department.

          (b)  The Department shall enter into a competitively bid contract with a third-party vendor for the purposes of developing a system by which to verify the income, asset, and identity information of applicants to prevent fraud, misrepresentation, and inadequate documentation when determining an applicant's eligibility for assistance prior to the distribution of benefits, periodically between eligibility redeterminations, and during eligibility redeterminations and reviews, as prescribed in this section.  The Department may also contract with a vendor to provide information to facilitate reviews of recipient eligibility conducted by the Department.

          (c)  When the Department enters into a contract with a third-party vendor for the purposes of carrying out this section, the vendor, in partnership with the Department, shall be required by contract to establish annualized savings realized from implementation of the verification system and savings shall exceed the total yearly cost to the state for implementing the verification system.

          (d)  When the Department enters into a contract with a third-party vendor, the payment structure should be based on a per-applicant rate and may include a performance bonus for achieving above a predetermined rate of success of identifying waste, fraud, and abuse.

          (e)  To avoid any conflict of interest, when the Department enters into a contract with a third-party vendor, that primary vendor may not currently or will not be allowed to bid on or be awarded a state contract to run enrollment services.

          (f)  Nothing in this section shall preclude the Department from continuing to conduct additional eligibility verification processes, not detailed in this section, that are currently in practice.

     (3)  Enhanced eligibility verification process.  (a)  All applications for benefits must be processed within a 10-day period or the minimum required by federal law.  Prior to awarding assistance, and on a quarterly basis thereafter, the Department shall verify identity information of each respective applicant and recipient of assistance from the Department against the following:

              (i)  Earned and unearned income information maintained by the Internal Revenue Service;

              (ii)  Employer weekly, monthly, and/or quarterly reports of income and unemployment insurance payment information maintained by the Department of Employment Security;

              (iii)  Earned income information maintained by the United States Social Security Administration;

              (iv)  Immigration status information maintained by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services;

              (v)  Death register information maintained by the United States Social Security Administration;

              (vi)  Prisoner information maintained by the United States Social Security Administration;

              (vii)  Public housing and Section 8 Housing Assistance payment information maintained by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development;

              (viii)  National fleeing felon information maintained by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation;

              (ix)  Wage reporting and similar information maintained by states contiguous to this state;

              (x)  Beneficiary records and earnings information maintained by the United States Social Security Administration in its Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange (BENDEX) database;

              (xi)  Earnings and pension information maintained by the United States Social Security Administration in its Beneficiary Earnings Exchange Record System (BEERS) database;

              (xii)  Employment information maintained by the Department of Employment Security;

              (xiii)  Employment information maintained by the United States Department of Health and Human Services in its National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) database;

              (xiv)  Supplemental Security Income information maintained by the United States Social Security Administration in its SSI State Data Exchange (SDX) database;

              (xv)  Veterans' benefits information maintained by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, in coordination with the State Department of Health and the State Department Of Veterans Affairs, in the federal Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) database;

              (xvi)  Child care services information maintained by the Department of Human Services;

              (xvii)  Utility payments information maintained by the state under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program;

              (xviii)  Emergency utility payment information maintained by the state or local entities;

              (xix)  A database of all persons who currently hold a license, permit, or certificate from any state agency the cost of which exceeds Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00);

              (xx)  Income and employment information maintained by Department of Human Services and the United States Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Child Support Enforcement;

              (xxi)  Earnings and pension information maintained by Public Employees' Retirement System;

              (xxii)  Any existing real-time database of persons currently receiving benefits in other states, such as the National Accuracy Clearinghouse; and

              (xxiii)  A database that is substantially similar to or a successor of a database established in this section.

          (b)  Before awarding assistance, and on a quarterly basis, the Department shall match identity information of each respective applicant and recipient of assistance from the Department against, at minimum, the following public records:

              (i)  A nationwide public records data source of physical asset ownership such as real property, automobiles, watercraft, aircraft, and luxury vehicles, or any other vehicle owned by the applicant and recipient of assistance;

              (ii)  A nationwide public records data source of incarcerated individuals;

              (iii)  A nationwide best-address and driver's license data source to verify individuals are residents of the state;

              (iv)  A comprehensive public records database that identifies potential identity fraud or identity theft that can closely associate name, Social Security number, date of birth, phone, and address information;

              (v)  Subject to the guidelines of Section 1940(b) of the federal Social Security Act, 42 USC Section 1396w(b), information provided by at least sixty (60%) percent of national and local financial institutions operating in Mississippi, in order to locate undisclosed depository accounts or verify account balances of disclosed accounts;

              (vi)  Outstanding default or arrest warrant information maintained by the criminal history systems board, the criminal justice information system, and the warrant management system; and

              (vii)  A database that is substantially similar to or a successor of a database established in this section.

     SECTION 5.  Enhanced identity authentication process.  Before awarding assistance, applicants for benefits must complete a computerized identity authentication process that shall confirm the applicant owns the identity presented in the application.  The Department shall review the respective applicant or recipient's identity ownership using the following procedures:

          (a)  Provide a knowledge-based quiz consisting of financial or personal questions.  The quiz must attempt to accommodate nonbanked or under-banked applicants who do not have an established credit history.

          (b)  Require the quiz for applications be available to be submitted through all channels, including online, in-person, and via phone.

     SECTION 6.  Discrepancies and case review.  (1)  If a discrepancy results from an applicant or recipient's identity information and one or more of the databases or information tools listed under Section 4 or Section 5 of this act, the Department shall review the respective applicant or recipient's case using the following procedures:

          (a)  If the information discovered does not result in the Department finding a discrepancy or change in an applicant's or recipient's circumstances that may affect eligibility, the Department shall take no further action.

          (b)  If the information discovered under Section 4 or Section 5 of this act results in the Department finding a discrepancy or change in a recipient's circumstances that may affect eligibility, the Department shall promptly redetermine eligibility after receiving such information.

          (c)  If the information discovered under Section 4 or Section 5 of this act results in the Department finding a discrepancy or change in an applicant's or recipient's circumstances that may affect eligibility, the applicant or recipient shall be given an opportunity to explain the discrepancy; however, self-declarations by applicants or recipients shall not be accepted as verification of categorical and financial eligibility during eligibility evaluations, reviews, and redeterminations.

     The Department shall provide written notice to the applicant or recipient, which shall describe in sufficient detail the circumstances of the discrepancy or change, the manner in which the applicant or recipient may respond, and the consequences of failing to take action.  The applicant or recipient shall have ten (10) business days, or the minimum required by state or federal law, to respond in an attempt to resolve the discrepancy or change.  The explanation provided by the recipient or applicant shall be given in writing.  After receiving the explanation, the Department may request additional documentation if it determines that there is risk of fraud, misrepresentation, or inadequate documentation.

          (d)  If the applicant or recipient does not respond to the notice, the Department shall deny or discontinue assistance for failure to cooperate, in which case the Department shall provide notice of intent to deny or discontinue assistance. Eligibility for assistance shall not be established or reestablished until the discrepancy or change has been resolved.

          (e)  If an applicant or recipient responds to the notice and disagrees with the findings of the match between his or her identity information and one or more databases or information tools listed under this act, the Department shall reinvestigate the matter.  If the Department finds that there has been an error, the Department shall take immediate action to correct it and no further action shall be taken.  If, after an investigation, the Department determines that there is no error, the Department shall determine the effect on the applicant's or recipient's case and take appropriate action.  Written notice of the respective Department's action shall be given to the applicant or recipient.

          (f)  If the applicant or recipient agrees with the findings of the match between the applicant's or recipient's identity information and one or more databases or information tools listed under this act, the Department shall determine the effect on the applicant or recipient's case and take appropriate action.  Written notice of the Department's action shall be given to the applicant or recipient.  In no case shall the Department discontinue assistance upon finding a discrepancy or change in circumstances between an individual's identity information and one or more databases or information tools listed under this act until the applicant or recipient has been given notice of the discrepancy and the opportunity to respond as required under this act.

     (2)  The Department shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the purposes of carrying out this section.

     SECTION 7.  Referrals for fraud, misrepresentation, or inadequate documentation.  (1)  After reviewing changes or discrepancies that may affect program eligibility, the Department shall refer suspected cases of fraud to the Attorney General for investigation and possible criminal prosecution, recovery of improper payments, and collection of civil penalties.

     (2)  After reviewing changes or discrepancies that may affect program eligibility, the Department shall refer suspected cases of identity fraud to the Attorney General for criminal prosecution.

     (3)  In cases of fraud substantiated by the Department, upon conviction the state should review all legal options to remove enrollees from other public programs and garnish wages or state income tax refunds until the state recovers an equal amount of benefits fraudulently received.

     (4)  After reviewing changes or discrepancies that may affect program eligibility, the Department shall refer suspected cases of fraud, misrepresentation, or inadequate documentation to appropriate agencies, divisions, or departments for review of eligibility discrepancies in other public programs.  This should also include cases where an individual is determined to be no longer eligible for the original program.

     SECTION 8.  Reporting.  Six months after the implementation of this act, and quarterly thereafter, the Department shall provide a written report to the Governor and the Legislature detailing the effectiveness and general findings of the eligibility verification system, including the number of cases reviewed, the number of case closures, the number of referrals for criminal prosecution, recovery of improper payment, collection of civil penalties, the outcomes of cases referred to the Attorney General under this act, and the savings that have resulted from the system.

     SECTION 9.  Transparency in Medicaid.  Following the precedent set by Medicare, the Department shall electronically release to the public data that includes, but is not limited to the following:  the provider's name and office locations; a provider's National Provider Identifier (NPI); the type of service provided by Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code; and whether the service was performed in a facility or office setting. This public data shall also include the number of services, average submitted charges, average allowed amount, average Medicaid payment, and a count of unique beneficiaries treated.

     SECTION 10.  Federal asset limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.  In no case shall the resource limit standards of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) exceed the standards specified in 7 USC Section 2014(g)(1), unless expressly required by federal law.  In no case shall categorical eligibility exempting households from these resource limits be granted for any noncash, in-kind or other benefit, unless expressly required by federal law.

     SECTION 11.  Broad-based categorical eligibility.  (1)  In no case shall categorical eligibility under 7 USC Section 2014(a) or 7 CFR Section 273.2(j)(2)(iii) be granted for any noncash, in-kind or other benefit unless expressly required by federal law for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

     (2)  The Department of Human Services shall not apply gross income standards for food assistance higher than the standards specified in 7 USC Section 2014(c) unless expressly required by federal law.  Categorical eligibility exempting households from such gross income standards requirements shall not be granted for any noncash, in-kind or other benefit, unless expressly required by federal law.

     SECTION 12.  Sharing enrollee information across agencies.    (1)  The Division of Medicaid and the Department of Human Services shall share eligibility information with each other in a timely manner when an enrollee has been disenrolled for any reason, and shall include the rationale for the action.

     (2)  Any department, agency or division receiving information under subsection (1) of this section shall establish procedures to redetermine eligibility for any enrollee whose eligibility or benefit levels could change as a result of new information provided under subsection (1).

     SECTION 13.  Enrollment requirement.  (1)  On a weekly basis, the Department of Human Services shall provide the Division of Medicaid a list of individuals and families removed from TANF due to noncompliance with work requirements.

     (2)  The Division of Medicaid shall disenroll any nonpregnant adult identified under subsection (1) of this section, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     SECTION 14.  Enrollment prerequisite.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall identify any individual that has failed to cooperate with child support enforcement or the child support agency without good cause, or is delinquent on any courtordered child support payments, including arrears.

     (2)  The department shall terminate benefits for any recipient identified under subsection (1) of this section, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (3)  The period of disqualification for recipients terminated under subsection (2) of this section shall end once the department has determined that such individual is cooperating with child support services and is no longer delinquent on any court-ordered child support payments, including arrears.

     SECTION 15.  Cash diversions as hand-up.  (1)  Any funds disbursed by the Department of Human Services through any cash diversion program after the effective date of this act shall be considered a loan.

     (2)  The department shall promulgate rules establishing the terms of loans disbursed under subsection (1) of this section.

     (3)  Any cash diversion loan disbursed under subsection (1) of this act that is not repaid according to the terms established under subsection (2) of this act shall count towards the recipient's maximum time limit.

     SECTION 16.  Maximum family grant.  For purposes of determining the maximum aid payment under the TANF program, the number of persons in a household shall not be increased for any child born into a household that has received aid under TANF continuously for the ten (10) months before the birth of the child.

     SECTION 17.  Verify identities and household composition, and all expenses of welfare applicants.  The Department of Human Services shall verify identity, household composition, expenses, and any other factor affecting eligibility allowed under 7 CFR Section 273.2(f)(3).

     SECTION 18.  Full cooperation with a fraud investigations.

The Department of Human Services shall communicate the expectation of mandatory cooperation with a fraud investigation and that noncompliance could result in case closure and termination of benefits within ten (10) days.

     SECTION 19.  Temporary Assistance for Needy Families limits.

Beginning July 1, 2016, the lifetime limit for temporary assistance for needy families benefits shall be twelve (12) months.  The lifetime limit shall not apply to the exceptions set forth in 42 USC Section 608(a)(7).

     SECTION 20.  Gaps in eligibility reporting.  The Department of Human Services shall not establish or use a simplified reporting system under 7 CFR Section 273.12(a)(5).

     SECTION 21.  Noncompliance with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program rules.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall only grant benefits when an approved applicant has signed a written agreement clearly enumerating continued eligibility requirements, circumstances in which sanctions may be imposed, and any potential penalties for noncompliance.

     (2)  The department shall require all enrollees to be compliant with all program requirements, including work requirements, before granting benefits.

     (3)  The department shall institute a three-month, full-household sanction for the first instance of non-compliance with any TANF requirement, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (4)  The department shall terminate benefits for the second instance of non-compliance with any TANF requirement, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (5)  An individual sanctioned under subsection (3) of this section shall not have benefits reinstated without reviewing the agreement required under subsection (1) of this section.

     (6)  The department shall deny benefits to any adult member of a household where another adult member of the household has been found to have committed benefits fraud.

     SECTION 22.  Noncompliance with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program rules.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall set disqualification periods for all instances of noncompliance with any SNAP requirement, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (2)  The department shall institute a three-month, full-household disqualification period for the first instance of noncompliance, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (3)  The department shall institute a six-month, full-household disqualification period for the second instance of noncompliance, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (4)  The department shall institute a permanent disqualification period for the third instance of noncompliance, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (5)  If a recipient is subject to a disqualification period under subsection (4) of this section, the department shall institute a 6-month disqualification period for the recipient's entire household, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     (6)  Unless expressly prohibited by federal law, recipients shall be subject to disqualification for failure to perform actions required by other federal, state, or local means-tested public assistance programs.

     SECTION 23.  Spending out-of-state.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall post on its website and make available on an annual basis to the chairmen of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the House Public Health and Human Services Committee and the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee a report of SNAP and TANF benefit spending.

     (2)  The report required under subsection (1) of this section shall include:

          (a)  The dollar amount and number of transactions of SNAP benefits that are accessed or spent out-of-state, disaggregated by state;

          (b)  The dollar amount and number of transactions of TANF benefits that are accessed or spent out-of-state, disaggregated by state;

          (c)  The dollar amount, number of transactions, and times of transactions of SNAP benefits that are accessed or spent in-state, disaggregated by retailer, institution, or location; and

          (d)  The dollar amount, number of transactions, and time of transactions of TANF benefits that are accessed or spent in-state, disaggregated by retailer, institution, or location.

     (3)  The report required under subsection (1) of this section shall be de-identified to prevent identification of individual recipients.

     SECTION 24.  Public reporting.  (1)  The Division of Medicaid and the Department of Human Services shall post on their websites and make available on annual basis to the chairmen of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the House Public Health and Human Services Committee and the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee a report of welfare recipient characteristics.

     (2)  The report required under subsection (1) of this section shall include:

          (a)  The length of enrollment, disaggregated by program and eligibility group;

          (b)  The share of recipients concurrently enrolled in one or more additional means-tested programs, disaggregated by program and eligibility group;

          (c)  The number of means-tested programs recipients are concurrently enrolled in, disaggregated by program and eligibility group;

          (d)  The demographics and characteristics of recipients, disaggregated by program and eligibility group; and

          (e)  The dollar amount spent on advertising and marketing for TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, and other means-tested programs, including both state and federal funds, disaggregated by program.

     (3)  The report required under subsection (1) of this section shall be de-identified to prevent identification of individual recipients.

     SECTION 25.  Photos on EBT cards.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall place a photograph of the recipient on any electronic benefits transfer card issued by the department, unless the recipient declines to have the photograph included.  When a recipient is a minor or otherwise incapacitated individual, a parent or legal guardian of such recipient may have a photograph of such parent or legal guardian placed on the card.

     (2)  The Department of Human Services shall explore opportunities with other state agencies, departments, or divisions, including the Department of Public Safety, to share photographs when available.  The Department of Human Services may sign one or more memorandum of understanding with such agencies, departments, or divisions as necessary to implement this section.

     SECTION 26.  Excessive EBT card loss.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall send all recipients that have requested three replacement cards within a twelve-month-period a letter informing them that another request will require participation in a face-to-face interview with a fraud investigator and eligibility expert.

     (2)  If a third-party vendor is administering replacement cards directly to recipients, it shall notify the department after the request for a third replacement card in a twelve-month-period, and any subsequent request thereafter.

     (3)  Upon a recipient's request of a fourth replacement card within any twelve-month-period, and any subsequent request thereafter, the department shall schedule an interview with a fraud investigator and eligibility expert before another new card is issued.

     (4)  If a recipient fails to appear at an interview scheduled under subsection (3) of this section, the department shall terminate the recipient's benefits within ten (10) days, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     SECTION 27.  Number of EBT card users.  (1)  The Department of Human Services shall limit the number of authorized representatives on any EBT card to no more than four (4) individuals at any given time.

     (2)  The list of authorized users shall be compiled at the time of application and updated during every recertification.

     (3)  Recipients shall have the opportunity to add or change authorized representatives by filing a written request.

     SECTION 28.  Limits on spending locations.  (1)  Funds available on electronic benefit transfer cards shall not be used to purchase alcohol, liquor or imitation liquor, cigarettes, tobacco products, bail, gambling activities, lottery tickets, tattoos, travel services provided by a travel agent, money transmission to locations abroad, sexually oriented adult materials, concert tickets, professional or collegiate sporting event tickets, or tickets for other entertainment events intended for the general public.

     (2)  Electronic benefit transfer card transactions shall be prohibited at all retail liquor stores, casinos, gaming establishments, jewelry stores, tattoo parlors, massage parlors, body piercing parlors, spas, nail salons, lingerie shops, tobacco paraphernalia stores, vapor cigarette stores, psychic or fortune telling businesses, bail bond companies, video arcades, movie theaters, swimming pools, cruise ships, theme parks, dog or horse racing facilities, pari-mutuel facilities, sexually oriented businesses, retail establishments that provide adult-oriented entertainment in which performers disrobe or perform in an unclothed state for entertainment, and businesses or retail establishments where minors under eighteen (18) years of age are not permitted.

     (3)  Upon enrollment, the Department of Human Services shall offer new applicants an itemized list of prohibited purchases, including those specified in subsection (1) of this section, and make such a list available on the department's website.

     (4)  The department shall prohibit establishments identified under subsection (2) of this section from operating ATMs that accept electronic benefit transfer cards. Businesses found in violation of this subsection shall be subject to appropriate licensing sanctions.

     (5)  If a recipient is found to have violated subsection (1) of this section, the department shall issue a warning in writing to the recipient.  The recipient shall be subject to disqualification of benefits for up to three (3) months following the first offense and a permanent termination of benefits following the second offense, unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

     SECTION 29.  Section 43-13-115, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-13-115.  Recipients of Medicaid shall be the following persons only:

          (1)  Those who are qualified for public assistance grants under provisions of Title IV-A and E of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, including those statutorily deemed to be IV-A and low income families and children under Section 1931 of the federal Social Security Act.  For the purposes of this paragraph (1) and paragraphs (8), (17) and (18) of this section, any reference to Title IV-A or to Part A of Title IV of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, or the state plan under Title IV-A or Part A of Title IV, shall be considered as a reference to Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and the state plan under Title IV-A, including the income and resource standards and methodologies under Title IV-A and the state plan, as they existed on July 16, 1996.  The Department of Human Services shall determine Medicaid eligibility for children receiving public assistance grants under Title IV-E.  The division shall determine eligibility for low-income families under Section 1931 of the federal Social Security Act and shall redetermine eligibility for those continuing under Title IV-A grants.

          (2)  Those qualified for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and those who are deemed SSI eligible as contained in federal statute.  The eligibility of individuals covered in this paragraph shall be determined by the Social Security Administration and certified to the Division of Medicaid.

          (3)  Qualified pregnant women who would be eligible for Medicaid as a low-income family member under Section 1931 of the federal Social Security Act if her child were born.  The eligibility of the individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the division.

          (4)  [Deleted]

          (5)  A child born on or after October 1, 1984, to a woman eligible for and receiving Medicaid under the state plan on the date of the child's birth shall be deemed to have applied for Medicaid and to have been found eligible for Medicaid under the plan on the date of that birth, and will remain eligible for  Medicaid for a period of one (1) year so long as the child is a member of the woman's household and the woman remains eligible for Medicaid or would be eligible for Medicaid if pregnant.  The eligibility of individuals covered in this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (6)  Children certified by the State Department of Human Services to the Division of Medicaid of whom the state and county departments of human services have custody and financial responsibility, and children who are in adoptions subsidized in full or part by the Department of Human Services, including special needs children in non-Title IV-E adoption assistance, who are approvable under Title XIX of the Medicaid program.  The eligibility of the children covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the State Department of Human Services.

          (7)  Persons certified by the Division of Medicaid who are patients in a medical facility (nursing home, hospital, tuberculosis sanatorium or institution for treatment of mental diseases), and who, except for the fact that they are patients in that medical facility, would qualify for grants under Title IV, Supplementary Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI or state supplements, and those aged, blind and disabled persons who would not be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI or state supplements if they were not institutionalized in a medical facility but whose income is below the maximum standard set by the Division of Medicaid, which standard shall not exceed that prescribed by federal regulation.

          (8)  Children under eighteen (18) years of age and pregnant women (including those in intact families) who meet the financial standards of the state plan approved under Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act, as amended.  The eligibility of children covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (9)  Individuals who are:

              (a)  Children born after September 30, 1983, who have not attained the age of nineteen (19), with family income that does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the nonfarm official poverty level;

              (b)  Pregnant women, infants and children who have not attained the age of six (6), with family income that does not exceed one hundred thirty-three percent (133%) of the federal poverty level; and

              (c)  Pregnant women and infants who have not attained the age of one (1), with family income that does not exceed one hundred eighty-five percent (185%) of the federal poverty level.

     The eligibility of individuals covered in (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph shall be determined by the division.

          (10)  Certain disabled children age eighteen (18) or under who are living at home, who would be eligible, if in a medical institution, for SSI or a state supplemental payment under Title XVI of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and therefore for Medicaid under the plan, and for whom the state has made a determination as required under Section 1902(e)(3)(b) of the federal Social Security Act, as amended.  The eligibility of individuals under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (11)  Until the end of the day on December 31, 2005, individuals who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older or are disabled as determined under Section 1614(a)(3) of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and whose income does not exceed one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the nonfarm official poverty level as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually, and whose resources do not exceed those established by the Division of Medicaid.  The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.  After December 31, 2005, only those individuals covered under the 1115(c) Healthier Mississippi waiver will be covered under this category.

     Any individual who applied for Medicaid during the period from July 1, 2004, through March 31, 2005, who otherwise would have been eligible for coverage under this paragraph (11) if it had been in effect at the time the individual submitted his or her application and is still eligible for coverage under this paragraph (11) on March 31, 2005, shall be eligible for Medicaid coverage under this paragraph (11) from March 31, 2005, through December 31, 2005.  The division shall give priority in processing the applications for those individuals to determine their eligibility under this paragraph (11).

          (12)  Individuals who are qualified Medicare beneficiaries (QMB) entitled to Part A Medicare as defined under Section 301, Public Law 100-360, known as the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, and whose income does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the nonfarm official poverty level as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually.

     The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid, and those individuals determined eligible shall receive Medicare cost-sharing expenses only as more fully defined by the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

          (13)  (a)  Individuals who are entitled to Medicare Part A as defined in Section 4501 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, and whose income does not exceed one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the nonfarm official poverty level as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually.  Eligibility for Medicaid benefits is limited to full payment of Medicare Part B premiums.

              (b)  Individuals entitled to Part A of Medicare, with income above one hundred twenty percent (120%), but less than one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the federal poverty level, and not otherwise eligible for Medicaid.  Eligibility for Medicaid benefits is limited to full payment of Medicare Part B premiums.  The number of eligible individuals is limited by the availability of the federal capped allocation at one hundred percent (100%) of federal matching funds, as more fully defined in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

     The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (14)  [Deleted]

          (15)  Disabled workers who are eligible to enroll in Part A Medicare as required by Public Law 101-239, known as the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, and whose income does not exceed two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty level as determined in accordance with the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.  The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid and those individuals shall be entitled to buy-in coverage of Medicare Part A premiums only under the provisions of this paragraph (15).

          (16)  In accordance with the terms and conditions of approved Title XIX waiver from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, persons provided home- and community-based services who are physically disabled and certified by the Division of Medicaid as eligible due to applying the income and deeming requirements as if they were institutionalized.

          (17)  In accordance with the terms of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193), persons who become ineligible for assistance under Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, because of increased income from or hours of employment of the caretaker relative or because of the expiration of the applicable earned income disregards, who were eligible for Medicaid for at least three (3) of the six (6) months preceding the month in which the ineligibility begins, shall be eligible for Medicaid for up to twelve (12) months.  The eligibility of the individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the division.

          (18)  Persons who become ineligible for assistance under Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, as a result, in whole or in part, of the collection or increased collection of child or spousal support under Title IV-D of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, who were eligible for Medicaid for at least three (3) of the six (6) months immediately preceding the month in which the ineligibility begins, shall be eligible for Medicaid for an additional four (4) months beginning with the month in which the ineligibility begins.  The eligibility of the individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the division.

          (19)  Disabled workers, whose incomes are above the Medicaid eligibility limits, but below two hundred fifty percent (250%) of the federal poverty level, shall be allowed to purchase Medicaid coverage on a sliding fee scale developed by the Division of Medicaid.

          (20)  Medicaid eligible children under age eighteen (18) shall remain eligible for Medicaid benefits until the end of a period of twelve (12) months following an eligibility determination, or until such time that the individual exceeds age eighteen (18).

          (21)  Women of childbearing age whose family income does not exceed one hundred eighty-five percent (185%) of the federal poverty level.  The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph (21) shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid, and those individuals determined eligible shall only receive family planning services covered under Section 43-13-117(13) and not any other services covered under Medicaid.  However, any individual eligible under this paragraph (21) who is also eligible under any other provision of this section shall receive the benefits to which he or she is entitled under that other provision, in addition to family planning services covered under Section 43-13-117(13).

     The Division of Medicaid shall apply to the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services for a federal waiver of the applicable provisions of Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and any other applicable provisions of federal law as necessary to allow for the implementation of this paragraph (21).  The provisions of this paragraph (21) shall be implemented from and after the date that the Division of Medicaid receives the federal waiver.

          (22)  Persons who are workers with a potentially severe disability, as determined by the division, shall be allowed to purchase Medicaid coverage.  The term "worker with a potentially severe disability" means a person who is at least sixteen (16) years of age but under sixty-five (65) years of age, who has a physical or mental impairment that is reasonably expected to cause the person to become blind or disabled as defined under Section 1614(a) of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, if the person does not receive items and services provided under Medicaid.

     The eligibility of persons under this paragraph (22) shall be conducted as a demonstration project that is consistent with Section 204 of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, Public Law 106-170, for a certain number of persons as specified by the division.  The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph (22) shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (23)  Children certified by the Mississippi Department of Human Services for whom the state and county departments of human services have custody and financial responsibility who are in foster care on their eighteenth birthday as reported by the Mississippi Department of Human Services shall be certified Medicaid eligible by the Division of Medicaid until their twenty-first birthday.

          (24)  Individuals who have not attained age sixty-five (65), are not otherwise covered by creditable coverage as defined in the Public Health Services Act, and have been screened for breast and cervical cancer under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program established under Title XV of the Public Health Service Act in accordance with the requirements of that act and who need treatment for breast or cervical cancer.  Eligibility of individuals under this paragraph (24) shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (25)  The division shall apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for any necessary waivers to provide services to individuals who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older or are disabled as determined under Section 1614(a)(3) of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and whose income does not exceed one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the nonfarm official poverty level as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually, and whose resources do not exceed those established by the Division of Medicaid, and who are not otherwise covered by Medicare.  Nothing contained in this paragraph (25) shall entitle an individual to benefits.  The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (26)  The division shall apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for any necessary waivers to provide services to individuals who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older or are disabled as determined under Section 1614(a)(3) of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, who are end stage renal disease patients on dialysis, cancer patients on chemotherapy or organ transplant recipients on antirejection drugs, whose income does not exceed one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the nonfarm official poverty level as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually, and whose resources do not exceed those established by the division.  Nothing contained in this paragraph (26) shall entitle an individual to benefits.  The eligibility of individuals covered under this paragraph shall be determined by the Division of Medicaid.

          (27)  Individuals who are entitled to Medicare Part D and whose income does not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the nonfarm official poverty level as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually.  Eligibility for payment of the Medicare Part D subsidy under this paragraph shall be determined by the division.

     The division shall redetermine eligibility for all categories of recipients described in each paragraph of this section not less frequently than required by federal law.

     SECTION 30.  Section 43-13-116.1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-13-116.1.  (1)  For purposes of this section: 

          (a)  "Financial institution" has the meaning given by Sections 81-3-1 and 81-12-3, and shall include, but not be limited to, credit unions, stock brokerages, public or private entities administering retirement, savings, annuities, life insurance and/or pension funds. 

          (b)  "Account" means a demand deposit account, checking or negotiable withdrawal order account, savings account, time deposit account or money-market account. 

     (2)  In accordance with Section 1940 of the federal Social Security Act (42 USCS Section 1396w), the Division of Medicaid shall implement an asset verification program requiring each applicant for or recipient of Medicaid assistance on the basis of being aged, blind or disabled, to provide authorization by the applicant or recipient, their spouse, and by any other person whose resources are required by law to be disclosed to determine the eligibility of the applicant or recipient for Medicaid assistance, for the division to obtain from any financial institution financial records and information held by any such financial institution with respect to the applicant, recipient, spouse or such other person, as applicable, that the division determines are needed to verify the financial resources of the applicant, recipient or such other person in connection with a determination or redetermination with respect to eligibility for, or the amount or extent of, Medicaid assistance.  Each aged, blind or disabled Medicaid applicant or recipient, their spouse, and any other applicable person described in this section shall provide authorization (as specified by 42 USCS Section 1396w(c)) to the division to obtain from any financial institution, any financial record, whenever the division determines that the record is needed in connection with a determination or redetermination of eligibility for Medicaid assistance.

     (3)  (a)  In connection with the asset verification program, the division is authorized to enter into agreements with financial institutions doing business in the state: 

              (i)  To develop and operate a data match system, using automated data exchanges, in which the division will provide to the financial institution, on a quarterly or more frequent basis, the name, social security number or other taxpayer identification number, and any other necessary identifying information for each applicant for or recipient of Medicaid assistance and for each other person whose resources are required to be disclosed to determine the eligibility of the applicant or recipient for Medicaid assistance; and 

              (ii)  Provide for payment to the financial institution of the reasonable costs of the institution for conducting the data matches and for responding to other requests made under this section, in accordance with the cost reimbursement requirements of Section 1115(a) of the Federal Right to Financial Privacy Act, 12 USCS Section 3415, as amended. 

          (b)  Any financial institution doing business in the State of Mississippi may enter into agreements with the division to engage in the data match system and also to disclose any accounts held by the institution on behalf of the persons so identified by the division and, if requested by the division, the account numbers, account balances, and all names and addresses and social security or other tax identification numbers on record for those accounts. 

     (4)  When the operation of the data match system results in the location of an account of an applicant for or recipient of Medicaid assistance or a person whose resources are required to be disclosed to determine the eligibility of the applicant or recipient for Medicaid assistance, the division may request and the financial institution may provide any additional financial records and information held by the financial institution as the division determines are needed to establish, continue, modify or terminate eligibility for Medicaid assistance. 

     (5)  A financial institution:

          (a)  Shall have no liability for failing to disclose to any account holder or depositor that the name of the person has been received from the division or that the financial institution has furnished financial records or information pertaining to the account holder or depositor to the division under this section;

          (b)  Shall have no liability for any delays, errors or omissions in conducting the data matches or in responding to other requests for records or information made under this section, which delays, errors or omissions result from circumstances beyond the control of the institution or from any unintentional, bona fide error, including, but not limited to, clerical or computer malfunction or programming error; and

          (c)  Shall be absolutely immune from any civil or criminal liability to any person under any contract, common law, statute or regulation for the disclosure to the division, or to any authorized contractor or agents thereof, of any information, accounts, assets, financial records or information under this article, the agreements referred to in subsection (4) of this section, or in response to any notice or request issued by the division or by any authorized contractors or agents thereof, or for any action or omission taken or omitted in good faith to comply with the requirements of this article.

     SECTION 31.  Section 43-13-121, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-13-121.  (1)  The division shall administer the Medicaid program under the provisions of this article, and may do the following:

          (a)  Adopt and promulgate reasonable rules, regulations and standards, with approval of the Governor, and in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Law, Section 25-43-1.101 et seq.:

              (i)  Establishing methods and procedures as may be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of this article;

              (ii)  Providing Medicaid to all qualified recipients under the provisions of this article as the division may determine and within the limits of appropriated funds;

              (iii)  Establishing reasonable fees, charges and rates for medical services and drugs; in doing so, the division shall fix all of those fees, charges and rates at the minimum levels absolutely necessary to provide the medical assistance authorized by this article, and shall not change any of those fees, charges or rates except as may be authorized in Section 43-13-117;

              (iv)  Providing for fair and impartial hearings;

              (v)  Providing safeguards for preserving the confidentiality of records; and

              (vi)  For detecting and processing fraudulent practices and abuses of the program;

          (b)  Receive and expend state, federal and other funds in accordance with court judgments or settlements and agreements between the State of Mississippi and the federal government, the rules and regulations promulgated by the division, with the approval of the Governor, and within the limitations and restrictions of this article and within the limits of funds available for that purpose;

          (c)  Subject to the limits imposed by this article, to submit a Medicaid plan to the United States Department of Health and Human Services for approval under the provisions of the federal Social Security Act, to act for the state in making negotiations relative to the submission and approval of that plan, to make such arrangements, not inconsistent with the law, as may be required by or under federal law to obtain and retain that approval and to secure for the state the benefits of the provisions of that law.

     No agreements, specifically including the general plan for the operation of the Medicaid program in this state, shall be made by and between the division and the United States Department of Health and Human Services unless the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi has reviewed the agreements, specifically including the operational plan, and has certified in writing to the Governor and to the executive director of the division that the agreements, including the plan of operation, have been drawn strictly in accordance with the terms and requirements of this article;

          (d)  In accordance with the purposes and intent of this article and in compliance with its provisions, provide for aged persons otherwise eligible for the benefits provided under Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act by expenditure of funds available for those purposes;

          (e)  To make reports to the United States Department of Health and Human Services as from time to time may be required by that federal department and to the Mississippi Legislature as provided in this section;

          (f)  Define and determine the scope, duration and amount of Medicaid that may be provided in accordance with this article and establish priorities therefor in conformity with this article;

          (g)  Cooperate and contract with other state agencies for the purpose of coordinating Medicaid provided under this article and eliminating duplication and inefficiency in the Medicaid program;

          (h)  Adopt and use an official seal of the division;

          (i)  Sue in its own name on behalf of the State of Mississippi and employ legal counsel on a contingency basis with the approval of the Attorney General;

          (j)  To recover any and all payments incorrectly made by the division to a recipient or provider from the recipient or provider receiving the payments.  The division shall be authorized to collect any overpayments to providers sixty (60) days after the conclusion of any administrative appeal unless the matter is appealed to a court of proper jurisdiction and bond is posted.  Any appeal filed after July 1, 2015, shall be to the Chancery Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi, within sixty (60) days after the date that the division has notified the provider by certified mail sent to the proper address of the provider on file with the division and the provider has signed for the certified mail notice, or sixty (60) days after the date of the final decision if the provider does not sign for the certified mail notice.  To recover those payments, the division may use the following methods, in addition to any other methods available to the division:

              (i)  The division shall report to the Department of Revenue the name of any current or former Medicaid recipient who has received medical services rendered during a period of established Medicaid ineligibility and who has not reimbursed the division for the related medical service payment(s).  The Department of Revenue shall withhold from the state tax refund of the individual, and pay to the division, the amount of the payment(s) for medical services rendered to the ineligible individual that have not been reimbursed to the division for the related medical service payment(s).

              (ii)  The division shall report to the Department of Revenue the name of any Medicaid provider to whom payments were incorrectly made that the division has not been able to recover by other methods available to the division.  The Department of Revenue shall withhold from the state tax refund of the provider, and pay to the division, the amount of the payments that were incorrectly made to the provider that have not been recovered by other available methods;

          (k)  To recover any and all payments by the division fraudulently obtained by a recipient or provider.  Additionally, if recovery of any payments fraudulently obtained by a recipient or provider is made in any court, then, upon motion of the Governor, the judge of the court may award twice the payments recovered as damages;

          (l)  Have full, complete and plenary power and authority to conduct such investigations as it may deem necessary and requisite of alleged or suspected violations or abuses of the provisions of this article or of the regulations adopted under this article, including, but not limited to, fraudulent or unlawful act or deed by applicants for Medicaid or other benefits, or payments made to any person, firm or corporation under the terms, conditions and authority of this article, to suspend or disqualify any provider of services, applicant or recipient for gross abuse, fraudulent or unlawful acts for such periods, including permanently, and under such conditions as the division deems proper and just, including the imposition of a legal rate of interest on the amount improperly or incorrectly paid.  Recipients who are found to have misused or abused Medicaid benefits may be locked into one (1) physician and/or one (1) pharmacy of the recipient's choice for a reasonable amount of time in order to educate and promote appropriate use of medical services, in accordance with federal regulations.  If an administrative hearing becomes necessary, the division may, if the provider does not succeed in his or her defense, tax the costs of the administrative hearing, including the costs of the court reporter or stenographer and transcript, to the provider.  The convictions of a recipient or a provider in a state or federal court for abuse, fraudulent or unlawful acts under this chapter shall constitute an automatic disqualification of the recipient or automatic disqualification of the provider from participation under the Medicaid program.

     A conviction, for the purposes of this chapter, shall include a judgment entered on a plea of nolo contendere or a nonadjudicated guilty plea and shall have the same force as a judgment entered pursuant to a guilty plea or a conviction following trial.  A certified copy of the judgment of the court of competent jurisdiction of the conviction shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conviction for disqualification purposes;

          (m)  Establish and provide such methods of administration as may be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the Medicaid program, fully utilizing computer equipment as may be necessary to oversee and control all current expenditures for purposes of this article, and to closely monitor and supervise all recipient payments and vendors rendering services under this article.  Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, the division is authorized to enter into a ten-year contract(s) with a vendor(s) to provide services described in this paragraph (m).  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the division is authorized to extend its Medicaid Management Information Systems, including all related components and services, and Decision Support System, including all related components and services, contracts expiring on June 30, 2015, for a period not to exceed five (5) years without complying with the requirements provided in Section 25-9-120 and the Personal Service Contract Review Board procurement regulations;

          (n)  To cooperate and contract with the federal government for the purpose of providing Medicaid to Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees, under the provisions of Public Law 94-23 and Public Law 94-24, including any amendments to those laws, only to the extent that the Medicaid assistance and the administrative cost related thereto are one hundred percent (100%) reimbursable by the federal government.  For the purposes of Section 43-13-117, persons receiving Medicaid under Public Law 94-23 and Public Law 94-24, including any amendments to those laws, shall not be considered a new group or category of recipient; and

          (o)  The division shall impose penalties upon Medicaid only, Title XIX participating long-term care facilities found to be in noncompliance with division and certification standards in accordance with federal and state regulations, including interest at the same rate calculated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services and/or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under federal regulations.

     (2)  The division also shall exercise such additional powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred upon the division by act of the Legislature.

     (3)  The division, and the State Department of Health as the agency for licensure of health care facilities and certification and inspection for the Medicaid and/or Medicare programs, shall contract for or otherwise provide for the consolidation of on-site inspections of health care facilities that are necessitated by the respective programs and functions of the division and the department.

     (4)  The division and its hearing officers shall have power to preserve and enforce order during hearings; to issue subpoenas for, to administer oaths to and to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses, or the production of books, papers, documents and other evidence, or the taking of depositions before any designated individual competent to administer oaths; to examine witnesses; and to do all things conformable to law that may be necessary to enable them effectively to discharge the duties of their office.  In compelling the attendance and testimony of witnesses, or the production of books, papers, documents and other evidence, or the taking of depositions, as authorized by this section, the division or its hearing officers may designate an individual employed by the division or some other suitable person to execute and return that process, whose action in executing and returning that process shall be as lawful as if done by the sheriff or some other proper officer authorized to execute and return process in the county where the witness may reside.  In carrying out the investigatory powers under the provisions of this article, the executive director or other designated person or persons may examine, obtain, copy or reproduce the books, papers, documents, medical charts, prescriptions and other records relating to medical care and services furnished by the provider to a recipient or designated recipients of Medicaid services under investigation.  In the absence of the voluntary submission of the books, papers, documents, medical charts, prescriptions and other records, the  Governor, the executive director, or other designated person may issue and serve subpoenas instantly upon the provider, his or her agent, servant or employee for the production of the books, papers, documents, medical charts, prescriptions or other records during an audit or investigation of the provider.  If any provider or his or her agent, servant or employee refuses to produce the records after being duly subpoenaed, the executive director may certify those facts and institute contempt proceedings in the manner, time and place as authorized by law for administrative proceedings.  As an additional remedy, the division may recover all amounts paid to the provider covering the period of the audit or investigation, inclusive of a legal rate of interest and a reasonable attorney's fee and costs of court if suit becomes necessary.  Division staff shall have immediate access to the provider's physical location, facilities, records, documents, books, and any other records relating to medical care and services rendered to recipients during regular business hours.

     (5)  If any person in proceedings before the division disobeys or resists any lawful order or process, or misbehaves during a hearing or so near the place thereof as to obstruct the hearing, or neglects to produce, after having been ordered to do so, any pertinent book, paper or document, or refuses to appear after having been subpoenaed, or upon appearing refuses to take the oath as a witness, or after having taken the oath refuses to be examined according to law, the executive director shall certify the facts to any court having jurisdiction in the place in which it is sitting, and the court shall thereupon, in a summary manner, hear the evidence as to the acts complained of, and if the evidence so warrants, punish that person in the same manner and to the same extent as for a contempt committed before the court, or commit that person upon the same condition as if the doing of the forbidden act had occurred with reference to the process of, or in the presence of, the court.

     (6)  In suspending or terminating any provider from participation in the Medicaid program, the division shall preclude the provider from submitting claims for payment, either personally or through any clinic, group, corporation or other association to the division or its fiscal agents for any services or supplies provided under the Medicaid program except for those services or supplies provided before the suspension or termination.  No clinic, group, corporation or other association that is a provider of services shall submit claims for payment to the division or its fiscal agents for any services or supplies provided by a person within that organization who has been suspended or terminated from participation in the Medicaid program except for those services or supplies provided before the suspension or termination.  When this provision is violated by a provider of services that is a clinic, group, corporation or other association, the division may suspend or terminate that organization from participation.  Suspension may be applied by the division to all known affiliates of a provider, provided that each decision to include an affiliate is made on a case-by-case basis after giving due regard to all relevant facts and circumstances.  The violation, failure or inadequacy of performance may be imputed to a person with whom the provider is affiliated where that conduct was accomplished within the course of his or her official duty or was effectuated by him or her with the knowledge or approval of that person.

     (7)  The division may deny or revoke enrollment in the Medicaid program to a provider if any of the following are found to be applicable to the provider, his or her agent, a managing employee or any person having an ownership interest equal to five percent (5%) or greater in the provider:

          (a)  Failure to truthfully or fully disclose any and all information required, or the concealment of any and all information required, on a claim, a provider application or a provider agreement, or the making of a false or misleading statement to the division relative to the Medicaid program.

          (b)  Previous or current exclusion, suspension, termination from or the involuntary withdrawing from participation in the Medicaid program, any other state's Medicaid program, Medicare or any other public or private health or health insurance program.  If the division ascertains that a provider has been convicted of a felony under federal or state law for an offense that the division determines is detrimental to the best interest of the program or of Medicaid beneficiaries, the division may refuse to enter into an agreement with that provider, or may terminate or refuse to renew an existing agreement.

          (c)  Conviction under federal or state law of a criminal offense relating to the delivery of any goods, services or supplies, including the performance of management or administrative services relating to the delivery of the goods, services or supplies, under the Medicaid program, any other state's Medicaid program, Medicare or any other public or private health or health insurance program.

          (d)  Conviction under federal or state law of a criminal offense relating to the neglect or abuse of a patient in connection with the delivery of any goods, services or supplies.

          (e)  Conviction under federal or state law of a criminal offense relating to the unlawful manufacture, distribution, prescription or dispensing of a controlled substance.

          (f)  Conviction under federal or state law of a criminal offense relating to fraud, theft, embezzlement, breach of fiduciary responsibility or other financial misconduct.

          (g)  Conviction under federal or state law of a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of a year or more that involves moral turpitude, or acts against the elderly, children or infirm.

          (h)  Conviction under federal or state law of a criminal offense in connection with the interference or obstruction of any investigation into any criminal offense listed in paragraphs (c) through (i) of this subsection.

          (i)  Sanction for a violation of federal or state laws or rules relative to the Medicaid program, any other state's Medicaid program, Medicare or any other public health care or health insurance program.

          (j)  Revocation of license or certification.

          (k)  Failure to pay recovery properly assessed or pursuant to an approved repayment schedule under the Medicaid program.

          (l)  Failure to meet any condition of enrollment.

     SECTION 32.  Section 43-13-129, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-13-129.  Any person making application for benefits under this article for himself or for another person, and any provider of services, who knowingly makes a false statement or false representation or fails to disclose a material fact to obtain or increase any benefit or payment under this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned not to exceed one (1) year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.  Each false statement or false representation or failure to disclose a material fact shall constitute a separate offense.  This section shall not prohibit prosecution under any other criminal statutes of this state or the United States.

     SECTION 33.  Section 43-17-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-1.  (1)  The State of Mississippi hereby accepts all of the mandatory provisions and benefits, with the exception of those provisions under which the state may exercise its options, of Title I of an act passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, entitled:  "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193)," and known as the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.

     (2)  The Department of Human Services shall have all necessary authority to cooperate with the federal government in the administration of Public Law 104-193 and all subsequent federal amendments thereto, to administer any legislation pursuant thereto enacted by the State of Mississippi, and to administer the funds provided by the federal government and the State of Mississippi under the provisions of Section 43-17-1 et seq., for providing temporary assistance for needy families with minor children.  The Department of Human Services shall have full authority to formulate state plans consistent with state law as necessary to administer and operate federal grant funds which provide temporary assistance for needy families with minor children under Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act.  The Department of Human Services shall identify in any state plan submitted to implement the TANF program those requirements or restrictions, including persons excluded from program participation which are required under federal law, and those program requirements or restrictions which the federal law authorizes but does not require.

     (3)  Any funds received by the State of Mississippi under the provisions of Public Law 104-193 shall be subject to appropriation by the Legislature and consistent with the terms and conditions required under such appropriation.

     (4)  The purpose of the Mississippi Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program shall be to:

          (a)  Provide assistance to needy families so that children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives when such care is beneficial and may be monitored on a random basis by the Department of Human Services or the State Department of Health;

          (b)  End the dependence of needy families on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work and marriage through, among other things, job placement, job training and job retention;

          (c)  Prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establish annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies;

          (d)  Encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families; and

          (e)  Prevent program fraud and abuse.

     (5)  The Department of Human Services shall develop outcome and output indicators for each program established under the authority of this section.  These measures shall provide legislators and administrators with information which measures the success or failure of the department in implementing the programs implemented under the authority of this section.  The department shall annually report to the Legislature the outputs and outcomes of these programs, with the first report due by December 15, 1997.  Such reports shall include recommendations for making programs more effective or efficient which can be effected in accordance with federal law.

     (6)  Assistance may be granted under this chapter to any dependent child and a caretaker relative who are living in a suitable family home meeting the standards of care and health and work requirements fixed by the laws of this state, and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Human Services.

     SECTION 34.  Section 43-17-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     43-17-5.  (1)  The amount of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits which may be granted for any dependent child and a needy caretaker relative shall be determined by the county department with due regard to the resources and necessary expenditures of the family and the conditions existing in each case, and in accordance with the rules and regulations made by the Department of Human Services which shall not be less than the Standard of Need in effect for 1988, and shall be sufficient when added to all other income (except that any income specified in the federal Social Security Act, as amended, may be disregarded) and support available to the child to provide such child with a reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health.  The first family member in the dependent child's budget may receive an amount not to exceed One Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00) per month; the second family member in the dependent child's budget may receive an amount not to exceed Thirty-six Dollars ($36.00) per month; and each additional family member in the dependent child's budget an amount not to exceed Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) per month.  The maximum for any individual family member in the dependent child's budget may be exceeded for foster or medical care or in cases of children with an intellectual disability or a physical disability.  TANF benefits granted shall be specifically limited only (a) to children existing or conceived at the time the caretaker relative initially applies and qualifies for such assistance, unless this limitation is specifically waived by the department, or (b) to a child born following a twelve-consecutive-month period of discontinued benefits by the caretaker relative.

     (2)  TANF benefits in Mississippi shall be provided to the recipient family by an online electronic benefits transfer system.

     (3)  The Department of Human Services shall deny TANF benefits to the following categories of individuals, except for individuals and families specifically exempt or excluded for good cause as allowed by federal statute or regulation:

          (a)  Families without a minor child residing with the custodial parent or other adult caretaker relative of the child;

          (b)  Families which include an adult who has received TANF assistance for sixty (60) months after the commencement of the Mississippi TANF program, whether or not such period of time is consecutive;

          (c)  Families not assigning to the state any rights a family member may have, on behalf of the family member or of any other person for whom the family member has applied for or is receiving such assistance, to support from any other person, as required by law;

          (d)  Families who fail to cooperate in establishing paternity or obtaining child support, as required by law;

          (e)  Any individual who has not attained eighteen (18) years of age, is not married to the head of household, has a minor child at least twelve (12) weeks of age in his or her care, and has not successfully completed a high school education or its equivalent, if such individual does not participate in educational activities directed toward the attainment of a high school diploma or its equivalent, or an alternative educational or training program approved by the department;

          (f)  Any individual who has not attained eighteen (18) years of age, is not married, has a minor child in his or her care, and does not reside in a place or residence maintained by a parent, legal guardian or other adult relative or the individual as such parent's, guardian's or adult relative's own home;

          (g)  Any minor child who has been, or is expected by a parent or other caretaker relative of the child to be, absent from the home for a period of more than thirty (30) days;

          (h)  Any individual who is a parent or other caretaker relative of a minor child who fails to notify the department of the absence of the minor child from the home for the thirty-day period specified in paragraph (g), by the end of the five-day period that begins with the date that it becomes clear to the individual that the minor child will be absent for the thirty-day period;

          (i)  Any individual who fails to comply with the provisions of the Employability Development Plan signed by the individual which prescribe those activities designed to help the individual become and remain employed, or to participate satisfactorily in the assigned work activity, as authorized under subsection (6)(c) and (d), or who does not engage in applicant job search activities within the thirty-day period for TANF application approval after receiving the advice and consultation of eligibility workers and/or caseworkers of the department providing a detailed description of available job search venues in the individual's county of residence or the surrounding counties;

          (j)  A parent or caretaker relative who has not engaged in an allowable work activity once the department determines the parent or caretaker relative is ready to engage in work, or once the parent or caretaker relative has received TANF assistance under the program for twenty-four (24) months, whether or not consecutive, whichever is earlier;

          (k)  Any individual who is fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, under the laws of the jurisdiction from which the individual flees, for a crime, or an attempt to commit a crime, which is a felony under the laws of the place from which the individual flees, or who is violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under federal or state law;

          (l)  Aliens who are not qualified under federal law;

          (m)  For a period of ten (10) years following conviction, individuals convicted in federal or state court of having made a fraudulent statement or representation with respect to the individual's place of residence in order to receive TANF, food stamps or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) assistance under Title XVI or Title XIX simultaneously from two (2) or more states;

          (n)  Individuals who are recipients of federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) assistance; and

          (o)  Individuals who are eighteen (18) years of age or older who are not in compliance with the drug testing and substance use disorder treatment requirements of Section 43-17-6.

     (4)  (a)  Any person who is otherwise eligible for TANF benefits, including custodial and noncustodial parents, shall be required to attend school and meet the monthly attendance requirement as provided in this subsection if all of the following apply:

              (i)  The person is under age twenty (20);

              (ii)  The person has not graduated from a public or private high school or obtained a High School Equivalency Diploma equivalent;

              (iii)  The person is physically able to attend school and is not excused from attending school; and

              (iv)  If the person is a parent or caretaker relative with whom a dependent child is living, child care is available for the child.

     The monthly attendance requirement under this subsection shall be attendance at the school in which the person is enrolled for each day during a month that the school conducts classes in which the person is enrolled, with not more than two (2) absences during the month for reasons other than the reasons listed in paragraph (e)(iv) of this subsection.  Persons who fail to meet participation requirements in this subsection shall be subject to sanctions as provided in paragraph (f) of this subsection.

          (b)  As used in this subsection, "school" means any one (1) of the following:

              (i)  A school as defined in Section 37-13-91(2);

              (ii)  A vocational, technical and adult education program; or

              (iii)  A course of study meeting the standards established by the State Department of Education for the granting of a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation.

          (c)  If any compulsory-school-age child, as defined in Section 37-13-91(2), to which TANF eligibility requirements apply is not in compliance with the compulsory school attendance requirements of Section 37-13-91(6), the superintendent of schools of the school district in which the child is enrolled or eligible to attend shall notify the county department of human services of the child's noncompliance.  The Department of Human Services shall review school attendance information as provided under this paragraph at all initial eligibility determinations and upon subsequent report of unsatisfactory attendance.

          (d)  The signature of a person on an application for TANF benefits constitutes permission for the release of school attendance records for that person or for any child residing with that person.  The department shall request information from the child's school district about the child's attendance in the school district's most recently completed semester of attendance.  If information about the child's previous school attendance is not available or cannot be verified, the department shall require the child to meet the monthly attendance requirement for one (1) semester or until the information is obtained.  The department shall use the attendance information provided by a school district to verify attendance for a child.  The department shall review with the parent or caretaker relative a child's claim that he or she has a good cause for not attending school.

     A school district shall provide information to the department about the attendance of a child who is enrolled in a public school in the district within five (5) working days of the receipt of a written request for that information from the department.  The school district shall define how many hours of attendance count as a full day and shall provide that information, upon request, to the department.  In reporting attendance, the school district may add partial days' absence together to constitute a full day's absence.

     If a school district fails to provide to the department the information about the school attendance of any child within fifteen (15) working days after a written request, the department shall notify the Department of Audit within three (3) working days of the school district's failure to comply with that requirement.  The Department of Audit shall begin audit proceedings within five (5) working days of notification by the Department of Human Services to determine the school district's compliance with the requirements of this subsection (4).  If the Department of Audit finds that the school district is not in compliance with the requirements of this subsection, the school district shall be penalized as follows:  The Department of Audit shall notify the State Department of Education of the school district's noncompliance, and the Department of Education shall reduce the calculation of the school district's average daily attendance (ADA) that is used to determine the allocation of Mississippi Adequate Education Program funds by the number of children for which the district has failed to provide to the Department of Human Services the required information about the school attendance of those children.  The reduction in the calculation of the school district's ADA under this paragraph shall be effective for a period of one (1) year.

          (e)  A child who is required to attend school to meet the requirements under this subsection shall comply except when there is good cause, which shall be demonstrated by any of the following circumstances:

              (i)  The minor parent is the caretaker of a child less than twelve (12) weeks old; or

              (ii)  The department determines that child care services are necessary for the minor parent to attend school and there is no child care available; or

              (iii)  The child is prohibited by the school district from attending school and an expulsion is pending.  This exemption no longer applies once the teenager has been expelled; however, a teenager who has been expelled and is making satisfactory progress towards obtaining a High School Equivalency Diploma equivalent shall be eligible for TANF benefits; or

              (iv)  The child failed to attend school for one or more of the following reasons:

                   1.  Illness, injury or incapacity of the child or the minor parent's child;

                   2.  Court-required appearances or temporary incarceration;

                   3.  Medical or dental appointments for the child or minor parent's child;

                   4.  Death of a close relative;

                   5.  Observance of a religious holiday;

                   6.  Family emergency;

                   7.  Breakdown in transportation;

                   8.  Suspension; or

                   9.  Any other circumstance beyond the control of the child, as defined in regulations of the department.

          (f)  Upon determination that a child has failed without good cause to attend school as required, the department shall provide written notice to the parent or caretaker relative (whoever is the primary recipient of the TANF benefits) that specifies:

              (i)  That the family will be sanctioned in the next possible payment month because the child who is required to attend school has failed to meet the attendance requirement of this subsection;

              (ii)  The beginning date of the sanction, and the child to whom the sanction applies;

              (iii)  The right of the child's parents or caretaker relative (whoever is the primary recipient of the TANF benefits) to request a fair hearing under this subsection.

     The child's parent or caretaker relative (whoever is the primary recipient of the TANF benefits) may request a fair hearing on the department's determination that the child has not been attending school.  If the child's parents or caretaker relative does not request a fair hearing under this subsection, or if, after a fair hearing has been held, the hearing officer finds that the child without good cause has failed to meet the monthly attendance requirement, the department shall discontinue or deny TANF benefits to the child thirteen (13) years old, or older, in the next possible payment month.  The department shall discontinue or deny twenty-five percent (25%) of the family grant when a child six (6) through twelve (12) years of age without good cause has failed to meet the monthly attendance requirement.  Both the child and family sanction may apply when children in both age groups fail to meet the attendance requirement without good cause.  A sanction applied under this subsection shall be effective for one (1) month for each month that the child failed to meet the monthly attendance requirement.  In the case of a dropout, the sanction shall remain in force until the parent or caretaker relative provides written proof from the school district that the child has reenrolled and met the monthly attendance requirement for one (1) calendar month.  Any month in which school is in session for at least ten (10) days during the month may be used to meet the attendance requirement under this subsection.  This includes attendance at summer school.  The sanction shall be removed the next possible payment month.

     (5)  All parents or caretaker relatives shall have their dependent children receive vaccinations and booster vaccinations against those diseases specified by the State Health Officer under Section 41-23-37 in accordance with the vaccination and booster vaccination schedule prescribed by the State Health Officer for children of that age, in order for the parents or caretaker relatives to be eligible or remain eligible to receive TANF benefits.  Proof of having received such vaccinations and booster vaccinations shall be given by presenting the certificates of vaccination issued by any health care provider licensed to administer vaccinations, and submitted on forms specified by the State Board of Health.  If the parents without good cause do not have their dependent children receive the vaccinations and booster vaccinations as required by this subsection and they fail to comply after thirty (30) days' notice, the department shall sanction the family's TANF benefits by twenty-five percent (25%) for the next payment month and each subsequent payment month until the requirements of this subsection are met.

     (6)  (a)  If the parent or caretaker relative applying for TANF assistance is work eligible, as determined by the Department of Human Services, the person shall be required to engage in an allowable work activity once the department determines the parent or caretaker relative is determined work eligible, or once the parent or caretaker relative has received TANF assistance under the program for twenty-four (24) months, whether or not consecutive, whichever is earlier.  No TANF benefits shall be given to any person to whom this section applies who fails without good cause to comply with the Employability Development Plan prepared by the department for the person, or who has refused to accept a referral or offer of employment, training or education in which he or she is able to engage, subject to the penalties prescribed in paragraph (e) of this subsection.  A person shall be deemed to have refused to accept a referral or offer of employment, training or education if he or she:

              (i)  Willfully fails to report for an interview with respect to employment when requested to do so by the department; or

              (ii)  Willfully fails to report to the department the result of a referral to employment; or

              (iii)  Willfully fails to report for allowable work activities as prescribed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection.

          (b)  The Department of Human Services shall operate a statewide work program for TANF recipients to provide work activities and supportive services to enable families to become self-sufficient and improve their competitive position in the workforce in accordance with the requirements of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193), as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-171), as amended.  Within sixty (60) days after the initial application for TANF benefits, the TANF recipient must participate in a job search skills training workshop or a job readiness program, which shall include resume writing, job search skills, employability skills and, if available at no charge, the General Aptitude Test Battery or its equivalent.  All adults who are not specifically exempt shall be referred by the department for allowable work activities.  An adult may be exempt from the mandatory work activity requirement for the following reasons:

              (i)  Incapacity;

              (ii)  Temporary illness or injury, verified by physician's certificate;

              (iii)  Is in the third trimester of pregnancy, and there are complications verified by the certificate of a physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or any other licensed health care professional practicing under a protocol with a licensed physician;

              (iv)  Caretaker of a child under twelve (12) months, for not more than twelve (12) months of the sixty-month maximum benefit period;

              (v)  Caretaker of an ill or incapacitated person, as verified by physician's certificate;

              (vi)  Age, if over sixty (60) or under eighteen (18) years of age;

              (vii)  Receiving treatment for substance abuse, if the person is in compliance with the substance abuse treatment plan;

              (viii)  In a two-parent family, the caretaker of a severely disabled child, as verified by a physician's certificate; or

              (ix)  History of having been a victim of domestic violence, which has been reported as required by state law and is substantiated by police reports or court records, and being at risk of further domestic violence, shall be exempt for a period as deemed necessary by the department but not to exceed a total of twelve (12) months, which need not be consecutive, in the sixty-month maximum benefit period.  For the purposes of this subparagraph (ix), "domestic violence" means that an individual has been subjected to:

                   1.  Physical acts that resulted in, or threatened to result in, physical injury to the individual;

                   2.  Sexual abuse;

                   3.  Sexual activity involving a dependent child;

                   4.  Being forced as the caretaker relative of a dependent child to engage in nonconsensual sexual acts or activities;

                   5.  Threats of, or attempts at, physical or sexual abuse;

                   6.  Mental abuse; or

                   7.  Neglect or deprivation of medical care.

          (c)  For all families, all adults who are not specifically exempt shall be required to participate in work activities for at least the minimum average number of hours per week specified by federal law or regulation, not fewer than twenty (20) hours per week (thirty-five (35) hours per week for two-parent families) of which are attributable to the following allowable work activities:

              (i)  Unsubsidized employment;

              (ii)  Subsidized private employment;

              (iii)  Subsidized public employment;

              (iv)  Work experience (including work associated with the refurbishing of publicly assisted housing), if sufficient private employment is not available;

              (v)  On-the-job training;

              (vi)  Job search and job readiness assistance consistent with federal TANF regulations;

              (vii)  Community service programs;

              (viii)  Vocational educational training (not to exceed twelve (12) months with respect to any individual);

              (ix)  The provision of child care services to an individual who is participating in a community service program;

              (x)  Satisfactory attendance at high school or in a course of study leading to a high school equivalency certificate, for heads of household under age twenty (20) who have not completed high school or received such certificate;

              (xi)  Education directly related to employment, for heads of household under age twenty (20) who have not completed high school or received such equivalency certificate.

          (d)  The following are allowable work activities which may be attributable to hours in excess of the minimum specified in * * * subsection (6)(c) paragraph (c) of this subsection:

              (i)  Job skills training directly related to employment;

              (ii)  Education directly related to employment for individuals who have not completed high school or received a high school equivalency certificate;

              (iii)  Satisfactory attendance at high school or in a course of study leading to a high school equivalency, for individuals who have not completed high school or received such equivalency certificate;

              (iv)  Job search and job readiness assistance consistent with federal TANF regulations.

          (e)  If any adult or caretaker relative refuses to participate in allowable work activity as required under this subsection (6), the following full family TANF benefit penalty will apply, subject to due process to include notification, conciliation and a hearing if requested by the recipient:

              (i)  For the first violation, the department shall terminate the TANF assistance otherwise payable to the family for a two-month period or until the person has complied with the required work activity, whichever is longer;

              (ii)  For the second violation, the department shall terminate the TANF assistance otherwise payable to the family for a six-month period or until the person has complied with the required work activity, whichever is longer;

              (iii)  For the third violation, the department shall terminate the TANF assistance otherwise payable to the family for a twelve-month period or until the person has complied with the required work activity, whichever is longer;

              (iv)  For the fourth violation, the person shall be permanently disqualified.

     For a two-parent family, unless prohibited by state or federal law, Medicaid assistance shall be terminated only for the person whose failure to participate in allowable work activity caused the family's TANF assistance to be sanctioned under this * * *subsection (6) paragraph (e), unless an individual is pregnant, but shall not be terminated for any other person in the family who is meeting that person's applicable work requirement or who is not required to work.  Minor children shall continue to be eligible for Medicaid benefits regardless of the disqualification of their parent or caretaker relative for TANF assistance under this subsection (6), unless prohibited by state or federal law.

          (f)  Any person enrolled in a two-year or four-year college program who meets the eligibility requirements to receive TANF benefits, and who is meeting the applicable work requirements and all other applicable requirements of the TANF program, shall continue to be eligible for TANF benefits while enrolled in the college program for as long as the person meets the requirements of the TANF program, unless prohibited by federal law.

          (g)  No adult in a work activity required under this subsection (6) shall be employed or assigned (i) when any other individual is on layoff from the same or any substantially equivalent job within six (6) months before the date of the TANF recipient's employment or assignment; or (ii) if the employer has terminated the employment of any regular employee or otherwise caused an involuntary reduction of its workforce in order to fill the vacancy so created with an adult receiving TANF assistance.  The Mississippi Department of Employment Security, established under Section 71-5-101, shall appoint one or more impartial hearing officers to hear and decide claims by employees of violations of this paragraph (g).  The hearing officer shall hear all the evidence with respect to any claim made hereunder and such additional evidence as he may require and shall make a determination and the reason therefor.  The claimant shall be promptly notified of the decision of the hearing officer and the reason therefor.  Within ten (10) days after the decision of the hearing officer has become final, any party aggrieved thereby may secure judicial review thereof by commencing an action, in the circuit court of the county in which the claimant resides, against the department for the review of such decision, in which action any other party to the proceeding before the hearing officer shall be made a defendant.  Any such appeal shall be on the record which shall be certified to the court by the department in the manner provided in Section 71-5-531, and the jurisdiction of the court shall be confined to questions of law which shall render its decision as provided in that section.

     (7)  The Department of Human Services may provide child care for eligible participants who require such care so that they may accept employment or remain employed.  The department may also provide child care for those participating in the TANF program when it is determined that they are satisfactorily involved in education, training or other allowable work activities.  The department may contract with Head Start agencies to provide child care services to TANF recipients.  The department may also arrange for child care by use of contract or vouchers, provide vouchers in advance to a caretaker relative, reimburse a child care provider, or use any other arrangement deemed appropriate by the department, and may establish different reimbursement rates for child care services depending on the category of the facility or home.  Any center-based or group home child care facility under this subsection shall be licensed by the State Department of Health pursuant to law.  When child care is being provided in the child's own home, in the home of a relative of the child, or in any other unlicensed setting, the provision of such child care may be monitored on a random basis by the Department of Human Services or the State Department of Health.  Transitional child care assistance may be continued if it is necessary for parents to maintain employment once support has ended, unless prohibited under state or federal law.  Transitional child care assistance may be provided for up to twenty-four (24) months after the last month during which the family was eligible for TANF assistance, if federal funds are available for such child care assistance.

     (8)  The Department of Human Services may provide transportation or provide reasonable reimbursement for transportation expenses that are necessary for individuals to be able to participate in allowable work activity under the TANF program.

     (9)  Medicaid assistance shall be provided to a family of TANF program participants for up to twenty-four (24) consecutive calendar months following the month in which the participating family would be ineligible for TANF benefits because of increased income, expiration of earned income disregards, or increased hours of employment of the caretaker relative; however, Medicaid assistance for more than twelve (12) months may be provided only if a federal waiver is obtained to provide such assistance for more than twelve (12) months and federal and state funds are available to provide such assistance.

     (10)  The department shall require applicants for and recipients of public assistance from the department to sign a personal responsibility contract that will require the applicant or recipient to acknowledge his or her responsibilities to the state.

     (11)  The department shall enter into an agreement with the State Personnel Board and other state agencies that will allow those TANF participants who qualify for vacant jobs within state agencies to be placed in state jobs.  State agencies participating in the TANF work program shall receive any and all benefits received by employers in the private sector for hiring TANF recipients.  This subsection (11) shall be effective only if the state obtains any necessary federal waiver or approval and if federal funds are available therefor.

     (12)  Any unspent TANF funds remaining from the prior fiscal year may be expended for any TANF allowable activities.

     (13)  The Mississippi Department of Human Services shall provide TANF applicants information and referral to programs that provide information about birth control, prenatal health care, abstinence education, marriage education, family preservation and fatherhood.

     (14)  No new TANF program requirement or restriction affecting a person's eligibility for TANF assistance, or allowable work activity, which is not mandated by federal law or regulation may be implemented by the Department of Human Services after July 1, 2004, unless such is specifically authorized by an amendment to this section by the Legislature.

     SECTION 35.  Section 43-17-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-7.  (1)  The state department shall:

          (a)  Supervise the administration of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program under this chapter by the county departments;

          (b)  Make such rules and regulations and take such action as may be necessary or desirable for carrying out the provisions of this chapter.  All rules and regulations made by the state department shall be binding on the counties and shall be complied with by the respective county departments;

          (c)  Prescribe the form of, and print and supply to the county departments such forms as it may deem necessary and advisable;

          (d)  Cooperate with the federal government in matters of mutual concern pertaining to the TANF program;

          (e)  Make such reports in such form and containing such information as the federal government may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the federal government may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports;

          (f)  Publish an annual report and such interim reports as may be necessary;

          (g)  Establish rules and regulations restricting the use or disclosure of information, records, papers, files and communications concerning applicants and recipients to purposes directly connected with the administration of the TANF program, in compliance with federal law;

          (h)  When the state agency has reason to believe that the home in which a relative and child receiving TANF assistance reside is unsuitable for the child because of the neglect, abuse or exploitation of such child, the state department shall bring such condition to the attention of the appropriate court or law enforcement agencies, and provide such data with respect to the situation as the department may have;

          (i)  As required by federal law, to provide for the development and implementation of a program under which the department will undertake, in the case of a child born out of wedlock who is receiving TANF assistance authorized herein, to establish the paternity of such child and secure support for him; and, in the case of any child receiving TANF assistance from the department who has been deserted or abandoned by his parent, to secure support for such child from such parent (or from any other person legally liable for such support), utilizing any reciprocal arrangements adopted with other states to obtain or enforce court orders for support;

          (j)  Provide for entering into cooperative arrangements with appropriate courts and law enforcement officials to assist the department in administering the program referred to in paragraph (i), including the entering into of financial arrangements with such courts and officials in order to assure optimum results under such program, and with respect to any other matters of common concern to such courts or officials in the department.

     (2)  The Department of Human Services shall include the following agencies currently providing services to TANF and food stamp recipients in any planning activities with respect thereto, and those agencies shall cooperate with the department and provide information as necessary in order to ensure the full utilization of all economic assistance programs:  the State Department of Mental Health, the State Department of Rehabilitation Services, the Mississippi Department of Corrections, the Mississippi Department of Transportation, the State Department of Public Safety, the Division of Medicaid, the State Department of Health and the State Department of Education.

     SECTION 36.  Section 43-17-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-11.  Application for TANF assistance under this chapter shall be made to the county department of the county in which the dependent child resides.  The application shall be in writing or reduced to writing in the manner and upon the form prescribed by the state department.  Such application shall be made by the person with whom the child is living and shall contain information as to the age and residence of the child and such other information as may be required by the rules and regulations of the state department.  One (1) application may be made for several children of the same family if they reside with the same person.

     SECTION 37.  Section 43-17-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-13.  Whenever a county department receives a notification of the dependency of a child or an application for TANF assistance, an investigation and record shall promptly be made of the circumstances in order to ascertain the dependency of the child and the facts supporting the application and in order to obtain such other information as may be required by the rules of the state department.

     The investigation may include a visit to the home of the child and/or the person with whom the child will live during the time TANF assistance is granted.

     SECTION 38.  Section 43-17-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-15.  Upon the completion of such investigation the county department shall decide whether the child is eligible for TANF assistance under the provisions of this chapter, and determine in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state department the amount of such assistance and the date on which such assistance shall begin.  The county department shall notify the applicant of its decision.

     SECTION 39.  Section 43-17-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-17.  If an application is not acted upon by the county department within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, after the filing of the application, or is denied in whole or in part, or if any award of TANF assistance is modified or cancelled under any provision of this chapter, the applicant or recipient may appeal to the state department in the manner and form prescribed by the state department.  The state department shall, upon receipt of such an appeal, give the applicant or recipient reasonable notice and opportunity for a fair hearing.  The state department may also, upon its own motion, review any decision of a county department, and may consider any application upon which a decision has not been made by the county department within a reasonable time.  The state department may make such additional investigation as it may deem necessary, and shall make such decision as to the granting of TANF assistance and the amount of assistance to be granted as in its opinion is justified and in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.  Applicants or recipients affected by such decisions of the state department shall, upon request, be given reasonable notice and opportunity for a fair hearing by the state department.

     All decisions of the state department shall be final and shall be binding upon the county involved and shall be complied with by the county department.

     SECTION 40.  Section 43-17-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-19.  All TANF assistance grants made under this chapter shall be reconsidered by the county department as frequently as may be required by the rules of the state department.  After such further investigation as the county department may deem necessary or the state department may require, the amount of TANF assistance may be changed or TANF assistance may be entirely withdrawn if the state or county department finds that the child's circumstances have altered sufficiently to warrant such action.

     SECTION 41.  Section 43-17-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     43-17-25.  Whoever obtains, or attempts to obtain, or aids or abets any child to obtain by means of a willfully false statement or representation, or by impersonation or other fraudulent device:

     (1)  TANF assistance to which the child is not entitled; or

     (2)  TANF assistance greater than that to which he is justly entitled, shall be subject to the criminal penalties prescribed in Section 97-19-71; or shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) or be imprisoned for not more than twelve (12) months, or both, in the discretion of the court.

     SECTION 42.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2016.