2015 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Hopson

Senate Concurrent Resolution 628


     WHEREAS, John Michael Allen retired in 2014 following 35 years of service to the Mississippi Crime Laboratory, leaving a legacy of professionalism and leadership to this important law enforcement agency.  Mike served as a Firearm and Tool Mark Examiner and retired as Administrative Assistant Director for the Laboratory System; and

     WHEREAS, Mike's accomplishments include computerization of the Laboratory System and his dedicated involvement in the planning and construction of the New State Crime Laboratory facility; and

     WHEREAS, his career responsibilities and accomplishments include the following timeline:

     ·  Mississippi Crime Laboratory 1999-Present.  Forensic Division Coordinator, Criminalistics:  Oversee and manage the Criminalistics Division of the Mississippi Crime Laboratory;

     ·  Mississippi Crime Laboratory 1991-Present.  Forensic Scientist III, IV, V - Forensic Division Coordinator, Criminalistics:  Information Technology Director MCL System;

     ·  Mississippi Crime Laboratory 1993-2001.  Forensic Scientist III, IV, V - Forensic Division Coordinator, Criminalistics:  Supervisor Implied Consent Section.  Responsible for the Breath Alcohol Program for the State of Mississippi Implied Consent Law;

     ·  Mississippi Crime Laboratory 1979-1992.  Forensic Scientist I, II, III - Supervisor Firearm and Tool Mark Section MCL System:  Senior Analyst and Supervisor of the Firearm and Tool Mark Section of the Mississippi Crime Laboratory;

     ·  Mississippi Crime Laboratory 1979.  Forensic Scientist I, Firearms Examiner:  Firearms Examiner in the Firearm and Tool Mark Section MCL System;

     ·  City of Jackson, Mississippi, Waste Water Treatment Facility 1977-1978.  Laboratory Technician-Analytical Chemistry; and

     WHEREAS, Mike's professional memberships include:  Life Member, Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE); Southern Association of Forensic Scientists (SAFS); Charter Member, Mississippi Division International Association for Identification (MDIAI); International Association of Chemical Testers (IACT); and American Academy of Forensic Scientists (AAFS); and

     WHEREAS, Mike's certifications include:  Diplomate, American Board of Criminalistics (D-ABC); Certificate of Supervisory Management (CSM), Certified Public Managers Program, State Personnel Board Training Center, Jackson, Mississippi; Certified Instructor, State of Mississippi Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training; State of Mississippi Certifyer of Intoxilyzer 5000 Calibration; and State of Mississippi Intoxilyzer 5000 Operator; and

     WHEREAS, Mike is a wonderful example for public servants; and it is with great pride that we commend his record of achievement and legacy of leadership and accomplishment to the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby recognize John Michael (Mike) Allen for 35 years of dedicated professional service to the Mississippi Crime Laboratory, and extend our best wishes to Mike and his family on the occasion of his retirement.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Mike Allen, forwarded to the Director of the Mississippi Crime Laboratory, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.