2015 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Representatives Harrison, Johnson
WHEREAS, it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the Heaven": and as such on Sunday, January 18, 2015, the grand architect of the universe, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny, summoned the mortal presence of dearly beloved, Reverend Dr. James David Holmes, to eternal rest, as he has made life's final transition from earthly travailing to heavenly reward, rendering great sorrow and loss to his family and friends; and
WHEREAS, the State of Mississippi lost a wonderful friend, community leader and devout reverend with the passing of Dr. Holmes, who was born in Fayette County, Tennessee, to Sam and Bessie Holmes on December 20, 1939; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Holmes confessed a childhood hope in Christ at an early age and was faithfully united with Christ at the Union Grove M.B. Church in Memphis, Tennessee, to enjoy eternal peace because as the awesome Word of God in the Book of Luke, Chapter 2, Verse 29 states, "Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your Word," which may bring peace of mind to Dr. Holmes' friends and family; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Holmes graduated from Manassas High School in Memphis, Tennessee, and joined the ranks of an elect fraternity of soldiers in the United States Navy, where he patriotically and heroically served a four-year tour of duty; and
WHEREAS, after serving his country, Dr. Holmes resided in Cleveland, Ohio, and having an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he furthered his education at Cuyahoga Community College; and
WHEREAS, upon Dr. Holmes return to Memphis, Tennessee, fate lent itself to building upon the blueprint divinely designed for the pattern of his life by the great deity, and Dr. Holmes' love, chivalry and affection pierced the heart of Hermine Bowser Holmes, and the duo became bone of one another's bone and flesh of one another's flesh after exchanging the nuptials of holy matrimony and Dr. Holmes united with Avery Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; and
WHEREAS, having received his divine call to the ministry in 1980, Dr. Holmes, who was ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1984 as an Itinerant Elder under Bishop Frank C. Cumming, skillfully pastored several churches in the eighth district before being elevated to the elite office of Presiding Elder of the Grenada District in 2003 and later the Greenville-Greenwood District; and
WHEREAS, Featherston African Methodist Episcopal Church was the last church to receive the wonderful blessing of God's message through the beautiful and inspiring words of Dr. Holmes, as he retired there under the leadership of Bishop Julius McAllister as Presiding Elder Emeritus; and
WHEREAS, as a reverend, Dr. Holmes showcased an unbiased love and encouragement for all Christians to stand up and be counted for Christ, being the very epitome of a man of God who held steadfast to his convictions, and kept sacred things sacred, as he was unselfish in service and held fast to his integrity, walking by faith and not by sight; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Holmes' ministry, like David's, sought the very heart of God, and in his efforts, strived as a denominational leader to lead as many souls to Christ under the auspices of that philosophy; and
WHEREAS, men of faith such as Dr. Holmes are rare in these times of social and moral decline in America but nevertheless serve to uphold everything that is good and right about a country that has its very founding premised upon spiritual foundation in God as the sovereign deity; and
WHEREAS, a truly marvelous blessing from the wonderful Lord, Dr. Holmes touched the hearts of all those who were fortunate to cross his tender and charming path and constantly greeted those around him with an illustriously bright smile that could be seen from miles away and enhanced even the most terrible of days; and
WHEREAS, though he has traversed the river of life to reunite with those who answered God's summons to life eternal and now beckon his arrival to the celestial shores of Heaven's grandeur,
including one sister, three brothers, one stepsister and one stepson, the legacy of Dr. Holmes' memory will continue to refresh the hearts and fond memories of his beloved survivors: wife, Hermine Bowser Holmes; children, James David Holmes, Jr., Angela Holmes Lewis (Terry), Tamarra Holmes Mallett (Joe) and James Derrick Holmes (Ameika); three stepchildren, Gloria Bowser Wright, Barbara Bowser and Angelo B. Bowser; sisters, Louise Holmes Gaither and Addie Holmes Moore; stepsister, Ella M. Jamison; stepbrother, Eugene Norman; sixteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends, who are left to mourn his passing; and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to acknowledge the selflessness of such a humanitarian and affectionate individual of esteemed caliber as Dr. Holmes:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. James David Holmes, and extend sincere and deepest sympathy to his family and friends upon his passing.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of Dr. James David Holmes and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.