2015 Regular Session

To: Judiciary A

By: Representative Baker

House Bill 1259



     SECTION 1.  Section 63-17-55, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     63-17-55.  The following words, terms and phrases, when used in the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission Law, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

          (a)  "Motor vehicle" means any motor-driven vehicle of the sort and kind required to have a Mississippi road or bridge privilege license, and shall include, but not be limited to, motorcycles.  "Motor vehicle" shall also mean an engine, transmission, or rear axle manufactured for installation in a vehicle having as its primary purpose the transport of person or persons or property on a public highway and having a gross vehicle weight rating of more than sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds, whether or not attached to a vehicle chassis, but shall not include replacement parts manufactured for such engine, transmission or rear axleThe term "motor vehicle" shall not mean any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of thirty thousand (30,000) pounds or more which are predominantly used in the following vocational operations:  aggregates, agriculture, asphalt, concrete, civil construction, forestry, heavy haul, landscaping, manufacturing, mining/quarry, oil & gas, paving pipeline, public services, recovery, road construction, sanitation/refuse, service, site construction, transportation and utility.

          (b)  "Motor vehicle dealer" means any person, firm, partnership, copartnership, association, corporation, trust or legal entity, not excluded by paragraph (c) of this section, who holds a bona fide contract or franchise in effect with a manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler of new motor vehicles, and a license under the provisions of the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission Law, and such duly franchised and licensed motor vehicle dealers shall be the sole and only persons, firms, partnerships, copartnerships, associations, corporations, trusts or legal entities entitled to sell and publicly or otherwise solicit and advertise for sale new motor vehicles as such.

          (c)  The term "motor vehicle dealer" does not include:

              (i)  Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors, guardians or other persons appointed by or acting under judgment, decree or order of any court;

              (ii)  Public officers while performing their duties as such officers;

              (iii)  Employees of persons, corporations or associations enumerated in paragraph (c)(i) of this section when engaged in the specific performance of their duties as such employees; or

              (iv)  A motor vehicle manufacturer operating a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1; and the provisions of the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission Law shall not apply to:

                   1.  a.  Any lease by such a motor vehicle manufacturer of three (3) or fewer motor vehicles at any one time and related vehicle maintenance, of any line of vehicle produced by the manufacturer or its subsidiaries, to any one (1) employee of the motor vehicle manufacturer on a direct basis; or

                        b.  Any sale or other disposition of such motor vehicles by the motor vehicle manufacturer at the end of a lease through direct sales to employees of the manufacturer or through an open auction or auction limited to dealers of the manufacturer's vehicle line or its subsidiaries' vehicle lines; or

                   2.  Any sale or other disposition by such a motor vehicle manufacturer of motor vehicles for which the manufacturer obtained distinguishing number tags under Section 27-19-309(8).

              (v)  Any person, firm, partnership, co-partnership, association, corporation, trust of legal entity primarily engaged in the sale or service of farm and utility tractors, forestry equipment, industrial and construction equipment, farm implements, farm machinery, yard and garden equipment, attachments, accessories, and repair parts.

          (d)  "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle which has not been previously sold to any person except a distributor or wholesaler or motor vehicle dealer for resale.

          (e)  "Ultimate purchaser" means, with respect to any new motor vehicle, the first person, other than a motor vehicle dealer purchasing in his capacity as such dealer, who in good-faith purchases such new motor vehicle for purposes other than for resale.

          (f)  "Retail sale" or "sale at retail" means the act or attempted act of selling, bartering, exchanging or otherwise disposing of a new motor vehicle to an ultimate purchaser for use as a consumer.

          (g)  "Motor vehicle salesman" means any person who is employed as a salesman by a motor vehicle dealer whose duties include the selling or offering for sale of new motor vehicles.

          (h)  "Commission" means the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission.

          (i)  "Manufacturer" means any person, firm, association, corporation or trust, resident or nonresident, who manufactures or assembles new motor vehicles.

          (j)  "Distributor" or "wholesaler" means any person, firm, association, corporation or trust, resident or nonresident, who, in whole or in part, sells or distributes new motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers, or who maintains distributor representatives.

          (k)  "Factory branch" means a branch or division office maintained by a person, firm, association, corporation or trust who manufactures or assembles new motor vehicles for sale to distributors or wholesalers, to motor vehicle dealers, or for directing or supervising, in whole or in part, its representatives.

          (l)  "Distributor branch" means a branch or division office similarly maintained by a distributor or wholesaler for the same purposes a factory branch or division is maintained.

          (m)  "Factory representative" means a representative employed by a person, firm, association, corporation or trust who manufactures or assembles new motor vehicles, or by a factory branch, for the purpose of making or promoting the sale of his, its or their new motor vehicles, or for supervising or contacting his, its or their dealers or prospective dealers.

          (n)  "Distributor representative" means a representative similarly employed by a distributor, distributor branch or wholesaler.

          (o)  "Person" means and includes, individually and collectively, individuals, firms, partnerships, copartnerships, associations, corporations and trusts, or any other forms of business enterprise, or any legal entity.

          (p)  "Good faith" means the duty of each party to any franchise agreement, and all officers, employees or agents franchise, to act in a fair and equitable manner toward each other in the performance of the respective obligations under the franchise agreement.

          (q)  "Coerce" means to compel or attempt to compel by threat or duress.  However, recommendation, exposition, persuasion, urging or argument shall not be deemed to constitute coercion.

          (r)  "Special tools" are those which a dealer was required to purchase by the manufacturer or distributor for service on that manufacturer's product.

          (s)  "Motor vehicle lessor" means any person, not excluded by paragraph (c) of this section, engaged in the motor vehicle leasing or rental business.

          (t)  "Specialty vehicle" means a motor vehicle manufactured by a second stage manufacturer by purchasing motor vehicle components, e.g. frame and drive train, and completing the manufacturer of finished motor vehicles for the purpose of resale with the primary manufacturer warranty unimpaired, to a limited commercial market rather than the consuming public.  Specialty vehicles include garbage trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, buses, limousines, hearses and other similar limited purpose vehicles as the commission may by regulation provide.

          (u)  "Auto auction" means (i) any person who provides a place of business or facilities for the wholesale exchange of motor vehicles by and between duly licensed motor vehicle dealers, (ii) any motor vehicle dealer licensed to sell used motor vehicles selling motor vehicles using an auction format but not on consignment, or (iii) any person who provides the facilities for or is in the business of selling in an auction format motor vehicles.

          (v)  "Motor home" means a motor vehicle that is designed and constructed primarily to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use.

          (w)  "Dealer-operator" means the individual designated in the franchise agreement as the operator of the motor vehicle dealership.

          (x)  "Franchise" or "franchise agreement" means a written contract or agreement between a motor vehicle dealer and a manufacturer or its distributor or factory branch by which the motor vehicle dealer is authorized to engage in the business of selling or leasing the specific makes, models or classifications of new motor vehicles marketed or leased by the manufacturer and designated in the agreement or any addendum to such agreement.

          (y)  "Net cost" means the price the motor vehicle dealer pays for new motor vehicles, supplies, parts, equipment, signs, furnishings and special tools, minus any applicable discounts or subsidies obtained by the motor vehicle dealer.

          (z)  "Line or make" means a collection of models, series, or groups of motor vehicles manufactured by or for a particular manufacturer, distributor or importer offered for sale, lease or distribution pursuant to a common trademark, service mark or brand name; however:

              (i)  Multiple brand names or marks may constitute a single line or make, but only when included in a common motor vehicle dealer agreement and the manufacturer, distributor or importer offers such vehicles bearing the multiple names of marks together only, and not separately, to its authorized motor vehicle dealers.

              (ii)  Motor vehicles bearing a common brand name or mark may constitute separate line or makes when such vehicles are of different vehicle types or are intended for different types of use, provided that either:

                   1.  The manufacturer has expressly defined or covered the subject line or makes of vehicles as separate and distinct line or makes in the applicable dealer agreements; or

                   2.  The manufacturer has consistently characterized the subject vehicles as constituting separate and distinct line or makes to its dealer network.

          (aa)  "Site-control agreement" or "exclusive use agreement" means an agreement that, regardless of its name, title, form or the parties entering into it, has the effect of:

              (i)  Controlling the use and development of the premises of a motor vehicle dealer's franchise or facilities;

              (ii)  Requiring a motor vehicle dealer to establish or maintain an exclusive motor vehicle dealership facility on the premises of the motor vehicle dealer's franchise or facility;

              (iii)  Restricting the power or authority of the dealer or the lessor, if the motor vehicle dealer leases the dealership premises, to transfer, sell, lease, develop, redevelop or change the use of the dealership premises, whether by sublease, lease, collateral pledge of lease, right of first refusal to purchase or lease, option to purchase or lease or any similar arrangement; or

              (iv)  Establishing a valuation process or formula for the motor vehicle dealership premises that does not allow for the motor vehicle dealership premises to be transferred, sold or leased by the motor vehicle dealer at the highest and best use valuation for the motor vehicle dealership premises.

          (bb)  "Market area" means the area of responsibility set forth in the franchise agreement.

          (cc)  "Core parts" means those original vehicle manufacturer parts that are listed in the original vehicle manufacturer's or distributor's current parts catalog, for which there is a core charge and which are returnable to the manufacturer or distributor.

          (dd)  "Engine Replacement parts Manufacturer or Distributor" means a manufacturer or distributor of replacement engine parts for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of thirty thousand (30,000) pounds or more which are predominantly used in the following vocational operations:  aggregates, agriculture, asphalt, concrete, civil construction, forestry, heavy haul, landscaping, manufacturing, mining/quarry, oil & gas, paving pipeline, public services, recovery, road construction, sanitation/refuse, service, site construction, transportation and utility.

     SECTION 2.  Section 63-17-118, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     63-17-118.  (1)  Upon any termination, cancellation, refusal to continue, or refusal to renew any franchise or any discontinuation of any line or make of motor vehicle or parts essential to such line or make, the manufacturer or distributor shall pay reasonable compensation to the motor vehicle dealer as follows:

          (a)  (i)  The motor vehicle dealer's net cost for any new, unused, undamaged, unregistered, unmodified and unsold vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds or less of the current and prior model year with less than seven hundred fifty (750) miles on the odometer that is in the motor vehicle dealer's inventory and was purchased from the manufacturer or another motor vehicle dealer of the same line or make in the ordinary course of business.

              (ii)  The motor vehicle dealer's net cost for any new, unused, undamaged, unregistered, unmodified and unsold vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rate of more than sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds of the current and prior model year that is in the motor vehicle dealer's inventory and was purchased from the manufacturer or another motor vehicle dealer of the same line or make in the ordinary course of business.

              (iii)  The manufacturer or distributor shall have no obligation to repurchase a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle has been modified to the extent that the modifications are so significant as to void the manufacturer's warranty or has been substantially altered to the prejudice of the manufacturer or distributor.  The manufacturer or distributor shall have no obligation to repurchase any parts used to modify the motor vehicle that were not produced by or for the manufacturer or distributor.

          (b)  The motor vehicle dealer's net cost of each new, unused and undamaged part or accessory listed in the manufacturer or distributor's current parts catalog and in the original, resalable merchandising packages.  In the case of sheet metal, a comparable substitute for the original package shall be sufficient.  New or reconditioned core parts shall be valued at their core value, listed in the original vehicle manufacturer's or distributor's current parts catalog.  If the part or accessory was purchased by the motor vehicle dealer from another authorized same line or make motor vehicle dealer in the ordinary course of business, the manufacturer shall purchase the part or accessory for the price in the current parts catalog.  The motor vehicle dealer shall maintain accurate records regarding the actual purchase price of parts that the manufacturer or distributor is required to purchase under this paragraph.

          (c)  In addition to the costs referenced in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection, the manufacturer shall pay the motor vehicle dealer an additional five percent (5%) charge based on the total compensation due under this section for handling, packing, storing and loading of any parts subject to repurchase pursuant to this section and the manufacturer shall pay for shipping the vehicles subject to repurchase from the location of the motor vehicle dealer to the location directed by the manufacturer.

          (d)  The manufacturer shall pay the motor vehicle dealer the amounts specified in this subsection within ninety (90) days after the tender of the property, subject to the motor vehicle dealer providing evidence of good and clear title upon return of property to the manufacturer.  The manufacturer shall remove the property from the motor vehicle dealer's premises within one hundred eighty (180) days after the tender of the property.

     (2)  In the event a manufacturer or distributor cancels, refuses to continue, or refuses to renew any franchise or discontinues any line or make or parts essential to such line or make, in addition to the compensation provided in subsection (1) of this section, the manufacturer or distributor shall pay reasonable compensation to the motor vehicle dealer as follows:

          (a)  In the event a motor vehicle dealer leases the dealership facilities, then the manufacturer shall be liable for twelve (12) months' payment of the gross rent or the remainder of the term of the lease, whichever is less.  If the dealership facilities are not leased, then the manufacturer shall be liable for the equivalent of twelve (12) months' payment of gross rent based upon the fair market value of the dealership facilities.  The gross rent shall be paid only to the extent that the dealership premises are recognized in the franchise and only if they are used solely for performance in accordance with the franchise and not substantially in excess of those facilities recommended by the manufacturer or distributor.  If the facility is used for the operations of more than one (1) franchise, the gross rent compensation shall only include the prorated value of the square footage used exclusively for the terminated franchise or line or make at the time of termination.  This paragraph shall not apply to a termination, cancellation or nonrenewal due to a sale of the assets or stock of the motor vehicle dealership.  In addition to the gross rent, the manufacturer is required to pay the dealer the net cost of any upgrades or other alterations made by the motor vehicle dealer to the dealership facilities which were required in writing by the manufacturer and made by the motor vehicle dealer within two (2) years prior to the effective date of termination.  Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to relieve a motor vehicle dealer of its obligation to mitigate damages upon termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal.  As used in this paragraph "gross rent" is the monthly rent plus the monthly cost of insurance and taxes.

          (b)  The manufacturer shall pay the motor vehicle dealer for the value of twelve (12) months of any outstanding amounts on any leases or the remaining amount of the lease, whichever is less, of computer hardware or software that is exclusively used to manage and report data of the terminated line or make to the manufacturer or distributor for financial reporting requirements.

          (c)  The manufacturer shall pay the motor vehicle dealer for the value of twelve (12) months or the remaining amount of the lease, whichever is less of any outstanding amounts on any manufacturer or distributor required equipment leases, service contracts, and sign leases.

          (d)  The fair market value of each undamaged sign owned by the motor vehicle dealer which bears a trademark or trade name used or claimed by the manufacturer if the sign was purchased from, or purchased at a requirement of, the manufacturer, plus the costs of installing the sign and the costs of purchasing and installing any pole upon which the sign is located.  During the first three (3) years after its purchase, the fair market value of each sign shall be the motor vehicle dealer's net costs of purchasing the sign.  Thereafter, the fair market value of the sign shall be the greater of its actual market value or its depreciated value on the books of the motor vehicle dealer.

          (e)  The fair market value of all tools, data processing programs and equipment and automotive service equipment owned by the motor vehicle dealer which are exclusively used for the line or make being terminated and which were required in writing and designated as equipment, tools, data processing programs and equipment, and automotive service equipment and purchased from, or purchased as a requirement of, the manufacturer if the equipment, tools, programs and equipment are in usable and good condition, except for reasonable wear and tear.  During the first three (3) years after their purchase, the fair market value of each item of equipment, tools, programs, and equipment shall be the motor vehicle dealer's net cost associated with purchasing the items. Thereafter, the fair market value of each item shall be the greater of its actual market value or its depreciated value on the books of the motor vehicle dealer.

          (f)  In addition to the other payments set forth in this section, if a termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is premised upon the manufacturer discontinuing the sale in this state of a line or make that was the subject of the franchise, then the manufacturer shall also be liable to the motor vehicle dealer for an amount at least equivalent to the fair market value of the motor vehicle dealer's franchise for the discontinued line or make as of:

              (i)  The date immediately preceding the date the manufacturer announces the action which results in termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal; or

              (ii)  The day twelve (12) months prior to the date on which the notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is issued, whichever amount is higher.

     At the motor vehicle dealer's option, the manufacturer may avoid paying fair market value of the motor vehicle franchise to the motor vehicle dealer under this paragraph if the manufacturer, or another motor vehicle manufacturer pursuant to an agreement with the manufacturer, offers the motor vehicle dealer a replacement motor vehicle franchise with terms substantially similar to that offered to other same line or make motor vehicle dealers.

          (g)  The manufacturer shall pay the motor vehicle dealer the amounts specified in this subsection along with any other amounts that may be due to the motor vehicle dealer under the franchise agreement within ninety (90) days after the tender of the property, subject to the motor vehicle dealer providing evidence of good and clear title upon return of the property to the manufacturer.  The manufacturer shall remove the property within one hundred eighty (180) days after the tender of the property from the motor vehicle dealer's premises.  Unless previous arrangements have been made and agreed upon, the motor vehicle dealer is under no obligation to provide insurance for the property left after one hundred eighty (180) days.

     (3)  This section shall not apply to any sale, exchange, inheritance, gift or other transfer of ownership, stock, assets, management, or any other rights of the motor vehicle dealer, or to any termination for good cause, including, but not limited to, a conviction for a felony involving moral turpitude, for failure to conduct business for seven (7) consecutive business days or eight (8) business days out of any fifteen-day business period, for insolvency of the motor vehicle dealer or for loss of license to sell motor vehicles, or where there is a failure by the new motor vehicle dealer to comply with a provision of the franchise which provision is both reasonable and of a material significance to the franchise relationship provided that the dealer has been notified in writing of the failure.

     (4)  This section shall not apply to motor homes.

     (5)  This section shall not apply to engine replacement parts manufacturers or distributors as defined in Section 63-17-55.

     SECTION 3.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2015.