2015 Regular Session

To: Apportionment and Elections

By: Representative Denny

House Bill 356



     SECTION 1.  A new election day and time shall be set by the appropriate election officials at the request of any candidate, if such election officials determine that the number of legal votes rejected and/or the number of illegal votes counted in an election, when added together, exceed the margin of victory in the election.

     SECTION 2.  Section 23-15-581, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-581.  (1)  When the polls shall be closed, the managers shall then publicly open the box and immediately proceed to count the ballots, at the same time reading aloud the names of the persons voted for, which shall be taken down and called by the clerks in the presence of the managers.  During the holding of the election and the counting of the ballots, the whole proceedings shall be in fair and full view of the voting public without unnecessary interference, delay or encroachment upon the good order of the duties and proceedings of the managers and other officers of the election.  Candidates or their duly authorized representatives shall have the right to reasonably view and inspect the ballots as and when they are taken from the box and counted, and to reasonably view and inspect the tally sheets, papers and other documents used in said election during the proceedings, but not including, of course, the secret ballots being voted and placed and held in the box.  There shall be no unnecessary delay and no adjournment except as provided by law.

     (2)  If the appropriate election officials determine that the number of legal votes rejected and/or the number of illegal votes counted in an election, when added together, exceed the margin of victory in the election, and a candidate requests a new election, then the appropriate election officials shall set the day and time for a new election.

     SECTION 3.  Section 23-15-597, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-597.  (1)  (a)  The county executive committee shall meet on the first or second day after each primary election, shall receive and canvass the returns which must be made within the time fixed by law for returns of general elections and declare the result, and announce the name of the nominees for county and county district offices and the names of those candidates to be submitted to the second primary.  The vote for state, state district offices and legislative offices shall be tabulated by precincts and certified to and returned to the state executive committee, such returns to be mailed by registered letter or any safe mode of transmission within thirty-six (36) hours after the returns are canvassed and the result ascertained.  The state executive committee shall meet a week from the day following the first primary election held for state, state district offices and legislative offices, and shall proceed to canvass the returns and to declare the result, and announce the names of those nominated for the different offices in the first primary and the names of those candidates whose names are to be submitted to the second primary election.  The state executive committee shall also meet a week from the day on which the second primary election was held and receive and canvass the returns for state and district offices, if any, and legislative offices, if any, voted on in such second primary.  An exact and full duplicate of all tabulations by precincts as certified under this section shall be filed with the circuit clerk of the county who shall safely preserve the same in his office.

          (b)  If the appropriate election officials determine that the number of legal votes rejected and/or the number of illegal votes counted in an election, when added together, exceed the margin of victory in the election, and a candidate requests a new election, then such election officials shall set the day and time for a new election.

     (2)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chairman of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chairman of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chairman of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chairman of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

     SECTION 4.  Section 23-15-601, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-601.  (1)  When the result of the election shall have been ascertained by the managers they, or one (1) of their number, or some fit person designated by them, shall, by noon of the second day after the election, deliver to the commissioners of election, at the courthouse, a statement of the whole number of votes given for each person and for what office; and the commissioners of election shall canvass the returns, ascertain and declare the result, and, within ten (10) days after the day of the election, shall deliver a certificate of his election to the person having the greatest number of votes for representative in the Legislature of districts composed of one (1) county or less, or other county office, board of supervisors, justice court judge and constable.  If it appears that two (2) or more candidates for Representative of the county, or part of the county, or for any county office, board of supervisors, justice court judge or constable standing highest on the list, and not elected, have an equal number of votes, the election shall be decided by lot fairly and publicly drawn by the commissioners, with the aid of two (2) or more respectable electors of the county, and a certificate of election shall be given accordingly.  The foregoing provisions shall apply to Senators, if the county be a senatorial district.

     (2)  The commissioners of election shall transmit to the Secretary of State, on such forms and by such methods as may be required by rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State, a statement of the total number of votes cast in the county for each candidate for each office and the total number of votes cast for such candidates in each precinct in the district in which the candidate ran.

     (3)  If the appropriate election officials determine that the number of legal votes rejected and/or the number of illegal votes counted in an election, when added together, exceed the margin of victory in the election, and a candidate requests a new election, then the appropriate election officials shall set the day and time for a new election.

     SECTION 5.  Section 23-15-603, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-603.  (1)  The commissioners of election shall, within ten (10) days after the general election, transmit to the Secretary of State, to be filed in his office, a statement of the whole number of votes given in their county and the whole number of votes given in each precinct in their county, for each candidate for any office at the election; but the returns of every election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Auditor of Public Accounts, State Treasurer, Commissioner of Insurance and other state officers, shall each be made out separately, sealed up together and transmitted to the seat of government, directed to the Secretary of State, and endorsed the "VOTE FOR STATE OFFICERS," to be delivered by the Secretary of State to the Speaker of the House of Representatives at the next ensuing session of the Legislature.  In addition to the other information required pursuant to this subsection, the returns for state officers shall contain a statement of the whole number of votes given in each House of Representative district or portion thereof for each candidate for state office at the election.

     (2)  Constitutional amendments shall be voted for at the time fixed by the concurrent resolution.  The election, whether held separately or with other elections, shall be conducted, in all respects, as required for elections generally.  The commissioners of election shall, within ten (10) days after the election, transmit to the Secretary of State a statement of the whole number of votes given in their county and the whole number of votes given in each precinct in their county for or against constitutional amendments.

     (3)  The statements certified by the election commissioners and transmitted to the Secretary of State, as required by this section, shall be tabulated by the Secretary of State and submitted to each branch of the Legislature, at the session next ensuing.  Certified county vote totals shall represent the final results of the election.

     (4)  The statements required by this section shall contain a certification, signed and dated by a majority of the commissioners of election, which shall read as follows:

     "We, the undersigned commissioners of election, do hereby certify that this statement of the whole number of votes contains the official vote for the election reflected therein."

     (5)  The statements required by this section shall be transmitted to the Secretary of State on such forms and by such methods as may be required by rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State.

     (6)  If the appropriate election officials determine that the number of legal votes rejected and/or the number of illegal votes counted in an election, when added together, exceed the margin of victory in the election, and a candidate requests a new election, then the appropriate election officials shall set the day and time for a new election.

     SECTION 6.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2015.