2015 Regular Session

To: Judiciary A

By: Representative Gunn

House Bill 159



     SECTION 1.  (1)  Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section and except as provided in connection with the share of the surviving spouse who elects to take an elective share, shares of distributees abate, without any preference or priority as between real and personal property, in the following order:  (a) property not disposed of by the will; (b) residuary devises; (c) general devises; (d) specific devises.  For purposes of abatement, a general devise charged on any specific property or fund is a specific devise to the extent of the value of the property on which it is charged, and upon the failure or insufficiency of the property on which it is charged, a general devise to the extent of the failure or insufficiency.  Abatement within each classification is in proportion to the amounts of property each of the beneficiaries would have received, if full distribution of the property had been made in accordance with the terms of the will.

     (2)  If the will expresses an order of abatement, or if the testamentary plan or the express or implied purpose of the devise would be defeated by the order of abatement stated in subsection (1) of this section, the shares of the distributees abate as may be found necessary to give effect to the intention of the testator.

     (3)  If the subject of a preferred devise is sold or used incident to administration, abatement shall be achieved by appropriate adjustments in, or contribution from, other interests in the remaining assets.

     SECTION 2.  Section 91-7-91, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     91-7-91.  The goods, chattels, personal estate, choses in action and money of the deceased, or which may have accrued to his estate after his death from the sale of property, real, personal or otherwise, and the rent of lands accruing during the year of his death, whether he died testate or intestate, shall be assets and shall stand chargeable with all the just debts, funeral expenses of the deceased, and the expenses of settling the estate.  The lands of the testator or intestate shall also stand chargeable for the debts and such expenses over and above what the personal estate may be sufficient to pay, and may be subjected thereto in the manner * * *hereinafter directed in this chapter.  Any sale of the lands shall be subject to the abatement provisions of Section 1 of this section.  * * *Provided, However, * * *that in cases where no administration has been or shall be commenced on the estate of the decedent within three (3) years after his death, no creditor of the decedent shall be entitled to a lien or any claim whatsoever on any real property of the decedent, or the proceeds therefrom, against purchasers or encumbrancers for value of the heirs of the decedent unless such creditor shall, within three (3) years and ninety (90) days from the date of the death of the decedent, file on the lis pendens docket in the office of the clerk of the chancery court of the county in which * * *said the land is located notice of his claim, containing the name of the decedent, a brief statement of the nature, amount and maturity date of his claim and a description of the real property sought to be charged * * *therewith with the claim.  The provisions of this section requiring the filing of notice shall not apply to any secured creditor having a recorded lien on * * *said the property.

     SECTION 3.  Section 91-7-191, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     91-7-191.  When an executor or administrator * * *shall discovers that the personal property will not be sufficient to pay the debts and expenses, he may file a petition in the chancery court for the sale of the land of the deceased, or so much of it as may be necessary, and exhibit to the court a true account of the personal estate and debts due from the deceased, and the expenses and a description of the land to be sold.  Any sale of land shall be subject to the abatement provisions of Section 1 of this section.

     SECTION 4.  Section 91-7-195, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     91-7-195.  Any creditor of the decedent whose claim against the estate is registered shall have the right to file a petition, as the executor or administrator may, for the sale of land or personal property of the decedent for the payment of debts.  The court shall hear and decide upon such petition, and decree as if the application had been made by the executor or administrator, and may order the executor or administrator to make the sale.  Any sale of land shall be subject to the abatement provisions of Section 1 of this section.

     SECTION 5.  Section 91-7-199, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     91-7-199.  The court, after service of summons or proof of publication, shall hear and examine the allegations and evidence in support of the petition and the objections to and evidence against it, if any.  If on such hearing the court be satisfied that the personal estate is insufficient to pay the debts of the deceased and that the land ought to be sold for that purpose, it may make a decree for the sale of a part or the whole of the land; and when a part only is decreed to be sold, the decree shall specify what part.  If the real estate be so situated that a part cannot be sold without manifest prejudice to the heirs or devisees, the court may decree that the whole shall be sold; and the overplus arising from such sale, after the payment of debts and expenses, shall be distributed amongst the heirs according to the law of descents, or amongst the devisees according to the will.  The heir or devisee whose lands shall be sold may compel all others holding or claiming under such intestate or testator to contribute in proportion to their respective interests, so as to equalize the burden of the loss.  The sale of the land and distribution of the proceeds of the sale shall be subject to the abatement provisions of Section 1 of this section. 

     SECTION 6.  Section 91-7-261, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     91-7-261.  The executor or administrator shall take proper steps speedily to ascertain whether the estate be solvent or insolvent.  If both the real and personal estate be insufficient to pay the debts of the deceased, he shall exhibit to the court a true account of all the personal estate, assets of every description, the land of the deceased, and all the debts due from the deceased; and if it appears to the court that the estate is insolvent, it shall make an order for the sale of all the property.  The proceeds of such sale and all other assets shall be equally distributed among all the creditors whose claims shall be duly filed and established, in proportion to the sums due and owing to them respectively, the expenses of the last sickness, the funeral, and the administration, including commissions, being first paid.  The sale of the land and distribution of the proceeds of the sale shall be subject to the abatement provisions of Section 1 of this section.  Before any decree for sale is made, the devisees or heirs shall be made parties to the proceeding.

     SECTION 7.  Section 91-7-271, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     91-7-271.  When the claims are established and the amount of assets ascertained, the court shall adjudge the pro rata share of each creditor, deducting first the preference claims and deducting from debts not due the legal interest from the time of payment up to the time of their maturity; and the executor or administrator shall distribute all money amongst the creditors, in proportion to their demands.  The payment of the claims of the creditors shall be subject to the abatement provisions of Section 1 of this section.  A creditor whose pro rata share has been so adjudged, after ten (10) days from the date of the decree ascertaining his share, the same not having been paid, may have execution against the executor or administrator and the sureties on his bond for such sum as may be due him, and costs of execution.

     SECTION 8.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2015.