2014 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Senator(s) Jones, Frazier
WHEREAS, we join the administration and faculty of Jackson State University in commemorating the outstanding work of Dr. Yvonne T. Maddox, Deputy Director, of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Throughout her academic and government career, Dr. Maddox has been a champion of issues related to women and children. Further, Dr. Maddox has been a spokesperson for the NICHD in the area of health equity and has led several NIH-wide and Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) committees and working groups; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Maddox has been a champion and an ambassador for positive change for Mississippi and has focused many NICHD efforts to help reduce health disparities in our state. She has led many NICHD Team Initiatives in Mississippi and provided resources to help reduce infant mortality, particularly the reduction of the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Additionally, through her efforts, NICHD has supported work related to asthma in children in Mississippi; and
WHEREAS, for more than a decade, she has championed the cause of health equity for children, women and families across the State of Mississippi. She has partnered with the many individuals, groups, and organizations across the State of Mississippi: Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson State University, Mississippi Valley State University, University of Mississippi Medical Center, the Jackson Heart Study, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation, The SIDS Alliance, SIDS Coalition, Coastal Community Health Center, Mississippi Head Start Association, Canton School District, Jackson Public School District, New Hope Baptist Church, Mississippi Faith-Based Coalition and many other community and faith-based organizations; and
WHEREAS, during her career at NIH, Dr. Maddox has received numerous honors and awards, including two of the most prestigious in the Federal Career Civil Service, the Presidential Distinguished Executive Rank Award and the Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank Award, as well as the Public Health Service Special Recognition Award, the DHHS Secretary's Award, the DHHS Career Achievement Award and the NIH Director's Award. In addition, she has received numerous awards for her research, including the HeLa Award for Leadership in the Reproductive Sciences. She is the recipient of several honorary degrees, a member of the American Physiological Society and has served on many public service and academic boards, and author of numerous scientific papers and review articles; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Maddox received her B.S. in Biology from Virginia Union University, Richmond and her Ph.D. in Physiology from Georgetown University. She studied as a visiting Scientist at the French Atomic Energy Commission, in Saclay, France, and graduated from the Senior Managers in Government Program of the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Maddox has been a transformational leader, advocate and ambassador for Mississippi. She has been committed and dedicated to addressing health equity in Mississippi; and it is with great pride that we join the friends and colleagues of a respected health advocate whose enormous civic energy has resulted in numerous significant programs in our state:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby recognize the work of Dr. Yvonne Maddox, Deputy Director of National Institute of Health (NICHD) and extend our best wishes to Dr. Maddox and her staff on this auspicious occasion at the Jackson State University Student Center Ballroom on April 27, 2014.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Dr. Maddox and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.