2014 Regular Session
To: Judiciary A; Appropriations
By: Representatives Baker, Gipson
SECTION 1. Section 9-9-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-9-1. (1) There shall be an inferior court to be known as the county court in and for each of the following counties:
(a) Each county of the state wherein a county court is in existence on July 1, 1985;
(b) From and after January 1, 1987, each county that has a population exceeding fifty thousand (50,000) inhabitants as shown by the latest federal decennial census; and
(c) The board of supervisors of any county having a population exceeding thirty-nine thousand (39,000) inhabitants as shown by the latest federal decennial census in which Highways 589 and 98 intersect shall have the option to establish a county court under the provisions of this section.
(2) (a) A county judge for a county that is required to establish a county court under subsection (1)(b) of this section shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county for the same term and in the same manner as provided for the election of circuit court judges at an election held at the same time as the next regular election of circuit court judges first occurring after the date upon which it can be determined that a county court is required under the provisions of subsection (1)(b) of this section to be established in such county.
(b) A county judge for a county electing to establish a county court under subsection (1)(c) of this section shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county in the same manner as provided for the election of circuit court judges at an election held at the November general election first occurring after the date when the board of supervisors spreads upon its minutes a resolution creating the county court. The term of the county court judge so elected shall begin on the first day of January following the November election, and shall end at the same time as for county court judges generally. Thereafter, the county court judge shall be elected and serve for a term as provided for county court judges generally.
(3) The provisions of this section shall not be construed so as to require that a county court be established in any county in which the board of supervisors has agreed and contracted with the board of supervisors of any other county or counties to support and maintain one (1) county court for such counties as provided in Section 9-9-3.
(4) (a) There shall be an inferior court to be known as the county court for the multicounty district comprised of the following counties:
(i) Covington County;
(ii) Jasper County;
(iii) Simpson County; and
(iv) Smith County.
(b) There shall be one (1) judge for the multicounty district created by this subsection who shall be elected at the judicial elections in 2014 and shall serve a term of four (4) years until a successor is elected or appointed. If a vacancy shall occur during the term of such judge, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as circuit judges.
(c) The provisions of this subsection shall stand repealed on July 1, 2018.
SECTION 2. Section 9-9-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-9-5. (1) The county judge shall possess all of the qualifications of a circuit judge as prescribed by the Mississippi Constitution. In the event of the establishment of a county court by agreement between two (2) or more counties as provided in Section 9-9-3, the judge of said court may be a qualified elector of any one (1) of said counties, and shall have such other qualifications as provided for by law. The county judge shall be elected by the qualified electors of his county at the time and in the manner as circuit judges are elected and he shall hold office for the same term. The county judge provided in Section 9-9-1(4) must be a qualified elector of any one (1) of the counties comprising the district. Vacancies in the office of county judge shall be filled in the same manner as vacancies in the office of circuit judge.
(2) Provided, however, that in any county having a total population in excess of eleven thousand (11,000) according to the 1970 federal decennial census and a total assessed valuation of real and personal property of not less than Sixteen Million Dollars ($16,000,000.00) and not more than Seventeen Million Dollars ($17,000,000.00) and in which Mississippi Highway 4 and United States Highway 61 intersect, in which there is a vacancy in the post of county judge resulting from the failure of a candidate to qualify for that post, the board of supervisors of such county may, upon certification of such vacancy to the board, appoint a county judge to serve out the term so vacated who shall be a licensed attorney from such county or an adjoining county. The compensation of such attorney shall be the same he would have otherwise received if elected.
(3) In the event that any county wherein is located a state hospital and wherein U.S. Highway 80 and Mississippi Highway 43 intersect shall establish a county court, the county judge of such county shall be elected at the general election to be held on Tuesday after the first Monday of November 1982, after qualifying therefor as provided by law. Provided, however, that the board of supervisors of such county may appoint a county judge who shall be a licensed attorney from such county until the office of county judge shall be filled pursuant to said election.
SECTION 3. Section 9-9-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-9-11. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (2), (3) and (4), the county court judge shall receive an annual salary payable monthly out of the county treasury in an amount not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than the salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for circuit and chancery judges of this state, in the discretion of the board of supervisors of said county; provided, however, that the salary of such judge shall not be reduced during his term of office. The salary form the judgeship created by Section 9-9-1(4) shall be paid out of the county treasuries of the counties in the district in equal amounts and shall be supplemented by monies appropriated out of the State General Fund in an amount determined by the Supreme Court. Provided further, that the office of county court judge in any county receiving an annual salary of Thirty-six Thousand Dollars ($36,000.00) or more shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(2) If a county court is established by agreement between two (2) or more counties as provided in Section 9-9-3, the county judge of the court so established shall be paid a salary equal to one and one-half (1-1/2) times that salary that he would be paid if he were the judge of the smallest of such two (2) or more counties, such salary to be paid in monthly installments as provided by law; provided that such salary shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than the salary of the circuit and chancery judges of this state.
(3) The county court judge shall receive an annual salary payable monthly out of the county treasury as follows:
(a) In any county having a population of seventy thousand (70,000) or more according to the 1980 federal census, the county judge shall receive an annual salary of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than that paid to a circuit court judge. The office of county judge shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(b) In any county having a population of sixty thousand (60,000) or more but less than seventy thousand (70,000) according to the 1980 federal census, the county judge shall receive an annual salary of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00). The office of county judge shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law. The county judge shall not be eligible for any additional salary except as may be authorized in subsection (4).
(c) In any county having a population of twenty-seven thousand (27,000) or more but less than sixty thousand (60,000) according to the 1980 federal census, the county judge shall receive an annual salary of not less than Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) but not more than Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), in the discretion of the board of supervisors of said county. The county judge shall not be eligible for any additional salary except as may be authorized in subsection (4). In the event that the board of supervisors of said county elects to pay such county judge an annual salary of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) or more, the office of county judge shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(d) In any county having a population of less than twenty-seven thousand (27,000) according to the 1980 federal census, the county judge shall receive an annual salary of not less than Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200.00) and not more than Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00), in the discretion of the board of supervisors of said county. The county judge shall not be eligible for any additional salary except as may be authorized in subsection (4).
(4) The county judge of any county described in this subsection shall be paid the compensation, and he shall be subject to any restrictions set forth in the following paragraphs:
(a) The county judge of any such Class 1 county with a population according to the latest federal decennial census of forty-five thousand (45,000) or more and lying wholly within a levee district and having two (2) judicial districts shall, in the discretion of the board of supervisors of such county, receive an annual salary not exceeding Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), or a sum which is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than the salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for circuit and chancery judges of the state, whichever is greater.
(b) The county judge of any Class 1 county having an area in excess of nine hundred twenty-five (925) square miles shall receive an annual salary of not less than Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) but, in the discretion of the board of supervisors of such county, such salary may be not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) less than the annual salary of a circuit judge, payable monthly out of the county treasury, and the county judge shall not practice law.
(c) The office of county judge in any such Class 1 county with a population according to the 1970 federal decennial census of greater than thirty-nine thousand (39,000), and where U.S. Highway 61 and Mississippi Highway 6 intersect, shall receive an annual salary to be paid in monthly installments of not less than an amount equal to ninety percent (90%) of the annual salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for circuit and chancery judges of the state, as follows: The salary of the county judge shall be increased by ten percent (10%) annually above the base salary of the preceding year until such time as the judge's salary is equal to the amount that is provided by this subsection. The office of county judge shall be a full-time position and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(d) In any Class 1 county bordering on the Mississippi River and which has situated therein a national military park and national military cemetery, the office of county judge shall be a full-time position and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law. The salary for the county judge in said county shall be fixed at a sum which is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than the salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for circuit and chancery judges of this state.
(e) The county judge in any county having a population of at least forty-two thousand one hundred eleven (42,111), according to the 1970 census, and where U.S. Highway 49E and U.S. Highway 82 intersect, shall receive an annual salary to be paid in monthly installments of not less than Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) but not more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) less than the annual salary of the circuit judge, in the discretion of the board of supervisors of said county.
(f) The county judge in any Class 1 county bordering on the Mississippi River and having an area of less than four hundred fifty (450) square miles wherein U.S. Highways 84 and 61 intersect shall receive an annual salary of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) less than the annual salary of a circuit judge, and such county judge shall not practice law in any manner. The county judge in such county shall not be eligible to receive any additional salary authorized by this section or from any other source other than that set out and authorized by this paragraph.
(g) The county judge of any Class 1 county bordering on the Mississippi River on the west and the State of Tennessee on the north, and traversed north to south by Interstate Highway 55, shall receive an annual salary of ninety percent (90%) of the salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for chancery and circuit judges of this state, but in any event not less than Sixty Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($60,200.00).
(h) The county judge of any Class 1 county with a population of greater than sixty-nine thousand (69,000) according to the 1980 federal decennial census, and wherein U.S. Highway 80 and Mississippi Highway 43 intersect, shall receive an annual salary in an amount not greater than the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) less than the salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for circuit and chancery judges of this state, in the discretion of the board of supervisors of said county.
(i) The county judge of any county having a population in excess of sixty-six thousand (66,000) according to the 1980 federal decennial census, wherein is located a state-supported university and in which U.S. Highways 49 and 11 intersect, shall receive an annual salary of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than that paid to a circuit court judge. The office of such county judge shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(j) The county judge of any county having two (2) judicial districts, having a population in excess of sixty-one thousand nine hundred (61,900) according to the 1980 federal decennial census, in which U.S. Interstate Highway 59 intersects with U.S. Highway 84, shall receive an annual salary of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than the salary which is now or hereafter authorized to be paid circuit and chancery court judges of this state. The office of such county judge shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(k) The office of county judge of any Class I county wherein U.S. Highway 51 and U.S. Highway 98 intersect shall be a full-time position and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law. The annual salary for the office of county judge in said county may be fixed, in the discretion of the board of supervisors of said county, at a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) less than the salary which is now or shall hereafter be provided for circuit and chancery judges of this state.
(l) The county judge of any county having a population of more than forty-one thousand six hundred (41,600) but less than forty-one thousand six hundred fifty (41,650) according to the 1980 federal census, and wherein U.S. Highway 49 intersects with Mississippi Highway 22, shall receive an annual salary payable monthly out of the county treasury of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than the salary provided now or hereafter for circuit and chancery judges of this state.
(m) The county judge of any county having a population of more than fifty-seven thousand (57,000) but less than fifty-seven thousand one hundred (57,100) according to the 1980 federal census, wherein U.S. Highway 45 intersects with Mississippi Highway 6, shall receive an annual salary in an amount established by the board of supervisors, but in no event to exceed the salary provided now or hereafter for circuit and chancery judges of this state.
(n) The county judge of any county having a population of more than fifty-seven thousand three hundred (57,300) according to the 1980 federal decennial census, wherein is located a state-supported university and wherein U.S. Highways 82 and 45 intersect, shall receive an annual salary in an amount established by the board of supervisors, but in no event to exceed the salary provided now or hereafter for circuit and chancery judges of this state.
(5) The salary of a county court judge or justice court judge shall not be reduced during his term of office as a result of a population decrease based upon the 1990 federal decennial census.
(6) The salary of a sheriff shall not be reduced during his term of office as a result of a population decrease based upon the 1990 federal decennial census.
(7) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the board of supervisors of any county, in its discretion, may pay its county court judge an annual salary of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) less than that paid to a circuit court judge. The office of county judge shall be a full-time position, and the holder thereof shall not otherwise engage in the practice of law.
(8) (a) There shall be transferred to the county for each county court judge, payment to be made in monthly installments from the Judicial System Operation Fund created under Section 9-21-45, an annual salary supplement of:
(i) From and after January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, the sum of Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7,957.50), plus any applicable fringe benefits resulting from this amount;
(ii) From and after January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($15,915.00), plus any applicable fringe benefits resulting from this amount;
(iii) From and after January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015, the sum of Twenty-three Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($23,872.50), plus any applicable fringe benefits resulting from this amount; and
(iv) From and after January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2019, the sum of Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Dollars ($31,830.00), plus any applicable fringe benefits resulting from this amount.
(b) From and after January 1, 2019, and every four (4) years thereafter, the annual salary in this subsection (8) shall be adjusted according to the level of compensation recommended by the State Personnel Board for county court judges in the board's most recent report on judicial salaries, as required under Section 25-9-115, to the extent that sufficient funds are available.
(c) The total annual salary paid to the county court judge out of the county treasury and out of the Judicial System Operation Fund created under Section 9-21-45 shall not exceed the salary limitation set forth in subsection (7) of this section.
SECTION 4. Section 23-15-977, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
23-15-977. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all candidates for judicial office as defined in Section 23-15-975 of this subarticle shall file their intent to be a candidate with the proper officials not later than 5:00 p.m. on the first Friday after the first Monday in May prior to the general election for judicial office and shall pay to the proper officials the following amounts:
(a) Candidates for Supreme Court judge and Court of Appeals, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00).
(b) Candidates for circuit judge and chancellor, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
(c) Candidates for county judge and family court judge, the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00).
Candidates for judicial office may not file their intent to be a candidate and pay the proper assessment before January 1 of the year in which the election for the judicial office is held.
(2) Candidates for judicial offices listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall file their intent to be a candidate with, and pay the proper assessment made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section to, the State Board of Election Commissioners.
(3) Candidates for judicial offices listed in paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall file their intent to be a candidate with, and pay the proper assessment made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section to, the circuit clerk of the proper county. The circuit clerk shall notify the county commissioners of election of all persons who have filed their intent to be a candidate with, and paid the proper assessment to, such clerk. Such notification shall occur within two (2) business days and shall contain all necessary information.
(4) If only one (1) person files his intent to be a candidate for a judicial office and that person subsequently dies, resigns or is otherwise disqualified from holding the judicial office after the deadline provided for in subsection (1) of this section but more than seventy (70) days before the date of the general election, the Governor, upon notification of the death, resignation or disqualification of the person, shall issue a proclamation authorizing candidates to file their intent to be a candidate for that judicial office for a period of not less than seven (7) nor more than ten (10) days from the date of the proclamation.
(5) If only one (1) person qualifies as a candidate for a judicial office and that person subsequently dies, resigns or is otherwise disqualified from holding the judicial office within seventy (70) days before the date of the general election, the judicial office shall be considered vacant for the new term and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in by law.
(6) Candidates for the county judge position created by Section 9-9-1(4) shall file their intent to be a candidate with State Board of Election Commissioners not later than the first Friday after the first Monday in August prior to the general election for judicial office in 2014 and shall pay the fee required by this section. This subsection shall stand repealed on July 1, 2015.
SECTION 5. Section 9-1-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-1-19. The judges of the
Supreme * * * ,
circuit and multicounty county courts and chancellors and judges of the
Court of Appeals, in termtime and in vacation, may severally order the issuance
of writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari, supersedeas and attachments,
and grant injunctions and all other remedial writs, in all cases where the same
may properly be granted according to right and justice, returnable to any
court, whether the suit or proceedings be pending in the district of the judge
or chancellor granting the same or not. The fiat of such judge or chancellor
shall authorize the issuance of the process for a writ returnable to the proper
court or before the proper officer; and all such process or writs may be
granted, issued and executed on Sunday.
SECTION 6. Section 9-1-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-1-23. The judges of the Supreme, circuit and county courts and chancellors and judges of the Court of Appeals shall be conservators of the peace for the state, each with full power to do all acts which conservators of the peace may lawfully do; and the circuit judges and chancellors shall reside within their respective districts and the county judges shall reside in their respective counties except that the county judge for the district created by Section 9-9-1(4) shall reside in any county in the district.
SECTION 7. Section 9-1-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-1-25. It shall not be
lawful for any judge of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals or a judge of the
circuit or county court, or a chancellor to exercise the profession or
employment of an attorney or counsellor at law, or to be engaged in the
practice of law; and any person offending against this prohibition shall be
guilty of a high misdemeanor and be removed from office; but this shall not
prohibit a chancellor * * * ,
circuit judge, county judge or a judge of the Court of Appeals from
practicing in any of the courts for a period of six (6) months from the time
such judges or chancellors assume office so far as to enable them to bring to a
conclusion cases actually pending when they were appointed or elected in which
such chancellor or judge was then employed, nor shall a judge of the Supreme
Court be hindered from appearing in the courts of the United States in any case
in which he was engaged when he was appointed or elected judge.
SECTION 8. Section 9-1-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-1-35. The clerk of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Appeals, at the expense of the state, and the clerk of every circuit, county and chancery court, at the expense of the county, shall keep a seal, with the style of the court around the margin and the image of an eagle in the center.
SECTION 9. Section 9-1-36, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-1-36. (1) Each circuit judge, county judge for the district created by Section 9-9-1(4) and chancellor shall receive an office operating allowance for the expenses of operating the office of the judge, including retaining a law clerk, legal research, stenographic help, stationery, stamps, furniture, office equipment, telephone, office rent and other items and expenditures necessary and incident to maintaining the office of judge. The allowance shall be paid only to the extent of actual expenses incurred by the judge as itemized and certified by the judge to the Supreme Court in the amounts set forth in this subsection; however, the judge may expend sums in excess thereof from the compensation otherwise provided for his office. No part of this expense or allowance shall be used to pay an official court reporter for services rendered to said court.
(a) Until July 1, 2008, the office operating allowance under this subsection shall be not less than Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) nor more than Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) per annum.
(b) From and after July 1, 2008, the office operating allowance under this subsection shall be Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) per annum.
(2) In addition to the amounts provided for in subsection (1), there is hereby created a separate office allowance fund for the purpose of providing support staff to judges. This fund shall be managed by the Administrative Office of Courts.
(3) Each judge who desires to employ support staff after July 1, 1994, shall make application to the Administrative Office of Courts by submitting to the Administrative Office of Courts a proposed personnel plan setting forth what support staff is deemed necessary. The plan may be submitted by a single judge or by any combination of judges desiring to share support staff. In the process of the preparation of the plan, the judges, at their request, may receive advice, suggestions, recommendations and other assistance from the Administrative Office of Courts. The Administrative Office of Courts must approve the positions, job descriptions and salaries before the positions may be filled. The Administrative Office of Courts shall not approve any plan which does not first require the expenditure of the funds in the support staff fund for compensation of any of the support staff before expenditure is authorized of county funds for that purpose. Upon approval by the Administrative Office of Courts, the judge or judges may appoint the employees to the position or positions, and each employee so appointed will work at the will and pleasure of the judge or judges who appointed him but will be employees of the Administrative Office of Courts. Upon approval by the Administrative Office of Courts, the appointment of any support staff shall be evidenced by the entry of an order on the minutes of the court. When support staff is appointed jointly by two (2) or more judges, the order setting forth any appointment shall be entered on the minutes of each participating court.
(4) The Administrative Office of Courts shall develop and promulgate minimum qualifications for the certification of court administrators. Any court administrator appointed on or after October 1, 1996, shall be required to be certified by the Administrative Office of Courts.
(5) Support staff shall receive compensation pursuant to personnel policies established by the Administrative Office of Courts; however:
(a) From and after July 1, 1994, the Administrative Office of Courts shall allocate from the support staff fund an amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) per fiscal year per judge for whom support staff is approved for the funding of support staff assigned to a judge or judges; and
(b) From and after July 1, 2008, the Administrative Office of Courts shall allocate from the support staff fund an amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), in addition to the amount provided in paragraph (a). Of the amount provided in this paragraph (b), each judge shall utilize an amount sufficient to ensure that judge has access to the services of a law clerk, whether hired by the judge separately or in concert with another judge. Any excess funds remaining upon satisfaction of this requirement may be used for any other support staff as defined in this section. Any employment pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the provisions of Section 25-1-53.
The Administrative Office of Courts may approve expenditure from the fund for additional equipment for support staff appointed pursuant to this section in any year in which the allocation per judge is sufficient to meet the equipment expense after provision for the compensation of the support staff.
(6) For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed herein unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(a) "Judges" means circuit judges and chancellors, or any combination thereof and the judge for the district created by Section 9-9-1(4);
(b) "Support staff" means court administrators, law clerks, legal research assistants or secretaries, or any combination thereof, but shall not mean school attendance officers;
(c) "Compensation" means the gross salary plus all amounts paid for benefits or otherwise as a result of employment or as required by employment; provided, however, that only salary earned for services rendered shall be reported and credited for Public Employees' Retirement System purposes. Amounts paid for benefits or otherwise, including reimbursement for travel expenses, shall not be reported or credited for retirement purposes;
(d) "Law clerk" means a clerk hired to assist a judge or judges who has a law degree or who is a full-time law student who is making satisfactory progress at an accredited law school.
(7) Title to all tangible property, excepting stamps, stationery and minor expendable office supplies, procured with funds authorized by this section, shall be and forever remain in the State of Mississippi to be used by the circuit judge or chancellor during the term of his office and thereafter by his successors.
(8) Any circuit judge or chancellor who did not have a primary office provided by the county on March 1, 1988, shall be allowed an additional Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) per annum to defray the actual expenses incurred by the judge or chancellor in maintaining an office; however, any circuit judge or chancellor who had a primary office provided by the county on March 1, 1988, and who vacated the office space after that date for a legitimate reason, as determined by the Department of Finance and Administration, shall be allowed the additional office expense allowance provided under this subsection. The county in which a circuit judge or chancellor sits is authorized to provide funds from any available source to assist in defraying the actual expenses to maintain an office.
(9) The Supreme Court, through the Administrative Office of Courts, shall submit to the Department of Finance and Administration the itemized and certified expenses for office operating allowances that are directed to the court pursuant to this section.
(10) The Supreme Court, through the Administrative Office of Courts, shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations regarding the administration of the office operating allowance authorized pursuant to this section.
SECTION 10. Section 9-9-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:
9-9-19. (1) (a) A term of court shall be held in the county courthouse of the county, beginning on the second Monday of each month and continuing so long as may be necessary; but in counties where there are two (2) circuit court districts the county court shall meet alternately in the two (2) districts in the county courthouse in the same month and in the same district as the board of supervisors of said county holds its meetings. Provided that in the County of Jones, a county having two (2) judicial districts, that a term shall be held in the second judicial district of said county on the second Monday of each month; and provided that in the first judicial district a term shall be held on the fourth Monday of January, the fourth Monday of March, the fourth Monday of April, the fourth Monday of June and the fourth Monday of October. Provided that in the County of Hinds, a county having two (2) judicial districts, a term shall be held in the first judicial district on the second Monday of each month and in the second judicial district on the second Monday of March, June, September and December, and provided further that, when such terms are held concurrently, either of the county judges of Hinds County may be assigned to hold all or any part of such terms in either of the two (2) judicial districts. Provided, further, that in the County of Bolivar, a county having two (2) judicial districts, a term shall be held in the first judicial district on the second Monday of April, August and December, and in the second judicial district on the second Monday of January, February, March, May, June, July, September, October and November. Provided, however, that in the County of Harrison, a county having two (2) county judges and two (2) judicial districts, that a term shall be held in each judicial district concurrently each month. Provided, however, that the judge of the county court for good cause shown may, by order spread on the minutes of the county court, designate some place other than the county courthouse for the holding of such term of the county court as may be designated in said order. The county judge may call a special term of the county court upon giving ten (10) days' notice, and such notice shall be given by posting the same at the front door of the courthouse in said county and by the publication of said notice for one insertion in some newspaper of general circulation in the county.
(b) The county court district created by Section 9-9-1(4) shall be convened in each county not less than four (4) times each year.
(2) If a county court is established pursuant to an agreement between two or more counties as provided in Section 9-9-3, the terms thereof shall remain continuously open and shall not be closed and the judge of such court shall sit in rotation in the county seat of each county, beginning on Monday of each week for at least a week in each county in each month.
SECTION 11. Section 9-9-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:
9-9-21. (1) The jurisdiction of the county court shall be as follows: It shall have jurisdiction concurrent with the justice court in all matters, civil and criminal of which the justice court has jurisdiction; and it shall have jurisdiction concurrent with the circuit and chancery courts in all matters of law and equity wherein the amount of value of the thing in controversy shall not exceed, exclusive of costs and interest, the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00), and the jurisdiction of the county court shall not be affected by any setoff, counterclaim or cross-bill in such actions where the amount sought to be recovered in such setoff, counterclaim or cross-bill exceeds Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00). Provided, however, the party filing such setoff, counterclaim or cross-bill which exceeds Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) shall give notice to the opposite party or parties as provided in Section 13-3-83, and on motion of all parties filed within twenty (20) days after the filing of such setoff, counterclaim or cross-bill, the county court shall transfer the case to the circuit or chancery court wherein the county court is situated and which would otherwise have jurisdiction. It shall have exclusively the jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the justice court in the following matters and causes: namely, eminent domain, the partition of personal property, and actions of unlawful entry and detainer, provided that the actions of eminent domain and unlawful entry and detainer may be returnable and triable before the judge of said court in vacation. The county court shall have jurisdiction over criminal matters in the county assigned by a judge of the circuit court district in which the county is included.
(2) In the event of the establishment of a county court by an agreement between two (2) or more counties as provided in Section 9-9-3, it shall be lawful for such court sitting in one (1) county to act upon any and all matters of which it has jurisdiction as provided by law arising in the other county under the jurisdiction of said court.
SECTION 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2014, and shall stand repealed on July 1, 2018.