2013 2nd Extraordinary Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Perkins

House Resolution 17


     WHEREAS, "To everything there is a season, and time to every purpose under the heaven," and as such, the grand architect of the universe, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny, has summoned the mortal presence of dearly beloved, Mrs. Leola McCaskill Lymon, to eternal rest, as she has made life's final transition from earthly travailing to heavenly reward, rendering great sorrow and loss to her family, colleagues and friends; and

     WHEREAS, the Browning Community lost a wonderful friend and community pillar on Sunday, June 16, 2013, with the untimely demise of Mrs. Lymon, who was born on March 1, 1927, to the late Walter and Arvella McCaskill; and

     WHEREAS, an attendee of Browning Industrial School, Mrs. Lymon confessed faith in Christ and joined the Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church where she served as an usher working as a doorkeeper in the Lord's house of worship, following in her mother's footsteps; and

     WHEREAS, a God-fearing Christian before all other roles she assumed, a devoted wife and nurturing mother next, and always the peoples' advocate, Mrs. Lymon, the living embodiment of a woman of Proverbs 31:10 distinction and possessing the ambitious spirit akin to that of King David, she was a woman who sought after God's own heart; and

     WHEREAS, as fate would lend itself to the building upon the blueprint divinely designed for the pattern of her life by the great deity, Mrs. Lymon's heart was pierced by the love, chivalry and affection of Mr. Tommie Lymon, and after exchanging the nuptials of holy matrimony on February 9, 1944, their union was blessed with one child, a daughter, Dorothy; and

     WHEREAS, one who relied heavily on her faith, Mrs. Lymon remained devout in her Christian service and patronage throughout her life, reflecting her passion for God through her commitment to assisting others and her Christ-like care and concern for the building of the kingdom, an allegiance to which she continued to manifest as a member and usher of the Morning Star, and later Good Hope and Locust Grove Missionary Baptist Churches, where she served each congregation as vice president and president of the Usher Board; and

     WHEREAS, in her transfiguration from mortality to immortality, she now adorns the raiment of a spiritual bride, awaiting the bridegroom's return in holy anticipation of that wondrous event, as it is written in the book of Revelation 21:1-2 as she fulfilled the mission of Proverbs 84:10, which reads, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."; and

     WHEREAS, though she has traversed the river of life to reunite with those who answered God's summons to life eternal and now beckon her arrival to the celestial shores of heaven's grandeur, which if put to music, would be a majestic symphonic masterpiece composed by the Holy Trinity, will continue to refresh the hearts and fond memories of her beloved survivors:  daughter, Dorothy Lymon Birch (Sammie); sister, Arlee McCaskill; five grandchildren, Loretta, Sammie, Wardale, Leola and Tommie; twelve great-grandchildren; nine great-great-grandchildren; and a host of other relatives, colleagues and friends; and

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the life and legacy of Mrs. Leola McCaskill Lymon, and extend deepest sympathy to her family, colleagues and friends upon her passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of Mrs. Lymon and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.