2013 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Longwitz, Butler (38th), Clarke, Frazier, Jackson (11th), Jackson (32nd), Jordan

Senate Concurrent Resolution 627

(As Adopted by Senate and House)


     WHEREAS, on April 6-7, 2013, the Mississippi Petrified Forest in Flora, Mississippi, will celebrate its 50th Anniversary; and

     WHEREAS, the existence of the Mississippi Petrified Forest has been known since the middle 1800s, but only within the past five decades has it been developed and opened for the public.  R.J. "Bob" and Shirl Schabilion acquired the "Petrified Forest" in August 1962.  By example to their family and to others, they taught the values and practicalities that are to be found in conserving and preserving all of our natural resources, and this was in a time long before the word "conservation" came into common use, as it is today; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi Petrified Forest is a fascinating place, located in hills with ravines hollowed out by nature during the past century.  The size of the petrified logs indicates that as living trees, these stone giants were over 100 feet tall, and perhaps a 1,000 or more years old; and

     WHEREAS, the Petrified Forest was formed as follows:  a flood-swollen river flowed southward and ripped and tore at the once magnificent trees.  With the abating of this earth-changing force, the battered remnants of the trees finally began to sink, settling deeper into the water.  Each fresh flood from the North brought more sand and silt to cover them.  This continued for countless ages of time, ever more deeply burying the old trees.  They slowly began to decay with the petrifaction process, turning once living trees into stone logs.  As the glaciers pushed forward they pulverized everything in their path.  A gradual melting began to take place and the water carried the finely ground glacial dust with it.  The dust was eventually deposited on the flood plains.  With little or no vegetation to hold the soil as it dried, winds began to pick up the fine dust particles.  Gigantic dust clouds were formed, becoming tremendous choking dust storms.  Erosion began in the tan-colored Loess soil.  With each passing storm, more soil was washed away until small gullies began to appear.  Over the years these forces enlarged the gullies until they widened and deepened into ravines.  When the wind-blown soil had all been eroded and washed into the foot of the ravines, these forces exposed the old trees which had become petrified or turned to stone.  As the engulfing sands had been moved away from them, log sections tumbled down into the ravines revealing what we see today; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi Petrified Forest is a place of beauty and fascination for adults and families, and the Preservation Celebration features ticket prices rolled-back 50 years and the new Madison County Mastodon Exhibit; and

     WHEREAS, it is with great pride that we join the citizens of Madison County in commemorating the preservation of this environmental masterpiece which is an unforgettable journey back in time: 

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby recognize the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Mississippi Petrified Forest in Flora, Mississippi, and extend our best wishes to the administrative staff of this Mississippi Landmark on this auspicious occasion.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to the Staff of the Mississippi Petrified Forest and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.