2013 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Carmichael, Browning, Butler (38th), Frazier, Jackson (32nd), Lee, Parker

Senate Concurrent Resolution 539

(As Adopted by Senate)


     WHEREAS, each year, the State Games of Mississippi nominates an outstanding male and female athlete from each individual sport.  These athletes are chosen for merit and sportsmanship.  This year the State Games are honoring athletes from 34 sports from the 2012 State Games of Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, from these 34 athletes, only two are chosen to receive the honor of "Athlete of the Year."  The nominated athletes personify the ideals of the State Games movement, such as participation, sportsmanship, special attributes, achievements, efforts and positive attitudes.  The State Games keeps its entry fees low primarily through the generous donations of sponsors, including Founding Gold Sponsor:  Meridian Coca-Cola Bottling Company and Rush Hospital; and Gold Sponsors:  AT&T, Maples Gas, City of Meridian, McDonald's, Meridian-Lauderdale County Tourism Bureau/Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors, Structural Steel, WTOK-TV and WMDN/WGBC-TV.  The chosen "Athletes of the Year" will visit the State Capitol in Jackson, where the Governor will bestow them with a recognition of their achievement and they will have the honor and fame of lighting the torch at the 2013 Opening Ceremonies; and

     WHEREAS, all five children in the Stricker family have competed at the State Games throughout the years and older sister, Kayla, was the 2009 Athlete of the Year.  "This year, it was time for Dallas and Christie to be in the spotlight," said Leslie Lee, Director of Marketing and Development for the State Games.  Dallas can bench press 26 pounds, squat 45 pounds and lift 65 pounds, but Dallas only weighs 38 pounds.  As the 2012 Male Athlete of the Year, Dallas has always been the smallest when compared to other kids his age, but he proves that size and age don't matter.  The youngest of the Stricker family, six-year-old Dallas has completed more than 20 races, including three 10Ks and three duathlons.  In the 2012 State Games, Dallas competed in the 200-, 400- and 800-meter dash in track and field, cross-country, cycling, the 5K road race and powerlifting.  He took home 7 Gold Medals and one Silver, coming in second to his older brother Timothy cross-country.  "It's not only that he won for his age bracket, but he beat out most of the adults with his times in cross-country and the 5K races," said Missye Dozier, Sports Director.  Dallas completed both in less than 30 minutes; and

     WHEREAS, a brother and sister from Hattiesburg have been named the State Games of Mississippi 2012 "Athletes of the Year."  Dallas and Christie Stricker took home the honor for the State Games of Mississippi, a statewide amateur sports fest modeled after the Olympics.  The 2012 "Male Athlete of the Year" is Dallas Stricker; and

     WHEREAS, coming from an athletic family, Dallas looks to his brothers and sisters for inspiration.  On most mornings before school, Dallas takes a run around the block with his father John and on the weekends the family competes in their own "Tour de'Trace," a 26-mile family bike race that embodies the spirit of healthy, fun family competition.  Dallas is not sure what he wants to do when he grows up, but he knows it will involve sports.  "I like winning the most," he said, with a big grin; and

     WHEREAS, the State Games of Mississippi is proud to have Dallas Stricker as its "Male Athlete of the Year," and it is with pride that we recognize this young Mississippi athlete who has brought honor to his community and state:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Dallas Stricker on being selected as the 2012 State Games of Mississippi AT&T Male Athlete of the Year and express best wishes for continued success in all of his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Dallas Stricker, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.