2013 Regular Session

To: Finance

By: Senator(s) Fillingane, Butler (38th), Gollott, Horhn, Moran, Simmons (12th), Simmons (13th)

Senate Bill 2439

(As Passed the Senate)



     SECTION 1.  (1)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the "Mississippi Development Authority Job Training Grant Fund," into which shall be deposited such money as provided in Section 27-65-75(21)(b).  The money in the fund shall be used for the purpose of making job training grants to business enterprises that are eligible for the jobs tax credit authorized in Section 57-73-21 to reimburse such business enterprises for a portion of the expenditures they make for training or retraining employees.  The fund shall be administered by the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA).  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on or investment earnings on the amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.  The MDA may use not more than one percent (1%) of interest earned or investment earnings, or both, on amounts in the fund for administration and management of the incentive program authorized under this section.

     (2)  Subject to the provisions of this section, job training grants may be made by the MDA to a business enterprise that is eligible for the jobs tax credit authorized in Section 57-73-21.  A business enterprise that receives a job training grant under this section shall not be eligible for the job tax credit authorized in Section 57-73-21.  The election to receive a job training grant shall be made by the business enterprise before the creation of any jobs.  The grant payments may be made during a five-year period beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the minimum number of jobs required by the MDA.  The amount of the grants authorized by this section shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the training or retraining costs incurred by the business enterprise not to exceed:

              (i)  One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per job in counties designated as Tier One areas under Section 57-73-21;

              (ii)  One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) per job in counties designated as Tier Two areas under Section 57-73-21; and

              (iii)  Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per job in counties designated as Tier Three areas under Section 57-73-21.

     (3)  The MDA shall cease making job training grant payments to a business enterprise if it determines the required number of jobs are not being maintained.

     (4)  The MDA shall require that the business enterprise shall enter into binding commitments requiring that:

          (a)  A minimum number of jobs be maintained that shall not be less than the number of jobs required to be eligible for the jobs tax credit authorized in Section 57-73-21; and

          (b)  That if the minimum number of jobs are not maintained, all or a portion of the grant funds received by the business enterprise, as determined by the MDA, shall be repaid.

     (5)  The MDA shall develop, implement and administer the job training grant program authorized under this section and shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the development, implementation and administration of the program.

     (6)  A business enterprise that has been determined by the MDA to qualify for job training grants under this section must submit requests for job training grants.  The MDA shall review the request and determine if a payment shall be made from the fund.  The liability of the State of Mississippi to make the job training grants authorized under this section shall be limited to the balance contained in the fund.

     SECTION 2.  From and after July 1, 2013, the State Fiscal Officer shall transfer all money in the MMEIA Tax Incentive Fund created in Section 57-101-3 to the Mississippi Development Authority Job Training Grant Fund created in Section 1 of this act.

     SECTION 3.  Section 27-65-75, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-65-75.  On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the revenue collected under the provisions of this chapter during the preceding month shall be paid and distributed as follows:

     (1)  (a)  On or before August 15, 1992, and each succeeding month thereafter through July 15, 1993, eighteen percent (18%) of the total sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter, except that collected under the provisions of Sections 27-65-15, 27-65-19(3) and 27-65-21, on business activities within a municipal corporation shall be allocated for distribution to the municipality and paid to the municipal corporation.  On or before August 15, 1993, and each succeeding month thereafter, eighteen and one-half percent (18-1/2%) of the total sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter, except that collected under the provisions of Sections 27-65-15, 27-65-19(3), 27-65-21 and 27-65-24, on business activities within a municipal corporation shall be allocated for distribution to the municipality and paid to the municipal corporation.

     A municipal corporation, for the purpose of distributing the tax under this subsection, shall mean and include all incorporated cities, towns and villages.

     Monies allocated for distribution and credited to a municipal corporation under this * * *subsection paragraph may be pledged as security for a loan if the distribution received by the municipal corporation is otherwise authorized or required by law to be pledged as security for such a loan.

     In any county having a county seat that is not an incorporated municipality, the distribution provided under this subsection shall be made as though the county seat was an incorporated municipality; however, the distribution to the municipality shall be paid to the county treasury in which the municipality is located, and those funds shall be used for road, bridge and street construction or maintenance in the county.

          (b)  On or before August 15, 2006, and each succeeding month thereafter, eighteen and one-half percent (18-1/2%) of the total sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter, except that collected under the provisions of Sections 27-65-15, 27-65-19(3) and 27-65-21, on business activities on the campus of a state institution of higher learning or community or junior college whose campus is not located within the corporate limits of a municipality, shall be allocated for distribution to the state institution of higher learning or community or junior college and paid to the state institution of higher learning or community or junior college.

     (2)  On or before September 15, 1987, and each succeeding month thereafter, from the revenue collected under this chapter during the preceding month, One Million One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($1,125,000.00) shall be allocated for distribution to municipal corporations as defined under subsection (1) of this section in the proportion that the number of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel sold by distributors to consumers and retailers in each such municipality during the preceding fiscal year bears to the total gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel sold by distributors to consumers and retailers in municipalities statewide during the preceding fiscal year.  The Department of Revenue shall require all distributors of gasoline and diesel fuel to report to the department monthly the total number of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel sold by them to consumers and retailers in each municipality during the preceding month.  The Department of Revenue shall have the authority to promulgate such rules and regulations as is necessary to determine the number of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel sold by distributors to consumers and retailers in each municipality.  In determining the percentage allocation of funds under this subsection for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, and ending June 30, 1988, the Department of Revenue may consider gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel sold for a period of less than one (1) fiscal year.  For the purposes of this subsection, the term "fiscal year" means the fiscal year beginning July 1 of a year.

     (3)  On or before September 15, 1987, and on or before the fifteenth day of each succeeding month, until the date specified in Section 65-39-35, the proceeds derived from contractors' taxes levied under Section 27-65-21 on contracts for the construction or reconstruction of highways designated under the highway program created under Section 65-3-97 shall, except as otherwise provided in Section 31-17-127, be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be used to fund that highway program.  The Mississippi Department of Transportation shall provide to the Department of Revenue such information as is necessary to determine the amount of proceeds to be distributed under this subsection.

     (4)  On or before August 15, 1994, and on or before the fifteenth day of each succeeding month through July 15, 1999, from the proceeds of gasoline, diesel fuel or kerosene taxes as provided in Section 27-5-101(a)(ii)1, Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000.00) shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of a special fund designated as the "State Aid Road Fund," created by Section 65-9-17.  On or before August 15, 1999, and on or before the fifteenth day of each succeeding month, from the total amount of the proceeds of gasoline, diesel fuel or kerosene taxes apportioned by Section 27-5-101(a)(ii)1, Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000.00) or an amount equal to twenty-three and one-fourth percent (23-1/4%) of those funds, whichever is the greater amount, shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the "State Aid Road Fund," created by Section 65-9-17.  Those funds shall be pledged to pay the principal of and interest on state aid road bonds heretofore issued under Sections 19-9-51 through 19-9-77, in lieu of and in substitution for the funds previously allocated to counties under this section.  Those funds may not be pledged for the payment of any state aid road bonds issued after April 1, 1981; however, this prohibition against the pledging of any such funds for the payment of bonds shall not apply to any bonds for which intent to issue those bonds has been published for the first time, as provided by law before March 29, 1981.  From the amount of taxes paid into the special fund under this subsection and subsection (9) of this section, there shall be first deducted and paid the amount necessary to pay the expenses of the Office of State Aid Road Construction, as authorized by the Legislature for all other general and special fund agencies.  The remainder of the fund shall be allocated monthly to the several counties in accordance with the following formula:

          (a)  One-third (1/3) shall be allocated to all counties in equal shares;

          (b)  One-third (1/3) shall be allocated to counties based on the proportion that the total number of rural road miles in a county bears to the total number of rural road miles in all counties of the state; and

          (c)  One-third (1/3) shall be allocated to counties based on the proportion that the rural population of the county bears to the total rural population in all counties of the state, according to the latest federal decennial census.

     For the purposes of this subsection, the term "gasoline, diesel fuel or kerosene taxes" means such taxes as defined in paragraph (f) of Section 27-5-101.

     The amount of funds allocated to any county under this subsection for any fiscal year after fiscal year 1994 shall not be less than the amount allocated to the county for fiscal year 1994.

     Any reference in the general laws of this state or the Mississippi Code of 1972 to Section 27-5-105 shall mean and be construed to refer and apply to subsection (4) of Section 27-65-75.

     (5)  One Million Six Hundred Sixty-six Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-six Dollars ($1,666,666.00) each month shall be paid into the special fund known as the "State Public School Building Fund" created and existing under the provisions of Sections 37-47-1 through 37-47-67.  Those payments into that fund are to be made on the last day of each succeeding month hereafter.

     (6)  An amount each month beginning August 15, 1983, through November 15, 1986, as specified in Section 6 of Chapter 542, Laws of 1983, shall be paid into the special fund known as the Correctional Facilities Construction Fund created in Section 6 of Chapter 542, Laws of 1983.

     (7)  On or before August 15, 1992, and each succeeding month thereafter through July 15, 2000, two and two hundred sixty-six one-thousandths percent (2.266%) of the total sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter, except that collected under the provisions of Section 27-65-17(2), shall be deposited by the * * *commission department into the School Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund created under Section 37-61-35.  On or before August 15, 2000, and each succeeding month thereafter, two and two hundred sixty-six one-thousandths percent (2.266%) of the total sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter, except that collected under the provisions of Section 27-65-17(2), shall be deposited into the School Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund created under Section 37-61-35 until such time that the total amount deposited into the fund during a fiscal year equals Forty-two Million Dollars ($42,000,000.00).  Thereafter, the amounts diverted under this subsection (7) during the fiscal year in excess of Forty-two Million Dollars ($42,000,000.00) shall be deposited into the Education Enhancement Fund created under Section 37-61-33 for appropriation by the Legislature as other education needs and shall not be subject to the percentage appropriation requirements set forth in Section 37-61-33.

     (8)  On or before August 15, 1992, and each succeeding month thereafter, nine and seventy-three one-thousandths percent (9.073%) of the total sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter, except that collected under the provisions of Section 27-65-17(2), shall be deposited into the Education Enhancement Fund created under Section 37-61-33.

     (9)  On or before August 15, 1994, and each succeeding month thereafter, from the revenue collected under this chapter during the preceding month, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) shall be paid into the State Aid Road Fund.

     (10)  On or before August 15, 1994, and each succeeding month thereafter through August 15, 1995, from the revenue collected under this chapter during the preceding month, Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund established in Section 27-51-105.

     (11)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, on or before February 15, 1995, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of Section 27-65-17(2) and the corresponding levy in Section 27-65-23 on the rental or lease of private carriers of passengers and light carriers of property as defined in Section 27-51-101 shall be deposited, without diversion, into the Motor Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund established in Section 27-51-105.

     (12)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, on or before August 15, 1995, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of Section 27-65-17(1) on retail sales of private carriers of passengers and light carriers of property, as defined in Section 27-51-101 and the corresponding levy in Section 27-65-23 on the rental or lease of these vehicles, shall be deposited, after diversion, into the Motor Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund established in Section 27-51-105.

     (13)  On or before July 15, 1994, and on or before the fifteenth day of each succeeding month thereafter, that portion of the avails of the tax imposed in Section 27-65-22 that is derived from activities held on the Mississippi State Fairgrounds Complex shall be paid into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury and shall be expended upon legislative appropriation solely to defray the costs of repairs and renovation at the Trade Mart and Coliseum.

     (14)  On or before August 15, 1998, and each succeeding month thereafter through July 15, 2005, that portion of the avails of the tax imposed in Section 27-65-23 that is derived from sales by cotton compresses or cotton warehouses and that would otherwise be paid into the General Fund shall be deposited in an amount not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) into the special fund created under Section 69-37-39.  On or before August 15, 2007, and each succeeding month thereafter through July 15, 2010, that portion of the avails of the tax imposed in Section 27-65-23 that is derived from sales by cotton compresses or cotton warehouses and that would otherwise be paid into the General Fund shall be deposited in an amount not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) into the special fund created under Section 69-37-39 until all debts or other obligations incurred by the Certified Cotton Growers Organization under the Mississippi Boll Weevil Management Act before January 1, 2007, are satisfied in full.  On or before August 15, 2010, and each succeeding month thereafter through July 15, 2011, fifty percent (50%) of that portion of the avails of the tax imposed in Section 27-65-23 that is derived from sales by cotton compresses or cotton warehouses and that would otherwise be paid into the General Fund shall be deposited into the special fund created under Section 69-37-39 until such time that the total amount deposited into the fund during a fiscal year equals One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).  On or before August 15, 2011, and each succeeding month thereafter, that portion of the avails of the tax imposed in Section 27-65-23 that is derived from sales by cotton compresses or cotton warehouses and that would otherwise be paid into the General Fund shall be deposited into the special fund created under Section 69-37-39 until such time that the total amount deposited into the fund during a fiscal year equals One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).

     (15)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, on or before September 15, 2000, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of Section 27-65-19(1)(e)(i)2, and 27-65-19(e)(i)3 shall be deposited, without diversion, into the Telecommunications Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund established in Section 27-38-7.

     (16)  (a)  On or before August 15, 2000, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter on the gross proceeds of sales of a project as defined in Section 57-30-1 shall be deposited, after all diversions except the diversion provided for in subsection (1) of this section, into the Sales Tax Incentive Fund created in Section 57-30-3.

          (b)  On or before August 15, 2007, and each succeeding month thereafter, eighty percent (80%) of the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter from the operation of a tourism project under the provisions of Sections 57-26-1 through 57-26-5, shall be deposited, after the diversions required in subsections (7) and (8) of this section, into the Tourism Project Sales Tax Incentive Fund created in Section 57-26-3.

     (17)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, on or before April 15, 2002, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under Section 27-65-23 on sales of parking services of parking garages and lots at airports shall be deposited, without diversion, into the special fund created under Section 27-5-101(d).

     (18)  [Repealed]

     (19)  (a)  On or before August 15, 2005, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter on the gross proceeds of sales of a business enterprise located within a redevelopment project area under the provisions of Sections 57-91-1 through 57-91-11, and the revenue collected on the gross proceeds of sales from sales made to a business enterprise located in a redevelopment project area under the provisions of Sections 57-91-1 through 57-91-11 (provided that such sales made to a business enterprise are made on the premises of the business enterprise), shall, except as otherwise provided in this subsection (19), be deposited, after all diversions, into the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund as created in Section 57-91-9.

          (b)  For a municipality participating in the Economic Redevelopment Act created in Sections 57-91-1 through 57-91-11, the diversion provided for in subsection (1) of this section attributable to the gross proceeds of sales of a business enterprise located within a redevelopment project area under the provisions of Sections 57-91-1 through 57-91-11, and attributable to the gross proceeds of sales from sales made to a business enterprise located in a redevelopment project area under the provisions of Sections 57-91-1 through 57-91-11 (provided that such sales made to a business enterprise are made on the premises of the business enterprise), shall be deposited into the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund as created in Section 57-91-9, as follows:

              (i)  For the first six (6) years in which payments are made to a developer from the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund, one hundred percent (100%) of the diversion shall be deposited into the fund;

              (ii)  For the seventh year in which such payments are made to a developer from the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund, eighty percent (80%) of the diversion shall be deposited into the fund;

              (iii)  For the eighth year in which such payments are made to a developer from the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund, seventy percent (70%) of the diversion shall be deposited into the fund;

              (iv)  For the ninth year in which such payments are made to a developer from the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund, sixty percent (60%) of the diversion shall be deposited into the fund; and

              (v)  For the tenth year in which such payments are made to a developer from the Redevelopment Project Incentive Fund, fifty percent (50%) of the funds shall be deposited into the fund.

     (20)  On or before January 15, 2007, and each succeeding month thereafter, eighty percent (80%) of the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter from the operation of a tourism project under the provisions of Sections 57-28-1 through 57-28-5 shall be deposited, after the diversions required in subsections (7) and (8) of this section, into the Tourism Sales Tax Incentive Fund created in Section 57-28-3.

     (21)  (a)  On or before April 15, 2007, and each succeeding month thereafter through June 15, 2013, One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) of the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited into the MMEIA Tax Incentive Fund created in Section 57-101-3.

          (b)  On or before July 15, 2013, and each succeeding month thereafter, One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) of the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited into the Mississippi Development Authority Job Training Grant Fund created in Section 1 of this act.

     (22)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, on or before August 15, 2009, and each succeeding month thereafter, the sales tax revenue collected during the preceding month under the provisions of Section 27-65-201 shall be deposited, without diversion, into the Motor Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund established in Section 27-51-105.

     (23)  The remainder of the amounts collected under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Fund.

     (24)  It shall be the duty of the municipal officials of any municipality that expands its limits, or of any community that incorporates as a municipality, to notify the commissioner of that action thirty (30) days before the effective date.  Failure to so notify the commissioner shall cause the municipality to forfeit the revenue that it would have been entitled to receive during this period of time when the commissioner had no knowledge of the action.  If any funds have been erroneously disbursed to any municipality or any overpayment of tax is recovered by the taxpayer, the commissioner may make correction and adjust the error or overpayment with the municipality by withholding the necessary funds from any later payment to be made to the municipality.

     SECTION 4.  Section 57-73-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     [In cases involving business enterprises that received or applied for the job tax credit authorized by this section prior to January 1, 2005, this section shall read as follows:]

     57-73-21.  (1)  Annually by December 31, using the most current data available from the University Research Center, Mississippi Department of Employment Security and the United States Department of Commerce, the State Tax Commission shall rank and designate the state's counties as provided in this section.  The twenty-eight (28) counties in this state having a combination of the highest unemployment rate and lowest per capita income for the most recent thirty-six-month period, with equal weight being given to each category, are designated Tier Three areas.  The twenty-seven (27) counties in the state with a combination of the next highest unemployment rate and next lowest per capita income for the most recent thirty-six-month period, with equal weight being given to each category, are designated Tier Two areas.  The twenty-seven (27) counties in the state with a combination of the lowest unemployment rate and the highest per capita income for the most recent thirty-six-month period, with equal weight being given to each category, are designated Tier One areas.  Counties designated by the Tax Commission qualify for the appropriate tax credit for jobs as provided in subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section.  The designation by the Tax Commission is effective for the tax years of permanent business enterprises which begin after the date of designation.  For companies which plan an expansion in their labor forces, the Tax Commission shall prescribe certification procedures to ensure that the companies can claim credits in future years without regard to whether or not a particular county is removed from the list of Tier Three or Tier Two areas.

     (2)  Permanent business enterprises primarily engaged in manufacturing, processing, warehousing, distribution, wholesaling and research and development, or permanent business enterprises designated by rule and regulation of the Mississippi Development Authority as air transportation and maintenance facilities, final destination or resort hotels having a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) guest rooms, recreational facilities that impact tourism, movie industry studios, telecommunications enterprises, data or information processing enterprises or computer software development enterprises or any technology intensive facility or enterprise, in counties designated by the Tax Commission as Tier Three areas are allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) annually for each net new full-time employee job for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the job; however, if the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the permanent business enterprise is unable to maintain the required number of jobs, the Chairman of the State Tax Commission may extend this time period for not more two (2) years.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to the Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  Only those permanent businesses that increase employment by ten (10) or more in a Tier Three area are eligible for the credit.  Credit is not allowed during any of the five (5) years if the net employment increase falls below ten (10).  The Tax Commission shall adjust the credit allowed each year for the net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of ten (10).

     (3)  Permanent business enterprises primarily engaged in manufacturing, processing, warehousing, distribution, wholesaling and research and development, or permanent business enterprises designated by rule and regulation of the Mississippi Development Authority as air transportation and maintenance facilities, final destination or resort hotels having a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) guest rooms, recreational facilities that impact tourism, movie industry studios, telecommunications enterprises, data or information processing enterprises or computer software development enterprises or any technology intensive facility or enterprise, in counties that have been designated by the Tax Commission as Tier Two areas are allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) annually for each net new full-time employee job for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the job; however, if the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the permanent business enterprise is unable to maintain the required number of jobs, the Chairman of the State Tax Commission may extend this time period for not more two (2) years.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  Only those permanent businesses that increase employment by fifteen (15) or more in Tier Two areas are eligible for the credit.  The credit is not allowed during any of the five (5) years if the net employment increase falls below fifteen (15).  The Tax Commission shall adjust the credit allowed each year for the net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of fifteen (15).

     (4)  Permanent business enterprises primarily engaged in manufacturing, processing, warehousing, distribution, wholesaling and research and development, or permanent business enterprises designated by rule and regulation of the Mississippi Development Authority as air transportation and maintenance facilities, final destination or resort hotels having a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) guest rooms, recreational facilities that impact tourism, movie industry studios, telecommunications enterprises, data or information processing enterprises or computer software development enterprises or any technology intensive facility or enterprise, in counties designated by the Tax Commission as Tier One areas are allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) annually for each net new full-time employee job for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the job; however, if the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the permanent business enterprise is unable to maintain the required number of jobs, the Chairman of the State Tax Commission may extend this time period for not more two (2) years.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  Only those permanent businesses that increase employment by twenty (20) or more in Tier One areas are eligible for the credit.  The credit is not allowed during any of the five (5) years if the net employment increase falls below twenty (20).  The Tax Commission shall adjust the credit allowed each year for the net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of twenty (20).

     (5)  In addition to the credits authorized in subsections (2), (3) and (4), an additional Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) credit for each net new full-time employee or an additional One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) credit for each net new full-time employee who is paid a salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxation, of at least one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the average annual wage of the state or an additional Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) credit for each net new full-time employee who is paid a salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxation, of at least two hundred percent (200%) of the average annual wage of the state, shall be allowed for any company establishing or transferring its national or regional headquarters from within or outside the State of Mississippi.  A minimum of thirty-five (35) jobs must be created to qualify for the additional credit.  The State Tax Commission shall establish criteria and prescribe procedures to determine if a company qualifies as a national or regional headquarters for purposes of receiving the credit awarded in this subsection.  As used in this subsection, the average annual wage of the state is the most recently published average annual wage as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.

     (6)  In addition to the credits authorized in subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5), any job requiring research and development skills (chemist, engineer, etc.) shall qualify for an additional One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) credit for each net new full-time employee.

     (7)  In lieu of the tax credits provided in subsections (2) through (6), any commercial or industrial property owner which remediates contaminated property in accordance with Sections 49-35-1 through 49-35-25, is allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to the amounts provided in subsection (2), (3) or (4) for each net new full-time employee job for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the job.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  This subsection shall be administered in the same manner as subsections (2), (3) and (4), except the landowner shall not be required to increase employment by the levels provided in subsections (2), (3) and (4) to be eligible for the tax credit.

     (8)  Tax credits for five (5) years for the taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 shall be awarded for additional net new full-time jobs created by business enterprises qualified under subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) of this section.  Except as otherwise provided, the Tax Commission shall adjust the credit allowed in the event of employment fluctuations during the additional five (5) years of credit.

     (9)  (a)  The sale, merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy or relocation from one (1) county to another county within the state of any business enterprise may not create new eligibility in any succeeding business entity, but any unused job tax credit may be transferred and continued by any transferee of the business enterprise.  The Tax Commission shall determine whether or not qualifying net increases or decreases have occurred or proper transfers of credit have been made and may require reports, promulgate regulations, and hold hearings as needed for substantiation and qualification.

          (b)  This subsection shall not apply in cases in which a business enterprise has ceased operation, laid off all its employees and is subsequently acquired by another unrelated business entity that continues operation of the enterprise in the same or a similar type of business.  In such a case the succeeding business entity shall be eligible for the credit authorized by this section unless the cessation of operation of the business enterprise was for the purpose of obtaining new eligibility for the credit.

     (10)  Any tax credit claimed under this section but not used in any taxable year may be carried forward for five (5) years from the close of the tax year in which the qualified jobs were established but the credit established by this section taken in any one (1) tax year must be limited to an amount not greater than fifty percent (50%) of the taxpayer's state income tax liability which is attributable to income derived from operations in the state for that year.  If the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the business enterprise is unable to use the existing carryforward, the Chairman of the State Tax Commission may extend the period that the credit may be carried forward for a period of time not to exceed two (2) years.

     (11)  No business enterprise for the transportation, handling, storage, processing or disposal of hazardous waste is eligible to receive the tax credits provided in this section.

     (12)  The credits allowed under this section shall not be used by any business enterprise or corporation other than the business enterprise actually qualifying for the credits.

     (13)  The tax credits provided for in this section shall be in addition to any tax credits described in Sections 57-51-13(b), 57-53-1(1)(a) and 57-54-9(b) and granted pursuant to official action by the Mississippi Development Authority prior to July 1, 1989, to any business enterprise determined prior to July 1, 1989, by the Mississippi Development Authority to be a qualified business as defined in Section 57-51-5(f) or Section 57-54-5(d) or a qualified company as described in Section 57-53-1, as the case may be; however, from and after July 1, 1989, tax credits shall be allowed only under either this section or Sections 57-51-13(b), 57-53-1(1)(a) and Section 57-54-9(b) for each net new full-time employee.

     (14)  As used in this section, the term "telecommunications enterprises" means entities engaged in the creation, display, management, storage, processing, transmission or distribution for compensation of images, text, voice, video or data by wire or by wireless means, or entities engaged in the construction, design, development, manufacture, maintenance or distribution for compensation of devices, products, software or structures used in the above activities.  Companies organized to do business as commercial broadcast radio stations, television stations or news organizations primarily serving in-state markets shall not be included within the definition of the term "telecommunications enterprises."

     [In cases involving business enterprises that apply for the job tax credit authorized by this section from and after January 1, 2005, this section shall read as follows:]

     57-73-21.  (1)  Annually by December 31, using the most current data available from the University Research Center, Mississippi Department of Employment Security and the United States Department of Commerce, the * * *State Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall rank and designate the state's counties as provided in this section.  The twenty-eight (28) counties in this state having a combination of the highest unemployment rate and lowest per capita income for the most recent thirty-six-month period, with equal weight being given to each category, are designated Tier Three areas.  The twenty-seven (27) counties in the state with a combination of the next highest unemployment rate and next lowest per capita income for the most recent thirty-six-month period, with equal weight being given to each category, are designated Tier Two areas.  The twenty-seven (27) counties in the state with a combination of the lowest unemployment rate and the highest per capita income for the most recent thirty-six-month period, with equal weight being given to each category, are designated Tier One areas.  Counties designated by the * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue qualify for the appropriate tax credit for jobs as provided in this section.  The designation by the * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue is effective for the tax years of permanent business enterprises which begin after the date of designation.  For companies which plan an expansion in their labor forces, the * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall prescribe certification procedures to ensure that the companies can claim credits in future years without regard to whether or not a particular county is removed from the list of Tier Three or Tier Two areas.

     (2)  Permanent business enterprises in counties designated by the * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue as Tier Three areas are allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to ten percent (10%) of the payroll of the enterprise for net new full-time employee jobs for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the minimum number of jobs required by this subsection; however, if the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the permanent business enterprise is unable to maintain the required number of jobs, the * * *Chairman of the State Tax Commission Commissioner of Revenue may extend this time period for not more than two (2) years.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to the Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  Only those permanent business enterprises that increase employment by ten (10) or more in a Tier Three area are eligible for the credit.  Credit is not allowed during any of the five (5) years if the net employment increase falls below ten (10).  The * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall adjust the credit allowed each year for the net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of ten (10).

     (3)  Permanent business enterprises in counties that have been designated by the * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue as Tier Two areas are allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to five percent (5%) of the payroll of the enterprise for net new full-time employee jobs for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the minimum number of jobs required by this subsection; however, if the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the permanent business enterprise is unable to maintain the required number of jobs, the * * *Chairman of the State Tax Commission Commissioner of Revenue may extend this time period for not more than two (2) years.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  Only those permanent business enterprises that increase employment by fifteen (15) or more in Tier Two areas are eligible for the credit.  The credit is not allowed during any of the five (5) years if the net employment increase falls below fifteen (15).  The * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall adjust the credit allowed each year for the net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of fifteen (15).

     (4)  Permanent business enterprises in counties designated by the * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue as Tier One areas are allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to two and one-half percent (2.5%) of the payroll of the enterprise for net new full-time employee jobs for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the minimum number of jobs required by this subsection; however, if the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the permanent business enterprise is unable to maintain the required number of jobs, the * * *Chairman of the State Tax Commission Commissioner of Revenue may extend this time period for not more than two (2) years.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  Only those permanent business enterprises that increase employment by twenty (20) or more in Tier One areas are eligible for the credit.  The credit is not allowed during any of the five (5) years if the net employment increase falls below twenty (20).  The * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall adjust the credit allowed each year for the net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of twenty (20).

     (5)  In addition to the other credits authorized in this section, an additional Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) credit for each net new full-time employee or an additional One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) credit for each net new full-time employee who is paid a salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxation, of at least one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the average annual wage of the state or an additional Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) credit for each net new full-time employee who is paid a salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxation, of at least two hundred percent (200%) of the average annual wage of the state, shall be allowed for any company establishing or transferring its national or regional headquarters from within or outside the State of Mississippi.  A minimum of twenty (20) jobs must be created to qualify for the additional credit.  The Mississippi Development Authority shall establish criteria and prescribe procedures to determine if a company qualifies as a national or regional headquarters for purposes of receiving the credit awarded in this subsection.  As used in this subsection, the average annual wage of the state is the most recently published average annual wage as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.

     (6)  In addition to the other credits authorized in this section, any job requiring research and development skills (chemist, engineer, etc.) shall qualify for an additional One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) credit for each net new full-time employee.

     (7)  In lieu of the other tax credits provided in this section, any commercial or industrial property owner which remediates contaminated property in accordance with Sections 49-35-1 through 49-35-25, is allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 equal to the percentage of payroll provided in subsection (2), (3) or (4) of this section for net new full-time employee jobs for five (5) years beginning with years two (2) through six (6) after the creation of the jobs.  The number of new full-time jobs must be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Mississippi income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year.  This subsection shall be administered in the same manner as subsections (2), (3) and (4), except the landowner shall not be required to increase employment by the levels provided in subsections (2), (3) and (4) to be eligible for the tax credit.

     (8)  (a)  Tax credits for five (5) years for the taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 shall be awarded for increases in the annual payroll for net new full-time jobs created by business enterprises qualified under this section.  The * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall adjust the credit allowed in the event of payroll fluctuations during the additional five (5) years of credit.

          (b)  Tax credits for five (5) years for the taxes imposed by Section 27-7-5 shall be awarded for additional net new full-time jobs created by business enterprises qualified under subsections (5) and (6) of this section.  The * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall adjust the credit allowed in the event of employment fluctuations during the additional five (5) years of credit.

     (9)  (a)  The sale, merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy or relocation from one (1) county to another county within the state of any business enterprise may not create new eligibility in any succeeding business entity, but any unused job tax credit may be transferred and continued by any transferee of the business enterprise.  The * * *Tax Commission Department of Revenue shall determine whether or not qualifying net increases or decreases have occurred or proper transfers of credit have been made and may require reports, promulgate regulations, and hold hearings as needed for substantiation and qualification.

          (b)  This subsection shall not apply in cases in which a business enterprise has ceased operation, laid off all its employees and is subsequently acquired by another unrelated business entity that continues operation of the enterprise in the same or a similar type of business.  In such a case the succeeding business entity shall be eligible for the credit authorized by this section unless the cessation of operation of the business enterprise was for the purpose of obtaining new eligibility for the credit.

     (10)  Any tax credit claimed under this section but not used in any taxable year may be carried forward for five (5) years from the close of the tax year in which the qualified jobs were established but the credit established by this section taken in any one (1) tax year must be limited to an amount not greater than fifty percent (50%) of the taxpayer's state income tax liability which is attributable to income derived from operations in the state for that year.  If the permanent business enterprise is located in an area that has been declared by the Governor to be a disaster area and as a direct result of the disaster the business enterprise is unable to use the existing carry-forward, the * * *Chairman of the State Tax Commission Commissioner of Revenue may extend the period that the credit may be carried forward for a period of time not to exceed two (2) years.

     (11)  No business enterprise for the transportation, handling, storage, processing or disposal of hazardous waste is eligible to receive the tax credits provided in this section.

     (12)  The credits allowed under this section shall not be used by any business enterprise or corporation other than the business enterprise actually qualifying for the credits.

     (13)  As used in this section:

          (a)  "Business enterprises" means entities primarily engaged in:

              (i)  Manufacturing, processing, warehousing, distribution, wholesaling and research and development, or

              (ii)  Permanent business enterprises designated by rule and regulation of the Mississippi Development Authority as air transportation and maintenance facilities, final destination or resort hotels having a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) guest rooms, recreational facilities that impact tourism, movie industry studios, telecommunications enterprises, data or information processing enterprises or computer software development enterprises or any technology intensive facility or enterprise.

          (b)  "Telecommunications enterprises" means entities engaged in the creation, display, management, storage, processing, transmission or distribution for compensation of images, text, voice, video or data by wire or by wireless means, or entities engaged in the construction, design, development, manufacture, maintenance or distribution for compensation of devices, products, software or structures used in the above activities.  Companies organized to do business as commercial broadcast radio stations, television stations or news organizations primarily serving in-state markets shall not be included within the definition of the term "telecommunications enterprises."

     (14)  The tax credits provided for in this section shall be in addition to any tax credits described in Sections 57-51-13(b), 57-53-1(1)(a) and 57-54-9(b) and granted pursuant to official action by the Mississippi Development Authority prior to July 1, 1989, to any business enterprise determined prior to July 1, 1989, by the Mississippi Development Authority to be a qualified business as defined in Section 57-51-5(f) or Section 57-54-5(d) or a qualified company as described in Section 57-53-1, as the case may be; however, from and after July 1, 1989, tax credits shall be allowed only under either this section or Sections 57-51-13(b), 57-53-1(1)(a) and Section 57-54-9(b) for each net new full-time employee.

     (15)  A business enterprise that chooses to receive a job training grant pursuant to Section 1 of this act shall not be eligible for the tax credits provided for in this section.

     SECTION 5.  Sections 57-101-1, 57-101-3 and 57-101-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, which create the MMEIA Tax Incentive Fund to pay a portion of the component construction material costs for certain projects, are repealed.

     SECTION 6.  Section 3 of this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and the remainder of this act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2013.