2013 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Hood

House Resolution 116


     WHEREAS, "To everything there is a season, and time to every purpose under the heaven," and as such, the grand architect of the universe, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny, has summoned the mortal presence of dearly beloved, legendary Casey Marion Smith, Sr., to eternal rest on Monday, March 4, 2013, as he has made life's final transition from earthly travailing to heavenly reward, causing great sorrow and loss to his family, colleagues and friends; and

     WHEREAS, born in Moorhead, Mississippi, on April 4, 1929, Mr. Marion Smith moved to Choctaw County in 1942 and graduated from Ackerman High School in 1948 as the first student body president, senior class president and a proud member of the 1947 Championship Football Team; and

     WHEREAS, compelled to enter into public service by a passion fueled by the desire to make his community a better place, Mr. Smith served two terms as alderman, worked as Public Works Superintendent, Fire Chief and Deputy Marshall for 11 years and remained one of Ackerman and Choctaw County's most avid ambassadors; and

     WHEREAS, answering the call for an improvement of services, Mr. Smith organized and directed Ackerman's first Fire Department, founded and served as President Emeritus of the annual Ackerman School Reunion, and later established himself as an aspiring entrepreneur, having cofounded and managed several successful state-wide waterworks supply businesses; and

     WHEREAS, having retired in 1985, Mr. Smith remained actively engaged in various civic and social organizations within Choctaw County, as a member of the Ackerman Masonic Lodge #119 and the Gideon's International, and ultimately his love for woodworking as a skilled master craftsman which prompted him to begin his own business called "Poppa's Country"; and

     WHEREAS, affectionately known as Marion, Dad, Poppa, Pop and Uncle Son, his legacy as a benevolent husband, father, brother, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend highlighted his passion for Jesus Christ, faithfulness to his church, love for his family, zest for life and generosity toward his fellowman; and

     WHEREAS, though he has traversed the river of life to now stand upon heaven's celestial shores to reunite with the kindred souls of loved ones departing beforehand, including his parents, Casey Triplett and Grace Fondren Smith and sister, Doris Wither, the legacy of his endearing memory continues to thrive in the lives of those who experienced the monumental joys of his life, including:  his wife of 64 years, Joan McIntire Smith; son, Casey M. "Buddy" Smith, Jr.; brother, Kenneth Smith; two grandchildren, Casey Smith, III, and Stacey Fowler; four great-grandchildren, Casey Joe and Weston Fowler and Addie Grace and Lexie Rose Smith; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to acknowledge the selfless humanitarianism of an individual such as Mr. Smith, whose esteemed caliber of public service was exemplified by fairness and sound judgment:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend the life and legacy of service of Mr. Casey Marion Smith, Sr., and extend sincere and deepest sympathy to his family, colleagues and friends upon his passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of Mr. Smith and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.