2013 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Rogers (61st)

House Concurrent Resolution 98


     WHEREAS, after an outstanding 25-year career with Pearl High School which began as Assistant Band Director in 1988 and culminated in his service as Director of Bands for the Pearl schools for the past six years, Jeff Cannon has announced his retirement; and

     WHEREAS, during his service as band director, the Pearl High School Marching Band won four state championships and the band extended the school's streak for receiving all superior ratings in marching band evaluations to 43 years; and

     WHEREAS, under Cannon's guidance, Pearl also received the Sweepstakes Award that is presented to bands for their overall achievement in a school year, each of the four years that the award has been given and the band has also received four citations of excellence from the National Band Association; and

     WHEREAS, Cannon is a 1974 graduate of Pearl High School which is the year he was a member of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band and he was a member of the Pirate Marching Band for five years, the first three as a trumpet player, the last two as drum major, and it was during his time directing the band as drum major that he knew he wanted a career as a band director; and

     WHEREAS, after high school he worked in construction before enrolling at Delta State University where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in music education and then began his career as an assistant band director in Madison, Mississippi, ultimately becoming Director of Bands at Madison until being called home to Pearl by Ted Burns in 1988; and

     WHEREAS, during the 25 years that Mr. Cannon served at Pearl, the valedictorian or salutorian, or both, have been band members, demonstrating the high quality of character of the band members that is the norm under Cannon's leadership; and

     WHEREAS, since 2006 Cannon has served as Director-Manager of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band and he plans to finish the remaining three years of his contract participating in international competition with the band; and

     WHEREAS, one of Cannon's students, Matt Rowan, a 1996 Pearl High School graduate and current Associate Director of Bands has been chosen to take over as Director, thereby continuing Cannon's legacy at Pearl High School; and

     WHEREAS, Mr. Cannon, a devout Christian, is looking forward to a well-earned retirement with his wife, Dian, which will include travel and spending more time with his grandchildren as well as enjoying the continued growth and excellence of the Pearl High School Band; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of this Legislature to recognize and commend the exemplary careers and service of outstanding Mississippians such as Jeff Cannon:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Mr. Jeff Cannon upon the occasion of his retirement as Director of Bands at Pearl High School and extend best wishes for continued success in all of his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Mr. Jeff Cannon, Pearl High School and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.