2013 Regular Session

To: County Affairs; Ways and Means

By: Representative Chism

House Bill 439



     SECTION 1.  Section 19-9-29, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     19-9-29.  Whenever any county shall have on hand any bond and interest funds, any funds derived from the sale of bonds, special funds, or any other funds in excess of the sums which will be required to meet the current needs and demands of no more than seven (7) business days, the board of supervisors of such county  * * *shall may invest such excess funds in the following manner:

          (a)  (i)  Such excess funds shall be invested for periods of from fourteen (14) days to one (1) year in interest-bearing time certificates of deposit with or through county depositories serving in accordance with Section 27-105-303 which are willing to accept the same, at a negotiated rate of interest.  The negotiated rate of interest shall be at the highest rate possible at the date of purchase or investment for such time certificates of deposit or interest-bearing accounts, but such rate of interest shall not be less than the rate of interest paid to the general public on passbook savings.  The rate of interest established herein shall be the minimum rate of interest and there shall be no maximum rate of interest.

          ( * * *(b)ii)  The balance, if any, of such excess funds shall be invested in interest-bearing time certificates of deposit for the same maturity periods and at the same rate of interest as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section in or through state depositories located in such county which are willing to accept the same, to the same extent as such depositories are eligible for invested state funds.

          ( * * *(c)iii)  To the extent that the board of supervisors finds that such excess funds cannot be invested pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section for the stated maturity of from fourteen (14) days to one (1) year, the board of supervisors may invest such funds in any bonds or other direct obligations of the United States of America, the State of Mississippi, or any county, municipality or school district of this state, if such county, municipal or school district bonds have been approved by a reputable bond attorney or have been validated by a decree of the chancery court, or the board of supervisors may invest such funds, together with any other funds required for current operation, in obligations issued or guaranteed in full as to principal and interest by the United States of America which are subject to a repurchase agreement with a county or state depository, or the board of supervisors may deposit such funds in interest-bearing accounts with a county or state depository.  Such bonds or obligations purchased may have any maturity date, provided that they shall mature or be redeemable prior to the time that the funds so invested will be needed for expenditure.

     Any excess funds invested in certificates of deposit or interest-bearing accounts with county or state depositories under this section shall be secured in the manner required by Section 27-105-315.  The proceeds of such certificates of deposit shall be immediately reinvested on the date of maturity in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section, unless the board of supervisors determines that such funds are required for current operation.

     When bonds or other obligations have been purchased, the same may be sold or surrendered for redemption at any time, except certificates of deposit which must mature, by order or resolution of such board of supervisors.  The president of the board of supervisors, when authorized by such order or resolution, shall have the power and authority to execute all instruments and take such other action as may be necessary to effectuate the sale or redemption thereof.  When such bonds or other obligations are sold or redeemed, the proceeds thereof, including accrued interest thereon, shall be paid into the same fund as that from which the investment was made and shall in all respects be dealt with as are other monies in such fund.  Except as hereinafter provided, any interest derived from the investments authorized in this section may, as an alternative, be deposited into the general fund of the county.  Any interest derived from the investment of sums received under the terms of the federal State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, and any subsequent revisions or reenactments of that act, shall be paid into the same fund as that from which the investment was made.  Any interest derived from the investment of school bond funds shall be handled as provided in Section 37-59-43.  Any interest derived from investment of other bond proceeds or from investment of any bond and interest fund, bond reserve fund or bond redemption sinking fund shall be deposited either in the same fund from which the investment was made or in the bond and interest fund established for payment of the principal or interest on the bonds.  Any interest derived from special purpose funds which are outside the function of general county government shall be paid into that special purpose fund * * *.; or

          (b)  Such excess funds may be used to purchase the land of any delinquent taxpayer, if no person will bid for and pay the whole amount of taxes due and all costs incident to the sale of the land of any delinquent taxpayer.

     SECTION 2.  Section 27-41-59, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-59.  (1)  Except as otherwise provided in Section 27-41-2, on the first Monday of April, if the tax collector has exercised his option to hold a tax sale on that day, and on the last Monday of August, as the case may be, if the taxes remain unpaid, the tax collector shall proceed to sell, for the payment of taxes then remaining due and unpaid, together with all fees, penalties and damages provided by law, the land or so much and such parts of the land of each delinquent taxpayer to the highest and best bidder for cash as will pay the amount of taxes due by him and all costs and charges.  He shall first offer one hundred sixty (160) acres or a smaller separately described subdivision, if the land is less than one hundred sixty (160) acres.  If the first parcel so offered does not produce the amount due, then he shall offer as an entirety all the land constituting one (1) tract.  Each separate assessment as it appears and is described on the assessment roll shall constitute one (1) tract for the purpose of sale for taxes, notwithstanding the fact that the person who is the owner thereof, or to whom it is assessed, is the owner of or is assessed with other lands, the whole of which constitutes one (1) entire tract but appears on the assessment roll in separate subdivisions.  Upon offering the land of any delinquent taxpayer constituting one (1) tract, if no person will bid for it, the whole amount of taxes and all costs incident to the sale, the board of supervisors may use excess funds as authorized in Section 19-9-29 to pay the whole amount of taxes due and all costs incident to the sale of such land.  If no person or the board of supervisors will bid and pay the whole amount of taxes and all costs incident to the sale, the tax collector shall strike it off to the state.  The sale shall be continued from day to day within the hours from 8:30 o'clock in the forenoon and 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon until completed; but neither a failure to advertise, nor error in the advertisement, nor error in conducting the sale, shall invalidate a sale at the proper time and place for taxes of any land on which the taxes were due and not paid, but a sale made at the wrong time or at the wrong place shall be void.  Any person sustaining damages by reason of any failure or error by the tax collector may recover damages therefor on his official bond.

     (2)  If property in a public improvement district established under Section 19-31-1 et seq. fails to receive a bid and is struck off to the state under this section, the tax collector, upon approval of the Secretary of State and the governing bodies of the county or city in which the public improvement district is located, may, prior to the expiration of the redemption period, offer the property for sale for a second time.  The second sale shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of land for taxes not made at the time appointed by law for such sales under Section 27-41-65, and the tax collector shall include all years for which taxes are delinquent on the property.  The property may be offered as a whole or subdivided for purposes of the second sale.  If there is no purchaser at the second sale, then the property, if not redeemed, shall mature to the state at the expiration of the redemption period as though no second sale had occurred.  If the property is purchased at the second sale, the property may be redeemed at any time within two (2) years after the date of the second sale by the persons and in the manner as provided in Section 27-45-3.  This subsection (2) shall be repealed on September 1, 2013.

     SECTION 3.  Section 19-3-41, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     19-3-41.  (1)  The boards of supervisors shall have within their respective counties full jurisdiction over roads, ferries and bridges, except as otherwise provided by Section 170 of the Constitution, and all other matters of county police.  They shall have jurisdiction over the subject of paupers.  They shall have power to levy such taxes as may be necessary to meet the demands of their respective counties, upon such persons and property as are subject to state taxes for the time being, not exceeding the limits that may be prescribed by law.  They shall cause to be erected and kept in good repair, in their respective counties, a good and convenient courthouse and a jail.  A courthouse shall be erected and kept in good repair in each judicial district and a jail may be erected in each judicial district.  They may close a jail in either judicial district, at their discretion, where one (1) jail will suffice.  They shall have the power, in their discretion, to prohibit or regulate the sale and use of firecrackers, roman candles, torpedoes, skyrockets, and any and all explosives commonly known and referred to as fireworks, outside the confines of municipalities.  They shall have and exercise such further powers as are or shall be conferred upon them by law.  They shall have authority to negotiate with and contract with licensed real estate brokers for the purpose of advertising and showing and procuring prospective purchasers for county-owned real property offered for sale in accordance with the provisions of Section 19-7-3.

     (2)  The board of supervisors of any county, in its discretion, may contract with a private attorney or private collection agent or agency to collect any type of delinquent payment owed to the county including, but not limited to, past due fees, fines and assessments, delinquent ad valorem taxes on personal property and delinquent ad valorem taxes on mobile homes that are entered as personal property on the mobile home rolls, or with the district attorney of the circuit court district in which the county is located to collect any delinquent fees, fines and other assessments.  Any such contract may provide for payment contingent upon successful collection efforts or payment based upon a percentage of the delinquent amount collected; however, the entire amount of all delinquent payments collected shall be remitted to the county and shall not be reduced by any collection costs or fees.  There shall be due to the county from any person whose delinquent payment is collected pursuant to a contract executed under this subsection an amount, in addition to the delinquent payment, of not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the delinquent payment for collections made within this state and not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the delinquent payment for collections made outside of this state.  However, in the case of delinquent fees owed to the county for garbage or rubbish collection or disposal, only the amount of the delinquent fees may be collected and no amount in addition to the delinquent fees may be collected if the board of supervisors of the county has notified the county tax collector under Section 19-5-22 for the purpose of prohibiting the issuance of a motor vehicle road and bridge privilege license tag to the person delinquent in the payment of such fees.  Any private attorney or private collection agent or agency contracting with the county under the provisions of this subsection shall give bond or other surety payable to the county in such amount as the board of supervisors deems sufficient.  Any private attorney with whom the county contracts under the provisions of this subsection must be a member in good standing of The Mississippi Bar.  Any private collection agent or agency with whom the county contracts under the provisions of this subsection must meet all licensing requirements for doing business in the State of Mississippi.  Neither the county nor any officer or employee of the county shall be liable, civilly or criminally, for any wrongful or unlawful act or omission of any person or business with whom the county has contracted under the provisions of this subsection.  The Mississippi Department of Audit shall establish rules and regulations for use by counties in contracting with persons or businesses under the provisions of this subsection.

     (3)  In addition to the authority granted under subsection (2) of this section, the board of supervisors of any county, in its discretion, may contract with one or more of the constables of the county to collect delinquent criminal fines imposed in the justice court of the county.  Any such contract shall provide for payment contingent upon successful collection efforts, and the amount paid to a constable may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount which the constable collects.  The entire amount of all delinquent criminal fines collected under such a contract shall be remitted by the constable to the clerk of the justice court for deposit into the county general fund as provided under Section 9-11-19.  Any payments made to a constable pursuant to a contract executed under the provisions of this section may be paid only after presentation to and approval by the board of supervisors of the county.

     (4)  If a county uses its own employees to collect any type of delinquent payment owed to the county, then from and after July 1, 1999, the county may charge an additional fee for collection of the delinquent payment provided the payment has been delinquent for ninety (90) days.  The collection fee may not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the delinquent payment if the collection is made within this state and may not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the delinquent payment if the collection is made outside this state.  In conducting collection of delinquent payments, the county may utilize credit cards or electronic fund transfers.  The county may pay any service fees for the use of such methods of collection from the collection fee, but not from the delinquent payment.

     (5)  In addition to such authority as is otherwise granted under this section, the board of supervisors of any county may expend funds necessary to maintain and repair, and to purchase liability insurance, tags and decals for, any personal property acquired under the Federal Excess Personal Property Program that is used by the local volunteer fire department.

     (6)  The board of supervisors of any county, in its discretion, may expend funds to provide for training and education of newly elected or appointed county officials before the beginning of the term of office or employment of such officials.  Any expenses incurred for such purposes may be allowed only upon prior approval of the board of supervisors.  Any payments or reimbursements made under the provisions of this subsection may be paid only after presentation to and approval by the board of supervisors.

     (7)  The board of supervisors of any county may expend funds to purchase, maintain and repair equipment for the electronic filing and storage of filings, files, instruments, documents and records using microfilm, microfiche, data processing, magnetic tape, optical discs, computers or other electronic process which correctly and legibly stores and reproduces or which forms a medium for storage, copying or reproducing documents, files and records for use by one (1), all or any combination of county offices, employees and officials, whether appointed or elected.

     (8)  In addition to the authority granted in this section, the board of supervisors of any county may expend funds as provided in Section 29-3-23(2).

     (9)  The board of supervisors of any county may perform and exercise any duty, responsibility or function, may enter into agreements and contracts, may provide and deliver any services or assistance, and may receive, expend and administer any grants, gifts, matching funds, loans or other monies, in accordance with and as may be authorized by any federal law, rule or regulation creating, establishing or providing for any program, activity or service.  The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed as authorizing any county, the board of supervisors of any county or any member of a board of supervisors to perform any function or activity that is specifically prohibited under the laws of this state or as granting any authority in addition to or in conflict with the provisions of any federal law, rule or regulation.

     (10)  The board of supervisors of any county may provide funds from any available source to assist in defraying the actual expenses to maintain an office as provided in Section 9-1-36.  The authority provided in this subsection shall apply to any office regardless of ownership of such office or who may be making any lease payments for such office.

     (11)  The board of supervisors of any county may use excess funds as authorized in Section 19-9-29 to pay the whole amount of taxes due and all costs incident to the sale of the land of a delinquent taxpayer, if no person will bid for and pay the whole amount of taxes and all costs incident to the sale of such delinquent land.

     SECTION 4.  Section 27-43-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-43-1.  The clerk of the chancery court shall, within one hundred eighty (180) days and not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the time of redemption with respect to land sold, either to individuals, the county or to the state, be required to issue notice to the record owner of the land sold as of one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the expiration of the time of redemption, in effect following, to wit:

     "State of Mississippi,                      To______________,

     County of ______________

     You will take notice that ________ (here describe lands) ________ lands assessed to you or supposed to be owned by you, was, on the ________ day of ________ sold to ________ for the taxes of ________ year ________, and that the title to said land will become absolute in ________ unless redemption from said tax sale be made on or before ________ day of ________.

     This ________ day of ________ 2____

                                      ______________ Clerk."

     SECTION 5.  Section 27-45-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-45-1.  Redemption of land sold for taxes shall be made through the chancery clerks of the respective counties.  Where the land was sold to the state, the clerk, out of the amount necessary to redeem, shall first pay to the officers entitled thereto the costs, fees and damages which are allowed those officers by law in cases of lands sold to individuals; second, he shall pay the state the amount of state taxes with the interest and additional charges thereon allowed by law to the state; and, third, he shall pay to the county the sums computed in like manner which belong to the county and the various taxing districts thereof.  Where the land was sold to an individual or the county, the clerk shall pay:

          (a)  First, to the state the amount of state taxes with the interest and additional charges thereon allowed by law, unless same has been paid previously by the tax purchaser or some other person;

          (b)  Second, to the county the sums computed in like manner which belong to the county and the various taxing districts thereof, unless same has been paid previously by the tax purchaser or some other person;

          (c)  Third, to the county the five percent (5%) damages on the amount of the taxes for which the land was sold; and

          (d)  Fourth, the balance to the purchaser.

     The clerk shall make his redemption settlements within twenty (20) days after the end of each month and shall make a complete report thereof to the board of supervisors.  For a failure so to report or to pay over the sums to the parties entitled thereto as herein required, he shall be liable on his official bond to a penalty of one percent (1%) per month on the amount withheld.  The chancery clerk shall also note each redemption on the public record of delinquent tax lands, on the day payment of taxes is made, with the date, name and the amount of redemption money paid.

     SECTION 6.  Section 27-45-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-45-3.  The owner, or any persons for him with his consent, or any person interested in the land sold for taxes, may redeem the same, or any part of it, where it is separable by legal subdivisions of not less than forty (40) acres, or any undivided interest in it, at any time within two (2) years after the day of sale, by paying to the chancery clerk, regardless of the amount of the purchaser's bid at the tax sale, the amount of all taxes for which the land was sold, with all costs incident to the sale, and five percent (5%) damages on the amount of taxes for which the land was sold, and interest on all such taxes and costs at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) per month, or any fractional part thereof, from the date of such sale, and all  costs that have accrued on the land since the sale, with interest thereon from the date such costs shall have accrued, at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) per month, or any fractional part thereof; saving only to infants who have or may hereafter inherit or acquire land by will and persons of unsound mind whose land may be sold for taxes, the right to redeem the same within two (2) years after attaining full age or being restored to sanity, from the state or any purchaser thereof, on the terms herein prescribed, and on their paying the value of any permanent improvements on the land made after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of the sale of the lands for taxes.  Upon such payment to the chancery clerk as hereinabove provided, he shall execute to the person redeeming the land a release of all claim or title of the state, the county or purchaser to such land, which said release shall be attested by the seal of the chancery clerk and shall be entitled to be recorded without acknowledgment, as deeds are recorded.  Said release when so executed and attested shall operate as a quitclaim on the part of the state or purchaser of any right or title under said tax sale.

     SECTION 7.  Section 27-45-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-45-13.  When anyone, designing and endeavoring to pay the taxes due on his own land, shall by mistake pay the taxes due on other land than his own, in consequence whereof his own land shall have been sold for taxes, such person may, within the two (2) years allowed for redemption, make affidavit of the facts, and if the taxes for which his land was sold, and the costs of such sale exceed the amount he had so paid, he shall pay the tax collector of the county the difference, and also all taxes subsequently accrued on such land and not before paid, and shall protect the state and county against any loss by reason of the mistake.  He shall obtain the receipt in duplicate of such collector for what he shall pay him, which receipt it shall be the duty of the collector to give him, specifying particularly on what account such payment was made.  Said receipts need not be from the book of receipts required to be kept.  He shall deposit one (1) of said receipts with the chancery clerk, together with said affidavit setting forth the facts of such mistake; and thereupon it shall be the duty of the chancery clerk to release to such person the title of the state, the county or individual purchaser to such land, and, where the land was sold to the state, to notify the auditor to make proper entry on the assessment roll in his office.  The auditor and the chancery clerk shall charge the tax collector with the amount due on the transaction to the state and county, respectively, and the collector shall also make proper entry on the assessment roll in his office.

     SECTION 8.  Section 27-45-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-45-15.  Land on which said person had paid on by mistake, shall be sold for the taxes and costs, the payment of which, except for mistake, it had escaped, as follows:  The chancery clerk shall notify the tax collector of his release of the land first sold and the collector shall immediately give notice in writing to the person in possession of the land paid on by mistake, if any, or to the owner or person claiming it, that at a meeting of the board of supervisors of the county, to be designated in such notice, he will apply for an order to sell said land because of the foregoing facts.  At such meeting, the collector shall report the facts in writing to the board of supervisors, and that he has given notice as above required, and said board shall hear any objection to the proposed sale of such land, and unless there be some valid objection shall order it to be sold.  Thereupon the collector shall advertise it as sales of land for taxes are required to be advertised, and shall sell it on some day when it is lawful to sell land under execution in his county, and shall proceed in all respects as required in making sales of land for taxes on the first Monday of April.  He shall report the lists of lands so sold to the clerk of the chancery court in the same manner and within the same relative time as provided for sales of land for taxes at the usual time.  He shall pay over to the proper officers the taxes collected from sales to individuals or counties as in other cases.

     SECTION 9.  Section 27-45-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-45-23.  When the period of redemption has expired, the chancery clerk shall, on demand, execute deeds of conveyance to individuals or the county purchasing lands at tax sales.  Which conveyances shall be essentially in the following form to wit:

     "State of Mississippi, County of ________

     Be it known, that ________, tax collector of said county of ________, did, on the ________ day of ________, A.D. ________, according to law, sell the following land, situated in said county and assessed to ________ to wit:  ________ (here describe the land) ________ for the taxes assessed thereon (or when sold for other taxes it should be so stated) for the year A.D. ________, when ________ became the best bidder therefor, at and for the sum of ________ Dollars and ________ Cents; and the same not having been redeemed, I therefore sell and convey said land to the said ________.

     Given under my hand, the ________ day of ________, A.D. ________.


                                                Chancery Clerk."

     Such conveyance shall be attested by the seal of the office of the chancery clerk and shall be recordable when acknowledged as land deeds are recorded, and such conveyance shall vest in the purchaser a perfect title with the immediate right of possession to the land sold for taxes.  No such conveyance shall be invalidated in any court except by proof that the land was not liable to sale for the taxes, or that the taxes for which the land was sold had been paid before sale, or that the sale had been made at the wrong time or place.  If any part of the taxes for which the land was sold was illegal or not chargeable on it, but part was chargeable, that shall not affect the sale nor invalidate the conveyance, unless it appears that before sale the amount legally chargeable on the land was paid or tendered to the tax collector.

     SECTION 10.  Section 27-41-2, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-2.  If the governing authorities of a municipality and a county have entered into an interlocal agreement pursuant to Section 17-13-1 et seq., and the agreement is for the county to collect for the municipality those ad valorem taxes on real and personal property, motor vehicles and mobile homes or unpaid special assessments as provided in Section 21-19-11 that are due and payable to the municipality, the following shall apply:

          (a)  The collection of such ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments as provided in Section 21-19-11 due by a taxpayer to the municipality shall be evidenced by a receipt showing that the taxes or assessments due have been paid.  This receipt also may show that any ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments due by the taxpayer to the county have been paid.

          (b)  Property as described in this section that is sold for unpaid ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments due by a taxpayer to the municipality may be sold in a tax sale which may be conducted for unpaid ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments due by the taxpayer to the county.  This unified tax sale for unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments due the municipality and the county shall be advertised in substantially the same manner as provided by law for sales of like property for unpaid county ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments as provided in Section 21-19-11.  The amount of taxes or special assessments for which the property is offered at the unified sale shall be the sum of the taxes or special assessments due by the taxpayer to the municipality and those due to the county.  All costs incident to the unified sale shall be included in the total amount for which the property is offered.

          (c)  Upon offering the property of any delinquent taxpayer at a unified sale as described in paragraph (b) and upon the failure of any person to bid the whole amount of taxes or special assessments and all costs incident to the sale for such property, the board of supervisors may use excess funds as authorized in Section 19-9-29 to pay the whole amount of taxes or special assessments and all costs incident to the sale of such land.  If no person or the board of supervisors will bid and pay the whole amount of taxes and all costs incident to the sale, the county tax collector shall strike the property off to the state.

          (d)  Except as otherwise specified in this section, the collection of unpaid ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments as provided in Section 21-19-11 due to a municipality, the sale of property for unpaid ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments due a municipality, and the striking off to a municipality of property for unpaid ad valorem taxes or unpaid special assessments, shall be conducted in accordance with the laws governing the imposition of ad valorem taxes or special assessments as provided in Section 21-19-11 by a municipality.

     SECTION 11.  Section 27-41-65, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-65.  If from any cause a sale of any land for taxes which is liable to such sale shall not be made at the time appointed by law for such sale, it may be sold thereafter, in the same or a subsequent year, at any time designated therefor by order of the board of supervisors.  Notice of a sale so ordered shall be given by advertising it in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of land for taxes; and the same shall be made at the same place and subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such sales at the time appointed by law.  Lists of lands sold to the state, the county and to individuals shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the chancery court within the same relative period of time after the sale as is allowed for filing such lists after sales at the regular time, and the clerk shall at once record them; and such lists shall be as valid and have the same effect and be subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such lists made of lands sold at the regular sale for taxes.

     SECTION 12.  Section 27-41-67, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-67.  If from inadvertence or oversight a sale of any land for taxes which is liable to such sale shall not be made at the regular time appointed by law for such sale, it may be sold thereafter at any time designated therefor by an order of the board of supervisors, which order need not describe the land to be sold nor give the names of the owners of the land to be sold.  Notice of a sale so ordered shall be given by advertising it in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of land for taxes; and the same shall be made at the same place and subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such sales at the time appointed by law.  Lists of lands sold to the state, the county and to individuals shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the chancery court within the same relative period of time after the sale as is allowed for filing such lists after sales at the regular time, and the clerk shall at once record them; and such lists shall be as valid and have the same effect and be subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such lists made of lands sold at the regular sale for taxes.  This section shall not be construed as giving the tax collector any discretion to postpone the sale of lands from the time appointed by law for such sales.

     SECTION 13.  Section 27-41-69, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-69.  In case of grave public emergency, to be determined by the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue, with the approval of the Governor and Attorney General, the Commissioner of Revenue, may postpone in any county the date fixed by law for the sale of lands for delinquent taxes.  In the event any such sale is postponed, the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue, with the approval of the Governor and Attorney General, shall designate a date for such sale.  Notice of a sale shall be given by advertising it in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of land for taxes; and the same shall be made at the same place and subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such sales at the time appointed by law, and lists of lands sold to the state, the county and to individuals shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the chancery court within the same relative period of time after the sale as is allowed for filing such lists after sales at the regular time, and the clerk shall at once record them; and such lists shall be as valid and have the same effect and be subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such lists made of lands sold at the regular sale for taxes.  The Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue shall provide notice to the clerk of the board of supervisors of the postponement of any sale for taxes in such county and the clerk of the board of supervisors shall enter such notice on the minutes of the board, but the failure of the Commissioner of Revenue to so notify the clerk of the board of supervisors to so record the same shall not invalidate any sale made hereunder.

     SECTION 14.  Section 27-41-73, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-73.  If the purchaser of land at tax sale shall not immediately pay the amount of his bid, the collector shall offer the land again; and if some person or the county will not then bid the amount of taxes and costs, it shall be struck off to the state, as in other cases; but the first purchaser shall be liable for the amount of his bid, to be collected by suit by the tax collector in the name of the state.  On the same being collected, the tax collector shall notify the chancery clerk of the county, and the clerk shall strike the said lands from the records of land sold to the state, and shall enter said land on the list of lands sold to individuals or the county to be subsequently dealt with as other lands sold to individuals or the county.

     SECTION 15.  Section 27-41-79, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-79.  The tax collector shall on or before the second Monday of May and on or before the second Monday of October of each year, transmit to the clerk of the chancery court of the county separate certified lists of the lands struck off by him to the state and that sold to individuals or the county, specifying to whom assessed, the date of sale, the amount of taxes for which sale was made, and each item of cost incident thereto, and where sold to individuals or the county, the name of the purchaser, such sale to be separately recorded by the clerk in a book kept by him for that purpose.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 27-41-49, all such lists shall vest in the state or in the individual purchaser or the county purchaser thereof a perfect title to the land sold for taxes, but without the right of possession for the period of and subject to the right of redemption; but a failure to transmit or record a list or a defective list shall not affect or render the title void.  If the tax collector or clerk shall fail to perform the duties herein prescribed, he shall be liable to the party injured by such default in the penal sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), and also on his official bond for the actual damage sustained.  The lists hereinabove provided shall, when filed with the clerk, be notice to all persons in the same manner as are deeds when filed for record.  The lists of lands hereinabove referred to shall be filed by the tax collector in May for sales made in April and in October for sales made in September, respectively.

     SECTION 16.  Section 27-41-81, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-81.  The tax collector shall on or before the first Monday of June transmit to the clerk of the chancery court of the county separate certified lists of the lands struck off by him to the state and that sold to individuals or the county, specifying to whom assessed, the day of the sale, the amount of taxes for which the sale was made and each item of cost incidental thereto, and, where sold to individuals or the county, the name of the purchaser, to be separately recorded by the clerk in books kept by him for that purpose.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 27-41-59, the lists shall vest in the state or the individual purchaser or county purchaser thereof a perfect title to the land sold for taxes, but without the right of possession and subject to the right of redemption; but a failure to transmit or record a list, or a defective list, shall not affect or render the title void.  If the tax collector or clerk shall fail to perform the duties herein prescribed, he shall be liable to the party injured by such default in the penal sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), and also on his bond for the actual damages sustained.

     The list hereinabove provided shall, when filed with the clerk, be notice to all persons in the same manner as are deeds when filed for record.

     SECTION 17.  Section 27-41-83, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-41-83.  The owner of lands sold or struck off to this state as provided in Section 27-41-81 shall not have the right to cut merchantable timber, cordwood or brush from any such land until such land be redeemed from the tax sale and title again be perfected in the individual owner or county owner thereof, and such former owner of said property during the period of redemption shall not have the right to prospect for or to extract and/or attempt to extract from any such lands so forfeited to the state for nonpayment of taxes any minerals, stone or gravel that may be found on or under said land, and provided further that the former owner of any land so forfeited to the state for nonpayment of taxes shall commit no waste on the lands or premises so forfeited to the state during the period of redemption. 

     If the former owner or any other person in violation of the provisions of this section cuts, fells, removes or otherwise injures any tree on property forfeited to the state for taxes either during the period of redemption or after the title matures in the state, or extracts, or attempts to extract, minerals therefrom including rock, stone and gravel, commits or permits to be committed waste or any other trespass on such land, such person shall be liable for a penalty in the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per acre for each acre upon which any trespass or violation of this section is committed, and, in addition to said penalty, such person shall be liable for actual damages for the property taken or injured.  All such penalties and damages may be recovered in one and the same action and suits to recover the same shall be instituted and prosecuted in the name of the state by the Attorney General and any penalties and damages recovered in such actions shall be apportioned fifty percent (50%) to the state and fifty percent (50%) to the county in which the land lies.  Provided that during the period of redemption the owner may cut and use wood from contiguous woodlands for fuel, fences and like farm purposes, but not for sale. 

     Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction therefor, shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), in the discretion of the court, and upon the second offense, may be sentenced to serve not more than sixty (60) days in the county jail, in the discretion of the trial court.

     SECTION 18.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2013.