2012 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Ward, Burton, Jackson (15th), Jackson (32nd), Butler (38th), Carmichael, Frazier, Montgomery

Senate Concurrent Resolution 645

(As Adopted by Senate and House)


     WHEREAS, since 1988 Dr. Phil A. Sutphin has served as President of East Central Community College in Decatur, Mississippi, bringing many years of effective leadership and tenure accomplishments to this campus.  On July 1, 2012, Dr. Sutphin will transition into private life to be succeeded by Dr. Billy Stewart; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Sutphin received his bachelor's degree at Mississippi State University and his Doctor of Education at the University of Memphis.  Prior to his tenure at ECCC, he was an Administrator and Teacher at Concord College, West Virgina, the University of Memphis and Meridian High School; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Sutphin's recent civic activity includes the following:

     ·  President of Newton County Habitat for Humanity, 2000-2006;

     ·  Chair, Commission of the future of East Mississippi and West Alabama, 2001-2005;

     ·  Newton County Citizen of the Year, 2004;

     ·  Decatur Citizen of the Year, 2008;

     ·  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the East Mississippi HealthNet, current;

     ·  Board of Directors of the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce, current;

     ·  Board of Directors of Laird Hospital, current;

     ·  Board of Trustees, Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, current;

     ·  Decatur Planning Board, current;

     ·  Local Workforce Investment Board for Twin Districts Workforce Area, current;

     ·  President, Mississippi Association of Colleges, current;

     ·  Immediate Past-Chair, Rural Community College Alliance;

     ·  Secretary, Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges, current;

     ·  Chair, Technology Committee for the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges, current; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Sutphin's many accomplishments at ECCC include:

     ·  East Mall improvements - landscaped the East Mall and vision for the West Mall upon completion of Cross Hall renovation;

     ·  Committee for West Alabama and East Mississippi that led to WAEM/WIRRED Grant - Chaired the committee that built the concept for the Montgomery Institute and regional economic development in East Mississippi;

     ·  Twin Districts Workforce Board (WIN) - appointed to the original Board as part of the Workforce Initiative Act.  The Board serves the southeast quadrant of Mississippi;

     ·  Hotel Restaurant and Culinary Program - started at MBCI and moved to campus;

     ·  Workforce Education and Workforce Development place under one Dean to ensure the coordination of education, training, and industry needs;

     ·  Rural Community College Initiative Grant - Third Round - led to Rural Community College Alliance and Board Chair to promote rural colleges and their significant role in community development;

     ·  Increased scholarships and endowment in the EC Foundation;

     ·  Phase II of Smith Union completed;

     ·  Russell Physical Plant (old armory location returned to College);

     ·  Davis Building completed;

     ·  Cross Hall Renovation under development with a summer 2012 construction start;

     ·  Parking lot, street and sidewalk project that includes new streetlamps phased in across campus;

     ·  Campus beautification - Day Arboretum and landscaping;

     ·  Enrollment surpassed 3,000, from 2370 to 3323, 40.2%;

     ·  Walking trail around the pond paved and available for college and community use;

     ·  Computer/technology upgrades;

     ·  Increased budget and year-end balances to maintain a fiscally strong institution, revenue doubled and restricted support increased l0x;

     ·  Initiated the Founders Gym project;

     ·  Athletic fields improvements;

     ·  Mississippi Virtual Community College leadership for online instruction;

     ·  SACS Commission on Colleges Board of Trustees; and

     WHEREAS, East Central Community College prides itself on meeting the education and training needs of Leake, Newton, Neshoba, Scott and Winston Counties in east central Mississippi.  2009-2010 full-time equivalent (FTE) credit enrollment was a record 2,841 students enrolled in academic, technical, or career coursework.  In addition to credit students, the college serves more than 1,800 noncredit students through adult education classes that lead to the General Education Diploma and over 18,000 individuals participate in workforce training activities through our Workforce Development Center.  East Central Community College is also part of the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC) and is committed to providing quality, online instruction as an alternative delivery system; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Sutphin is a wonderful example for higher education administrators and faculty, and should be commended for his record of achievement and legacy of leadership and dedication to all in Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby recognize and salute the leadership and contributions of longtime East Central Community College President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, and extend to him and his family our best wishes for his future successes.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Dr. Sutphin, forwarded to the ECCC Board of Trustees and the State Board for Community Colleges, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.