2012 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Hill, Fillingane, Butler (38th), Lee

Senate Concurrent Resolution 628

(As Adopted by Senate and House)


     WHEREAS, Columbia High School has earned the "Star" designation by the State Department of Education as ranking in the Top 10% of Mississippi High Schools in 2011.  The Star label means that Columbia High School is performing above the national average.  Superintendent Dr. Marietta W. James and Principal Sheila W. Burbridge led the students, faculty and parents in a "Star School Celebration" on September 23, 2011; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi Department of Education adopted the new performance labels for schools and districts under the state's accountability model in 2010.  The new accountability model measures student performance on more rigorous curriculum and assessments.  Under the accountability model, schools and districts received performance classification labels from highest to lowest:  Star, High-Performing, Successful, Academic Watch, Low-Performing, At-Risk of Failing, and Failing; and

     WHEREAS, Columbia High School received the Mississippi State Accountability rating of "STAR SCHOOL" for 2011, based on the following:

     ·  Quality of Distribution Index (QDI) - 204.  This is a representation of the distribution of student test scores in the various statewide assessments;

     ·  High School Completion Index and Graduation Rate - HSCI - 233; Graduation Rate - 85.50%.  This is a representation of the percentage of students who graduate from high school based on a cohort group of when students entered 9th Grade;

     ·  Growth Status - MET.  This is a representation of the measurement tool that predicts that students are not only performing well on subject area tests, but are constantly increasing their learning from one year to the next; and

     WHEREAS, Columbia High School has accomplished a Star School rating with a very diverse student population:  48% female and 52% male; 50% Black, 1% Asian, and 49% White; a poverty level of approximately 60%; and free and reduced lunch over 72%; and

     WHEREAS, in addition, Columbia High School is a well-rounded school with many accomplishments:  academic excellence - a Star school, band state champions, baseball state champions, cheerleaders state champions, district and/or state championships in tennis, track, powerlifting, archery, and football.  The mission of Columbia High School is to provide all students with the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to lead productive lives in a constantly evolving and increasingly complicated world; and

     WHEREAS, Columbia High School has a total enrollment of 525 students.  Its outstanding Administrators are as follows:  Dr. Marietta W. James, Superintendent; Sheila W. Burbridge, Principal; Sydney Mire, Assistant Principal; Bruce Ratcliff, Administrative Assistant/Athletic Director; and Cathy Creel, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Testing; and

     WHEREAS, although the quality of education in Mississippi is improving, we must remember that schools and districts across the country are also improving.  In this competitive global economy, the administrators, teachers and students in Columbia have worked extremely hard to make the significant gains reflected by this state.  This year's accountability results indicate that they are moving in the right direction; and

     WHEREAS, overall, Columbia High School has achieved success in various categories with such a diverse population, which proves that if students have teachers and other adults that care, inspire, motivate, encourage, promote high expectations for their performance, and hold them accountable, they ALL can learn, perform, do well and succeed; and it is with great pride that we join the education profession in recognizing the excellent academic progress made by this school which has brought honor to its community and to the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Columbia High School and Principal Sheila W. Burbridge for being recognized as a "Star School" by the State Department of Education, and extend our best wishes to school administrators, teachers, students and parents on this auspicious occasion.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Columbia High School Superintendent Dr. Marietta W. James, Principal Sheila W. Burbridge and members of the Columbia School Board, forwarded to the State Superintendent of Education, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.