2012 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Miles

House Resolution 105


     WHEREAS, Haywood Reeves of Forest, Mississippi, an instructor of mathematics at East Central Community College, has announced his retirement after dedicating 44 years of his life to educating and coaching students in central Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, Mr. Reeves, who currently teaches college algebra, finite math, business calculus and business statistics, has a special place in his heart for East Central Community College, having lettered in basketball and baseball before graduating from the school and subsequently earning his bachelor's and master's degrees from Mississippi College and an education specialist degree from Mississippi State University; and 

     WHEREAS, in addition to playing team sports while at East Central Junior College, Mr. Reeves was a member of Sigma Sigma Mu Tau and served the Baptist Student Union as its president and as part of the executive council, and through his active involvement with these organizations, Mr. Reeves developed many lasting friendships with fellow students and instructors he credits with positively influencing his life; and 

     WHEREAS, in 1970, Mr. Reeves, employed to teach math and coach girls' basketball and track, began a 28-year career at Forest Municipal School District, where he was twice selected STAR teacher before ultimately serving as principal at Forest High School during his last three years with the district; and

     WHEREAS, during his time at Forest, Mr. Reeves brought much honor to the school as a coach when three girls' basketball teams competed in the state championships in the mid-70s and later, as principal of the school when he was selected to attend the Principal's Institute at Harvard in 1996; and

     WHEREAS, Mr. Reeves, whose teaching and coaching experience also includes stints at Terry High School and Meridian Community College, proudly rejoined the East Central family when he returned to his alma mater 14 years ago; and

     WHEREAS, with teaching being one of the main passions of his life, Mr. Reeves, who also cosponsors the school's engineering club, Alpha Alpha Epsilon, has been the recipient of several noteworthy honors since becoming a fulltime mathematics instructor at the college, including:  his selection in 2002 to attend the Lamplighters Conference, which honors the state's outstanding community and junior college faculty members; 2005-2006 HEADWAE (Higher Education Appreciation Day:  Working Towards Academic Excellence) Instructor of the Year; and 2006 East Central Community College Academic Instructor of the Year; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to his daily interaction with students in the classroom and on campus, Mr. Reeves has volunteered countless hours toward bettering education, as a member of various organizations, including his service as president of the Forest Athletic Booster Club and the Forest Parent Teacher Association and as a member of the Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics; and

     WHEREAS, an active member of Forest Baptist Church, where he teaches Sunday school and has served on the board of deacons, Mr. Reeves has lovingly been supported over the years by his devoted wife, Patricia Shepard Reeves, and their son, Ryan, and his wife, Britni; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize outstanding educators in the schools of this state, such as Mr. Haywood Reeves, who dedicate their lives to positively impacting and shaping the minds of the youth and young adults of our state, who are its future:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Mr. Haywood Reeves upon his retirement from East Central Community College and a career in education spanning 44 years and extend best wishes for many years of good health, peace and happiness.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Mr. Haywood Reeves and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.