2012 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Brown (66th)

House Resolution 63

(As Adopted by House)


     WHEREAS, Dr. Jane Everly, the principal of Davis Magnet Elementary in the Jackson Public School District (JPS), was recently named Administrator of the Year by the district; and

     WHEREAS, as a former gifted education teacher and administrator, Dr. Everly has always loved being a student and believes wholeheartedly that educators must be life-long learners; and

     WHEREAS, a highly educated woman, Dr. Everly received her bachelor of science in 1985 from Belhaven College, her master of education from Mississippi College in 1987, her education specialist from Mississippi College in 1989, her master of educational administration from Mississippi College in 1992, and her doctor of philosophy in educational leadership from Jackson State University in 2006; and

     WHEREAS, during her capacity in educational administration, Dr. Everly has made exceptional strides on behalf of the Jackson Public Schools, including:  designing the JPS Middle School Core Traits Character Education curriculum in 2003; serving on Mississippi Department of Education's Gifted Education Standards Steering Committee, as chairperson on the Identification Standards Subcommittee in 2004; serving as the JPS Gifted Program coordinator from 1998 to 2004; serving as the JPS Summer School Principal in 2006; serving as assistant principal of Woodville Heights Elementary School from 2004 to 2007; and in her current capacity as principal of Davis Magnet School from 2007 to present; and

     WHEREAS, under the leadership of Dr. Everly, Davis Magnet School was the first elementary school in this state to be authorized as offering the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program; and

     WHEREAS, the outstanding teachers, student and leadership of Davis Magnet School, achieved the esteemed and prominent United States Department of Education's Blue Ribbon School Award in 2008, and the school has been rated a Star School by the State Department of Education under the leadership of Dr. Everly; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Everly has led Davis Magnet School in the development of significant relationships, such as an arts integration focus, through a partnership with the Ask4More Arts program and a collaboration with the University of Mississippi Medical Center, whereby students work with professionals in using scientific inquiry to solve problems; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to commend the exemplary actions of this state's citizens, such as Dr. Everly, who devote their time and life to educating the youth of Mississippi, who are its future:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Dr. Jane Everly, Principal of Davis Magnet School in Jackson, upon receiving the Jackson Public School District Administrator of the Year award, and wish her the best in all of her future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Dr. Everly, the Jackson Public School District and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.