2012 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Espy

House Resolution 45


     WHEREAS, the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta will celebrate the auspicious occasion of their tenth anniversary on March 15, 2012, at the Alluvian Hotel in downtown Greenwood, Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, Jim Clark, President and CEO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, will attend the event honoring the effort of the organization to improve the lives of Delta youth, ranging in ages six to 18; and

     WHEREAS, founded in 2002, the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta provide services to more than 2,300 children in seven counties throughout the Mississippi Delta region; and

     WHEREAS, one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the state, the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta operate through nine club sites and employ over 30 employees; and

     WHEREAS, Boys and Girls Clubs staff members are trained youth development professionals who work to provide a safe and positive place for kids to learn and grow; and

     WHEREAS, the different clubs of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta are located in the counties of Coahoma, Grenada, Holmes, Leflore, Tallahatchie, Tunica and Yazoo; and

     WHEREAS, for the past decade, the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta have built a strong reputation by establishing core programs that focus on character and leadership development, health and life skills, education and career development, the arts, sports, fitness and recreation; and

     WHEREAS, the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta have consistently been a positive option for Delta youth and responded aggressively to the needs of these youth with outstanding results; and

     WHEREAS, some of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Mississippi are found in the Delta, yet in the last 10 years, not one teenage pregnancy has been reported out of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta; and

     WHEREAS, the organization's "Healthy Habits" program empowers Delta youth by educating them on food choices, calories, vitamins and minerals and portion control, and club sites throughout the region will sponsor activities related to the program as part of National Nutrition Month in March; and

     WHEREAS, the organization hopes to reach even more Delta youth in its next decade of operation by building partnerships with lawmakers, business entities, esteemed donors and community groups; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and pay tribute to organizations, such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta, that empower the youth of this state, who are its future:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend the dedication and efforts of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta upon the occasion of their tenth anniversary and extend heartfelt wishes for success in all of their future endeavors to reach the youth of the Mississippi Delta.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Delta, Chairman Jonathan Compretta, President and CEO Jim Clark, and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.