2012 Regular Session

To: Corrections

By: Representatives Formby, Chism, Moore

House Bill 745



     SECTION 1.  Section 47-7-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     47-7-3.  (1)  Every prisoner who has been convicted of any offense against the State of Mississippi, and is confined in the execution of a judgment of such conviction in the Mississippi Department of Corrections for a definite term or terms of one (1) year or over, or for the term of his or her natural life, whose record of conduct shows that such prisoner has observed the rules of the department, and who has served not less than one-third (1/3) of the total of such term or terms for which such prisoner was sentenced, or, if sentenced to serve a term or terms of thirty (30) years or more, or, if sentenced for the term of the natural life of such prisoner, has served not less than ten (10) years of such life sentence, may be released on parole as hereinafter provided, except that:

          (a)  No prisoner convicted as a confirmed and habitual criminal under the provisions of Sections 99-19-81 through 99-19-87 shall be eligible for parole;

          (b)  Any person who shall have been convicted of a sex crime shall not be released on parole except for a person under the age of nineteen (19) who has been convicted under Section 97-3-67;

          (c)  No one shall be eligible for parole until he shall have served one (1) year of his sentence, unless such person has accrued any meritorious earned time allowances, in which case he shall be eligible for parole if he has served (i) nine (9) months of his sentence or sentences, when his sentence or sentences is two (2) years or less; (ii) ten (10) months of his sentence or sentences when his sentence or sentences is more than two (2) years but no more than five (5) years; and (iii) one (1) year of his sentence or sentences when his sentence or sentences is more than five (5) years;

          (d)  (i)  No person shall be eligible for parole who shall, on or after January 1, 1977, be convicted of robbery or attempted robbery through the display of a firearm until he shall have served ten (10) years if sentenced to a term or terms of more than ten (10) years or if sentenced for the term of the natural life of such person.  If such person is sentenced to a term or terms of ten (10) years or less, then such person shall not be eligible for parole.  The provisions of this paragraph (d)(i) shall also apply to any person who shall commit robbery or attempted robbery on or after July 1, 1982, through the display of a deadly weapon.  This paragraph (d)(i) shall not apply to persons convicted after September 30, 1994;

              (ii)  No person shall be eligible for parole who shall, on or after October 1, 1994, be convicted of robbery, attempted robbery or carjacking as provided in Section 97-3-115 et seq., through the display of a firearm or drive-by shooting as provided in Section 97-3-109.  The provisions of this paragraph (d)(ii) shall also apply to any person who shall commit robbery, attempted robbery, carjacking or a drive-by shooting on or after October 1, 1994, through the display of a deadly weapon;

          (e)  No person shall be eligible for parole who, on or after July 1, 1994, is charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment without eligibility for parole under the provisions of Section 99-19-101;

          (f)  No person shall be eligible for parole who is charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment under the provisions of Section 99-19-101;

          (g)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1)(c), a person who is convicted of aggravated domestic violence shall not be eligible for parole until he shall have served one (1) year of his sentence;

          (h)  No person shall be eligible for parole who is convicted or whose suspended sentence is revoked after June 30, 1995, except that an offender convicted of only nonviolent crimes after June 30, 1995, may be eligible for parole if the offender meets the requirements in subsection (1) and this paragraph.  In addition to other requirements, if an offender is convicted of a drug or driving under the influence felony, the offender must complete a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program prior to parole or the offender may be required to complete a post-release drug and alcohol program as a condition of parole.  For purposes of this paragraph, "nonviolent crime" means a felony other than homicide, robbery, manslaughter, sex crimes, arson, burglary of an occupied dwelling, aggravated assault, kidnapping, felonious abuse of vulnerable adults, felonies with enhanced penalties, the sale or manufacture of a controlled substance under the Uniform Controlled Substances Law, felony child abuse, or exploitation or any crime under Section 97-5-33 or Section 97-5-39(2) or 97-5-39(1)(b), 97-5-39(1)(c) or a violation of Section 63-11-30(5).  An offender convicted of a violation under Section 41-29-139(a), not exceeding the amounts specified under Section 41-29-139(b), may be eligible for parole.  In addition, an offender incarcerated for committing the crime of possession of a controlled substance under the Uniform Controlled Substances Law after July 1, 1995, shall be eligible for parole.

     (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an inmate shall not be eligible to receive earned time, good time or any other administrative reduction of time which shall reduce the time necessary to be served for parole eligibility as provided in subsection (1) of this section; however, this subsection shall not apply to the advancement of parole eligibility dates pursuant to the Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act.  Moreover, meritorious earned time allowances may be used to reduce the time necessary to be served for parole eligibility as provided in paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section.

     (3)  The State Parole Board shall, by rules and regulations, establish a method of determining a tentative parole hearing date for each eligible offender taken into the custody of the Department of Corrections.  The tentative parole hearing date shall be determined within ninety (90) days after the department has assumed custody of the offender.  Such tentative parole hearing date shall be calculated by a formula taking into account the offender's age upon first commitment, number of prior incarcerations, prior probation or parole failures, the severity and the violence of the offense committed, employment history, whether the offender served in the United States Armed Forces and has an honorable discharge, and other criteria which in the opinion of the board tend to validly and reliably predict the length of incarceration necessary before the offender can be successfully paroled.

     (4)  Any inmate within twenty-four (24) months of his parole eligibility date and who meets the criteria established by the classification board shall receive priority for placement in any educational development and job training programs.  Any inmate refusing to participate in an educational development or job training program may be ineligible for parole.

     (5)_  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an inmate shall not be eligible for parole unless:

              (a)  The inmate has served at least one-third (1/3) of his or her sentence; and

              (b)  The commissioner has recommended to the State Parole Board that the inmate be placed on parole.  

     SECTION 2.  Section 47-7-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     47-7-5.  (1)  The State Parole Board, created under former Section 47-7-5, is hereby created, continued and reconstituted and shall be composed of five (5) members.  The Governor shall appoint the members with the advice and consent of the Senate.  All terms shall be at the will and pleasure of the Governor.  Any vacancy shall be filled by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.  The Governor shall appoint a chairman of the board.

     (2)  Any person who is appointed to serve on the board shall possess at least a bachelor's degree or a high school diploma and four (4) years' work experience.  Each member shall devote his full time to the duties of his office and shall not engage in any other business or profession or hold any other public office.  A member shall not receive compensation or per diem in addition to his salary as prohibited under Section 25-3-38.  Each member shall keep such hours and workdays as required of full-time state employees under Section 25-1-98.  Individuals shall be appointed to serve on the board without reference to their political affiliations.  Each board member, including the chairman, may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses as authorized by Section 25-3-41.

     (3)  Except for the required recommendation of the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections to the board that an inmate be placed on parole, as provided in Section 47-7-3, the board shall have exclusive responsibility for the granting of parole as provided by Sections 47-7-3 and 47-7-17 and shall have exclusive authority for revocation of the same.  The board shall have exclusive responsibility for investigating clemency recommendations upon request of the Governor.

     (4)  The board, its members and staff, shall be immune from civil liability for any official acts taken in good faith and in exercise of the board's legitimate governmental authority.

     (5)  The budget of the board shall be funded through a separate line item within the general appropriation bill for the support and maintenance of the department.  Employees of the department which are employed by or assigned to the board shall work under the guidance and supervision of the board.  There shall be an executive secretary to the board who shall be responsible for all administrative and general accounting duties related to the board.  The executive secretary shall keep and preserve all records and papers pertaining to the board.

     (6)  The board shall have no authority or responsibility for supervision of offenders granted a release for any reason, including, but not limited to, probation, parole or executive clemency or other offenders requiring the same through interstate compact agreements.  The supervision shall be provided exclusively by the staff of the Division of Community Corrections of the department.

     (7)  (a)  The Parole Board is authorized to select and place offenders in an electronic monitoring program under the conditions and criteria imposed by the Parole Board.  The conditions, restrictions and requirements of Section 47-7-17 and Sections 47-5-1001 through 47-5-1015 shall apply to the Parole Board and any offender placed in an electronic monitoring program by the Parole Board.

          (b)  Any offender placed in an electronic monitoring program under this subsection shall pay the program fee provided in Section 47-5-1013.  The program fees shall be deposited in the special fund created in Section 47-5-1007.

          (c)  The department shall have absolute immunity from liability for any injury resulting from a determination by the Parole Board that an offender be placed in an electronic monitoring program.

     (8)  (a)  The Parole Board shall maintain a central registry of paroled inmates.  The Parole Board shall place the following information on the registry:  name, address, photograph, crime for which paroled, the date of the end of parole or flat-time date and other information deemed necessary.  The Parole Board shall immediately remove information on a parolee at the end of his parole or flat-time date.

          (b)  When a person is placed on parole, the Parole Board shall inform the parolee of the duty to report to the parole officer any change in address ten (10) days before changing address.

          (c)  The Parole Board shall utilize an Internet website or other electronic means to release or publish the information.

          (d)  Records maintained on the registry shall be open to law enforcement agencies and the public and shall be available no later than July 1, 2003.

     (9)  An affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the Parole Board shall be required to grant parole to an inmate convicted of capital murder or a sex crime.

     (10)  This section shall stand repealed on July 1, 2015.

     SECTION 3.  Section 47-7-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     47-7-17.  Within one (1) year after his admission and at such intervals thereafter as it may determine, the board shall secure and consider all pertinent information regarding each offender, except any under sentence of death or otherwise ineligible for parole, including the circumstances of his offense, his previous social history, his previous criminal record, including any records of law enforcement agencies or of a youth court regarding that offender's juvenile criminal history, his conduct, employment and attitude while in the custody of the department, and the reports of such physical and mental examinations as have been made.  The board shall furnish at least three (3) months' written notice to each such offender of the date on which he is eligible for parole.

     Before ruling on the application for parole of any offender, the board may have the offender appear before it and interview him.  The hearing shall be held two (2) months prior to the month of eligibility in order for the department to address any special conditions required by the board.  No application for parole of a person convicted of a capital offense shall be considered by the board unless and until notice of the filing of such application shall have been published at least once a week for two (2) weeks in a newspaper published in or having general circulation in the county in which the crime was committed.  The board shall also give notice of the filing of the application for parole to the victim of the offense for which the prisoner is incarcerated and being considered for parole or, in case the offense be homicide, a designee of the immediate family of the victim, provided the victim or designated family member has furnished in writing a current address to the board for such purpose.  A parole shall be ordered only for the best interest of society, not as an award of clemency; it shall not be considered to be a reduction of sentence or pardon.  An offender shall be placed on parole only when the requirements in Section 47-7-3 are met, and arrangements have been made for his proper employment or for his maintenance and care, and when the board believes that he is able and willing to fulfill the obligations of a law-abiding citizen.  Within forty-eight (48) hours prior to the release of an offender on parole, the Director of Records of the department shall give the written notice which is required pursuant to Section 47-5-177.  Every offender while on parole shall remain in the legal custody of the department from which he was released and shall be amenable to the orders of the board.  The board, upon rejecting the application for parole of any offender, shall within thirty (30) days following such rejection furnish that offender in general terms the reasons therefor in writing.  Upon determination by the board that an offender is eligible for release by parole, notice shall also be given by the board to the victim of the offense or the victim's family member, as indicated above, regarding the date when the offender's release shall occur, provided a current address of the victim or the victim's family member has been furnished in writing to the board for such purpose.

     Failure to provide notice to the victim or the victim's family member of the filing of the application for parole or of any decision made by the board regarding parole shall not

constitute grounds for vacating an otherwise lawful parole determination nor shall it create any right or liability, civilly or criminally, against the board or any member thereof.

     A letter of protest against granting an offender parole shall not be treated as the conclusive and only reason for not granting parole.

     The board may adopt such other rules not inconsistent with law as it may deem proper or necessary with respect to the eligibility of offenders for parole, the conduct of parole hearings, or conditions to be imposed upon parolees, including a condition that the parolee submit, as provided in Section 47-5-601 to any type of breath, saliva or urine chemical analysis test, the purpose of which is to detect the possible presence of alcohol or a substance prohibited or controlled by any law of the State of Mississippi or the United States.  The board shall have the authority to adopt rules permitting certain offenders to be placed on unsupervised parole.  However, in no case shall an offender be placed on unsupervised parole before he has served a minimum of three (3) years of supervised parole.

     SECTION 4.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2012.