2011 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Burton, Butler (38th), Dearing, Fillingane, Jackson (11th), Ward

Senate Concurrent Resolution 598

(As Adopted by Senate and House)


     WHEREAS, the public procurement professional supports government operations with an uninterrupted flow of goods and services and plays a significant role in the efficiency and effectiveness of government, business and industry.  In addition to purchasing goods and services, public procurement professionals engage in or have direct responsibility for executing, implementing and administering contracts, developing forecasts and procurement strategies, supervising and monitoring the flow and storage of material and developing working relationships with suppliers; and

     WHEREAS, the U.S. Census Bureau's State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government 2006-2007 indicates "spending at the state and local government level for Fiscal Year 2007 totaled $3.14 Trillion."  Through their combined purchasing power, procurement professionals have a significant influence upon economic conditions throughout the world; and

     WHEREAS, in 1792, the United States Congress passed its first act addressing purchasing.  The Department of War and Treasury was authorized to contract on the Nation's behalf.  The first large acquisition was for six frigates for the Navy.  Two of the ships built were the U.S.S. Constellation and the U.S.S. Constitution.  since that time, Congress and the Mississippi State Legislature have enacted many laws affecting public procurement and property management.  The Mississippi Association of Governmental Purchasing and Property Agents (MAGPPA) has been a valuable resource for the Mississippi Legislature throughout the years and have worked together to enact laws to preserve and protect the public interest; and

     WHEREAS, public procurement professionals utilize their specialized skills to ensure other governmental service providers have the equipment and resources required to deliver the services the public expect and deserve, to preserve the public trust, and to protect the public interest.  From routine and typical office equipment and supplies to the specialized equipment and tools required by law enforcement and fire fighters that ensure our safety to the equipment and tools used by public works departments that ensure delivery of basic needs such as water and recreational needs for parks, public procurement professionals partner with these other public servants to ensure these vital services to our citizens; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi Association of Governmental Purchasing and Property Agents (MAGPPA), a chapter of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), received its charter in 1984.  Today, MAGPPA serves over 500 procurement and property professionals throughout Mississippi by promoting and maintaining high ethical values, enhancing public procurement practices, protecting the public trust, and making a positive difference by leading the way through excellence; and

     WHEREAS, MAGPPA encourages education, training and certification of all procurement personnel and the sharing of knowledge and experience.  MAGPPA supports and encourages its members to become certified through the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC), Examinations for Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) and Certified Public Procurement Officer (CPPO).  These examinations measure professional competence and the understanding of the body of knowledge surrounding public procurement and further assure the taxpayer the procurement professionals managing their tax dollars have reached a specific level of education and experience and are knowledgeable about government purchasing; and

     WHEREAS, MAGPPA is proud to be a supporting organization for the NIGP's Public Procurement Principles and Practice project to develop procurement values, principles and standards of practice for the public procurement profession.  MAGPPA joins with other public procurement professionals in embracing six core values:  (1) accountability, taking ownership and responsibility for our actions; (2) impartiality, unbiased decision-making and actions; (3) ethics, acting in a manner true to these values; (4) professionalism, upholding high standards of job performance and ethical behavior; (5) service, obligation to assist stakeholders; and (6) transparency, easily accessible and understandable policies and processes; and

     WHEREAS, MAGPPA agrees and supports the idea brought forth in NIGP's position paper titled "Transparency in Government Procurement:  Procurement in the public sector plays a unique role in the execution of democratic government.  It is at once focused on support of its internal customers to ensure they are able to effectively achieve their unique missions while serving as stewards of the public whose tax dollars bring to life the political will of its representative governing body.  The manner in which the business of procurement is conducted is a direct reflection of the government entity that the procurement department supports"; and

     WHEREAS, MAGPPA and other professional procurement associations throughout the world engage in special efforts, during the month of March, to inform the public of the important role played by procurement professionals in business, industry and government:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend the public procurement and property professionals and the Mississippi Association of Governmental Purchasing and Property Agents (MAGPPA) as leaders in state and local government.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be forwarded to the President of MAGPPA, the Secretary of State, and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.