2011 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) King, Butler (38th), Carmichael, Fillingane, Jackson (32nd), Lee (35th), Yancey

Senate Concurrent Resolution 555

(As Adopted by Senate and House)


     WHEREAS, on September 10, 2010, the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) released the new performance labels for schools and districts under the state's accountability model.  The new accountability model measures student performance on more rigorous curriculum and assessments.  Under the accountability model, schools and districts received performance classification labels from highest to lowest:  Star, High Performing, Successful, Academic Watch, Low Performing, At-Risk of Failing and Failing; and

     WHEREAS, Petal School District was one of three districts earning the Star labels this year; and

     WHEREAS, the Star label means that the Petal School District is performing above the national average; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi School Board Association recognized the Petal School District with a Beacon Award to reflect the Star designation.  Petal was one of three districts in the state to receive the prestigious award.  To be eligible, a district must achieve a Quality Distribution Index score of 200 or above, which indicates a high level of academic success, and meet the growth expectations determined by the Mississippi Department of Education; and

     WHEREAS, in conjunction with the Star District designation, outstanding students from Petal High School were honored at the December school board meeting.  The students earned perfect scores on one or more Subject Area Test, achieved a perfect score on an Advanced Placement Test, or were named AP Scholars for scoring a "3" on three or more Advanced Placement Tests.  These students include Alicia Frazier, Jordan Ladnier, Claire Tynes, Kenna Spiller, Marisa Pasquale, Catharine Abadie, Ellen Tishnell, Petal High School Assistant Principal Charlene Cannon, Petal School District Superintendent Dr. John Buchanan, Alison Neel, Emily Wilson and Colman Grinnel; and

     WHEREAS, "As a state we continue to make sustained incremental progress," State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tom Burnham said.  "Clearly, the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom in Mississippi is improving, and more importantly, student performance is improving."  Classifications are based on achievement, academic growth or improvement and the graduation rates for schools with graduates.  Achievement is measured by the Quality of Distribution Index (QDI), with the minimum QDI zero and the maximum at 300.  The state's QDI is 154.  Growth, on the other hand, is based on whether students demonstrate performance equal to or better than expected based on how they performed the previous school year; and

     WHEREAS, "Although the quality of education in Mississippi is improving, we must remember that schools and districts across the country are also improving.  In this competitive global economy, the administrators, teachers and students in Petal have worked extremely hard to make the significant gains reflected by this state," Mississippi Board of Education Chairman Charles McClelland said.  "This year's accountability results recognize that they are moving in the right direction"; and

     WHEREAS, it is with great pride that we join the education profession in recognizing the excellent academic progress made by this school district which has brought honor to their school, their community and to the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend and congratulate the Petal School District for being recognized as a "Star School District" by the State Department of Education and a recipient of the Beacon Award by the Mississippi School Board Association, and extend our best wishes to school administrators, teachers, students and parents on this auspicious occasion.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Petal Superintendent Dr. John Buchanan and members of the Petal School Board, forwarded to the State Superintendent of Education and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.