2011 Regular Session

To: Select Committee on Poverty; Appropriations

By: Representative Holland

House Bill 1236


     WHEREAS, during the 2008-2009 school year, an estimated twelve thousand one hundred children and youth were homeless in Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, Mississippi ranked forty-first among the fifty (50) states in "America's Youngest Outcasts:  State Report Card on Child Homelessness by the National Center on Family Homelessness"; and

     WHEREAS, many families in Mississippi are at risk of becoming homeless with increasing unemployment (from 6.6 to 11.4 percent from May 2008 through May 2010), and the high cost of a two-bedroom apartment, which makes it difficult for a person earning minimum wage to afford housing at a fair market rate; and

     WHEREAS, children and youth who are experiencing homelessness are more likely to experience acute and chronic illnesses, go hungry, have high rates of emotional and behavioral problems, show delayed development, and have learning disabilities and significant delays in gross and fine motor skills, as well as social and personal growth; and

     WHEREAS, children and youth experiencing homelessness are likely to move up to three (3) times within a single year, repeat a grade, score lower than their peers on reading and math proficiency tests and graduate from high school at a rate of less than twenty-five percent (25%); and

     WHEREAS, no statewide ten-year planning efforts have taken place in Mississippi to end child and family homelessness; and

     WHEREAS, ending child homelessness in Mississippi is urgently necessary and possible; and

     WHEREAS, strong ongoing coordination and collaboration among all stakeholders is required to ensure that resources are distributed effectively and strategically so that a comprehensive, coordinated effort to end child homelessness will accomplish its goal; and

     WHEREAS, in November 2010, the Mississippi Campaign to End Child Homelessness released the Mississippi Plan to End Child Homelessness; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi Plan to End Child Homelessness was developed and written based on feedback and information from community leaders, key stakeholders and homeless parents from throughout the state; and

     WHEREAS, the Mississippi Plan to End Child Homelessness recommends increased coordination and collaboration among state agencies, service providers, community leaders and families to ensure a sustained, coordinated statewide response to prevent and end child and family homelessness in Mississippi; NOW, THEREFORE,


     SECTION 1.  (1)  There is created the Mississippi Interagency Council on Homelessness.  The purpose of the council is to establish, develop and implement a ten-year plan to end homelessness that includes a strong focus on the needs of homeless children, youth and families, as well as individuals and veterans who are homeless.

     (2)  In addition to the duties prescribed in subsection (1) the council shall annually make a report to the Governor, the House of Representatives, the Senate and the public regarding the council's progress in meeting its goals and objectives.

     (3)  The council shall be composed of the following members:

          (a)  A representative from the Office of the Governor, appointed by the Governor;

          (b)  The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Select Committee on Poverty of the House of Representatives and the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Housing Committee of the Senate;

          (c)  The Executive Director of the Department of Health and Human Services or his designee;

          (d)  The Executive Director of the Department of Mental Health or his designee;

          (e)  The Executive Director of the Mississippi Development Authority or his designee;

          (f)  The State Superintendent of the Department of Education or his designee;

          (g)  A representative of Partners to End Homelessness, appointed by the Governor;

          (h)  A representative of Mississippi United to End Homelessness, appointed by the Governor;

          (i)  A representative of Open Doors Counseling Center, appointed by the Governor;

          (j)  A representative of each school district that is working on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, appointed by the State Superintendent of Education;

          (k)  A representative of the Mississippi Campaign to End Child Homelessness, appointed by the Governor;

          (l)  Three (3) directors from homeless and domestic violence emergency shelters, appointed by the Governor; and

          (m)  One (1) representative from each of the following programs:  youth, veteran and child care, appointed by the Governor.

     (4)  Appointments shall be made within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this act.  Within fifteen (15) days thereafter on a day to be designated jointly by the Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor, the council shall meet and organize by selecting from its membership a chairperson and a vice chairperson.  The vice chairperson shall also serve as secretary and shall be responsible for keeping all records of the council.  A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum.  In the selection of its officers and the adoption of rules, resolutions and reports, an affirmative vote of a majority of the council shall be required.  All members shall be notified in writing of all meetings, and those notices shall be mailed at least fifteen (15) days before the date on which a meeting is to be held.

     (5)  Members of the council shall serve without compensation for their services, and the council shall perform its duties without legislative appropriation or the use of any state funds for that purpose; however, the council, by approval of a majority of the appointed members of the council, is authorized to accept funds that may be donated or provided in the form of financial grants from public or private sources.  The Mississippi State Legislature shall provide the administrative staff and other support necessary for the council to perform its duties.  In addition, any department, division, board, bureau, commission or agency of the state, or of any political subdivision thereof, shall provide, at the request of the chair of the council, such facilities, assistance and data as will enable the council to carry out its duties.

     SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2011.