2010 Regular Session

To: Public Health and Welfare; Judiciary, Division A

By: Senator(s) Bryan

Senate Bill 2994



     SECTION 1.  Section 41-21-67, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     41-21-67.  (1)  Whenever the affidavit provided for in Section 41-21-65 is filed with the chancery clerk, the clerk, upon direction of the chancellor of the court, shall issue a writ directed to the sheriff of the proper county to take into his or her custody the person alleged to be in need of treatment and to bring the person before the clerk or chancellor, who shall order pre-evaluation screening and treatment by the appropriate community mental health center established under Section 41-19-31 and for examination as set forth in Section 41-21-69.  However, when the affidavit fails to set forth factual allegations and witnesses sufficient to support the need for treatment, the chancellor shall refuse to direct issuance of the writ.  Reapplication may be made to the chancellor.  If a pauper's affidavit is filed by a guardian for commitment of the ward of the guardian, the court shall determine if the ward is a pauper and if  the ward is determined to be a pauper, the county of the residence of the respondent shall bear the costs of commitment, unless funds for those purposes are made available by the state.

     (2)  Upon issuance of the writ, the chancellor shall immediately appoint and summon two (2) reputable, licensed physicians or one (1) reputable, licensed physician and either one (1) psychologist, nurse practitioner or physician assistant to conduct a physical and mental examination of the person at a place to be designated by the clerk or chancellor and to report their findings to the clerk or chancellor.  Provided, however, that any nurse practitioner or physician assistant conducting the examination shall be independent from, and not under the supervision of, the other physician conducting the examination.  In all counties in which there is a county health officer, the county health officer, if available, may be one (1) of the physicians so appointed.  Neither of the physicians nor the psychologist, nurse practitioner or physician assistant selected shall be related to that person in any way, nor have any direct or indirect interest in the estate of that person nor shall any full-time staff of residential treatment facilities operated directly by the Department of Mental Health serve as examiner.

     (3)  The clerk shall ascertain whether the respondent is represented by an attorney, and if it is determined that respondent does not have an attorney, the clerk shall immediately notify the chancellor of that fact.  If the chancellor determines that respondent for any reason does not have the services of an attorney, the chancellor shall immediately appoint an attorney for the respondent at the time the examiners are appointed.

     (4)  If the chancellor determines that there is probable cause to believe that the respondent is mentally ill and that there is no reasonable alternative to detention, the chancellor may order that the respondent be retained as an emergency patient at any available regional mental health facility or any other available suitable location as the court may so designate pending an admission hearing and may, if necessary, order a peace officer or other person to transport the respondent to that mental health facility or suitable location.  Any respondent so retained may be given such treatment by a licensed physician as is indicated by standard medical practice.  However, the respondent shall not be held in a hospital operated directly by the Department of Mental Health, and shall not be held in jail, but instead shall be transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility.

     (5)  Whenever a licensed physician or psychologist certified to complete examinations for the purpose of commitment has reason to believe that a person poses an immediate substantial likelihood of physical harm to himself or others or is gravely disabled and unable to care for himself by virtue of mental illness, as defined in Section 41-21-61(e), then the physician or psychologist may hold the person or the physician may admit the person to and treat the person in a licensed medical facility, without a civil order or warrant for a period not to exceed seventy-two (72) hours or the end of the next business day of the chancery clerk's office.  The person may be held and treated as an emergency patient at any licensed medical facility, available regional mental health facility, or crisis intervention center.  The physician or psychologist who holds the person shall certify in writing the reasons for the need for holding.  Any respondent so held may be given such treatment by a licensed physician as indicated by standard medical practice.  Persons acting in good faith in connection with the detention of a person believed to be mentally ill shall incur no liability, civil or criminal, for those acts.

     SECTION 2.  Section 41-4-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     41-4-7.  The State Board of Mental Health shall have the following powers and duties:

          (a)  To appoint a full-time Executive Director of the Department of Mental Health, who shall be employed by the board and shall serve as executive secretary to the board.  The first director shall be a duly licensed physician with special interest and competence in psychiatry, and shall possess a minimum of three (3) years' experience in clinical and administrative psychiatry.  Subsequent directors shall possess at least a master's degree or its equivalent, and shall possess at least ten (10) years' administrative experience in the field of mental health.  The salary of the executive director shall be determined by the board;

          (b)  To set up state plans for the purpose of controlling and treating any and all forms of mental and emotional illness, alcoholism, drug misuse and developmental disabilities;

          (c)  To supervise, coordinate and establish standards for all operations and activities of the state related to mental health and providing mental health services.  Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the services of a psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner in accordance with an established nurse practitioner-physician protocol.  The board shall have the authority to develop and implement all standards and plans and shall have the authority to establish appropriate actions, including financially punitive actions, to ensure enforcement of these established standards, in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Law (Section 25-43-1 et seq.). * * *

          (d)  To enter into contracts with any other state or federal agency, or with any private person, organization or group capable of contracting, if it finds such action to be in the public interest;

          (e)  To collect reasonable fees for its services; however, if it is determined that a person receiving services is unable to pay the total fee, the department shall collect any amount such person is able to pay;

          (f)  To certify, coordinate and establish minimum standards and establish minimum required services for regional mental health and mental retardation commissions and other community service providers for community or regional programs and services in mental health, mental retardation, alcoholism, drug misuse, developmental disabilities, compulsive gambling, addictive disorders and related programs throughout the state.  Such regional mental health and mental retardation commissions and other community service providers shall submit an annual operational plan to the State Department of Mental Health for approval or disapproval based on the minimum standards and minimum required services established by the department for certification.  If the department finds deficiencies in the plan of any regional commission or community service provider based on the minimum standards and minimum required services established for certification, the department shall give the regional commission or community service provider a six-month probationary period to bring its standards and services up to the established minimum standards and minimum required services.  After the six-month probationary period, if the department determines that the regional commission or community service provider still does not meet the minimum standards and minimum required services established for certification, the department may remove the certification of the commission or provider.  However, the department shall not mandate a standard or service, or decertify a regional commission or community service provider for not meeting a standard or service, if the standard or service does not have funding appropriated by the Legislature or have a funding source from the State Department of Mental Health or a local funding source.  The State Board of Mental Health shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this paragraph (f), in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Law (Section 25-43-1 et seq.);

          (g)  To establish and promulgate reasonable minimum standards for the construction and operation of state and all Department of Mental Health certified facilities, including reasonable minimum standards for the admission, diagnosis, care, treatment, transfer of patients and their records, and also including reasonable minimum standards for providing day care, outpatient care, emergency care, inpatient care and follow-up care, when such care is provided for persons with mental or emotional illness, mental retardation, alcoholism, drug misuse and developmental disabilities;

          (h)  To assist community or regional programs consistent with the purposes of this chapter by making grants and contracts from available funds;

          (i)  To establish and collect reasonable fees for necessary inspection services incidental to certification or compliance;

          (j)  To accept gifts, trusts, bequests, grants, endowments or transfers of property of any kind;

          (k)  To receive monies coming to it by way of fees for services or by appropriations;

          (l)  To serve as the single state agency in receiving and administering any and all funds available from any source for the purpose of service delivery, training, research and education in regard to all forms of mental illness, mental retardation, alcoholism, drug misuse and developmental disabilities, unless such funds are specifically designated to a particular agency or institution by the federal government, the Mississippi Legislature or any other grantor;

          (m)  To establish mental health holding centers for the purpose of providing short-term emergency mental health treatment,  places for holding persons awaiting commitment proceedings or awaiting placement in a state mental health facility following commitment, and for diverting placement in a state mental health facility.  These mental health holding facilities shall be readily accessible, available statewide, and be in compliance with emergency services' minimum standards.  They shall be comprehensive and available to triage and make appropriate clinical disposition, including the capability to access inpatient services or less restrictive alternatives, as needed, as determined by medical staff.  Such facility shall have medical, nursing and behavioral services available on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis.  The board may provide for all or part of the costs of establishing and operating the holding centers in each district from such funds as may be appropriated to the board for such use, and may participate in any plan or agreement with any public or private entity under which the entity will provide all or part of the costs of establishing and operating a holding center in any district;

          (n)  To certify/license case managers, mental health therapists, mental retardation therapists, mental health/retardation program administrators, addiction counselors and others as deemed appropriate by the board.  Persons already professionally licensed by another state board or agency are not required to be certified/licensed under this section by the Department of Mental Health.  The department shall not use professional titles in its certification/licensure process for which there is an independent licensing procedure.  Such certification/licensure shall be valid only in the state mental health system, in programs funded and/or certified by the Department of Mental Health, and/or in programs certified/licensed by the State Department of Health that are operated by the state mental health system serving the mentally ill, mentally retarded, developmentally disabled or persons with addictions, and shall not be transferable;

          (o)  To develop formal mental health worker qualifications for regional mental health and mental retardation commissions and other community service providers.  The State Personnel Board shall develop and promulgate a recommended salary scale and career ladder for all regional mental health/retardation center therapists and case managers who work directly with clients.  The State Personnel Board shall also develop and promulgate a career ladder for all direct care workers employed by the State Department of Mental Health;

          (p)  The employees of the department shall be governed by personnel merit system rules and regulations, the same as other employees in state services;

          (q)  To establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, including the establishment of a formal grievance procedure to investigate and attempt to resolve consumer complaints;

          (r)  To grant easements for roads, utilities and any other purpose it finds to be in the public interest;

          (s)  To survey statutory designations, building markers and the names given to mental health/retardation facilities and proceedings in order to recommend deletion of obsolete and offensive terminology relative to the mental health/retardation system.  Based upon a recommendation of the executive director, the board shall have the authority to name/rename any facility operated under the auspices of the Department of Mental Health for the sole purpose of deleting such terminology;

          (t)  To ensure an effective case management system directed at persons who have been discharged from state and private psychiatric hospitals to ensure their continued well-being in the community;

          (u)  To develop formal service delivery standards designed to measure the quality of services delivered to community clients, as well as the timeliness of services to community clients provided by regional mental health/retardation commissions and other community services providers;

          (v)  To establish regional state offices to provide mental health crisis intervention centers and services available throughout the state to be utilized on a case-by-case emergency basis.  The regional services director, other staff and delivery systems shall meet the minimum standards of the Department of Mental Health;

          (w)  To require performance contracts with community mental health/mental retardation service providers to contain performance indicators to measure successful outcomes, including diversion of persons from inpatient psychiatric hospitals, rapid/timely response to emergency cases, client satisfaction with services and other relevant performance measures;

          (x)  To enter into interagency agreements with other state agencies, school districts and other local entities as determined necessary by the department to ensure that local mental health service entities are fulfilling their responsibilities to the overall state plan for behavioral services;

          (y)  To establish and maintain a toll-free grievance reporting telephone system for the receipt and referral for investigation of all complaints by clients of state and community mental health/retardation facilities;

          (z)  To establish a peer review/quality assurance evaluation system that assures that appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment is provided according to established professional criteria and guidelines;

          (aa)  To develop and implement state plans for the purpose of assisting with the care and treatment of persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia.  This plan shall include education and training of service providers, caregivers in the home setting and others who deal with persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, and development of adult day care, family respite care and counseling programs to assist families who maintain persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia in the home setting.  No agency shall be required to provide any services under this section until such time as sufficient funds have been appropriated or otherwise made available by the Legislature specifically for the purposes of the treatment of persons with Alzheimer's and other dementia;

          (bb)  Working with the advice and consent of the administration of Ellisville State School, to enter into negotiations with the Economic Development Authority of Jones County for the purpose of negotiating the possible exchange, lease or sale of lands owned by Ellisville State School to the Economic Development Authority of Jones County.  It is the intent of the Mississippi Legislature that such negotiations shall ensure that the financial interest of the persons with mental retardation served by Ellisville State School will be held paramount in the course of these negotiations.  The Legislature also recognizes the importance of economic development to the citizens of the State of Mississippi and Jones County, and encourages fairness to the Economic Development Authority of Jones County.  Any negotiations proposed which would result in the recommendation for exchange, lease or sale of lands owned by Ellisville State School must have the approval of the State Board of Mental Health.  The State Board of Mental Health may and has the final authority as to whether or not these negotiations result in the exchange, lease or sale of the properties it currently holds in trust for citizens with mental retardation served at Ellisville State School.

     If the State Board of Mental Health authorizes the sale of lands owned by Ellisville State School, as provided for under this paragraph (bb), the monies derived from the sale shall be placed into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury to be known as the "Ellisville State School Client's Trust Fund."  The principal of the trust fund shall remain inviolate and shall never be expended.  Any interest earned on the principal may be expended solely for the benefits of clients served at Ellisville State School.  The State Treasurer shall invest the monies of the trust fund in any of the investments authorized for the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program under Section 37-155-9, and those investments shall be subject to the limitations prescribed by Section 37-155-9.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the trust fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in the trust fund shall be deposited to the credit of the trust fund.  The administration of Ellisville State School may use any interest earned on the principal of the trust fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, as needed for services or facilities by the clients of Ellisville State School.  Ellisville State School shall make known to the Legislature, through the Legislative Budget Committee and the respective Appropriations Committees of the House and Senate, its proposed use of interest earned on the principal of the trust fund for any fiscal year in which it proposes to make expenditures thereof.  The State Treasurer shall provide Ellisville State School with an annual report on the Ellisville State School Client's Trust Fund to indicate the total monies in the trust fund, interest earned during the year, expenses paid from the trust fund and such other related information.

     Nothing in this section shall be construed as applying to or affecting mental health/retardation services provided by hospitals as defined in Section 41-9-3(a), and/or their subsidiaries and divisions, which hospitals, subsidiaries and divisions are licensed and regulated by the Mississippi State Department of Health unless such hospitals, subsidiaries or divisions voluntarily request certification by the Mississippi State Department of Mental Health.

     All new programs authorized under this section shall be subject to the availability of funds appropriated therefor by the Legislature;

          (cc)  Working with the advice and consent of the administration of Boswell Regional Center, to enter into negotiations with the Economic Development Authority of Simpson County for the purpose of negotiating the possible exchange, lease or sale of lands owned by Boswell Regional Center to the Economic Development Authority of Simpson County.  It is the intent of the Mississippi Legislature that such negotiations shall ensure that the financial interest of the persons with mental retardation served by Boswell Regional Center will be held paramount in the course of these negotiations.  The Legislature also recognizes the importance of economic development to the citizens of the State of Mississippi and Simpson County, and encourages fairness to the Economic Development Authority of Simpson County.  Any negotiations proposed which would result in the recommendation for exchange, lease or sale of lands owned by Boswell Regional Center must have the approval of the State Board of Mental Health.  The State Board of Mental Health may and has the final authority as to whether or not these negotiations result in the exchange, lease or sale of the properties it currently holds in trust for citizens with mental retardation served at Boswell Regional Center.  In any such exchange, lease or sale of such lands owned by Boswell Regional Center, title to all minerals, oil and gas on such lands shall be reserved, together with the right of ingress and egress to remove same, whether such provisions be included in the terms of any such exchange, lease or sale or not.

     If the State Board of Mental Health authorizes the sale of lands owned by Boswell Regional Center, as provided for under this paragraph (cc), the monies derived from the sale shall be placed into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury to be known as the "Boswell Regional Center Client's Trust Fund."  The principal of the trust fund shall remain inviolate and shall never be expended.  Any earnings on the principal may be expended solely for the benefits of clients served at Boswell Regional Center.  The State Treasurer shall invest the monies of the trust fund in any of the investments authorized for the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program under Section 37-155-9, and those investments shall be subject to the limitations prescribed by Section 37-155-9.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the trust fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any earnings on amounts in the trust fund shall be deposited to the credit of the trust fund.  The administration of Boswell Regional Center may use any earnings on the principal of the trust fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, as needed for services or facilities by the clients of Boswell Regional Center.  Boswell Regional Center shall make known to the Legislature, through the Legislative Budget Committee and the respective Appropriations Committees of the House and Senate, its proposed use of the earnings on the principal of the trust fund for any fiscal year in which it proposes to make expenditures thereof.  The State Treasurer shall provide Boswell Regional Center with an annual report on the Boswell Regional Center Client's Trust Fund to indicate the total monies in the trust fund, interest and other income earned during the year, expenses paid from the trust fund and such other related information.

     Nothing in this section shall be construed as applying to or affecting mental health/retardation services provided by hospitals as defined in Section 41-9-3(a), and/or their subsidiaries and divisions, which hospitals, subsidiaries and divisions are licensed and regulated by the Mississippi State Department of Health unless such hospitals, subsidiaries or divisions voluntarily request certification by the Mississippi State Department of Mental Health.

     All new programs authorized under this section shall be subject to the availability of funds appropriated therefor by the Legislature;

          (dd)  Notwithstanding any other section of the code, the Board of Mental Health shall be authorized to fingerprint and perform a criminal history record check on every employee or volunteer.  Every employee and volunteer shall provide a valid current social security number and/or driver's license number which shall be furnished to conduct the criminal history record check.  If no disqualifying record is identified at the state level, fingerprints shall be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history record check;

          (ee)  The Department of Mental Health shall have the authority for the development of a consumer friendly single point of intake and referral system within its service areas for persons with mental illness, mental retardation, developmental disabilities or alcohol or substance abuse who need assistance identifying or accessing appropriate services.  The department will develop and implement a comprehensive evaluation procedure ensuring that, where appropriate, the affected person or their parent or legal guardian will be involved in the assessment and planning process.  The department, as the point of intake and as service provider, shall have the authority to determine the appropriate institutional, hospital or community care setting for persons who have been diagnosed with mental illness, mental retardation, developmental disabilities and/or alcohol or substance abuse, and may provide for the least restrictive placement if the treating professional believes such a setting is appropriate, if the person affected or their parent or legal guardian wants such services, and if the department can do so with a reasonable modification of the program without creating a fundamental alteration of the program.  The least restrictive setting could be an institution, hospital or community setting, based upon the needs of the affected person or their parent or legal guardian;

          (ff)  To have the sole power and discretion to enter into, sign, execute and deliver long-term or multiyear leases of real and personal property owned by the Department of Mental Health to and from other state and federal agencies and private entities deemed to be in the public's best interest.  Any monies derived from such leases shall be deposited into the funds of the Department of Mental Health for its exclusive use.  Leases to private entities shall be approved by the Department of Finance and Administration and all leases shall be filed with the Secretary of State;

          (gg)  To certify and establish minimum standards and minimum required services for county facilities used for housing, feeding and providing medical treatment for any person who has been involuntarily ordered admitted to a treatment center by a court of competent jurisdiction.  A jail cell is not eligible for certification.  If the department finds deficiencies in any such county facility or its provider based on the minimum standards and minimum required services established for certification, the department shall give the county or its provider a six-month probationary period to bring its standards and services up to the established minimum standards and minimum required services.  After the six-month probationary period, if the department determines that the county or its provider still does not meet the minimum standards and minimum required services, the department may remove the certification of the county or provider and require the county to contract with another county having a certified facility to hold those persons for that period of time pending transportation and admission to a state treatment facility.  Any cost incurred by a county receiving an involuntarily committed person from a county with a decertified holding facility shall be reimbursed by the home county to the receiving county.

     SECTION 3.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2010.