2010 Regular Session

To: Elections

By: Senator(s) Burton

Senate Bill 2871



     SECTION 1.  (1)  Each person who shall appear to vote in person at a polling place or the registrar's office shall be required to identify himself or herself to an election manager or the registrar by presenting current and valid photo identification, a government document that shows the name and address of the person and the name substantially conforms to the name on the pollbook, a social security card that shows the name of the person, the birth certificate of the person, or a certified naturalization document showing the name of the person before such person shall be allowed to vote.

     (2)  The identification required by subsection (1) of this section shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

          (a)  A current and valid Mississippi driver's license;

          (b)  A current and valid identification card issued by a branch, department, agency or entity of the State of Mississippi;

          (c)  A current and valid United States passport;

          (d)  A current and valid employee identification card containing a photograph of the elector and issued by any branch, department, agency or entity of the United States government, the State of Mississippi, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state;

          (e)  A current and valid employee identification card containing a photograph of the elector and issued by any employer of the elector in the ordinary course of the employer's business;

          (f)  A current and valid student identification card containing a photograph of the elector from any public or private college, university, or postgraduate, technical or professional school located within the State of Mississippi;

          (g)  A current and valid Mississippi license to carry a pistol or revolver;

          (h)  A current and valid pilot's license issued by the Federal Aviation Administration or other authorized agency of the United States;

          (i)  A current and valid United States military identification card;

          (j)  Official voter registration card; and

          (k)  Mississippi Voter Identification Card issued under Section 3 of this act.

     (3)  A person who appears to vote in person at a polling place and does not have identification as required by this section may vote by affidavit ballot.  If, upon examination of the affidavit, the person is found to be a registered voter, the person's vote shall be counted.

     (4)  Any person who utilizes the provisions of this section to intimidate a voter, or to prevent from voting a person who is otherwise qualified to vote, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or by imprisonment for not less than one (1) year nor more than five (5) years, or both.

     (5)  The intentional failure of an election official to require a voter to present identification as required by this section shall be considered corrupt conduct under Section 97-13-19 and shall be reported to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General.

     SECTION 2.  (1)  The registrar of each county shall provide at least one (1) place in the county, unless the county has two (2) judicial districts in which case one (1) place shall be provided in each judicial district, at which he or she shall accept applications for Mississippi Voter Identification Cards which application shall be forwarded to the Secretary of State.  Mississippi Voter Identification Cards shall be issued by the Secretary of State to registered Mississippi electors and shall be valid only for the purpose of voter identification purposes under Section 1 of this act and available only to registered voters of this state.  No fee shall be charged or collected for the application for or issuance of a Mississippi Voter Identification Card.

     (2)  No person shall be eligible for a Mississippi Voter Identification Card if the person has a valid unexpired Mississippi driver's license or an identification card issued under Section 45-35-1 et seq.

     (3)  (a)  The Mississippi Voter Identification Card shall be captioned "MISSISSIPPI VOTER IDENTIFICATION CARD" and shall contain a prominent statement that under Mississippi law it is valid only as identification for voting purposes.  The identification card shall include the following information regarding the applicant:

              (i)  Full legal name;

              (ii)  Legal residence address;

              (iii)  Mailing address, if different;

              (iv)  Voting information;

              (v)  Date and place of birth;

              (vi)  Gender; and

              (vii)  An expiration date, which shall be four (4) years from the date of the issuance of the card.

          (b)  The Mississippi Voter Identification Card shall also contain the date the voter identification card was issued, the county in which the voter is registered and such other information as required by the Secretary of State.

     (4)  The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and any falsification or fraud in the making of the application shall constitute false swearing under Section 97-7-35.

(5)  The registrar shall require presentation and verification of the following information during the application process which shall be certified to the Secretary of State before issuance of a Mississippi Voter Identification Card:

     (a)  A photo identity document;

     (b)  Documentation showing the person's date and place of birth; and

     (c)  Such other acceptable evidence of verification of residence in the county as determined by the Secretary of State.

(6)  A Mississippi Voter Identification Card shall remain valid for four (4) years as long as the cardholder resides at the same address and remains qualified to vote.  It shall be the duty of a person who moves his or her residence within this state to surrender his or her voter identification card to the registrar of the county of his or her new residence and such person may thereafter apply for and receive a new card if such person is eligible under this section.  It shall be the duty of a person who moves his or her residence outside this state or who ceases to be qualified to vote to surrender his or her card to the registrar who issued it.

(7)  The Secretary of State shall provide each registrar with the forms, supplies and training necessary for the registrar to perform the duties required by this section.

(8)  The Secretary of State shall adopt rules and regulations for the administration of this section.

     SECTION 3.  Section 23-15-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-11.  Every inhabitant of this state, except persons adjudicated to be non compos mentis, who is a citizen of the United States of America, eighteen (18) years old and upwards, who has resided in this state for thirty (30) days and for thirty (30) days in the county in which he seeks to vote, and for thirty (30) days in the incorporated municipality in which he seeks to vote, and who has been duly registered as an elector under Section 23-15-33, and who has never been convicted of any crime listed in Section 241, Mississippi Constitution of 1890, shall be a qualified elector in and for the county, municipality and voting precinct of his residence, and shall be entitled to vote at any election upon compliance with Section 1 of this act.  Any person who will be eighteen (18) years of age or older on or before the date of the general election and who is duly registered to vote not less than thirty (30) days before the primary election associated with the general election, may vote in the primary election even though the person has not reached his or her eighteenth birthday at the time that the person seeks to vote at the primary election.  No others than those specified in this section shall be entitled, or shall be allowed, to vote at any election.

     SECTION 4.  Section 23-15-541, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-541.  (1)  At all elections, the polls shall be opened at seven o'clock in the morning and be kept open until seven o'clock in the evening and no longer.  Upon the opening of the polls, and not before, the managers of the election shall designate two (2) of their number, other than the manager theretofore designated to receive the blank ballots, who shall thereupon be known respectively as the initialing manager and the alternate initialing manager.  The alternate initialing manager, in the absence of the initialing manager, shall perform all of the duties and undertake all of the responsibilities of the initialing manager.  When any person entitled to vote shall appear to vote, the mangers shall identify the voter by requiring the voter to submit identification as required by Section 1 of this act, and then the voter * * * shall * * * sign his name in a receipt book or booklet provided for that purpose and to be used at that election only and the receipt book or booklet shall be used in lieu of the list of voters who have voted formerly made by the managers or clerks; whereupon and not before, the initialing manager or, in his absence, the alternate initialing manager shall endorse his initials on the back of an official blank ballot, prepared in accordance with law, and at such place on the back of the ballot that the initials may be seen after the ballot has been marked and folded, and when so endorsed he shall deliver it to the voter, which ballot the voter shall mark in the manner provided by law, which when done the voter shall deliver the * * * ballot to the initialing manager or, in his absence, to the alternate initialing manager, in the presence of the others, and the manager shall see that the ballot so delivered bears on the back thereof the genuine initials of the initialing manager, or alternate initialing manager, and if so, but not otherwise, the ballot shall be put into the ballot box; and when so done one (1) of the managers or a duly appointed clerk shall make the proper entry on the pollbook.  If the voter is unable to write his name on the receipt book, a manager or clerk shall note on the back of the ballot that it was receipted for by his assistance.

     (2)  (a)  A poll manager shall be authorized to allow a physically disabled person to vote curbside during the hours in which the polls are open as described in this section.

     Where the managers of an election, exercising their sound discretion, determine that a physically disabled person has arrived at the polls in a motor vehicle to vote, two (2) or more managers shall carry the pollbook, the receipt book, and a ballot or voting device to the motor vehicle, and after determining whether the disabled person is a qualified elector as provided by law, shall allow the disabled elector to cast his or her ballot in secret.  After the disabled elector casts his or her ballot, the managers shall mark the pollbook "voted" by the elector's name in the pollbook.

          (b)  If the ballot that is provided to the disabled elector is a paper ballot, the initialing manager shall initial the ballot as provided by law, and the disabled elector, after marking his or her ballot shall fold the ballot or place it in the ballot sleeve.  The initialing manager or alternate initialing manager shall determine whether the initials on the ballot are genuine, and upon a determination that the initials are genuine, mark "voted" by the elector's name.  The initialing manager or alternate initialing manager shall without delay place the ballot in the ballot box.

          (c)  If, while a voter is voting by curbside, there are less than three (3) managers immediately present within the polling place conducting an election or a political party primary, all voting at the polls shall stop until the managers conducting the curbside voting procedure return so that there are at least three (3) poll managers immediately present within the polling place to conduct the election or party primary at all times, and until a minimum of three (3) managers are present, the remaining poll manager or managers shall ensure the security of the ballot box, the voting devices, and any ballots and election materials.

     SECTION 5.  Section 23-15-719, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-719.  (1)  Immediately upon completion of an application filed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 23-15-715, the registrar shall identify the applicant by requiring him to present identification as required by Section 1 of this act, and shall then deliver the necessary ballots to the applicant.  The registrar shall only deliver the ballots to the applicant by mail or to the applicant in the registrar's office.  The registrar shall not personally hand deliver ballots to voters, unless he delivers the ballots in the office of the registrar.  The elector shall fill in his ballot in secret.  After the applicant has properly marked the ballot and properly folded it, he shall deposit it in the envelope furnished him by the registrar.

     After he has sealed the envelope, he shall subscribe and swear to an affidavit in the following form, which shall be printed on the back of the envelope containing the applicant's ballot:


COUNTY OF ___________

     I, __________, do solemnly swear that this envelope contains the ballot marked by me indicating my choice of the candidates or propositions to be submitted at the election to be held on the ___ day of __________, 2___, and I hereby authorize the registrar to place this envelope in the ballot box on my behalf, and I further authorize the election managers to open this envelope and place my ballot among the other ballots cast before such ballots are counted, and record my name on the poll list as if I were present in person and voted.

     I further swear that I marked the enclosed ballot in secret.


                                      (Signature of voter)

     SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, __________, this the ___ day of __________, 2___.

                           (Registrar) _______________________


     After the completion of the requirements of this section, the elector shall deliver the envelope containing the ballot to the registrar.

     (2)  If the voter has received assistance in marking his ballot, the person providing the assistance shall complete the following form which shall be printed on the back of the envelope containing the applicant's ballot:


     (To be completed only if the voter has received assistance in marking the enclosed ballot.)  I hereby certify that the above-named voter declared to me that he or she is blind, temporarily or permanently physically disabled, or cannot read or write, and that the voter requested that I assist the voter in marking the enclosed absentee ballot.  I hereby certify that the ballot preferences on the enclosed ballot are those communicated by the voter to me, and that I have marked the enclosed ballot in accordance with the voter's instructions.


                   Signature of person providing assistance


                   Printed name of person providing assistance


                   Address of person providing assistance


                   Date and time assistance provided


                   Family relationship to voter (if any)"

     (3)  The envelope used pursuant to this section shall not contain the form prescribed by Section 23-15-635 and shall have printed on the flap on the back of the envelope in bold print and in a distinguishing color, the following:  "YOUR VOTE WILL BE REJECTED AND NOT COUNTED IF THIS ENVELOPE IS NOT SIGNED ACROSS THE FLAP OF THIS ENVELOPE BY YOU AND AN ATTESTING WITNESS."

     SECTION 6.  Section 23-15-627, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-627.  The registrar shall be responsible for furnishing an absentee ballot application form to any elector authorized to receive an absentee ballot.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 23-15-625, absentee ballot applications shall be furnished to a person only upon the oral or written request of the elector who seeks to vote by absentee ballot; however, the parent, child, spouse, sibling, legal guardian or those empowered with a power of attorney for that elector's affairs * * * may orally request an absentee ballot application on behalf of the elector. * * *  An absentee ballot application must have the seal of the circuit or municipal clerk affixed to it and be initialed by the registrar or his deputy in order to be utilized to obtain an absentee ballot.  A reproduction of an absentee ballot application shall not be valid unless it is a reproduction provided by the office of the registrar of the jurisdiction in which the election is being held and which contains the seal and initials required by this section.  Such application shall be substantially in the following form:


     I, _____, duly qualified and registered in the ___ Precinct of the County of _____, and State of Mississippi, coming within the purview of the definition 'ABSENT ELECTOR' will be absent from the county of my residence on election day, or unable to vote in person because (check appropriate reason):

     ( )  (PRESIDENTIAL APPLICANT ONLY:)  I am currently a resident of Mississippi or have moved therefrom within thirty (30) days of the coming presidential election.

     ( )  I am an enlisted or commissioned member, male or female, of any component of the United States Armed Forces and am a citizen of Mississippi, or spouse or dependent of such member.

     ( )  I am a member of the Merchant Marine or the American Red Cross and am a citizen of Mississippi or spouse or dependent of such member.

     ( )  I am a disabled war veteran who is a patient in any hospital and am a citizen of Mississippi or spouse or dependent of such veteran.

     ( )  I am a civilian attached to and serving outside of the United States with any branch of the Armed Forces or with the Merchant Marine or American Red Cross, and am a citizen of Mississippi or spouse or dependent of such civilian.

     ( )  I am a citizen of Mississippi temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States and the District of Columbia.

     ( )  I am a student, teacher or administrator at a college, university, junior or community college, high, junior high, elementary or grade school, whose studies or employment at such institution necessitates my absence from the county of my voting residence or spouse or dependent of such student, teacher or administrator who maintains a common domicile outside the county of my voting residence with such student, teacher or administrator.

     ( )  I will be outside the county on election day.

     ( )  I have a temporary or permanent physical disability.

     ( )  I am sixty-five (65) years of age or older.

     ( )  I am the parent, spouse or dependent of a person with a temporary or permanent physical disability who is hospitalized outside his county of residence or more than fifty (50) miles away from his residence, and I will be with such person on election day.

     ( )  I am a member of the congressional delegation, or spouse or dependent of a member of the congressional delegation.

     ( )  I am required to be at work on election day during the times which the polls will be open.

     I hereby make application for an official ballot, or ballots, to be voted by me at the election to be held in _____, on _____.

     Mail 'Absent Elector's Ballot' to me at the following address ____________ (if eligible to vote by mail).

     I realize that I can be fined up to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) and sentenced up to five (5) years in the Penitentiary for making a false statement in this application and for selling my vote and violating the Mississippi Absentee Voter Law.  (This sentence is to be in bold print.)

     If you are temporarily or permanently disabled, you are not required to have this application notarized or signed by an official authorized to administer oaths for absentee balloting. You are required to sign this application in the proper place and have a person eighteen (18) years of age or older witness your signature and sign this application in the proper place.

     DO NOT SIGN WITHOUT READING.  (This sentence is to be in bold print.)

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the ____ day of ______, 2___.


                          (Signature of absent elector)

     SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this the ____ day of _____, 2___.


                        (Official authorized to administer oaths

                          for absentee balloting.)


     I HEREBY CERTIFY that this application for an absent elector's ballot was signed by the above-named disabled elector in my presence and that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, this the _____ day of ____________________, 2___.


                          (Signature of witness)


     I hereby certify that _________________ (print name of voter) has requested that I, __________________ (print name of person delivering application), deliver to the voter this absentee ballot application.


                   (Signature of person delivering application)


                   (Address of person delivering application)"

     SECTION 7.  The Attorney General of the State of Mississippi shall submit this act, immediately upon approval by the Governor, or upon approval by the Legislature subsequent to a veto, to the Attorney General of the United States or to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in accordance with the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended and extended.

     SECTION 8.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after the date it is effectuated under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended and extended.