2010 Regular Session

To: Education; Appropriations

By: Senator(s) Watson

Senate Bill 2097



     SECTION 1.  Section 37-17-6, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-17-6.  (1)  The State Board of Education, acting through the Commission on School Accreditation, shall establish and implement a permanent performance-based accreditation system, and all public elementary and secondary schools shall be accredited under this system.

     (2)  No later than June 30, 1995, the State Board of Education, acting through the Commission on School Accreditation, shall require school districts to provide school classroom space that is air conditioned as a minimum requirement for accreditation.

     (3)  (a)  Beginning with the 1994-1995 school year, the State Board of Education, acting through the Commission on School Accreditation, shall require that school districts employ certified school librarians according to the following formula:

     Number of Students                Number of Certified

     Per School Library                School Librarians

     0 - 499 Students                  1/2 Full-time Equivalent

                                           Certified Librarian

     500 or More Students              1 Full-time Certified


          (b)  The State Board of Education, however, may increase the number of positions beyond the above requirements.

          (c)  The assignment of such school librarians to the particular schools shall be at the discretion of the local school district.  No individual shall be employed as a certified school librarian without appropriate training and certification as a school librarian by the State Department of Education.

          (d)  School librarians in such district shall spend at least fifty percent (50%) of direct work time in a school library and shall devote no more than one-fourth (1/4) of the workday to administrative activities which are library related.

          (e)  Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit any school district from employing more certified school librarians than are provided for in this section.

          (f)  Any additional mileage levied to fund school librarians required for accreditation under this subsection shall be included in the tax increase limitation set forth in Sections 37-57-105 and 37-57-107 and shall not be deemed a new program for purposes of the limitation.

     (4)  On or before December 31, 2002, the State Board of Education shall implement the performance-based accreditation system for school districts and for individual schools which shall include the following:

          (a)  High expectations for students and high standards for all schools, with a focus on the basic curriculum;

          (b)  Strong accountability for results with appropriate local flexibility for local implementation;

          (c)  A process to implement accountability at both the school district level and the school level;

          (d)  Individual schools shall be held accountable for student growth and performance;

          (e)  Set annual performance standards for each of the schools of the state and measure the performance of each school against itself through the standard that has been set for it;

          (f)  A determination of which schools exceed their standards and a plan for providing recognition and rewards to such schools;

          (g)  A determination of which schools are failing to meet their standards and a determination of the appropriate role of the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education in providing assistance and initiating possible intervention.  A failing district is a district which fails to meet both the absolute student achievement standards and the rate of annual growth expectation standards as set by the State Board of Education for two (2) consecutive years.  The State Board of Education shall establish the level of benchmarks by which absolute student achievement and growth expectations shall be assessed.  In setting the benchmarks for school districts, the State Board of Education may also take into account such factors as graduation rates, dropout rates, completion rates, the extent to which the school or district employs qualified teachers in every classroom, and any other factors deemed appropriate by the State Board of Education;

          (h)  Development of a comprehensive student assessment system to implement these requirements; and

          (i)  The State Board of Education may, based on a written request that contains specific reasons for requesting a waiver from the school districts affected by Hurricane Katrina of 2005, hold harmless school districts from assignment of district and school level accountability ratings for the 2005-2006 school year.  The State Board of Education upon finding an extreme hardship in the school district may grant the request.  It is the intent of the Legislature that all school districts maintain the highest possible academic standards and instructional programs in all schools as required by law and the State Board of Education.

     The State Board of Education may continue to assign school district performance levels by using a number classification and may assign individual school performance levels by using a number classification to be consistent with school district performance levels.

     (5)  Nothing in this section shall be deemed to require a nonpublic school which receives no local, state or federal funds for support to become accredited by the State Board of Education.

     (6)  The State Board of Education shall create an accreditation audit unit under the Commission on School Accreditation to determine whether schools are complying with accreditation standards.

     (7)  The State Board of Education shall be specifically authorized and empowered to withhold adequate education program fund allocations, whichever is applicable, to any public school district for failure to timely report student, school personnel and fiscal data necessary to meet state and/or federal requirements.

     (8)  Deleted.

     (9)  (a)  Each local school district shall be required to develop and publish an annual report as prescribed by the State Board of Education.  By November 1 of each year, as prescribed by the State Board of Education, the report shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the county and posted on the school district's Web site in a printable format.  The public notice shall include information on the report's availability on the district's Web site, with the Web site address, and the location(s) in the school district where a copy of the report can be obtained.

          (b)  The State Board of Education shall establish, for those school districts failing to meet accreditation standards, a program of development to be complied with in order to receive state funds, except as otherwise provided in subsection (14) of this section when the Governor has declared a state of emergency in a school district or as otherwise provided in Section 206, Mississippi Constitution of 1890.  The state board, in establishing these standards, shall provide for notice to schools and sufficient time and aid to enable schools to attempt to meet these standards, unless procedures under subsection (14) of this section have been invoked.

     (10)  Beginning July 1, 1998, the State Board of Education shall be charged with the implementation of the program of development in each applicable school district as follows:

          (a)  Develop an impairment report for each district failing to meet accreditation standards in conjunction with school district officials;

          (b)  Notify any applicable school district failing to meet accreditation standards that it is on probation until corrective actions are taken or until the deficiencies have been removed.  The local school district shall develop a corrective action plan to improve its deficiencies.  For district academic deficiencies, the corrective action plan for each such school district shall be based upon a complete analysis of the following:  student test data, student grades, student attendance reports, student dropout data, existence and other relevant data.  The corrective action plan shall describe the specific measures to be taken by the particular school district and school to improve:  (i) instruction; (ii) curriculum; (iii) professional development; (iv) personnel and classroom organization; (v) student incentives for performance; (vi) process deficiencies; and (vii) reporting to the local school board, parents and the community.  The corrective action plan shall describe the specific individuals responsible for implementing each component of the recommendation and how each will be evaluated.  All corrective action plans shall be provided to the State Board of Education as may be required.  The decision of the State Board of Education establishing the probationary period of time shall be final;

          (c)  Offer, during the probationary period, technical assistance to the school district in making corrective actions.  Beginning July 1, 1998, subject to the availability of funds, the State Department of Education shall provide technical and/or financial assistance to all such school districts in order to implement each measure identified in that district's corrective action plan through professional development and on-site assistance.  Each such school district shall apply for and utilize all available federal funding in order to support its corrective action plan in addition to state funds made available under this paragraph;

          (d)  Assign department personnel or contract, in its discretion, with the institutions of higher learning or other appropriate private entities with experience in the academic, finance and other operational functions of schools to assist school districts;

          (e)  Provide for publication of public notice at least one time during the probationary period, in a newspaper published within the jurisdiction of the school district failing to meet accreditation standards, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in a newspaper having a general circulation therein.  The publication shall include the following:  declaration of school system's status as being on probation; all details relating to the impairment report; and other information as the State Board of Education deems appropriate.  Public notices issued under this section shall be subject to Section 13-3-31 and not contrary to other laws regarding newspaper publication.

     (11)  (a)  If the recommendations for corrective action are not taken by the local school district or if the deficiencies are not removed by the end of the probationary period, the Commission on School Accreditation shall conduct a hearing to allow such affected school district to present evidence or other reasons why its accreditation should not be withdrawn.  Subsequent to its consideration of the results of such hearing, the Commission on School Accreditation shall be authorized, with the approval of the State Board of Education, to withdraw the accreditation of a public school district, and issue a request to the Governor that a state of emergency be declared in that district.

          (b)  If the State Board of Education and the Commission on School Accreditation determine that an extreme emergency situation exists in a school district which jeopardizes the safety, security or educational interests of the children enrolled in the schools in that district and such emergency situation is believed to be related to a serious violation or violations of accreditation standards or state or federal law, or when a school district meets the State Board of Education's definition of a failing school district for two (2) consecutive full school years, the State Board of Education may request the Governor to declare a state of emergency in that school district.  For purposes of this paragraph, such declarations of a state of emergency shall not be limited to those instances when a school district's impairments are related to a lack of financial resources, but also shall include serious failure to meet minimum academic standards, as evidenced by a continued pattern of poor student performance.

          (c)  Whenever the Governor declares a state of emergency in a school district in response to a request made under paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection, the State Board of Education may take one or more of the following actions:

              (i)  Declare a state of emergency, under which some or all of state funds can be escrowed except as otherwise provided in Section 206, Constitution of 1890, until the board determines corrective actions are being taken or the deficiencies have been removed, or that the needs of students warrant the release of funds.  Such funds may be released from escrow for any program which the board determines to have been restored to standard even though the state of emergency may not as yet be terminated for the district as a whole;

              (ii)  Override any decision of the local school board or superintendent of education, or both, concerning the management and operation of the school district, or initiate and make decisions concerning the management and operation of the school district;

              (iii)  Assign an interim conservator, or in its discretion, contract with a private entity with experience in the academic, finance and other operational functions of schools and school districts, who will have those powers and duties prescribed in subsection (14) of this section;

              (iv)  Grant transfers to students who attend this school district so that they may attend other accredited schools or districts in a manner which is not in violation of state or federal law;

              (v)  For states of emergency declared under paragraph (a) only, if the accreditation deficiencies are related to the fact that the school district is too small, with too few resources, to meet the required standards and if another school district is willing to accept those students, abolish that district and assign that territory to another school district or districts.  If the school district has proposed a voluntary consolidation with another school district or districts, then if the State Board of Education finds that it is in the best interest of the pupils of the district for such consolidation to proceed, the voluntary consolidation shall have priority over any such assignment of territory by the State Board of Education;

              (vi)  For states of emergency declared under paragraph (b) only, reduce local supplements paid to school district employees, including, but not limited to, instructional personnel, assistant teachers and extracurricular activities personnel, if the district's impairment is related to a lack of financial resources, but only to an extent which will result in the salaries being comparable to districts similarly situated, as determined by the State Board of Education;

              (vii)  For states of emergency declared under paragraph (b) only, the State Board of Education may take such action as prescribed in Section 37-17-13.

          (d)  At such time as satisfactory corrective action has been taken in a school district in which a state of emergency has been declared, the State Board of Education may request the Governor to declare that the state of emergency no longer exists in the district.

          (e)  Not later than July 1 of each year, the State Department of Education shall develop an itemized accounting of the expenditures associated with the management of the conservator process with regard to each school district in which a conservator has been appointed, and an assessment as to the extent to which the conservator has achieved, or failed to achieve, the goals for which the conservator was appointed to guide the local school district.

          (f)  There is established a Mississippi Recovery School District within the State Department of Education under the management and supervision of a Deputy Superintendent who is appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Education.  The Mississippi Recovery School District shall provide leadership, management and oversight of all school districts that are subject to state conservatorship, as defined in Title 37, Chapters 17 and 18, Mississippi Code of 1972, and shall have all the authority granted under these two (2) chapters.  The Mississippi Department of Education, with the approval of the State Board of Education, shall develop policies for the operation and management of the Mississippi Recovery School District.  The Deputy State Superintendent responsible for the Mississippi Recovery School District shall be authorized to oversee the administration of the Mississippi Recovery School District, supervise conservators assigned by the State Board of Education to a local school district, hear appeals from school districts under conservatorship that would normally be filed by students, parents or employees and heard by a local school board, which hearings on appeal shall be conducted in a prompt and timely manner in the school district from which the appeal originated in order to ensure that the capacity of appellants, other parties and witnesses to appeal without undue burden of travel costs or loss of time from work, and perform other related duties as assigned by the State Superintendent of Public Education.

     (12)  Upon the declaration of a state of emergency in a school district under subsection (11) of this section, the Commission on School Accreditation shall be responsible for public notice at least once a week for at least three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper published within the jurisdiction of the school district failing to meet accreditation standards, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in a newspaper having a general circulation therein.  The size of such notice shall be no smaller than one-fourth (1/4) of a standard newspaper page and shall be printed in bold print.  If a conservator has been appointed for the school district, such notice shall begin as follows:  "By authority of Section 37-17-6, Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, adopted by the Mississippi Legislature during the 1991 Regular Session, this school district (name of school district) is hereby placed under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Education acting through its appointed conservator (name of conservator)."

     The notice also shall include, in the discretion of the State Board of Education, any or all details relating to the school district's emergency status, including the declaration of a state of emergency in the school district and a description of the district's impairment deficiencies, conditions of any conservatorship and corrective actions recommended and being taken.  Public notices issued under this section shall be subject to Section 13-3-31 and not contrary to other laws regarding newspaper publication.

     Upon termination of the state of emergency in a school district, the Commission on School Accreditation shall cause notice to be published in the school district in the same manner provided in this section, to include any or all details relating to the corrective action taken in the school district which resulted in the termination of the state of emergency.

     (13)  The State Board of Education or the Commission on School Accreditation shall have the authority to require school districts to produce the necessary reports, correspondence, financial statements, and any other documents and information necessary to fulfill the requirements of this section.

     Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant any individual, corporation, board or conservator the authority to levy taxes except in accordance with presently existing statutory provisions.

     (14)  (a)  Whenever the Governor declares a state of emergency in a school district in response to a request made under subsection (11) of this section, the State Board of Education, in its discretion, may assign an interim conservator to the school district, or in its discretion, may contract with an appropriate private entity with experience in the academic, finance and other operational functions of schools and school districts, who will be responsible for the administration, management and operation of the school district, including, but not limited to, the following activities:

              (i)  Approving or disapproving all financial obligations of the district, including, but not limited to, the employment, termination, nonrenewal and reassignment of all licensed and nonlicensed personnel, contractual agreements and purchase orders, and approving or disapproving all claim dockets and the issuance of checks; in approving or disapproving employment contracts of superintendents, assistant superintendents or principals, the interim conservator shall not be required to comply with the time limitations prescribed in Sections 37-9-15 and 37-9-105;

              (ii)  Supervising the day-to-day activities of the district's staff, including reassigning the duties and responsibilities of personnel in a manner which, in the determination of the conservator, will best suit the needs of the district;

              (iii)  Reviewing the district's total financial obligations and operations and making recommendations to the district for cost savings, including, but not limited to, reassigning the duties and responsibilities of staff;

              (iv)  Attending all meetings of the district's school board and administrative staff;

              (v)  Approving or disapproving all athletic, band and other extracurricular activities and any matters related to those activities;

              (vi)  Maintaining a detailed account of recommendations made to the district and actions taken in response to those recommendations;

              (vii)  Reporting periodically to the State Board of Education on the progress or lack of progress being made in the district to improve the district's impairments during the state of emergency; and

              (viii)  Appointing a parent advisory committee, comprised of parents of students in the school district, which may make recommendations to the conservator concerning the administration, management and operation of the school district.

     Except when, in the determination of the State Board of Education, the school district's impairment is related to a lack of financial resources, the cost of the salary of the conservator and any other actual and necessary costs related to the conservatorship paid by the State Department of Education shall be reimbursed by the local school district from funds other than adequate education program funds.  The department shall submit an itemized statement to the superintendent of the local school district for reimbursement purposes, and any unpaid balance may be withheld from the district's adequate education program funds.

     At such time as the Governor, pursuant to the request of the State Board of Education, declares that the state of emergency no longer exists in a school district, the powers and responsibilities of the interim conservator assigned to such district shall cease.

          (b)  In order to provide loans to school districts under a state of emergency which have impairments related to a lack of financial resources, the School District Emergency Assistance Fund is created as a special fund in the State Treasury into which monies may be transferred or appropriated by the Legislature from any available public education funds.

     The State Board of Education may loan monies from the School District Emergency Assistance Fund to a school district that is under a state of emergency in such amounts, as determined by the board, which are necessary to correct the district's impairments related to a lack of financial resources.  The loans shall be evidenced by an agreement between the school district and the State Board of Education and shall be repayable in principal, without necessity of interest, to the State General Fund or the Education Enhancement Fund, depending on the source of funding for such loan, by the school district from any allowable funds that are available.  The total amount loaned to the district shall be due and payable within five (5) years after the impairments related to a lack of financial resources are corrected.  If a school district fails to make payments on the loan in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the district and the State Board of Education, the State Department of Education, in accordance with rules and regulations established by the State Board of Education, may withhold that district's adequate education program funds in an amount and manner that will effectuate repayment consistent with the terms of the agreement; such funds withheld by the department shall be deposited into the State General Fund or the Education Enhancement Fund, as the case may be.

     The State Board of Education shall develop a protocol that will outline the performance standards and requisite time line deemed necessary for extreme emergency measures.  If the State Board of Education determines that an extreme emergency exists, simultaneous with the powers exercised in this subsection, it shall take immediate action against all parties responsible for the affected school districts having been determined to be in an extreme emergency.  Such action shall include, but not be limited to, initiating civil actions to recover funds and criminal actions to account for criminal activity.  Any funds recovered by the State Auditor or the State Board of Education from the surety bonds of school officials or from any civil action brought under this subsection shall be applied toward the repayment of any loan made to a school district hereunder.

     (15)  In the event a majority of the membership of the school board of any school district resigns from office, the State Board of Education shall be authorized to assign an interim conservator, who shall be responsible for the administration, management and operation of the school district until such time as new board members are selected or the Governor declares a state of emergency in that school district under subsection (11), whichever occurs first.  In such case, the State Board of Education, acting through the interim conservator, shall have all powers which were held by the previously existing school board, and may take such action as prescribed in Section 37-17-13 and/or one or more of the actions authorized in this section.

     (16)  (a)  If the Governor declares a state of emergency in a school district, the State Board of Education may take all such action pertaining to that school district as is authorized under subsection (11) or (14) of Section 37-17-6, including the appointment of an interim conservator.  The State Board of Education shall also have the authority to issue a written request with documentation to the Governor asking that the office of the superintendent of such school district be subject to recall.  If the Governor declares that the office of the superintendent of such school district is subject to recall, the local school board or the county election commission, as the case may be, shall take the following action:

          (i)  If the office of superintendent is an elected office, in those years in which there is no general election, the name shall be submitted by the State Board of Education to the county election commission, and the county election commission shall submit the question at a special election to the voters eligible to vote for the office of superintendent within the county, and such special election shall be held within sixty (60) days from notification by the State Board of Education.  The ballot shall read substantially as follows:

"Shall County Superintendent of Education ________ (here the name of the superintendent shall be inserted) of the ____________ (here the title of the school district shall be inserted) be retained in office?  Yes _______  No _______"

If a majority of those voting on the question votes against retaining the superintendent in office, a vacancy shall exist which shall be filled in the manner provided by law; otherwise, the superintendent shall remain in office for the term of such office, and at the expiration of such term shall be eligible for qualification and election to another term or terms.

          (ii)  If the office of superintendent is an appointive office, the name of the superintendent shall be submitted by the president of the local school board at the next regular meeting of the school board for retention in office or dismissal from office.  If a majority of the school board voting on the question vote against retaining the superintendent in office, a vacancy shall exist which shall be filled as provided by law, otherwise the superintendent shall remain in office for the duration of his employment contract.

     (b)  The State Board of Education may issue a written request with documentation to the Governor asking that the membership of the school board of such school district shall be subject to recall.  Whenever the Governor declares that the membership of the school board is subject to recall, the county election commission or the local governing authorities, as the case may be, shall take the following action:

          (i)  If the members of the local school board are elected to office, in those years in which the specific member's office is not up for election, the name of the school board member shall be submitted by the State Board of Education to the county election commission, and the county election commission at a special election shall submit the question to the voters eligible to vote for the particular member's office within the county or school district, as the case may be, and such special election shall be held within sixty (60) days from notification by the State Board of Education.  The ballot shall read substantially as follows:

"Members of the ______________ (here the title of the school district shall be inserted) School Board who are not up for election this year are subject to recall because of the school district's failure to meet critical accountability standards as defined in the letter of notification to the Governor from the State Board of Education.  Shall the member of the school board representing this area, ____________ (here the name of the school board member holding the office shall be inserted), be retained in office?  Yes _______  No _______"

     If a majority of those voting on the question vote against retaining the member of the school board in office, a vacancy in that board member's office shall exist which shall be filled in the manner provided by law; otherwise, the school board member shall remain in office for the term of such office, and at the expiration of the term of office, the member shall be eligible for qualification and election to another term or terms of office.  However, if a majority of the school board members are recalled in the special election, the Governor shall authorize the board of supervisors of the county in which the school district is situated to appoint members to fill the offices of the members recalled.  The board of supervisors shall make such appointments in the manner provided by law for filling vacancies on the school board, and the appointed members shall serve until the office is filled at the next regular special election or general election.

              (ii)  If the local school board is an appointed school board, the name of all school board members shall be submitted as a collective board by the president of the municipal or county governing authority, as the case may be, at the next regular meeting of the governing authority for retention in office or dismissal from office.  If a majority of the governing authority voting on the question vote against retaining the board in office, a vacancy shall exist in each school board member's office, which shall be filled as provided by law; otherwise, the members of the appointed school board shall remain in office for the duration of their term of appointment, and such members may be reappointed.

              (iii)  If the local school board is comprised of both elected and appointed members, the elected members shall be subject to recall in the manner provided in subparagraph (i) of this subsection, and the appointed members shall be subject to recall in the manner provided in subparagraph (ii).

     (17)  Beginning with the school district audits conducted for the 1997-1998 fiscal year, the State Board of Education, acting through the Commission on School Accreditation, shall require each school district to comply with standards established by the State Department of Audit for the verification of fixed assets and the auditing of fixed assets records as a minimum requirement for accreditation.

     (18)  Before December 1, 1999, the State Board of Education shall recommend a program to the Education Committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate for identifying and rewarding public schools that improve or are high performing.  The program shall be described by the board in a written report, which shall include criteria and a process through which improving schools and high-performing schools will be identified and rewarded.

     The State Superintendent of Education and the State Board of Education also shall develop a comprehensive accountability plan to ensure that local school boards, superintendents, principals and teachers are held accountable for student achievement.  A written report on the accountability plan shall be submitted to the Education Committees of both houses of the Legislature before December 1, 1999, with any necessary legislative recommendations.

     (19)  Before January 1, 2008, the State Board of Education shall evaluate and submit a recommendation to the Education Committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate on inclusion of graduation rate and dropout rate in the school level accountability system.

     (20)  If a local school district determined as failing and placed into conservatorship for reasons authorized by the provisions of this section, the conservator appointed to the district shall, within forty-five (45) days after being appointed, present a detailed and structured corrective action plan to move the local school district out of conservatorship status to the local school board and local superintendent of education if they have not been removed by the conservator, or if the board and superintendent have been removed, to the local governing authority of the municipality or county in which the school district under conservatorship is located.  A copy of the conservator's corrective action plan shall also be filed with the State Board of Education.

     (21)  Beginning with the school district audits conducted for the 2010-2011 school fiscal year, the State Board of Education, acting through the Commission on School Accreditation, shall require each school district to comply with financial accountability and reporting standards established by the State Department of Audit which shall include an indicator establishing a requirement that not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of school district funds shall be expended for direct classroom instructional purposes as defined by the National Center for Education Statistics, including teacher salaries, textbooks, classroom computers and other activities that directly impact students.  The financial accountability and reporting system shall include a requirement for clear and concise accounting of school district expenditures related to direct instruction and expenditures not related to direct instruction to ensure transparency and fiscal efficiency in school district operations.  In the event a school district is currently spending less than seventy-five percent (75%) required for direct classroom instruction, the State Board of Education shall direct such school district to increase that amount by not less than two percent (2%) per year until the seventy-five percent (75%) requirement is met.  If a local school board is of the opinion that unusual circumstances prevent its school district from reaching the seventy-five percent (75%) requirement or the two percent (2%) annual increase requirement, it may submit a written petition to the State Board of Education for a renewable one-year waiver.  The State Board of Education, acting through the Commission on School Accreditation, shall have the sole authority to grant-in-full, grant-in-part or reject the school district's one-year waiver request.  The Commission on School Accreditation may take appropriate action under subsections (11) through (14) of this section or lower a school district's accreditation rating as deemed appropriate for failure to comply with the said seventy-five percent (75%) requirement.

     SECTION 2.  Section 37-61-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-61-9.  (1)  On or before the fifteenth day of August of each year, the local school board of each school district, with the assistance of the superintendent of schools, shall prepare and file with the levying authority for the school district, as defined in Section 37-57-1, at least two (2) copies of a budget of estimated expenditures for the support, maintenance and operation of the public schools of the school district for the fiscal year commencing on July 1 of such year.  Such budget shall be prepared on forms prescribed and provided by the State Auditor and shall contain such information as the State Auditor may require.  Beginning with fiscal year 2010-2011 and fiscal years thereafter, each school district's budget shall contain a detailed statement of the estimated amounts to be expended for direct classroom instruction and expenditures not related to direct classroom instruction in compliance with the financial accountability and reporting system developed by the State Auditor, in order to comply with the accreditation requirement that not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of school district funds be expended for direct classroom instructional purposes as specified under Section 37-17-6(21).  The State Board of Education, acting through the State Auditor, shall prescribe and provide forms to each school district for this purpose.  When an operating budget has been approved by the local school board and Mississippi Adequate Education Program funds have been provided by appropriation of the Legislature, the amount approved for instruction shall be the minimum amount of obligations or indebtedness which may be incurred by the school district for such purpose during the fiscal year.

     (2)  In addition, on or before the fifteenth day of August of each year, the local school board of each school district, with the assistance of the superintendent of schools, shall prepare and file with the State Department of Education such budgetary information as the State Board of Education may require.  The State Board of Education shall prescribe and provide forms to each school district for this purpose.

     (3)  Prior to the adoption of a budget pursuant to this section, the school board of each school district shall hold at least one (1) public hearing to provide the general public with an opportunity to comment on the taxing and spending plan incorporated in the proposed budget.  The public hearing shall be held at least one (1) week prior to the adoption of the budget with advance notice.  After final adoption of the budget, a synopsis of such budget in a form prescribed by the State Department of Audit shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the school district on a date different from the date on which the county or any municipality therein may publish its budget.

     (4)  There shall be imposed limitations on budgeted expenditures for certain administration costs, as defined hereinafter, in an amount not greater than One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) plus four percent (4%) of the expenditures of all school districts each year.  For purposes of this subsection, "administration costs" shall be defined as expenditures for salaries and fringe benefits paid for central administration costs from all sources of revenue in the following expenditure functions as defined in the MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING MANUAL:

          2300 =    Support Services - General Administration

          2310 =    Board of Education Services

          2320 =    Executive Administration Services

          2330 =    Special Area Administration Services

          2500 =    Business Services

          2510 =    Fiscal Services

          2520 =    Purchasing Services

          2530 =    Warehousing and Distributing Services

          2540 =    Printing, Publishing and Duplicating Services

          2590 =    Other Support Services - Business

     Any costs classified as "administration costs" for purposes of this subsection which can be demonstrated by the local school district to be an expenditure that results in a net cost savings to the district that may otherwise require budget expenditures for functions not covered under the definition of administration costs herein may be excluded from the limitations imposed herein.  The local school board shall make a specific finding of such costs and spread such finding upon its minutes, which shall be subject to the approval of the Office of Educational Accountability of the State Department of Education.  Any school district required to make expenditure cuts, as a result of application of this subsection, shall not be required to reduce such expenditures more than twenty-five percent (25%) in any year in order to comply with this mandate.

     The State Auditor shall ensure that functions in all expenditure categories to which this administrative limitation applies shall be properly classified.

     This section shall not apply to central administration with five (5) or less full-time employees, or to those school districts which can substantiate that comparable reductions have occurred in administrative costs for the five-year period immediately prior to school year 1993-1994.  In the event the application of this section may jeopardize the fiscal integrity or operations of the school district, have an adverse impact on the ability of the district to deliver educational services, or otherwise restrict the district from achieving or maintaining a quality education program, the State Board of Education shall be authorized to exempt the application of this section to such school district pursuant to rules and regulations of the State Board of Education consistent with the intent of this section.

     SECTION 3.  Section 37-61-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     37-61-19.  It shall be the duty of the superintendents of schools and the school boards of all school districts to limit the expenditure of school funds during the fiscal year to the resources available.  It shall be unlawful for any school district to budget expenditures from a fund in excess of the resources available within that fund.  Furthermore, it shall be unlawful for any contract to be entered into or any obligation incurred or expenditure made in excess of the resources available for such fiscal year.  Furthermore, it shall be unlawful for any school district to expend less for direct classroom instruction than seventy-five percent (75%) of available school district funds, as required under Section 37-61-9(1).  Any member of the school board, superintendent of schools, or other school official, who shall knowingly enter into any contract, incur any obligation, or make any expenditure in excess of the amount available for the fiscal year, or less than that budget for instructional purposes, shall be personally liable for the amount of such excess.  However, no school board member, superintendent or other school official shall be personally liable (a) in the event of any reduction in adequate education program payments by action of the Governor acting through the Department of Finance and Administration, or (b) for claims, damages, awards or judgments, on account of any wrongful or tortious act or omission or breach of implied term or condition of any warranty or contract; provided, however, that the foregoing immunity provisions shall not be a defense in cases of fraud, criminal action or an intentional breach of fiduciary obligations imposed by statute.

     SECTION 4.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2010.