2010 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Coleman (65th), Buck (72nd)

House Resolution 102


     WHEREAS, for more than 30 years, Reverend Dr. Jerry Young has effectively proclaimed the word of God as the pastor and overseer of the New Hope Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi, epitomizing the fulfillment of Romans 10:14-15, which reads, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?"; and

     WHEREAS, a native of Scott, Mississippi, and son of the late Reverend and Mrs. E.L. Young, Dr. Young earned his associate of arts degree from Coahoma Junior College, a bachelor's degree from Rust College and a master of divinity degree and a doctor of ministry degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, and has applied those tools in learning to better shepherd his spiritual flock with a visionary's insight for ministry as he leads the people of God to embrace a vision for ministry and missions; and

     WHEREAS, having first begun his ministry at Mt. Tennia Baptist Church in Lamont, Mississippi, Dr. Young was elected to seize the reigns of religious leadership of New Hope Baptist Church in February 1980, and has since proven himself worthy and deserving of the pastoral title as he serves as an example to the entire citizenry of the State of Mississippi of what is best in the human spirit when rooted in the belief and faith in God; and

     WHEREAS, as a pastor, he has unbiased love and encourages Christians to stand up and be counted for Christ, being the very epitome of a man of God who holds to his convictions, and keeps sacred things sacred, as he is unselfish and holds fast to his integrity, walking by faith and not by sight; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Young's ministry, like David's, seeks after the very heart of God, and in his watchful pastoral care and effort to lead as many souls to Christ under the auspices of that philosophy, he has prayerfully and faithfully led New Hope to exponential growth spiritually, numerically and influentially for the cause of Christ; and

     WHEREAS, with an administration of order, skill, technique and influence that glorifies the Heavenly Father, Dr. Young has shepherded the body of New Hope to expand its membership from 300 members in 1980 when he first accepted the pastoral call, to now have more than 3,000 members, a SACS accredited Christian School for infants through Grade 6 in the form of New Hope Christian Pre-School and Elementary School, an increase in its annual budget from $72,000 in 1980 to over $3 million annually to date and a laundry list of other significant and meaningful accomplishments, which are too numerous to recount; and

     WHEREAS, with a heart for missions, Dr. Young has worked fervently for the development of local, state, national and international mission works, and established the Honduras Mission Project, which, over the course of eight years, has partnered with Salt and Light Ministry in Honduras to minister to the Honduran citizenry, through spiritual guidance, medical and housing needs, in addition to performing mission relief in Malawi, Africa, aiding Feed the Children and Habitat for Humanity; and

     WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. Young's ministerial expertise is held in high esteem among religious circles through his active involvement and advisory positions with several Christian bodies, including his service as President of the General Missionary Baptist State Convention of Mississippi; Vice President-at-large of the National Baptist Convention U.S.A., Inc., where he is Regional Vice President for the Southwest Region; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Baptist Seminary; Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Biracial Baptist Commission; consultant in Evangelism, Leadership Development and Church Administration and as an instructor in Homiletics for the Mississippi Baptist Seminary; and has served on the Ministerial Advisory Board and as an adjunct instructor in Homiletics at Reformed Theological Seminary; and

     WHEREAS, acknowledged for his instrumental contributions and monumental service to Christianity on the local, state and national stage, Dr. Young, who holds an honorary doctoral degree from Ursinus College, remains active in the community, through his service on the Mayor's Community and Economic Development Commission, the Planning Board for the City of Jackson, the Mayor's Special Committee on Partnership Against Crime, the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities, the Board of Trustees of Belhaven University, the City of Jackson's Comprehensive Planning Committee and the Capital City Convention Center Commission; and

     WHEREAS, Dr. Young, who has given extraordinary and dedicated leadership to New Hope Baptist Church for 30 years, has been lovingly supported in all of his endeavors by his faithful wife, the former Helen Louise Akins of Starkville, Mississippi; their two daughters, Dr. Jerlen Louise (Picasso) Nelson and Kelli Elizabeth Young; and granddaughter, Linzee Elise Nelson; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize such outstanding Godly leaders as Dr. Young, who has dedicated his long and distinguished career to bringing many souls to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Reverend Dr. Jerry Young on the occasion of his 30th anniversary celebration as Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church and extend heartiest wishes for God's continuous blessings and success in all of his future endeavors.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Reverend Dr. Young, New Hope Baptist Church and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.